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Show THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPHL, UTAH PAGE TWO WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Lady Sheriff Truman Signs Bill for Extension Of European Aid Another 15 Months; U. S. Launches Bond Sale Drive I By H. the opening of the "Opportunity Bond Drive,' in which the government hopes to sell one billion, 40 million dollars worth of U.S. savings bonds to its people. President Truman keyed his remarks to the need for nation al security. HE PICTURED the bond drive as providing another opportunity for purchasers to assure security for themselves and their country, Among other things, the President said: "We know that we cannot have a sound and secure nation unless security is the common possession of our people. Farmer, factory work' er, banker, merchant, school teacher, housewife all are buying security for themselves and each other Truman Okay f billion available at once was signed by President Truman. MR. TRUMAN, as is a quaint capital cttstom in such matters, signed the bill with several pens eight, in fact. Even Mr. Truman, himself, was moved to observe jestingly that "this will probably look like a forgery, but it really isn't" The bill which Mr. Truman signed of the allots more than entire budget of the United States to foreign aid. Mr. Truman, ever a meticulous man, carefully wiped the points of the pens, handed one each to seven witnesses to the signing, and kept one for Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, who was unable to attend. THERE WAS a check and balance in the bill, however. With the billion dollars to be made available at once, aid could be kept flowing to the Marshall plan countries of western Europe until congress votes the rest of the cash later. one-eigh- th OASI COST: In Billions American taxpayers in covered employment would have to dig into their pockets to the tune of 3.75 billion dollars by 1955 to finance old age and survivors insurance under the proposals advanced by Presi dent Truman and his administra tion. BY THE YEAR 2,000 when the program is expected to hit its peak the proposed cost would have mounted to approximately 13 bil lion dollars. This estimate, made by the. Re CHURCHMEN: UN Asks Facts The United Nations wasn't heeding protests of Hungary and Bulgaria against its consideration of the trials of Cardinal Mindszenty and Protestant churchmen. Instead, the UN invited the two Soviet satellite countries to tell their stories of the imprisonment of the Cardinal and other clergymen. THE RUSSIAN delegation indicated the two nations would disregard the invitation, since both Hungary and Bulgaria have contended the trials were internal matters and no business of the UN. The world organization, however, voted 30 to 7 to put the church cases on Us agenda and to go on with a full discussion of them. U. S. delegate Benjamin V. Cohen argued the committee should delay inviting any nations or churches to send spokesmen until It decides how it wants to deal with the question. Russia's Jacob A. Malik indicated the two Russian satellites would reject such an invitation and accused Bolivia of violating the UN charter by seeking to invite religious organizations. To the casual observer, the entire matter was even less than a tempest in a tea pot. Whatever the UN might find as a result of rehashing the convictions of the churchmen what could UN do about it? The force of UN in world peace retention efforts has been so meager as to cause critics to begin comparing it already with the old League of Nations which died of impotency. 127 W SI M) 0O aiK 0O S&O I 141 1 Oft UU Mil 44 0O U Tt 44 H 71 44 04 search Council curity, Chicago, jobs. Coverage is now limited to persons employed in industry and commerce. It is proposed that the system be extended to cover the entire labor force. In presenting both sides of the question, the council's report in cludes a full page of pros and cons. Each side might be summarized as follows: ON THE ONE HAND, if em ployees of commerce and industry are entitled to this protection, why not employees on the farm and in the household? If the goal of the system is to provide even a minimum of subsistence, benefits must be raised now to keep in step with living costs. An adequate OASI system will reduce substantially the heavy burden of old age assistance. On the other hand, opponents of the proposed extension point out that of those excluded, the majority are either protected by other systems or are able