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Show "BUY UTAH "BUY UTAH MADE GOODS" MADE GOODS' Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, November 8, The Times, Vol. 24, No, 45 M. "1 P. L JONES ROAD WORK ilEi'l PRESIDEIIT CLUB 2 Juab County road projects In Sail Creek canyon eact of Nephi and In m 3! 6 a Z 3! c 3 sr 2o m w w c PIPE s i CO am Is? rr P . Chicken Creek, east of Lev'an, have been commenced this week. Thin work has put a large number of east Juab County men to work, both as single hands and with teams. The work Includes the graveling of the canyon and highways. The project in Salt Crek canthe graveling and yon includes widening of the road from highway 189 to the ' Red point" above the Ranger's station in Salt Creek can The ' Red Point has been yon. taken off. making the elimination of one of the worst curves on the road to Camp Dadandson. The Chicken Creek project also includes graveling and widening of the road. nc No. 45 15, NEPHI CITY TO How Juab County Voted Tuesday COUNTY STARTS A ni IN The News, Vol. l'AVt 10 HO Hill WATER WE BIG III Work will commence Immediately on preliminary details previous to the laying of 18.000 feet of pipe from the recently purchased Rees Springs to the present Intake of the Nephi City water works system. The state Drouth Relief Committee Wednes day approved a project of $6,300 for the purchase of pipe and mat I I I I M Oil NOVEMBER 21 The South Ward of this city will a huge reasi lor n conduct 2081188 King. D , Senator i"November 41, Wednesday, j 201 271 Colton, R., Senator! dinner in the hot a Include will T971 932 275 239 MurdblkTTxr RepTTTf at noon, a Bnzar Ostler building 1039 . .. ; . . 150 J 202 -a, I lit1 -N. Ill it: R.. Rep Woolley. 46 iwi.. the 31. upaltti1 1872-J1726 a mauio 239 7 260 Treas. afternoon, In the f D., Uirie, vice .7.'.j" as building Elgin Garrett was selected 217 168 dance In the Arlington at 4:30. a Ajax. R., Treas president, and Gilbert Bailey, A. L. 760 18H8 there-a222 258 play in the stake taber Wolf eTb.. Judge Garbett, A. B. Gibson, J. L. Jacknacle t 7:20 in the evening 165 220 son. Herman McCune, J. E. Retd. J128 Straup, R.. Judge " j dance at 9:30 in the Arlington. "1828 732 and E. B. Sperry as the seven dirj 197 j 176 "Hiryan. D., S. Rep The hot dinner is being put on 1196 ectors. 212 281 8. Rep Ockey. R., the Relief Society and M. I. ac-A, by Dr. Lowry Nelson of the Brigham T825 610 270 233 Bacon. D.. Com 4yr. .1 of the ward and organizations Young University faculty spoke to 1215 155 211 Willmore. R Com 4 yr. J2 j114j comodations are being made to enyon. the club members on the subject 1G90 356 tertain at least 400 people between Gardner. DCom. 2yr 144 176 148 I "Education In a Changing World", 1334 Crane. R. Com 2 yr. . 313 304 238 the hours of 12 noon and 2 P. cel-M. J3J and stated that the history of the 1945" 858 Thtf motto of this part of the 194 race bears out the assurance that D 2911216 Clerk nrickers HELD Booth. R.. Clerk 1087 173 ebration will be "All you can eat 190 260 the schools of today will continue of the best food." to exist though there be enemies a 3029 471 454 390 Christison Treas The bazar Is under the direction He called attention gainst them 1431" i 149 221 180 and "SullWanrbTsher of the Primary organisation to the rapid changes that have been 1601 211 257 171 304 Mellor, R. Sher Christmas gifts suitable will feature made In the machine age and said FOR Sperry. D. Rec. 1835 642 ....f 192 237 209 that may be purchased there for that we are not keeping pace with 1193 178 246 263 Howell. R.. Rec that purpose. Do your Christmas established social and educational 1609"" 102 136 171 D Att. . 122 shopping early at the South ward agencies primarily because of the Iathcrbury. ppast. For All Bazar". 284 sac redness of them and our desire 1438 348 334 Webb. R. Att The children's dance and the pub to retain them as they are. 1758" ..! 184 200 488 146 Newton. D., Assr,, lic dance In the evening for adults He reviewed the changing conditE 281 204 310 .... Assr. J Davis. R., J270 will be directed by the Sunday sch ions in the shift of rural population 3017" 453 470 383 The price for the Downey. Surveyor ool organization. and the necessity for the larger cenwill be rive cents dance ters to help assume the burden of children's killed was Mecham, 21, Callao and Trout Creek not reported. These precincts have only 50 votes. Denotes Winning Candidate. and the evening dance, twenty-liv- e educating the boys and girls of the and Hyrum his tliree companions injured Impressive funeral services for cents for each individual. Booths marl districts. He stated that