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Show Thursday, April 28, 194? THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, BSMOOOfflOOOOOCXXSOOOOOC Social News Items See it! Drive it! Li TiieNcw' WMTAIQJ Even Metier than it Looks! hen you observe its fresh and fleet new beauty, it might seem unbelievable when we say that tbe 1949 Pontiac is even better than it looks. But after you've experienced its really exciting performance, we're sure you, too, will agree that in basic goodness, it surpasses its own good looks! It's hard to believe a car so d could combine the flashing sleekness of Pontiac's new styling . . . the gracious comfort of Pontiac's new low-price- fin n Certified e ... mmm c foru - interiors . . . and tbe almost incredible smoothness of Pontiac's exclusive "Travelux Ride. Add to those unique attractions, the the economy and proved dependability "zing" of Pontiac's famous improved straight eight and six cylinder engines . . . and the matchless (optional driving enjoyment of GM Hydra-Mati- c at extra cost) and you've got something almost irresistible! There's no better time than now to see it and place your order. Vision-Air- Bumper Corn Crop Last year's national record corn erop of 3.65 billion bushels was equal o approximately 100 million tons. r more than our output of steel. Our Bqu quet to No- 2 - for jc All Flavors JELLO TUNA FLAKES CLEARWATER yl - each QC PICNIC HAMS tender and juicy - lb 45 C lb 4Jc WEINERS - cut from A Grade Steer - lb 49 C BACON - Cudahys Gold Coin - lb 4S HAMS - half or whole POT ROAST pound fQC s silks V v feminine, - - Shop Kitchen cabinet FOR SALE J. E. Bird, telephone 308R Modern new FOR SALE home, located on oiled Practically new First road at Mt. Pleasatn. On lot or with drain tubs takes it Fred J. can be moved. $4300. $1200 down, or will rent Write or phone Neil Westwood, 245 Nor. 767R SALE Saturday at 0 6th East, Spanish Fork. at E. R. Shaw Co. and at Modern home FOR SALE Maude's Dress shop sion there. sponsored Jesse and two building lots by Third Ward Relief Society. t n- oi Grutis Pay, telephone 334J. A farmer whose cattle have grubs 1949 Studebaker FOR SALE and lice has to feed about 15 per Pickup Truck Estate Ranee FOR SALE Call 302W or see cent more feed than usual. 'Mrs. Alex Wilson phone 404M. Max Hawkins. SALE - -: JOHNSON 'S.JGA 57 EAST - oz pkg - Devils Food, Spice or Whit- e- Each 14 JC SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR 44 oz package Each 37 MARSHMALLOWS - "Won-derfoo- d 6 oz cello pkg JQC Shortening Dl ID CT I I I I sieve I CRISCO PHONE Moth SPRY UTAH VALLEY RED SOUR PITTED PIE CHERRIES No. 2 tins - EACH 27 C BUTTER KERNEL PEAS CARROTS 8 oz tins J for 23 C ORANGE JUICE Sweetened - 46 oz tins Each 33 RED 8C WHITE MIXED VEGETABLES 2 No. 2 tins TIDE LARGE PKG. yjC 29 LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE size tins 2 for y yjC , mm t - m ii il PRICES EFFECTIVE OC FRI. & SATUR. ONLY lb Tender CC PORK ROASTS POT ROASTS Cut from Grain Tender lb0 Fed Beef Choice Cuts FISH Fillets lb Cod and lb SMOKED PICNICS ONLY Pk 69c 89c 27c ONLY LL Q BISQUICK - 40 oz pkg only 45c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES Giant 18 oz pkg ONLY 2JC - SAUSAGE OR SNOWDRIFT WITH PREMIUM bringing you really fine vaues in Quality Meats Choice Vegetables Country Style 57-- R EACH ORANGE OR GRAPERUIT SWEETENED OR NATURAL win-- 1 to u. uaho aivsV'jrw ur VyatS rjrjr ir-- POUND BOXES 3 POUND CANS J LI I C 6 CJ J for 37 C No. 2 tins CENTER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7 GIVE WHAT YOU SAVE TO THE HOSPITAL FUND DRIVE THURSDAY 1 CINCH CAKE MIX tai- lored and all pretty as ca nbe- From $3.50 (&arhett3s Exclusive i.mlU's" Mrs. George Goble of Salt City has been visiting with memFOR bers of her family during the past washer week. $50.00 Mrs. Will L. Hoyt spent last week at St .George with her husband, Judge Will L. Hoyt, who CAKE was presiding at the Court ses A. M., SHOP AT Subject to Arrival and Market Changes 2 lb bx PURITY S ALTINES only 42c NUCOA -- 1 lb pkg 33c pkg 64e 2 lb BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE PINT BOTTLE yje STRAWBERRIES IGA XTRA WHIPPED SALAD Fresh DRESSING By Plane quart jar 4je NEW SPUDS CC 6 lb .25c TIDE or OXYDOL 7. PGKS ers 3 Shaft lbs NEW PEAS with coupons 41C 2 23 AfQ "W 0 SQ U AS H lb SWEETHEART SOAP Zuchinni or summe BERMUDA ONIONS ASPAR ,b' AGUS i7 Regular bars 4 FOR 23C 2 15 COFFEE Hills or MJB Processed AtC 2 25 1 lb n S4c 2lbcan1.07 lb CHEESE ARCHER HOUSE can VIENNA SAUSAGE fjc Swift American mm. For your very chic Mom we recommend xme of our beautiful blouses as a giftsure to please her. In finest cottons, rayons and RED BLISS SEED POTATOES L. H. Vickers RED & WHITE PEAS- - No. 3 for 21C "MOM" Brach Cherry Chocolates vmgmm GRAPEFRUIT tins "Down South" Sections 2 FOR 31 BISQUICK - 40 oz 45e MILK - ALL BRANDS ESPECIALLY PRETTY FOR FOR SALES Lake Canyon. one-quart- Streamlined Carj. Lightweight, streamline passe:, tars were introduced in the 1S33. n the depth" of a severe deprersif size tins would sail soon on a world cruise on the U S S Coral Sea, the largest ship in the world with a crew of 2000 men.