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Show Is UarioipJineyer mmni,, iai. MaaisaK(11.1, . "- Bride urueas A 1 -. approve Service Insignia Mi? Bar New Service y 'QCDCrCB , 5 i ...... s r AV . -- v I. Juy Each Six Months ' ' , They Know Their Nuts and Bolts Authorized for . -V ednesday " ,4 1944 z ' - Insignia to denote overseas service was authorized recently by the war department for members of the Army of the United States. The department circular the new service bar said one overseas service bar is authorized for wear for each period of six months' service as a member of the army of the United States outside the continental limits of the U. S. from December 7, 1941, until a date six months subsequent to the termination of the present war. In computing overseas service, the Territory of, Alaska will be considered outside the continental limits of the U. S., the circular ng ift V" ' , yd"''' vy&J 1 said. The device consists of a horizontal bar inch in width s and one and inches long on a cloth background formone-four- th three-eighth- inch ing a border around the bar. For wear on the J service coat and the field, Mrs. Jouflus is a graduate of wool (in those theatersjacket, where au" J XiUliiC the bar will be of gold Ogden high school, and attended thorized), lace or bullion on an olive-dra- b riti e the former Miss Marion the Utah and of Weber University For wear on the of Ogden, and Cpl. James background. shirt the bar will be of golden at OASC. college. p Jouflus, .stationed After a short performed wedding trip yellow cloth on a khaki backBishop Orlando Fox through Yellowstone national park. ground. the marriage ritual in the presence of relatives and a few close Cpl. and Mrs. Jouflur will make their home in Ogden. friends. one-eigh- 1 iSBKfi th i.iiiinm'fMii.MM, 1 M, TT Kam-mey- er, tv All ,vVV" -- " i I il f . Enlisted Strength Shown by States G. I. Jamboree Gives Representation Break-Dow- In n War-Tim- e Army used to say half the army came from Texas, but not since the issuance of the war department's They new ' personnel state-by-sta- te of the army showing York with the largest representation, 860,000. Texas comes sixth, with 372,000. The following tabulation by states does not include women serving in the army: break-dow- n - , , New . - sf , f- New York, 860,000; Pennsylvania, 602,-00Illinois. 464,000; Ohio, 414,000; California, 407,000; Texas, 372,000; Michigan, 299,000; New Jersey, 272,000; Massachusetts, 237,000; Missouri, 199,000; Indiana, 188,000; North Carolina, 161,000; Wisconsin, 0; 156,000; 151,000; Georgia, 146,000; 143,000; Minnesota, 143.000; 138.000; Alabama, 139,000; Virginia, Louisiana, 125,000; Iowa, 119,000; Oklahoma, 114,000; Connecticut, 112,000; Mis107,000; sissippi, 110,000; Maryland, West Virginia, 105,000; Florida, 100,000; Kansas, 95,000; Arkansas, 92,000; Washington, 87,000; South Carolina, Nebraska, 64,000; Oregon, 57,000; Colorado, 54,000; District of Columbia, Rhode Island, 51,000; Maine, 46,000; 42,000; New Mexico, 33,000; Utah, North Dakota, 31.000; Montana, 29,000; South Dakota, 29,000; Arizona, 26,000; New Hampshire, 26,000; Idaho, 25,000; Vermont, 18,000; Delaware, Wyoming, 14,000; Nevada, 9,000. Tennessee, Kentucky,- iSAT F?i 4. " i 3 itJ T"k mm 83.-00- 0; L' - Jr 32,-00- 0; i i j 16,-00- GFs Given More Civil Advantages " immmmmmwwsmmi Gft OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS not forrettinr the marines, fathered on the lawn north of the WAC mess ball Saturday night to Joy dancing--, food and a put on in grand style. Above n roups who found theprofram evening well spent and thoroughly ... New Bill Opens Opportunities After War Over by SansoncT jheWolf bill broadening the civil service employment status of GI Joe was signed last week by the president. Even are now on the list For five years following the war A post-mastersh- nnaitions of guard, elevator oper ators, messenger and custodian in the federal service are limited to veterans. The president is also empowered to add to thistolist. the get Veterans will continue to ratings addition samed in examination, with the niinuionrp doubled for the dis abled, or for wives of disabled, or widows. Peacetime vets except those now employed are no longer enffive-noi- nt titled to preference unless they are injured in line of duty. Their widows also are excluded from benefits, although wives are not. .Team Chest Will Arrive Here X-Ra- y A U. S. public health service survey team is expected to1 to at OASC about August of assist in making chest the approximately s.ooo Hiu Fieia employes who have not as