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Show Thursday, November 8, 1931 BOYISH PAJAMAS THAT HAVE STYLE THE THE FEATHERHEADS Po VOU Keep harpincs-ABOU- T THAT GiRL AT THAT PART V 2 1A 1 Whether at etool or college, or rfjfbt here, you will adore baring these boyish pajamas. They art trim and allm and graceful, from little round collar to trousor hem, Tbe pointed yoke glres them a hlrtmaker touch and style. Too will find them perfect for your farorlte fabric be It allk, cotton or flannel If you don't care for a fancy tuff make them of pluln In a lovely color ee a green, for example or narh-- for the hepinnlnir drMumali. rthey are a perfect first garment 11)18 Is available in alzea Pattern a a J.o ntw o 11, JU, ,13 , j UUU iv .V. f i Di s PO A THVMQ-BU- T MAKE FOOL OF I FeEUtJcr GOOD VASN vemt ihto the ns-rea- AMD PAGE SEVEN IoWH COULD ME LP IT if cams A AND A OF HAIR." ' A'KP VJMAT A MAM IS J 7 T0 Hjlr i You KnoW "JUST IS MAN AFTEF 1 111 IF SHfT LI There IDMT SEEM tmg SAY'S WOMAM 5a ily Scz Page Kipling as l TtoET suki WELL-V- oiJ HER. HUM I V- - f I' 1 A S Ti)ST MAM BRAG- -, A AND A TANK OP lUKCS oi Test be seeiu LAVE MR& SKlOOP WELL .BTJi sue wuz.LOTtellim Yfez A y'vrJ O MEr J L A BIT 0'SOSSlP SCAMPAU mm Snoop on the Pan S that womim! SH SHUR6 STEAWi SHOVEL SHE. WUZ, TELLlM' IM SiPPOSE HERE--O- I a. A OVER VOURSE-L- FINNEY OF THE FORCE S USTBMl NOvg l NEPIII. UTAH . ..!i MOrV WHY FATTERN TIMES-NEWS- Ar ' ,t THAT kTOtWO UP ALL TH" THIKA.NOW? EARSJ r TK' HASySRY ViS' A PeLLA SE.Z SHE: WUZ SO OULD SHE COULP PICKS PiRRT i Good wam 'Bout her 'gOUT HOW OULD Tl54. BB SHEs r 1 Jv, RAYMiMBEK WHiM TH' OKJLV COLOR VMiMMIN'S SToCKiMSS X L. ? TH' OMLY VsAM AS BLACK WUT. 1 SHE AlUT tells r a nci -- pi la 111, lev and fcaltl U' TEAMWORK that cmhU. IETS , PATBONIZE HOME INDUSTRY"" n i f Ilorscracing in Italy The Palino, the horse Tace held twice a year in the public square of Siena, Italy, still allows as it has done for several hundred year the poisoninp, maiming or stealing of a rival horse. "KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES" listen, edoie. vou'd BUTT MV BETTER FORGET THAT MANICURIST VOU CAME TO ST PETERSBURG PISH FOCI TARPON NOT FOR GALS DEAR AL. DE LORES IS SO ATTRACTIVE TO - A' Man Of Character ATTRACTIVE, My EVE !! voo don't see me hancim' AROUND ALL ANY BERBER DAY! HAVEN'T, VOU LIKE ME 4 yards 30-lnc- h r IT- S3B r u i I M?.MGlr4lS, I'M BUT ALL V IATED UP- - Will never. THIS WEEK'S rUIZE STORY Had When 70 a bar Tntrrmoantaia yon ar saMired that 7m art set ting 1. Reliable and dependable goods f 2. Superior qoallty at lower prices t 1. Merchandise that will paes any teat anywhere What better can 70a ask 7 Bay Inter mountain Made Goods and be convinced. RICHARD CLARK, Ash ton, Idaho. Gocd KNOW;! J Mcflcfl fabric. V HE'S A GOOD SCOUT, BUT WMT'LL VOU DANCE THE RHUM3A VJfTH ME , DELORES I'VE STAYED OUT OF THAT BARBER SHOP TWO HOURS NOW I'LL SNEAK IN AND SAV HELLO TO HER! AL q K oh .eddie's o.v.- - ye gods ! i can't stand - MUST SEE DELORES! I'LL got any will Power? BE If 1946 SHOP 7 "GRAINS OF GOLD" TOE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL "Makes Cream Taste Better Western Made For Western Trade Ak Y.ur Croccr At 400 Utah Oil Illustrated sewing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, BE address and style number. SURE TO STATE SIZE. atep-by-ste- p BOBBY THATCHER ' DOCTOR PULLEM SAYS PETTI BOMET DAMAGED HIS QFHCH TO TUB EXTENT OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. ....THEN THERES A LITTLE ITEM THE CITY HAS ACAJNST HIM FOR WRECKING THE? JA1U. AND ER, HE STILL. OWES IRA FOR HIS HOTEL. BILL.1. C lfAoiMER DUDLE iRONSioes, Address orders to Sewing Circle