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Show THE Thursday, May 21, 1953 Nephi Briefs 9- - FOR DRY HAIR V . A.. l i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoyt are the parents of a son born May 19 at the Juab County hospital. Thei grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bendixen of Levan and Mrs.! Eva Hoyt of Nephi. Jhampoo it's new! its fhamP ! trtpie-rtch- Club News . On Tuesday evening, May 2Gth, the Second Ward Special Interest class are having Leland E. Anderson present "Added Upon". The First Ward Special Interest group wil lbe guests. Your attendance will be appreciated. J milky NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Dalby announce the birth of a daughter i at tne Juao county nospitai on May 20. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dalby, xf Levan. I a oz. 59c- -a or. v 1 TRADE TRICKS Roughing edges of a horse's teeth is a trick 'used by unscrupulous traders to disguise an equine's age and make a customer believe the animal he is buying is young and strong. Demonstrating with a file, above, is Fred Cochran of Solon, lows, who has been a reputable trader for three decades. "A horse's teeth wear smooth with age," explains Cochran. "Only young animals have rough teeth." Glazed Doughnuts Glaze your doughnuts for a more attractive appearance by dipping warm doughnuts into a mixture of 1 cup confectioners' sugar and cup boiling water. 9 NOW IS TIIE TIME to install electric water heater you have wanted. We have 40 and 52 gallon GE heaters in stock Install them now pay later on FIIA tearms. We also have a complete stock of plumbing supand plumbing fixtures. plies Stokermatic and Lennox furnaces Let us install one in your home barton and Worwood Plumbing, phone 306, Nephi. FOR SALE 1949 Plymouth DeLuxe New radio and heater Excellent condition Wallace Carter, phone 256 J. LOST Near Nephi on Sunday afternoon several parcels in cluding one with blue dress; also one containing valuable papers. f meter please call A. K. Brown at Manti 118X. 17 inch Motorola FOR SALE Floor model in perfect con dition. 3.S0.00 aerial included $200.00. Phone 441 Ann TV. In and Com featurt B " hlp us rnt. Yti. . . K' sur to tune In .lbrott NEW thi oi songs wry A f 1 i 1 III to hoorl lo :- WANTED Someone to ride to Arizona next week call 302W FOR SALE OR RENT 5 mi. Modern Home. Front room carfurnace heat See Fred peted Wilkey for information. mwk. iront Heaven Doesn't Hurt A Little Help SURPRISING HOW THESE NEW ul 5.00 1953-195- r, Exelusive Ladies Shop to-w- it: IGA De Luxe 1 with n rnre great new features than all IL WASHER SECOND PRIZES -- W)onierjut s$nge(s Warner-WonderfANGELS The annual business meeting of the Booklore Club was held on May 7 at the home of Mrs. Alton YIELD LIKE A LAZY YAWN,GIVE YOU MORE SMILING. Gadd. Mrs. Theo Westring, Club STRETCH THAN ANY GIRDLE YOU HAVE SOOTHING President presided. After informal discussion of several matters of EVER KNOWN. business, election of officers for UP 4 the year was held. Those elected are: President. Mrs. Dean Archibald; vice president, Mrs. Roscoe Garrett; Secretary-treasureSTARTING MONDAY JUNE 1st WE WILL CLOSE rMs. Ralph Chase; Reporter, Mrs. Alton Gadd. Four members EVERY MONDAY DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST will be welcomed into the club at tlie annual canyon party; Mrs. Lee Mrs. Olsen, Mrs. Dee Sparks, 4Tt G. W. Williams and Mrs. Eugene Worthington. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Lorin Christensen, Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. II. W. MeCune, Mrs. Theo Westring, Mrs. James P. MeCune, Mrs. Milton Boswe.ll, Mrs. Dean Archibald, Mrs the amount bid to be paid at Hie Ralph Chase, Mrs. Wallace Gar- deceased time ot the accept a nee of bid by rett, Mrs. Roscoe Garrett, Mrs. NOTICE OF SALE the administratrix, and the balClyne Leavitt and the hostess, GIVEN ance upon confirmation of said Mrs. Alton Gadd. NOTICE IS HEREBY at sale by said court. Written bids that the undersigned will sell confirwill be accepted by the undersignprivate sale, subject to the IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF mation of the above entitled court, ed, and said motor vehicle will be THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST- on or after the 1st day of June, sold to the highest and best bidRICT IN AND FOR JUAB 1953 the following described mot- der. DATED this 21st day of May, COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. or vehicle belonging to said estate, 1950 Chevrolet Pickup 1953. In