al- last Friday Florian Cazier Blackett weTe held will be erected in the Arlington, at 6:30 P. M. when the though the wealth of the state was cpjt in which they wore (riding JUAB COUNTY ELECTION at the home of her parents, Mr. and centered In one section, and the punch, cider, ice crenm, pies a truck on the state and Mrs. Orson Cazier, at the re- and cakes will be sold. There will RETURNS GIVE REPORT CHURCH people living there were paying the sideswipednear Pleasant Grove. quest of the deceased at two o'- be a iond for the young fishing majority of the taxes for education, highway ON TUESDAY'S VOTING clock Tuesday. rear wheels were torn off sters In the afternoon. yet their wealth was made1 possible and The from Mecham at hurled services In the the Speakers impact charge act play will be given by the business they received from the drivers of Bishop P. B. Cowan of the South In The three seat but his foot caught Election returns from all precincts all sections of the state. the tabernacle under the direct Bellis-tocar were head his A. of th? and en President side Ward, H. the of Juab County, except Callao and He also stated that during the Duane Peterson will cost Idc B was Brother S. Hatch of Washing ion of dragged a considerTrout Creek show the Democratic individual and promises to be depression there had been a shift able apparently per over ton D. E. the D. distance Sorenson of pavement C, and Candidates received large majorin population from the city to the He died Salt Lake City. Closing remarks outstanding. rural districts which was placing an bcfors . the car stopped. ities, with the exception of the Trj? three major nctivities ot were crash. A given by Bishop Cowan. Candidate for Sheriff, added burden on the rural schools within ten minutes after the hot dinner at noon, Republican the was of letter the Mecham read by Bishop Cowan the day, the Other occupants Heber Mfellor, who received the and making the taxation load much dance at night are and IT play Henfrom President Edgar B. Brossard all car were Lucille Anderson and Inof the votes of the county. harder to carry. for 75 cents majority given being of the Washington branch. Eastern dividual and members of theperward Alfred Orme, R., was the success The club members voted to sus- rietta Ballow. both of Levan and fatates Mission, paying tribute to will sell tickets for these three evful candidate for the office of the pend their meeting on Wednesday, Jack Tolley of Nephi. They suffervaluable work being done by Justice of the Peace In Nephi prethe splendid character of Mrs ents. All members of the three Ne-hTh; November 21 and' to eat their din- ed minor cuts and bruises. to order In show of the people Hyrum Mecham was born at Ne- the Ri?d Cross in Utah and the cinct, with Asa Sperry, D., receiv Nephi that the various religious and Blackett and the high esteem in ner with the South Ward organizwards are being asked to coop-earations who are serving a hot dinner phi April 6, 1913. the son of Elam need for a more extensive member- ing the majority or constable. civic organizations are behind the which the Blacketts were held both with the South Ward In their In the Ostler building at noon of and Josephine Crosby Mecham. He ship to continue this program of The complete votes as recorded movement to have the annual en in Washington and in their former pioject as the South ward cooperIs a as instruction. home been in and New relief has Rochester, employed public recently are York. in the official election returns that day. ated with the otheT two wards in campment of the Sons and Daugh He Is survived by his shown in the annual report, issued tabulated In this Issue, Musical numbers were: quartet, theirs. People who wish ' to go to Miss Evelyn Brough sang two vo- sheepherder. the ters of Utah Pioneers showing and Indian cal solos, accompanied by Nelda father and the following brothers by Colonel Hamilton Gardner, state malorities given each suceesful can War veterans held In Nephi next Mrs. Alice Crapo, Mrs. Delia Bar but one or two of the events of the nes, Clarence Warner and LeRoy Cowan. Owen L. Barnett presided and sisters: Joseph Mecham, 23, roll call chairman for the organiz- didate. day will buy their tickets at the year, the local officers have asked wnitenead. A roll call of twenty-fiv- e Mrs. Diane G. Booth door. In the precinct Sanders received Thfc Times-New- s at the meeting. -- Klwanis Pub. Com. American Fork; William, 19.12 Jessie, ation. Remember the date, Novemto the publish all of thousand members will be sought 520 as 16: Clarissa. 