- - Carotene Wages for Farm Hands Mrs S. V Miller of Provo is a Carotene is so abundant in sucWage rates for farm hired hands culent green grass that a pound of house guest this week of Mr. and continued to increase in 1948, averKentucky bluegrass will supply the Mrs. John Wilkey. time aging three and as high as in 1940.. requirements of a 600 pound steer, Mrs. Edna Harris of Salt Lake says the U. S. department of City has been visiting with her Freeze Drying son in law and daughter, Mr. and A newly invented process provides Mrs. Keith Winn. Biscuit Dough such of frozen materials, for drying Cut biscuit dough into squares Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nelson reas citrus juices, milk, eggs and quickly with the metal ice cabe rack ceived a telephone call from their plasma, without affecting their qualfrom the refrigerator tray. sen Gien C. Nelson from Norfolk, ity. Wholesome Sweet Virginia, informing them that he Mills at Hay FOR SALE Dates stuffed with peanut butter Mills CMlard. riair and rolled in granulated sugar are Delivered $5.00 per ton additional. a wholesome sweet. Cotton Seed There is a good susply of certified cotton seed available for planting next spring's crop. Look (or the certified tae. 3 The Presidents Council of the Federated Clubs of Nephi met aat the home of Mrs. Will L. Hoyt on Tuesday evening for the reorganization for the coming year. Named for the following year are: President, Mrs. Elmo G. Haynes; ard Pay. vice president, Mrs. Ray Cundick; M Men officers met on Mon- secretary, Mrs. Charles H. Foote; day evening at the home of Gary corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. Carver for the purpose of schedul- V. Gndd, treasurer, Mrs. Udell R. ing activities for the summer work. Jensen and reporter, Mrs. F. H. In attendance were Nick Stolk, Beckstead. Neil Park, Gary Carver and Elmo Jarrett. The 20th Century club met at Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Andrews the home of Mrs. P. L. Jones on and family of Sunnyside, Mr. and Thursday, April 28. Mrs. F, H. Mrs. Don E. Washburn and fam- Beckstead, vice president of the ily of Salt Lake City, and Mr. club, presided. Litany was read and Mrs. William Done of Aurora by Mrs. Wilford Pratt, and an inwere guests recently of their moth- teresting paper on "Can UNRSCO be Made To Work" by Mrs. Weser, Mrs. James Andreks. ley R. Dickerson was followed by Mrs. Bert Scoll and two child- discussion. A report on United ren of Los Angeles are guests of Nationas Mrs. C. W. Glazier by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. was also discussed by the memLunt. , bers. Present were Mrs. .T. VI Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey Keller, Mrs. S. E. Forrest. Mrs have been in Salt Lak City and C. W. Glazier, Mrs. Wilford Pratt, Mrs. F. H. Beckstead, Mrs. Gerald Ogden visiting with relatives. Cazier, Mrs. Wesley Dickerson, Mrs. J. E. Reid is visiting in Mrs. J. F. Parrish, Mis. Bent R. Preston, Idaho as guests of Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. C. R. Lomax, Mrs. J. Eldon Tanner and family. A. Burton and the hostess. Mrs. Jones. a Mr. and Mrs. Loskiel Jenkins and small daughter Diane of San 0 Mrs. Eva G. Stevens and Mrs. Diego, California are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf-or- d Roene DiFlore weer honored at a Belliston and Mr. and Mrs. supper party at the home of Mrs. C. R. Jenkins. Will L. Hoyt on Saturday evening preceding the meeting at the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt whn Third ward chapel have spent several months in Salt were members of the Presidents L,aKe city witn relatives, have re- council. turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jr. Bodell are the proud parents of a daughter born April 28 at Idaho Falls, Idaho. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ora H, Lunt of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Merkeley of Idaho Falls. . tall tins Miss Alta Bird of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Warren and children of Springville were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Wilkey. Mrs. T. E. Hill and daughter Judy Ann of Ely, Nevada have been guests for the past two weeks of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon- |