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Show May 21, 1953 Thursday, 31 utam THE UTAH POULTRVo MADDOX dy Dalby S o ' feed Come in and see us. 4H CLUB 1VIE.RE S SOMETHING A30UT EVERY-JivN- G 4-- H r; ATlRti CO you're looking for expert maintenance for your auto . . . come around to DAVE'S CONOCO SERVICE . . we featuer those "little" services which check trouble before it starts . . we'll be glad to check YOUR car from stem to stern . . exspark amining tires, battery, plugs, radiator and other important points . . at no extra cost. If Gt gives you all this: 10 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! rem HEARING AIDS MODELS! THREE GREAT EACH UNU $ 75 KEPHI Bon it Dv(cs titucostl Conduction modtratt DRUG CO. "WE ARE HERE TO SERVE" Phone 27 Nephi, Utah r" -- Jack Hague of Butte, Montana, Ball-Beari- h y ly The Flying 60's club was organized on Tuesday, May 19. Officers were elected as follows: Presid ent, Connie Cowan; vice president, Deeann Wright; secretary, Mary Bosh; treasurer, Rosalie Lyman; reporter, Jeanette Mathews; song and cheer leader, Christie Kendall; game leader. Iris Phillips; Committee chairman ( Carolyn Anderson. We decided when and where to meet. Assignments were made for the next weeting. Leaders are Florence Paxman and Lillian Taylor. Reporter, Jeanette Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Swenson of Spanish Fork, formerly of Nephi, announce the marriage of their daughter, Sharlene. to Eldon A.. Money of Spanish Fork. They were married May 19 in the Salt Lake Temple. A reception was held at the Fourth Ward chapel on May ; I' i' V U v 101 22. TRUCK and other optional equipment, accessories, state and local taxes, il any, additional. Pricei may vary slightly in adjoining communities due to shipping charges. AH prices subject to change without notice. 'dime 20. Qtor 10. UTAH Only as Old as You Feel In Council Bluffs. Iowa, a 64 woman called the police year-ol- d station to complain Uat a was making a nuisance of himself by driving back and fortt past her house at night, racing his motor in front of her door and shining his headlights into her windows. In Fond du Lac, Wis., Mrs. Jennie Schussman, 79, arrested with Charles Slater, 63, on a charge of drunk and disorderly conduct, explained: "It was our flrst date." "' ; , , v? f Birds Can't Count Dr. Arthur A. Allen, a Cornell ornithologist, announced that birds cannot count. The mating birds would always fly away when he entered the blind he used to photo-Jrapthem from. But he found that If someone also entered the blind with him and then left, the birds were fooled into believing no one remained. . CORONATION REHEARSAL Fine male voices, young and old, will add their melody to Coronation rituals for England's Queen Elizabeth II in London's Westminster Abbey. Seen above in an unusual back-stag- e pose are members of the Westminster Abbey Choir going through rehearsals in preparation for the big event. The choir is directed by Sir William Walton seen with baton in hand ul far right. h ileiv2-0Ulletel!ai- ip ( WITH THE - TMHISEPAY, MAY 28 E:S0 E M. to 2:30 1 31. at the C.EtEYEEOUm DEE'OT North Mai j EASlEST-70-CLEA- N LAY IN j OVENS YOU EVER SAWl How Deep Is the Ocean In October, 1951, a British survey party on H.M.S. Challenger found several very deep spots in the Mariana Trench, which extends along the floor of the Pacific Ocean east and south of the Marianas. One of these, about 225 miles southwest of Guam, has a depth of 35,640 feet, the deepest that had been recorded up to that time. - GREYHOUND'S amazing new HIGHWAY TRAVELER coach with... The Nine Nifty Neighbors held their second meeting at the home of Karen Ostler on May 18. Prayer was given by JoAnn Jackson. We sang "America the Beautiful" and played games, and said the pledge. This week's lesson was on soups. Karen demonstrated cream of tomato soup. It was served to nine girls who all said it was excellent. iVEDNES. MAY 27 at 2 p. in. TO GIVE A COOKING SCHOOL FOR THE PURPOSE OF SHOWING YOU HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE AT THE LEAST COST COME AND BRING YOUR QUESTIONS mum pmzes for the ladies! Special oiler with any Erujidairc ProtEuet on Mag 279 195il9 we Mvill add a l OOl) MiXEEl at no extra cost AUTOMATIC TOASTElEt awarded 4 pnr-eltas- ed mm Com-pressio- Valve-in-hea- d Ratio Mrs. Eliza T. ttringhnrst9 Fritjulaire Home Economist, will he in our " V "1 store on 3 HP n 8.0 to 1 Engine Gab Double Acting Shock Absorbers Generator Steering Recirculating TransSynchro-MesBrakes mission Tires. Heavy-Dut- 105 4-- H BETTER OR PAY HOTHIHG! delivered locally Nephi Briefs Girls taking second-yea- r Nine