to provide for themselves, while the lowest income classes are employed too irregularly to earn insured status under any program. If the cost of living is a valid reason for raising benefits now, then logically the whole system should be geared to the cost of living, fluctuating down as well as up. The bigger the system, the better the promises of bigger and better pensions. I IIM 4IM TU 7S IS 14 7S7S for Economic Seis based on a re port from the advisory council on social security to the 80th congress, Of a labor force of over 60 mil lion, OASI now covers about 35 million, or roughly three out of five HIU 04V savings buy THE PRESIDENT said the kick-ofdinner was to honor three mil lion volunteers In the bond sales program, and declared they would be joined by another 250,000 news boys who would "ring the nation's doorbells, bringing the message of the Opportunity Bond Drive into 12 million American homos. Top question plaguing bond offi cials was the recession in employ ment, lower prices and less con sumer cash interfering with the bond drive's reaching its goal. the European recovery program ver the next 15 months with one IbO they country's." A bill to give 5.58 billion dollars to II0O when bonds." He added that "every bond they have bought has given them much more reason to feel secure about the future their own and their AID BILL: Was MJI UU tS" 44 44 104 4t 4 IIS IS 120 M 14J llll04 04 11 04 11 W.M '' '4I li 47 J 41 44 10 ST M tl) I 77.04) I 77 44 Tio"3 lltH in X !4tSI l7 SO COMPARATIVE BENEFITS . . . Under present provision of the social security law It Is assumed the worker has 10 years of coverage. Under proposed provisions, however, monthly benefits would ot be affected by length of tlmo spnt la covered employment. Chart, prepared by Research Council for Eceaomlo Security, offers comparison of present benefit scales with those proposed la the administration program. ACCIDENTS: Rural Housing fewer Noted Hope was Indicated that the appalling toll of death and Injury on U.S. streets and highways might be lessened. The National Safety Council reported thst 02 cities of mors than 10.000 population went through all of 1948 without a traffic death. The council reported that Med-forMass., with a population of 67,477, was the largest city no-dea- th last year. MEDICINE AND THE DERBY Churchil Downs, one of the oldest race tracks in the land, it Is announced, is to be run for the benefit of the Louisville medical college. The Kentucky Derby has left many a man sick at the finish, but this is the first time anybody at the track thought of doing something about doctors. Plan for Security Kick-of- f speaker at us Off According to Senator Fear (D., Del.) some of the nation's worst housing conditions still exist in rural areas a conclusion familiar already to many, many Americans. The senator's statement was made during a hearing by a sensts committee on the housing bill pending in congress. There has been little talk of rural needs in discussion of the housing problem to date, although that need is as pressing, almost, a nny other. Derby Betters1 Loss Wi Be Med ici ne's Ga i n . . . MAY SOOTHE MANY A TROUBLED CONSCIENCE BOND DRIVE: The men who dug: for little old who Kathy Fiscos, died In a California well shaft, were being remembered all over the nation. More than 2,200 letters had been received by the Kathy Fis-crescue, fund from virtually every state in the anion. Mayor Clark E. Bell, San Marino, chairman of the fond committee, said the first envelopes opened "contained $1,020 an average contribution of $5.10. Donations ranged from 10 cents to $50. It was pointed out that if the average continued, It would mean a total of more than $11,000 for the men who worked for 52 hours to reach the child who fell to her death 92 feet down the well pipe. MANNER' 'BEDSIDE 1 1 (EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions arc expressed In these columns, they are those of Western Newspaper union's news analysis ana not necessarily 01 uus newspaper. Men "Who Found Kathy Remembered by Mail NEW WINN'S COLONEL s" Thursday, May 5, 1949 I. PHILLIPS with a little black bag in hand you were under no illusion it held pills, capsules or oint- The track is run by the famous Colonel Matt Winn, always a man in green, seldom a man in the red and now for the first time appearing as something of a Man in White. The colonel Is a smart, colorful racing genius, but up to now had not been associated with a bedside manner and a stethoscope. If you saw him Mrs. Barkley