14 and David, vocal solo, Evtelyn ber 21, Wednesday. accompanist; compared with Orme, 801, a following letters, which are drive in the Mrs. this year commencing majority for Orme of 281. trrougn, accompanist Venus Nephi. Funeral services were held last November 15 and ending November Sperry received 763 votes for con The membership campaign has Glazier. The Sundav in the North Ward chapel 29. invocation was offered bv J. stable, a majority of 217 over Oscar Just commenced and Dr P. L. Jones E. Lunt and the benediction by J. with Bishop A. E. Smtih in charge. The present membership of 15,954 Brough, with 526. to secure a membership of M. hopes Gow-eIn is were A. offered by face of growing J. Christensen. The grave In the Prayers ihedaquate 250 before the last of the year. Get and A. E. Sells. Musical select-- 1 need for relief throughout the state. oity cemetery was dedicated by one from your card membership To Be Exchange Program ions included: "Jesus My Savior", During the past year the: organizAlbert S. Hooper of Salt Lake City of following places: Sells FurnL. P. Anderson and daughter; solo, ation has increased its scope of actMrs. Florian Cazier Blackett, t Given Sunday Evening iturethe Co., : Balley-McCuRiteway "Farewell" Ellen Cols: "I Hear You ivities to include chapters giving In Students Mrs. Kate Bowles' residence, aaugnter or Mr. and Mrs. Orson of Mantl the store; Seminary, Calling Me" Daryl Wanlass; solo, struction in Home Hygiene and the under the direction of Principal Mrs. Lila Richardson's residence; Cazier of Nephi. died at her home "Sometime We'll Understand" Clar- Care of the Sick, First Aid and Life E. Anderson, will give the pro- Irene Chase at R. Hawkins office. m Washington D. C Thursday afence Gowers. ter an operation at the Garfield Saving and emergency medical relin the stake tabernacle SunBUY Words of consolation were spok- ief centers in every county in Utah. gram Hosptal. where she received the at 7:30. This has been The Klwanis to Club day night wishes Nephi en by Kenneth Webb and Robert In addition to these activities, arranged through Principal LeRoy offer this word of encouragement to very best of medical attention. Her P. Garrett, and the closing remarks more than ten thousand Utahns Whitehead of thJ local the Nephi unit of the Sons and passing was very sudden. Mrs. Blackett was born in Nephi Bishop Smith. have received individual asslsstance. who reports that this is Seminary the O. S. first Daughters of the Pioneers and In- November "Supporters of Scout- byThe grave in the city cemetery These include 2, 1884. men and the eldest child a of series dian War veterans purof for the are in their programs exchange 700 Utah and southern Idorganizing ing" attempt of Mr. and Mrs. Cazier. was dedicated by James H. Ockey. their families, civilians in need of to be actto scout secure She was ahoNearly here this winter. the the Blackhawk of boy who marketed their given pose encampfinancing turkeymen to married Lawrence Blackett on 1933 birds relief, the sick, the blind and those Students of the local Seminary ment for Nephi next year. the Utah Poulivity In the Juab District. Each year through December 28th, 1904, in the Manti proper medical supp will go to Sanpete County early In We feel that this movement is a Associatthe Juab district Is called upon for Aid is Asked for Workers on unable to buy use. Producers Cooperative try lies for home December and give programs In Ft. community project and should rec- Temple. The first few years of their ion and the Northwestern Turkey an assessment of approximately one The detailed report lists the fol Green, Wales, Moroni and Mantl. Red Cross Roll Call eive the support of every citizen. married life was spent In Nephi, Growers association have a pleashundred dollars for its portion of lowing chapters as giving direct Church member In Mantl have We feel it is an excellent ODoortun- - later they moved to Eureka, Ver- ant "little surprise" coming in the the expense in operating the relief to 792 men or their crowded their stake tabernacle each ity to utilize the facilities of the nal and Salt Lake City. Scout council. In the past way of several thouand dollars.. The Roll Call committee of the Two years ago the BeaVer. Brigham City, year to hear the program given by fair grounds at Nephi which have moved this fund has been raised through American Red Cross will apprec- famiiles: Charles P. Rudd, manager of the to Rochester, N. Y. andfamily Price, Logan, Manilla, our students from recentJust busKaysville, been and the unused for the oast few vears seminary Utah Poultry association's poultry scbscriptlon on the part of the iate will have their Duchesne, Fillmore, Castle