the Matter of the Estate of DELTA II. JARRETT, Truck. WILLIAM STANLEY JARRETT, Administratrix Terms of sale are cash, 10 of - 319.95 BENDIX DeLuxe AUTOMATIC or you ud WJarner- - ifl 7lrst (RETAIL VALUE $39.50 EACH SET) Contest Starts May 21 1953 -- Ends at Midnight June 11, 1953 ENTER NOW Lir-1- ' w Free Details and Entry Blanks at TALL CANs"; - f 4 ggjc " I $r i t nirr . - --- "-"---- Tmmi wmUjZ ijn iij.ij " y,llfl "lTmnriHiiiraaiM Engine... pioneered far greater drive efficiency. First V--8 with Hemispherical Combustion Chambers stands alone today In drive power per horsepower. irst Power Steering . . . Introduced new, safer cat control that removed the work and strain of driving, still - , 'm TV wi SPAGHETTI ? S:!, & MEAT RICE KRISPIES 303s... 25C Irst Fluid &8C J ... FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES cans - Cucumbers - Tomatoes 26C cars! Drive . . . changed America's driving overnight with a revolutionary way to transmit power from engine to rear wheels more Chrysler-typ- e both for CURED SMOKED MsfJ PORK CHOPS ... lb BEEF POT ROAST . lb 40C lb RIB STEAKS BABY FOODS gives owners of Chrysler-typ- e cars a tremendous "wet anti-stalli- Ale jbelidMi Gerbers Strained jp weather" starting and advantage! Wheels . . . Irst Safety-Ria new way to keep punctured tires from slipping off the rim: enjoyed only by owners of SNOKREEM Strawberries unequaled by imitators. Irst Waterproof Ignition . . . & BALLS 12 oz Kelloaqs Corn flakes Green Corn J vMarlene Yellow Quarters - - can tIBBY FRUIT COCKTAIL 5Vioz 20c Quart 1&C Vi ga! .ifefc- - L -- ized Irst JOHNSON'S IGA tJ 'MioIlh ittrirulfai r Brakes-revolution- Hydraulic stopping safety, later adopted by all cars. POWER BRAKES since 1932, still not available on many makes. ROYAL SAXONY SILVERWARE Chef Boy Ar Dee other makes of care combined 10 Complete Sets (71 pieces) PUEEX IV -- ANOTHER IGA CONTEST FOR LOCAL PEOPLE ONLY 10 I ho IGAwof! :- - Grand Prize 11 J d of y o shop and so tho Koto Smith Show, (or Ml - . during thli (Brand that mmmmn -- Mrs. Sherl Ferre was hostess to the Delphic Literary club last Thursdya evening, May 14. Mrs. 11. Boyd Greenwood, club president took charge of tlie meeting and club collect was given by Mrs Robert C. Hansen. Mrs. Lorraine Hayes gave a very interesting discussion on flower arrangement. The following members were present: Mrs. I"on L. Barton, Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Dwane Bean, Brough, Mrs James H. Crane, Mrs Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Greenwood, Maurice Memmott, Mrs. Rulon C. Sowby, Mrs. K. J. Sperry, Mrs. Kay Stuart, Mrs. Maurice Tolley, Mrs. Eugene Wilkey, Mrs. Dean Mrs. Glen Wilson, Worthington, Mrs. Dale Worwood, nad two special guests, Mrs. Jack Davis and Mrs. Irvin Bingham. - Watermelons Pillsbury or Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES 2 pkgs 67c rUKfc . . 3 lb tin YtfatlABLb SHORTENING IGA XTRA WHIPPED Q5c smoothly! QUART SALAD DRESSING 470 "3S9 JUICE 46 oz 23c IGA CREAM COnn 2 for 33c IGA TOMATO tLa - 2 CAKS 330 IGA PEAS IGA ENRICHED FLOUR 10 lbs 790 25 lbs 1. 79 50 lbs ...revolutionengjne, practical ary 'til now only in European sports cars and aircraft where new-typ- FLAKES t fUtW. Firepower 230 JELL0 Desserts or BAY 2 cans 37c 25c developments of modem times... xw r 3.49 IGA EASE . . . Large pkg . . IGA DEVILED MEAT 3 cans most remarkable n again today with tho 4 r-- 3P V-- 8 e cost is no factor. Delivers more "drive" to rear wheels from every drop of gasoline! Safer, easier driving control e . . . with the first Power Steering in any passenger car that does all the hard turning and parking work for you absorbing all "wheel fighfover the rough going, too ! Full-tim- Pkgs ... n ITU A Mmmwrn PHONE 57 56 EAST CENTER NEPHI, UTAH LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING PLANT Now Available - ' - The New Chrysler Airtemp if i Nfe F,raROW0r I ""J1MU ....''.W,.,. !.... IT Vy 5CS 0 ride... shock absorbers. See your dealer for a thrilling Chrysler "Power Ride". ..in tne carthat gives you far more for your money today than any other! - 49e .V America's smoothest with new double-strengt- h Mora power (or safer, faster big Chrysler Power stops Brakes (standard equipment) multiply your lightest toe pressure into Instantly effective stopping action. New Cycle-bon- d linings last far longer! Puddings 6 . '"V- r V System t PAINTER MOTOR CO. 140 South Main "MAY IS SAFETY-CHEC- K MONTH AT YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYM- UTH DEALER'S . . . CHECK YOUR CAR CHECK ACCIDENTS! |