clothing met at the home of their leader, Ann Jensen, on May 14 to organize their club. Miriam is the assistant leader. Brough went as follows: The election Kathleen Jensen, president; Karen Ostler, vice president; Margaret Kath-ry- n Gadd, secretary-treasure- r; Ann McCune, game leader; Faye Anderson, song leader; Donna Jean Bowles, reporter. Other members are Patty Whittington, Nona Rae Sudweeks and JoAnn Jackson. hear 1953 GMC Pickup Model The Super Six Cooks Club held their first meeting Tuesday at the home of their leader, Mrs. Lester Asher. The members are Lucille Bailey, president; Melody Wanamaker, vice president; Mary Carol Bean, Secretary-TreasureRondalyn Shaw, Reporter; Ellen Rae Burtenshaw, song and cheer leader, and Doris Ann Harmon. UiVtRIAL wntm ot TRUCKS A Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Price of San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Provo visited relatives and friends over the week end. NEWS THATtS, F VOU FOR X 71 ARE. LOOKING 130 - "W I WHITE. SEAUtlFUL r cello-wrappi- VWIVMI) JWW vun IIIIU 111 answer at Utah Poultry... 3 We have a quality feed to meet every need. The J best way to stretch your 5 feed dollars is with MILK fi 3 Wlm raffia m? Iace TT'S spring in the kitchen! An attractive platter or cold cuts not only perks up appetites but makes kitchen labor easy and pleasant these first balmy days. A good buying guide is to select at least one meat from each of the three "classes" of table-reameats. Meat loaves are somewhat mild in flavor, often have other ingredients added, such as IT pickle and pimiento loaf. Sausages include favorites, such as Bologna and Braunschweiger. Dry sausages such as salami are zesty and highly seasoned and the sure choice of most men. For utmost flavor and freshness, buy these meats from refrigerated cases. If the meats are store them In the refrigerator in , their original Otherwise, wrap them loosely in waxed paper or foil for refrigerator storage and plan to use them at least within a week of purchase for best flavor and goodness. Although these meats are used more frequently as cold cuts, they are delicious in many cooked dishes, too. Try the following two 'recipes in your spring luncheon menus. THURINGER STRIPS AND NOODLES (Yield: 6 serrinn) One-ha- lf pound Thuringer, I cup diced onion, V cup minced green pepper, V cup shortening, Vi pound noodles, 2 teaspoons salt, 4 cups water. Cut Thuringer into thin strips. Brown Thuringer, onion and green pepper in hot fat. Add noodles. Fry to a golden brown. Add salt and water. Cover. Simmer 25 minutes or until noodles are tender. This assorted cold cut tray, garnished with strawberries end i HAWAIIAN BAKED BEANS cottage cheese. Is a spring treat. (Yield: 8 serving) One pound cooked salami, two No. 2 cans baked beans (4 cupe), beans, pineapple and garlic. Pour into casserole. Drizzle 1 cup drained, canned pineapple cubes, 1 grated clove cf garlic, Vi honey over mixture. Heat in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for cubes. Combine salami, baked 30 minutes. cup honey. Cut salami into Manager No matter what your Pag 9 Three f Perries, Cottage Cheese, and Cold Cuts rou BY DOROTHY LaMar NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- mm mw n k?tm ' I j r! FRIGIDAIRE ... Cook-Mast- er Simpli-Mati- e Cooking Units Oven Clock Control Oven control 2 Speed Electric New Cooking Unit -- Time-Sign- ' j si' -- Storage Drawer New Cushioned Oven Door Seal Thermixer Deep-We- ll Cooker Full-wid- th of whl, coach Shelves, guides, drip trays and heating units slide out for easy, washing. Smooth porcelain oven easy fo clean as a dish. PLUMBING SUSPENSION RIDE! Rubber nylon air bellows replace metal springs to give you the world's smoothest travel . . . Here is a new experience in traveling comfort and pleasure the principle makes every highway behave like a strip of velvet. You'll see America through huge picture windows . . . enjoy perfected . . . ride completely relaxed! remarkable Greyhounds will soon be CHICAGO Two appliance outlets (one automatic) ach against shock and vibration. These Illuminated Switch Knobs ovr cushioning tht al Signal-ligh- ts WORKS "mtrd" to pairs ballowi Electric Ranoo i AIR PRINCIPLE Air it Lifetime Porcelain -- finished iL HOW America's Most Beautiful Cabinet and Oven Radiantub . LOS ANGELES Two trips daily in each direction Thru Buses Ask the Greyhound Agent about schedules . . , Vacation Planning Service . . , and amazing HIGHWAY TRAVELER. SEE IT NOW In service between No change enroute regular low fares . . , for more information about the RIDE IT SOON! C.EtE:YEEOfJE EWS DEEOT--76 Xo. Main-EEt- onc 2,7.5 |