Dale, officers here feel that if it the people ly had to moved We they the of people1 Washington, department, is the harbinger of the iness houses and citizen. It was membership fee hope you are successful in your D. C. ready when the roll Panguitch, Moab, Green River. Ce this city will enjoy a real feast on attempt to secure the decided, however, at a meeting of call workers solict encampment tidings He reports that the district. Mrs. your dar Blackett Kanab, City, Milford, are a host of glad leaves Mohrland, to be and pledge our support one nun- Sunday night and urged the officers of the Juab District The workers give their time withmoney has just been received from friends in Rand the in attendance. Morgan, different Nephi, Marysvale, area per cent. places in Scout council to endeavor to finance out pay of organization as which she has lived, friends who the Northwestern any kind and it is dis- olph, Salt Lake City, Monticello, The graduating class of this year this activity through other avenues. couraging for final payment on last year's birds, Nephi Kiwanis Club now mourn to to call Mantt. Richfield, Springville, Park will entertain the Mantl students them have her H. L. Mangelson passing. In keeping with this thought, a time and again to one house for and though a little tardy, it comes City, Eureka. Tooele, Vernal, Provo, In the vestry of the Tabernacle ImSurviving are her husband, Law- as "velvet" since the previous payplan was drawn up for the conduct- a membership. Heber rence St. Loa, City, George, A Blackett, Washington, D. C, ments on the Ogden, mediately after the program. we, tne Bishops of the three ing of a series of ten dances to turkeys was as much Delta the and Sowby, and Spencer committee the Payson Independent composed of Faye and Nephi wards, feel that the people following sons and dau- or more than the be given on alternate Wednesday Roll Call Chairman Branch. Fern Broadhead and June Whipple ox nepni snouia encourage the ghters. Mrs. John Henry Tempest who did not sell producer received nght, begnlning November 14, an through the cooFrank Brough Jr.. Marion and Marx C. Blackett, are working out the details. (Continued on Page Eight) on until Page Eight) Wednesday continuing through distribution of these The peratives. Chairman Salt Lake Chapter City, Carol, Jonnie and March 27. The dances are to be Dr. P. L. Jones. Orson L. Blackett, Washington and funds is particularly timely as an held in the Arlington hall and they aid to help finance the fattening District one Supervisor grandson; parents, Mr. and will begin at 8:30 and close at 11:30 Mrs. Orson Cazier: one bort.hpr of this year's "gobblers". P. M. The final payments are made on Gerald Cazier and five sisters: Mrs. Only those couples who purchase Former Nephite Dies in Salt the 1,250,000 pounds of fine Utah Clarence H. Warner, Mrs. Irving a season membership card at the o. jensen ana Mrs. Edwin A. Bail turkey meat marketed at ThanksLake City Last Saturday price of $5.00 per couple for the ey, Nephi: Mrs. J. H. Eager, Ship giving and Christmas time! last year season will be admitted to the the Utah Poultry and Northwestn. m., and Mrs. D. Z. Bigler, by rocK, dances. There will be no selling of Word has been received in Nephi ern turkey associations. Checks for ranona, uaiuornia. sums varying from a dollar or two single admission tickets to any of of the death of Mrs. W. J. Sperry the dances. of Salt Lake City, formerly of Neto many dollar are being mailed out The only people admitted to any phi, who died last Saturday Fun Armistice Day Celebration To and should reach the producers any of the dances other than the erg-ul- eral services were held Wednesday day. Be Held on November 12th members who have purchased in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. In a letter accompanying the checks, Mr. Rudd points out that membership cards will be H. D. Goldsbrough, David Ockey, jvfsaxi i. Invitation of regular members and Joseph Ockey attended the ser e Payment represents the money Armistice Day will be observed The membership will be composed vices. in Nephi next Monday, according tne association nave recovered as entirely of married folks and memto Clydy Haynes, post commander overcharges on freight, and additor Nephi post Number one of the ional profits on turkeys placed in bership will be limited to approximA good Ex Service Men To Be Guests couples. "We have just received ately sixty-fiv- e storage. American Legion. orchestra is to be employed and a this final settlement from the All men of of are Service Star Nephi Legion good time is assured to all members invited to be