yet had them. Major H. F. Lancaster, industrial medical dispensary chief, said yesterday. . is compulsory as out The he lined in OASC bulletin 29-stated; and is given solely to guard the health of workers here against X-ra- ys OC-r- ay . ,t was sure swell of you-to-- ptt m data tooT RECLAMATION'S COMPONENT UNIT . . . Here's where they sort nuts, bolts, screws and countless other small bits of aircraft hardware for possible reuse. Often these workers search through thousands of screws to find a single one, the lack of which la grounding a bomber. Left to right: Lucy Day, sorter; S. W. Mathewson, component unit supervisor, and Camilla Wood, sorter. Taken from dam- aged planes mainly they sort the small items according to "type, sise head and other identifying characteristics. ' Looking for a Nut? How About Reclamation Component Unit? Larry Evans own nut bouse, nut it's not a sneiier ior me menOASC has Its sandblasted or for those afflicted with the barrelhead blues. In tally, to stick around the place very long you've got to be able to dis fact, screw in less screw and a Z764-lnctinguish between a 2164-inc- h time than it takes to tell. The nut house is only our name women can pick up a handful of for a department in the reclama screws and sort out the correct speed and action section of maintenance known ones with incredible toss into the them curacy. They reas the component unit which metal receptacles surround proper ceives, sorts and reissues thousands ing their work tables almost as it feed to a flock of different nuts, bolts, screws and they were throwing ' i ; other similar aircraft material of Achickens. new. streamlined sorting sys daily. tem installed will possibly It's old stuff to the 17 women enablebeing workers to step up producwho work in the unit to hear some tion by at least a third. Supervisor By H ' ' enjoyable. si 2, tuberculosis. The nublic health service team uses 35 milimeter film and is able to handle from five to eight hundred cases dally They will re main about two or tnree weeks. Mathewson said. An Assorting Job Nuts, washers, cotter pins, washer heads, button heads, pipe plugs, bushings all' and many more pour into the department in a never-endin- g stream. All must be identified, examined for future useability and sorted. Unidentifi able material is often sent to vocational schools in Salt Lake. Osden. Provo and Logan. Morale is because workers are aware ofnigh the importance their jobs assume when a bomber is in need of a small part only they can supply. line or area Other supervisor in the departThey're taken from damaged air- ment is Jack Clark. Mathewson craft mainly. Supervisor Stanley was formerly an inspector at the W. Mathewson says. Motor Company for 14 years Ford Perhaps the most uncanny as- and has been living in Ogden the is the past ten. He has been employed at pect about the department develalmost unbelievable skill Hill Field since February, 1942. oped by these women workers in sorting the articles. To the lay man a screw is a screw. Actually Part-Tim- e In this one section of reclamation are seemingly countless varieties. They Looked and Looked The other day four ships were but for 1600 of a parready to go of ticular type screw. As searches for these tiny parts often do, it Male part-tim- e workers are finally narrowed down to reclama needed at urgently immediately tion's component unit with fin the Smlthfield Company Canning gers crossed.' In an hour and a In Clearfield, Utah, to save the half one worker had sorted out the pea crop, It was announced yes--" 1600 and in doing so had probably felt her way through ten or more terday. Work will last about a week thousand. to ten days. Pay Is good and It's a process of breakdown and workers can be used any time ad Infinitum. To or night. Volunteers shsold find one kind, IS separate operaday tions are necessary: In other words contact Mr. Leavitt, ahsnes you sort them out according to, Clearfield 141 or Ogden to2758. acEmployes are encouraged say. diameter of head, then ac cording to thread, then to metal cept this work daring composition and 10 on. These hoars. maintenance supervisor say after frantically combing the field for one small screw that's grounding a "Boy, you're worth a million!" He says that because these ladies usually can find what he's looking for. Sometimes they'll wade through several thousand of them to find it, but find it they consistently do. Literally thousands of these small items enter the unit daily from overseas stations, the 4 B-2- 4: . B-2- Male Workers Needed To Help Cannery super-breakdo- eft-du- ty |