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Show Thursday, May 5, ORD THE 1949 MANGELSON DRUG CO. club met April TIip 21st at the home of Mrs. Udell R. Jensen. Mrs. W. Lee Bailey, president of the club, presided. Two piano solos were played by Miriam Brough. Mrs. Franci3 Warner reviewed the book "On Being a Real Person" by Harry Emerson Fosdick. Discussion and business matters were taken up by the club The following memrreinl rrs. bers were elected to preside over the club for the coming year: Mis. Udell R. Jensen, president; Mrs. LaVai Carter, vice president; Mrs. Albert C. Starr, secret Page One - Second Section uncj est ry FOR THE BEST re WILL REOPEN FRIDAY MAY 6TH MOTHERS DAY IS SUNDAY MAY 8 . en e rue ion L i MOTHER'S DAY BOXES OF CHOICE CHOCOLATES " Come in and let us help you select your MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS It Pleases Us To Please You w fa. LI rAn,fhl: .it; !?l!li rif Mrs. Bert Powell entertained members of the Junior "Literary club last Thursday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Belliston. Litany was read by v tut, ,. and general use MOTHER IN THE WORLD Mrs. Cleon Memmott, There will be real values here for gifts ARRIVED TODAY y. -- (JtUBS- & NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- v-'- 1 I i a i S 31 . h CHOOSE ONLY THE .BEST JEWELS gift-givin- rQ M , occasion, and wonder- g ful for MOTHER on her day. See our superb collection qual- H Mrs. A. V. Jacobsen. Harold Austin of the Juab high school faculty, gave an interesting h talk on habits and customs of the He described Ameiican Indian. the Sun dance an gave several Indlsn songs. Indian relics were son of Mr. and Mrs, displayed by Mr. Austin and Mrs. Evan Kendall, Max Davis. Those present were Douglas Kendall of Nephi1 ; Mrs Allen E. Belliston, Mrs. Eliz- abeth Colvin, Mrs. Paul M. Chris-- ; at her home. Mrs. A. V. Gadd was tis n. Mrs. Ray Cundick, Mrs. Ma in charge with Litany being given Davis, Mrs. Roy E. Gibsm, Mrs. by Miss Lula McPherson. Routine Geo. D. Haymond Jr., Mrs. A. V. business was taken : care of and Jacobsen, Mrs. Fred D. Morgan, business relative to the coming Mrs Harlow W. Pexton, Mrs. bond drive was discussed. Papers Cthel L. Pay, Mrs. David Sai;s- - by Miss Neva Booth and Miss Mis. Bertha McPhersn on "Gardening Mrs. Ernest Wilso.i, burv, ReWirthlin, special gue3(.s Mrs. and Flower Arrangement" were Jack Ludlow, Mrs Carl Miller enjoyed by the following club (formerlly RoseMary Belliston) ladies: Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Belliston. 'A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Marvin Ander- son. Miss Lula McPherson, Miss i Neva Booth, Mrs. James R. JrStan-Mr- s. A. H. Belliston was host- Mrs. Lester Asher, Mrs. Ralph ley, ess to the members of the Ladies Mrs. h Belliston, Literary club on Tuesday evening Mrg- - w w stephnsont j Bertha McPherson, Mrs. Udell R. Jensen, Mrs. George A. Sperry and the hostess, Mrs. Belliston. .... glamorous, scintilating necklaces, braclets, earrings, pins, clips and rings a joy to give and receive for any ity right, priced right ry ! i j SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI 3,. If you haven't planned for the gift for the Graduate, do it today. We have a fine assortment of graduation gifts - moderately priced. j Nephi Jewelry & Appliance Guaranteed Watch Repairing Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Francom jf Provo were week end guests ofj , iJCTicuis, mi-- emu ivirs. cai. v. Orange Peel The peel of an orange, like tl.t pulp and juice, contains vitamin C , Downs. mm ib-- b Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chrstison of Salt Lake City spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Mabel D. Chnstison Mr anH l.fnc Cl,.,l ... ' . ... i IJT1 nave iueen vismng witn ""pri Mrs. Elizabeth Nason this week. Mrs. Nason returned to Helper will them for a short visit. mm r m r -- m TJy-.- Mrs. Josephine Sainsburv Ik ! WONTT HAVE WE'LL GLADLY, TO ait;j GIVE AM ESTIMATE nf Salt Lake City is a house guest of M tJamea JS. .Jsichei-- . thiai week. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Anderson of Naxnpa, Idaho left Monday for their home after a visit with his brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson and with other relatives in Nephi. 1 TtetftemSot- - Only AY PRECIOUS; MOTHER THE DOCTOR'S HAVING TELL Flliro PRESCRIPTION MOTHER YOUR LOVE AND APPRECIATION FOR HER WITH you con PREVENT ui'.ii-ii.niH.iii- ii FOREST FIRES! AT DRUG I IN NO WtlL A Y TIME ROSES - CARNATIONS --CORSAGES ORCHIDS AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF POTTED PLANTS - PASSENGER CARS 1941 PLYMOUTH .ewar Nephi wf-0nl- y NEPHI WE'LL HAVE YOU 137 South Main Street yoy can PREVENT FOREST FIRES! HEATER PAINT SEDAN MOTOR NEW - Phone 378W -- CHEVROLET lQdl RADIO AND DOOR SEDAN HEATER 1Q41 CHEVROLET COUPE CHEVROLET 1058 SEDAN HEATER Heater NEW PAINT For thrift as well as style... CLEAN Radio - New Motor SPECIAL AT REDUCED PRICE 1948 CHEVROLET NEW 1 TON WITH WILLIAMSEN METRO VAN BODY Sfudebaker's the 19 buy word K Mr?"" THE cleao'lioed of a 1949 Studebaker tell you this car hu the right build for thrift. Yon don't a trace of cumbersome excess bulk io those trim, graceful body contours. There'a no ae gas-wasti- FORD 4fi 42 V, Ton CHEV. 34 PICKUPS 11,000 Miles TON l12-- poundage in the 5, 6 rugged Studebaker chassis underneath. This is motoring' most advanced kind of designing stop in and find out how it can cut costs for you. AND 7 YEAR OLD WHISKIES roll BLENOEDwith GRASN . R. SHfiUJ CO. mtD0 WMISKET. (HEUTKAl. SPl!' I 1H S MOOT. THE STPIGH1 S S 0 "E 5 Y! SOUGHT WMISKrY. f.'.; &Plli 11 'O1' 38 2 GMC TON STAKE 34 TON TON TRUCKS 2-t- on K-- 5 THE LARGEST SELECTION IN JUAB COUNTY NEUTRAL SPIRITS. - WMISKHS IN MORE O10 35 CHEV 47 CHEVROLET 2 TON INTERNATIONAL 825 - 20 TIRES BROWNIE 34 CHEVROLET l2 TON 42 CHEVROLET l2 TON CAB AND CHASSIS NEW MOTOR PAINT 35 FORD iy2 TON CAB AND CHASSIS 47 surplu 41 H , "'M'-f- S'Cir,HT WH'KFY s V'. t! YERS WO ?l Ml) 4V. StPir,HT WM''KtY 7 YE.'."? O'O tCMEHUY OlS'lUERS. NC. KE tr(H CITY j EBO CHSUROLST CO. |