Graham, weighing only 95 pounds, has become the first woman sheriff of county, Kentucky, birthAlben W. place of Barkley. She succeeded her husband who resigned to become chief of police. en Vice-Preside- nt FARM SURPLUS: May Hasten Subsidy The administration's farm experts weren't being too subtle in a movement to hasten payment of direct subsidies to farmers. They were pointing out in the capital r-y of pork and that an milk expected within the next two months, may require President Truman to ask immediate authority Grace Noll Crowell for such action. us not forget the ancient wisdom of SECRETARY Agriculture LET which our fathers walked their earthly Brannan said he already had disdays: cussed such a proposal with the The saying of grace above a loaf; President. At the present time the The Sabbath reft, the altars we should raise; government is committed to supThe teaching of our faith to these, our children. of those commodities port prices The earnest study of God's holy Word; by buying any surplus and taking The telling, again and again, the old sweet ftory it off the market. This is supposed to keep the retail price up. By which an apathetic world is stirred. Farm legislation passed by the Let ns not forget the ancient splendors: 80th congress authorized direct payThe mountain-toexperience that lights ments to farmers for pork and darkest valleys that our feet must travel, The but this law does not go into milk, Where God will be, as well as on the heights. effect until January 1, 1950. Let us not forget the old, old meaning. secrethe Meanwhile, agriculture Of the sun and moon and stars above the land. tary said consumer prices on pork these God help us to remember Considering and milk probably would fall if the That we, like they, are held in Thy great hand. admisistration was allowed to make direct subsidy payments to producers. DESPITE much sentiment to the contrary, Brannan said his depart h ment has had a "quite favorable" reaction to the proposed farm pro gram which, briefly, would let farm products find their own price level through supply and demand, with the government paying the farmer Corner Nl Km LM the difference in this and the sup frwN I FWI V U S I port price in cash. THE TROUBLE with you,"tooBarry ana "is that you're Congressional critics of the farm STAGfvSCRE program declare its cost win run lytical. Why don't you throw INEZ GERHARD By into billions of dollars and that it caution to the wind for once and will benefit neither the farmer nor Eagle-Iiio- n decided films marry the girl?" the taxpayer, because, in the end, WHEN the premiere of "Tulsa" Hugh sighed. His face took on the farmer and the taxpayer will be in Tulsa, Okla., they had no idea that look of faintly aloof indulgence paying additional taxes to finance that Oklahomans would cooperate thst he always the program. coniured when so magnificently. Gov. Roy Turner I -- Minute Barry a Lbecame proclaimed a holiday and royally CANCER: critic n "You entertained members of the press wouian i u a e Eagle-Lio- n whom flew both from Seen Progress he said. coasts for the occasion. Walter "You're too impulsive to see what The men in white who wage an brought "Tulsa's" star- s- I'm driving at. Let me tell you, it unceasing battle against cancer Wanger Susan Hayward, Robert Preston, pays to be carefuL" caught a glimmer of hope they "Sure it does. But it doesn't pay felt sure they had discovered, as to be overly careful. How does they put it, "what is for all practical purposes a simple, cheap and Valeria feel about it?" "How does she feel? How do reasonably sure blood test for cancer." you think she feels? When a girl's In love she knows enough' THE ANNOUNCEMENT was o be careful herself." made with the customary caution "Meaning, of course,- that Val's and restraint of the men who work mad about you and she's willing to with test-tub"reasonably sure" wait until you get through analyzing was how they described the test. and justify or compensate her But if they had made such a dis shortcomings in your mind." covery, it was a great stride for Hugh gestured indifferently. "Figward toward victory over the terriure it that way, if you like." ble disease. "Wouldn't it be a shock to you According to the announcement. if you discovered yourself to be Uni comparative studies at the wrong. I mean, if Val married versity of Chicago of the blood someone else right under your serum of cancer patients and nornose." h indi mal and other "She won't," said Hugh confividuals had revealed significant