Tattern Department, 243 West Seventeenth Street, New Tork City. A MAM OF GREAT WEALTt), has reached 0one&boro to locate his olo classmates DAYTIME IS NIGHT TIME " Paid In Full n J I l By GEORGE STORMI . m I WORD'. ALBERT C PETTI BONE A. OEMTiSTS OFFICE BREAKING JAIL ..... BEATING A DEAR UUD HOTEL BILL. ALBERT ...... I SUPPOSE IT ALL COMES OP NOT SOWlMG HIS WILD OATS EARLY IN MV FOURTEEN DOLLARS, AR. ROUSIDES AMD 3. R.IFUHO 1 OF? CobbectH ALL and, THS COURSE, PARTIES WILL. pror albert petti in ano assistbone, Clearing up the: charges AGAINST Little Joan had heard her older brother discussing the difference In time to be noted between one side of the world and that on the opposite side. Joan was very much Impressed and rushed In to her mother and exclaimed excitedly: "Oh, mother, did you know that In China when It's day time It's night time and when it's night time, It's day time?" Indianapolis News. life! . ., r nr. fi v II A it i -n Human Bones Turned to Gems An archeologist has found that the Incas turned human bones into turquoise. Ovens have been found where human remains were transmuted into gems. (Cor'rM. A True Trader "Have you any objection to government ownership?" "None at all," answered Air. Dus-tl- n Stax. "I'd rather enjoy getting the government Into the market so that I can sell to It when values are high and buy back when they go ( EvWUftW Diamonds Explode Sometimes a newly mined diamond explodes, a phenomenon caused by en internal strain brought about by its peculiar construction. W. L. Starbuck, Denver, Colo., in Collier's Weekly. ii HIM S'MATTER POP Refining Service Stations in Utah and Idaho i.c By C. M. PAYNE Pop Goes In For Guessing j J 3, xfelATaV-- " Symf.VMt. 150,000 feet Used & New Pipe Sizes Vi", ", 1" Structural Steel and Plates Monsey Iron & Metal Co. Salt LAi City. Btak 701 Seatk 3rd Wist fl Svji.PtT "YHt, TS down. He Knew The teacher asked whether anyone could give her a good definition of toast Only one hand went up. "All right, John, you tell us about Marrow in Bones Fluctuates Experiments showed how th marrow in human bones fluctuates. In man the source of red blood cells may be as much as 5 per cent of the body weight. DON'T BE FOOLISH You'll be very foolish if you use rattling, windows when you Use build or modernize. Pre-F- it WinSILENTITE dows as modern as the 1935 car. fuel-waeti- ng old-styl- e, toast" ,Th "Toast," said John confidently, "Is burnt bread scraped." Not Like European First Politician Why are you so sure there Is no life on Mars? Second Politician Well, for one thing, they never have asked the United States for a loan I Ask your lumber dealer Along the Concrete 0r WHO ME & Co. Morrison-Merri- ll Pe Peeve Distributors BETTER. PE PREPARED FC2 SMH PAP NEWS OULP I AT IHi HOUKT No Excuse to say you have done your best," said Uncle Eben. "If you is goin' to do any real good you got to keep right on tryin' to do better next time." "Tain' no excuse (t0 Cf III I P" wek .n Why will be paid far article mo should o Interittonntain made Goods" Similar to above. Send your story In prose or rerso to Intermonntsin Products Cot- am n, P.O. Boi 1555 Salt Lake Citr. if roar story this column yon "33 ceive eh. k for t""" JV"S ths -- bt $3.00 VJHAT?aili ATTri TO Week No. 3445 W.N.USali Lak City Friends and Enemies Jud Tunkins says a friend is sometimes so much afraid of hurting your feelings that you have to learn the truth from an enemy. Bauxite From France France is the principal world source of bauxite, from which aluminum is derived. ' It: Used Whipping Fost Convictions in Ohio for forgery and counterfeiting in the days of th whipping post called for 39 stripes across the naked back. |