the guests of the Northwestern association on last Several representatives of the ex Service at Star a program and season' spools and onare, therefore, men of Nephi and vicecutive scout council have tickets to you," Mr. passing this money at noon, banquet the dinner will Rudd to sell and will call upon prospect inity are to be entertained by the writes. be held in the Armory hall Service Star Legion- - at the annual ive members to solict their member The payments are said to b powThe annual Carnival dance will banquet to be held at the Armory ship in the organizations. be held at the Arlington Monday erful evidence of the value of prodNot only will those who purchase Hall Monday at nion. The banquet The general public Is ucers marketing their turkeys thru evening. cards be providing Is annually a part of the Armistice their own cooperative associations. membership invited. officin ten of themeselves with The Nephi. day progarm In this way they receive the evtenings ers are of the Service Star Legion splendid, wholesome entertainment greatest possible return that the an invitation to all and recreation, but they will be aid extending Ostler Building Is Selected as market will allow. In men to be in attendance. lng financing one of the best By way of advice. Mr. Rudd cauRecreational Headquarters tions producers contemplating the organizations we have in the ccun The regular monthly meeting of try today, "The Boy Scouts of A this season to marketing of The Ostler building has been sel be very carefulturkeys merica". With the sale of the six the Juab County Board of CommIn selecting the birds 1 to Col. ol the wreaths Theodore national Scouts Daniel with communder, grave Boy carrying Beard, ected as permanent recreation head- kiling only those in prime conditimembership cards at $3.00 issioners will be held next Tuesday, Roosevelt In their annual pilgrimage. 2 Gov. J. B. Polndexter of Hawaii and Chillingworth o) quarters. each It will make possible the de November 13th, Instead of the regGames of all types and on.! If there are too many under-gradto In mail the doiaostic service air Inaugurate other entertainments are part of fraying of the cost of the dances ular Friday. At this meeting a can Honolulu handing the first bag of mall to Capt James Hoog on the market, which is and will leave suflcient funds to vass of the votes will be made and the Hawaiian islands. 3 Seventy-fivgraduates of the advanced flying school at Kelly field, Texas, lined up to the recreational program under the likely because of the drouth, it meet the hundred dollar payment such other business as may come receive their wings from Lieut CoL Henry B. Clagett direction of Duane Peterson and will have a very depressing effect Beth McCay. before the meeting be transacted. on the sales of the grades. .to the Timpanogos Scout council Dr. P. L. Jones was elected president of the Nephi Klwanis Club at the annual election held Wednesday noon. He succeeds K. L. Mangelson whose term will expire December 152 307 209 248 188 267 183 271 193 261 200 255 A ' FUNERAL IS j i i I I I I I i T I LAST HAY HUM I j I ICH1 i 204 100 243 27 140 141 17 88 "U3 T i5 37 ; 172 8 j 109 44 63 " 167 57 T 34 157 61 I 52 11J117J 172 25 157 35 122 10 51 64 10112 J 34" 119 T"157 "34 196 11 I 90 4 52 65 125 113 i 32 170 27 10 60J 97 131 "j" 33 202 24 118 77 12 66 85J 126 160 25 33Tl67 11 50 10 117 59 209 T 46 284 37 185 81 T 26 118 159 29 124 9 19 68 116 11 33 168 1221 150 24 59 I 10 117 64 14 98 164 "25 162 22 18 123 88 44 '25 1557 13 36 155 j 13 31 J 66 I 9 128 ! 184" I 209 I 44 I 283 38 97 21 14 22 13 125 12 j 113 65 157 1585 1428 erials for the work. Labor to the extent of $1500 has been granted for the project by the State FERA. The projects were sxnsored by Nephi City. Thtf Rees Springs' flow In normal times will require a four inch pipe, the size which Is to be Installed at the project. This flow will strength en greatly the present supply. The syrings are located at . Rees flat, above the present Intake which Is at Marsh Flat in Salt Creek can . ct FUNERAL IS HELD WEDNESDAY FOR FORMER IRK RED CROSS III 197 i 137 244 j 60 I 95 23 232 T 224 60 70 111 237" 233 245 55 66 I 104 I 249 , 240 233 104 68 48 206 253 I 196 135 47 118 243 i 236 235 100 63 63 253 246 234 47 I 64 106 I 341 311 301 182 118 168 224 134 136 238 i 245 ( 236 62 64 ) 106 j 262 264 260 89 41 47 246 236 232 I 102 71 55 347 I 300 T 306 210 87 253 47 11 STATE WW n, MI IS VALUABLE pl te . PLAN TO FINANCE IDH1III rs ne WILL MARKET PRODUCT Lt!-la- nd ITS THROUGH a nr. . Tim-panog- os Scenes and Persons in the Current News n ar If ce 7 ty-fi- ve Post-.naste- r es e |