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Show THE Pago Four TIMES-NEW- LEVAN NEWS Nephi Briefs has been Dr. and Mrs. John R. Davis of arranged for Sacrament meeting Pocatello, Idaho were in Nephi on Sunday evening, May 24, at last week. They were guests of 7:30 p. m. at the ward chapel. The their parents, Bishop and Mrs. T. program is in commemoration of D. Davis and Patriarch and Mrs. the anniversary of the restoration James H. Ockey. They were acof the Aaronic Priesthood. companied to Idaho by Miss Janet and Mrs. Carolyn C. OckMrs. Irene Mangelson entertain- Ockey Mrs. Ockey will be employed ed the club members on Wednes- ey. in the Dental offices of Dr. Davis. day evening at her home. Mrs. Mrs. Blain Richards of Grace Christensen gave a splendid was in Nephi to attend the Ogden talk on cancer. A delicious lunch uation exercises of the Juab gradhigh was served to Vonda Bosh, Bonnie school last Friday. She was a Paystrup, Codeal Brough, Pauline guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mangelson, Marva Shepherd, Myr- - Fred Painter. tus Stetmensen. tern waniaer, Helen Teddar, Louise Taylor, Gwen Donna Mathews and Orel Kay Stephensen, Alice Shepherdt, Enid Lee, roommates at the B Y U at Grace Worwood, Melba Ballow, the week end at Provo, Christensen and the hostess, Irene the homespent of Donna's parents, Mr. A splendid program UTAH SIAIfiPKlSS ASSOCIATION EDI TO RIAL NATIONAL ASC f 1.4 TlflN Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: One year $3.25; Six Months, $1.75. Advertising rates Subscriptions are payable in advance. on request. A. Publishers Editor Office: - Gibson and Roy B. E. Gibson Roy E. Gibson Manager Nephi, Utah 196; 58 South Main Street, Phone FOUR YEARBOOKS are avail d able on a to be sold at $4.50 each basis Contact Albert C. Starr Clerk WAHT first-serve- first-com- TOMATO PLANTS. PLANTS FOR SALE Nielsen. ONION & Earl E. WE HAVE ALL SEVEN COLORS in the new Shinola Dress both liquid Parade Shoe Polish FOR SALE Modern 25c pkg. NEPIU DRUG and paste, home at 319 East 3rd Soulh. Bath and utility room. Automatic furnace heat Good garage cem- EXPERT BICYCLE REPAIRING ent walk, oil road; 1 acre of Reasonable rates Roy B. Tay. ground. See it! Kent Giles, 558 lor, 72 West 2nd South, phone North 10 West, Salt Lake City, 556. 2tip .WIIU .!lu.lHlil I..MH..I HW HI.I.HH Mangelson. Mrs. Arthur Coffee and sons Don and Lyle of Greenriver, Wyoming attended the Juab High School graduation as guests of Miss Vonna Shepherd. Miss Shep herd returned with them to Green River for a few days. Renon Christensen who is teach ing school at Duchesne spent the week end here with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Christen sen. Geneil Christensen returned with her sister to Duchesne where she will spend this week. Thursday. May 21. 195? NEPHI. UTAH S, Nephites of Juab high school really invaded Las Vegas last week end for the Heldarado celebration. Among those who made the trip were Milton Harmon, Mathews, Gary Cowan, James James Garrett, Robert Orme, Seth McPherson, Clark Austin, Carl Memmott, Dick Morgan, Gordon Lunt, Lynn Brough, Grant Park, Bob Johnson, Glen Jarrett, h Stephenson and Donna Ar-dit- Street, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 3rd day of July, A. D. Main 1953. REEVE RICHARDSON, administrator o fthe estate of Mary Ann Pitt, deceased. James P. McCune, Attorney lor Administrator Dates of publication: May 7, 14 and 21, 1953. April makes a pod neighbor! 1Ik mzmm3u Loren Stephensen and son La- Rell went to Caliente, Nevada to get his sister, Mrs. Blanch Hardy and family who are going to make their home in Levan. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sherwood spent the week end in Provo with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Sec. 1, Lots 3 and 4, Sherwood and Mr. and Ms. El ESW Sec. 12, NWi NMiSWtt, NW, Roy Barnes. Sec. 13, T. 17 S., R. 2 W., S. L. Sec. 1 Mrs. Leola Nelsen and daughter M. 560.60 acres. ESW right-o-wato will be sold subject at visited Tremonton Juanita of for Sevier Bndge Reservoir, b. L. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris- 03801 y and also subject to tian Christensen. for Federal Aid Highway. No Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower and part of the land above described baby of Salt Lake City spent the will be sold separatejy. week end in Levan with her par Bids may be made by the prin- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James ChriS' or his agent, either personally cipa tensen. at the sale or by mail. Vinnie Christensen went to Salt Bids sent by mail will be consid Lake City Wednesday to spend ered only if received at this office the day with her sister, Mrs. Lela prior to the hour fixed for the Childs whose birthday anniversary sale. Bids must be in sealed enveloccurred on that day. opes accompanied by certified checks or post-offimoney orders made payable to the Treasurer of YOU CAN MAKE $100.00 the United States for the amounts OR MORE A WEEK of the bids. The envelopes must IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS d be marked in the lower Own and operate the best one-ma- n comer "Public sale bid, Serial No. business in America. No capital in U 04213, Sale 10 a. m., July 1, vestment needed. Customers pre 1953." fer nationally advertised spices, The highest bidder will be re cosmetics, medicines, extracts, quired to pay immediately the household aids, insecticides, min- amount thereof. antibiotics. erals, vitamins and Any adverse claimants of the The above Attractive premium offers. described land should file only nationally advertised products their claims, or objections, on or in this industry. Operate from before the time designated for sale. truck The Bureau of Land your own home. Car or light A. Management E. has needed for deliveries. Write not searced the records of MYERS 2401 Larimer St., Denver Juab County to ascertain the exisColorado. tence of any adverse claim. m Any contiguous owner claiming a " preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. Dates of publication: May 7, 14, 21 and 28, and June 4, 1953, in The . i y right-of-wa- If j-- i A QUICK Ires. We'll be happy (and prompt) to pick up and deliver your ailing television set. And when we it, your model will be as good as new, due to the skill and know-hoof our TV experts. V ., P FOR VIDEO VITALITY JU t PICK-ME-U- PAXMAN'S YOUR -- TV CENTER vy.- J : "' KVa f ,U' - f '''' Vfrs . of our complete service for farmers and ranchers, we have plans and specifications for a wide variety of farm buildings, feeders, cattle guards, and other equipment. See us for quality materials, friendly advice and low-cofinancing. Short-terbudget plan or long-termortgage financing available. As part st left-han- CALL 75J A . Nepal, Times-New- s, v MLUJiimiiiiaiiiiuuJJLj Li Utah. - tJimii i ill hilllu mmj I - 'J'.' 'I it Seven entirely new Chevrolet sport models . . widest, smartest choice in the low-pri- ce iwanlc Convertible field! 2 bright, breezy convertibles ... I ti v A - . A 1 2 capti...handsome1 3 big, vating sport coupes station wagons ... all of them styled and engineered like much costlier cars ! '' The colorful and captivating "Two-Ten- Convertible " . Here are the jauntiest cars in their field They bring you new performance, Powerglide automatic driving and Power Steering-- at lowest prices and with outstanding new economy. Come, see them-so- onl Optional at extra cost. Combination of Powerglide automatic transmission and 115-h.engine available on 'Two-Ten- " and Bel Air models. Power Steering available on all models. "Blue-Flam- AJcvt about our &0W A public tervlce program to promote safer driving. The jaunty Bel Air Sport Coup EVERYWHERE you go in Intermountain Utoco-Lan- d, performance-minde- d NEW UTOCO HD-- M get the favorite of motoris.fi , ,. MOTOR OIL and IMPROVED UTOCO GASOLINE ffS finest products ever developed by Utah Oil Refining Company 111 n "Two-Te- "Two-Ten- " Handyman Tha "Two-Ten- " Townsman Sport Coup & Station Wagon el Station Wagon A" performance. SSL MORE Lot's D...viith UTOCO! UTAH fi:.- - r anti-knoc- end - The (marl New Utoco HD-Motor Oil it a real fightln' oil odds miles to your engine life. Im k proved Utoco Gasoline is superior In power I 'V The OIL REFINING COMPANY PEOPLE The BUY CHEYROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! "One-Fift- y el Handyman Station Wagon ' NEBO CHEVROLET CO. L ,.l 740 NORTH MAIN STREET 30, SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHi GOOD FENCE and Mrs. James W. Mathews. Miss Lee is from Panaca, Nevada. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR, BUREAU OF LAND MAN AGEMENT, LAND AND SURVEY OFFICE, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 22, 1953. Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat., 1274: 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pur suant to the application of Howard J. Memmott of Scipio, Utah, Serial No. U 04213, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $3.00 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock A. M on the 1st day of July, 1953 next, at this office, the following tracts or land: GUARDIANAND PROBATE SHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or respective signers for additional information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of MARY ANN PITT, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of James P. McCune, attorney at law, 53 North PHONE 433, NEPHI, UTAH |