Susan Hayward dently. "Girls aren't made that differences that led to the state He stood up. "I haven't been way." Wills to Chill and Jess Barker, ment of the new cancer blood test. SO mayors from all over the studying psychology and human be town; Report of the university findings state were on hand to join in the havior five years for nothing." was made by Professor Charles B. "But if she gets tired of waiting festivities, which lasted for a day Huggins, who 10 years ago origi and a half. As for the picture, it is and marries some one else in the nated a new treatment for pros- tine entertainment, with an meantime, maybe you'll regret it" tatic cancer which has kept more fire that sets an "Don't be ridiculous. Val won't e for high than 25 per cent of the victims similar screen spectacles. marry anyone else. I know what alive and well for more than eight I'm doing." years. Barry let a fortnight elapse stars Warners , Two top began before he again broached the DISCUSSING) the new test, he their careers similarly, by dying. said that tests on almost 300 ind- Errol subject of Val. It rankled him, Flynn did it in "The .Case and he felt better to get It off ividualsequally divided into cancer of the Curious Bride," has been his chest. "Hate to mention It patients, apparently healthy per killing other people in films ever again. Hugh, but Val seems to sons, and patients with since. Zachary Scott died in his think you've been neglecting diseases proved positive for first film. "The Mask of Dimitrios," her lately. Can't blame her all cancer cases, negative for all has been the victim in eight out normal persons and negative for all of 11 pictures since then, gets much, either." "Cut itl" Hugh looked ugly. "I others tested, except those with driven to suicide in his latest, think you'd better let me tend to and massive "Flamingo Road." lung tuberculosis cute infections. my own affairs. Barry. The girl loves me and when I get around to Inasmuch as tuberculosis and In Reuniting Fred Astaire and it I'll marry her. Goodness, can't readcan bo flammatory processes Ginger Rogers for their 10th you understand that a msn shouldn't ily diagnosed, it was explained, the Bark-ley- s In "The picture jump into such things!" test was not expected to confound of Broadway" proved so "Or a woman either," Barry ofcancer with other conditions. co-stwill successful that they fered. "I happen to know Val was unIn another musical, as yet out with someone else last night". KIWI: titled, which Is bow being writ"Good. Comparing the someone ten for them. else with me will be the best thing Par Chick in the world for her and me too." Nature lovers in New Zealano Bill Conrsd, the "voice" of CBS' Hugh was annoyed. Blast it why rejoiced. A sturdy male kiwi chick "Escspe" series, Is a fine actor, couldn't Barry mind his own busiwas hatched at the Hawke's Bay but looks like something out of a ness? Why did he always have to game farm, bringing to six the only grab bag; usually wears a sack-lik- e keep worrying about Val. It was sneak- plain as day that he didn't under-stan- d known existing family of this nocpair of slacks, a turnal, flightless bird which was ers and an old leather jacket He wonieii. Val knew a good thought to bo extinct until a few wears thst array on "Suspense," thing wheb she saw it. She loved also when reporting to the picture him end wss willing to wait She years ago. The male bird spent 81 days on studios; he wss in "The Killers," was smart the latest egg before the newcomer "Body and Soul." 'To the Victors" VAGUELY HE wondered who the and "Sorry, Wrong Number." burst through the thick shell. could be she wss out in 4 S over-suppl- us p Fiction 1 stu-- EftADIQ 3 Similarly, Louisville medical col- -' lege professors will be alloted official colors or "silks," classes will be opened with "Boots and Saddles" and on the day of exams there will1 be a morning line and lata scratches. ments. It has never been recorded that he was coupled in the betting with "Dr. Kildare." Observing him as he watched the crowds pour into the Downs for the Derby, we never got the impression he was thinking Life can be wonderful! But ' wei about what to do for the medical no student will be flunked for hope do to what than rather profession behavior at the gate and bad Downs. Churchill for "quitting when challenged." And let's have no dean of the medical However, it will be strictly O. K. to see horse racing advancing the school thrown out of training for cause of humanity. It will be a a "popped osselet" great conscience soother for DerPlease Do Not Disturb by addicts. Their alibi for the long live in a disgraceful rut, I can and the trip Derby hysteria A thing to be deplored now be, "Can I help it if I want fierce, ambitious people, but By to see ambitious medical students I'm not the least bit bored. get a chance?" Margaret Fishback He will feel better coming back from the Derby, too. If his bangtail finishes out of the money, he will have the satisfaction of realizing that Louisville Medical college (by Matt "finished strong and will bear watching." .... "Corn Found 4,000 Years Old In Headline So they have video there, tool New Mexico" Shudda Haddim had a perfect set of hunches the other day. Noting it was the day of the signing of the Atlantic pact he selected "Dawn of Peace" which won at at 11 to 1, and "Silk Topper" and "Ocean Brief," winners at Jamaica, the former at $60.60. Never were hunches more perfect.' (P. S.: Yes, but at the last minute Shudda Haddim got switched on all three.) Winn-Ballyho- o) Gulf-strea- m can picture the wide influence of the school of medicine on the Derby, and vice versa. Churchill Downs will probably be redecorated in white enamel, with a nurse at every mutuels window and an intern in the hot dog stands. Fans will have their temperatures taken before and after photo finIn Iowa a cow with a wooden leg ishes, stethoscopes will be used to is a record milk producer. Why not? detect suppressed tips. She is hardly in the best possible to oppose the idea. There will be special windows shape where fans may get a sedative. And if his inside information proves Ye Gotham Bugle & Banner cold, there will be heat treatments Tickets for "South Pacific" are on the mezzanine. sold out so far in advance that record prices are being offered for "Ladies and gentlemen," wo seats so far back they're in the can hear the track announcer North Atlantic. . . . Peter Donald say, "the horses are on their says the toughest thing about the way to the post to advance the way Europe puts the bite on Undo cause of medicine and correct Sam is that she does it with leaa. Ton have diagnosis. lend teeth. only live We STRICTLY ANALYTICAL It was sort of amusing in a way. Probably Val had merely told Barry that so Barry would tell him. Childish. Why, even a first-yepsychology student could tell you that was nothing but a feeble attempt on the part of the female to excite jealousy in the man she loved. Three evenings later Hugh's phone rang. It was Barry. He sounded far away. "Can't hear you." Hugh yelled Into the "Talk louder." mouthpiece. ' "I say," came Barry's voice, more distinctly, "that the thing I warned you against has happened." "What thing?" said Hugh. "About VaL About her marrying someone else right under your with. nose. She's dons it" "I don't believe it," said Hugh, feeling for the first time a queer sensation of alarm. "I saw It happen," aid Barry, "i was there." "Good lord!" Hugh was suddenly very much excited and very eon cerned. "You can't say I didn't warn you," Barry's voice said, growing fainter. "Hey I Hold on a minute, Barryt Are you there! . . . Yes, yes, 1 know you warned ma. Guess I was something of a fooL Who was it she married? This Is terrible I" "Me," said Barry, very faintly. And then the line went dead. ar - oil-we- all-tim- ar v CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS SsJatUa la Naa laaao. 1 Monetary unit (Persia) S Stylish 9 Donkey 10 Leander's sweetheart (poss.) 12 Poplar 13 Catkin 14 Guided 15 Disease of chickens 16 Southeast (abbr.) 17 Russian citadel 'A 1 1' I4 M r T , III5 m I' I' w u w 3 3j p I" i 20 Owing 21 22 Not within doors Part of a 3 window 23 26 Cant Canvas shelters A chunk Marsh in ore 30 Sword-lik- e on a rifle 84 Rhode Island No. 11 part (abbr.) 35 Reimburse 36 Finnish seaport 37 Old Icelandic writings 39 River in Scotland 41 Sleek 42 Baking chambers Affirmative votes Not difficult 43 44 DOWN 1 A measuring stick 1 Sultan's decree 4Mm p. itH-- i 27 28 29 Abounding 3 4 Fortify Game of chance f A series a.' links 6 Source of hashish 7 Anger 8 Ask advice 9 To refuse to go, as a horse 11 Makes hard IS Abyss 18 A friar 19 20 22 Haul with difficulty Clamor State flower (Utah) Beaches 23 24 Wanly 23 Some j ' -- 1 .4UB- minutes in which to help a dent get through college." 2 33 Units of Plaything Shore recess SO Luxuriates In warmth II Hubs 33 A valuable 28 aaM (So. Am.) Perish Female 40 Feminine nam 38 SB to raasto Masafcar jti A weight U Rodent a Ij 3y IE Ml PLfPl' Tnffij 31 III . i |