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Show PAGE SIX THE Part of a Mark Twain Memorial Intcrmountain News PI.A.V ANNUA t, FAIR KK11 ( K DKKK IIKKDS HOG CltOLKKA KAGKH KEI ( ICOSS ROLL CALL DKI'OSITS SHOW 1M KKASE j- - nj.t Farmers are mOVO, LT. warned iuulnxt an epidemic of hog cholera In Utah county, by County Agent I.yinuo II. litih. All hog ahould be Vaccinated limned lately, e especially In districts where the Lag been found, Mr. Itich suld. IiUu of more than CO hogs In the vicinity of Pleasant View, View and Trovo lienrh Imve lipcn reported, the county agent pointed Cliurcli Sets Good Example 'c Imposing Sacred EJifice Deing Erected in New York Is to Be Conducted Along Democratic Lines, Its Sponsors Have Announced. JVV-....- dls--a- out s er ' Thursday. November 8, 1931 NEPIII. UTAH S. V Briefly told for Busy Readers MOSCOW, IDA. Moscow's two of banks showed total at tho close of business 17. Tills Is an Increase "of some 25 per cent in the past year and indicates a boa It by business condition for this section. OGDKX, IT. nans nre being made for Lol ling an annual Weber wunty fair here, beginning with the TIMES-NEW- ! J . - ' I ' ' - 1935. KANAIJ, UT. ' i U - year Many men In Ibis i.!w. ., m i 3section are making trench silos for feeding stock this winter. Several were tried last season and were o successful that more are being made This part of the proposed memorial to Mark Twain shows the figures now. SALT LAKE CITT, UT. The of Samuel L. Clemens with some of the famous characters he created, as Ited Cross membership campaign In designed by Walter Russell, New York sculptor. The memorial will have Utah, seeking a quota of 25,000 even groups of bns reliefs extending around a circle 700 feet In diameter. members, will be held November 15 to 29, it was announced by Colonel Hamilton Gardner, 1031 state rdl call chairman, in submitting the organization's annual activity report, which shows that more than 10,000 Utah persons have received Individ ual assistance through the Ited Nature Has Arranged for a Plentiful Supply of Health-Givin- g Fresent Cross during the year. Elements; Fruits and Vegetables memtiershlp of the Ked Cross in Utah was reported as 15.054. Furnish All That Is Needful.. SALT LAKH CITT, UT. Twen young Utahns were enlisted Recent work reports that Vitamin Isn't It fortunate, a dietetic auby "the United States army for foreign duty in the Hawaiian Islands thority remarks, that the sources of C has a function In the formation Vitamin C are foods which almost and maintenance of teeth. For ordiduring October. SALT LAKE CITT, UT. Total every one likes so well? The other nary purposes, one orange a day will tangible property taxes for Utah aa day I remarked that It was a good furnish us with a fairly good supply, assessed will yield a revenue ot thing that there was no danger of which we will be likely to supple$17,483,281.59, If all persons pay in getting too much Vitamin C and that ment In other ways with potatoes. we were past our fear of many acid lettuce, tomatoes and other foods full, for 1934. which are good providers of this SALT LAKE CITT, UT. Nine- - fruits In the day's diet Of course there are persons who vitamin. day open seasons on doe deer in seven sections of the find that these acid Juices do not Baked Bananas With Marshmallows, Peel and split bananas, and place state, to run from November 24 to agree with the condition of their diDec. 2, has been declared by the gestive tract. These are, however, flat side up in a baking pan. Cut board of big game control. A total usually persons with some distinctly marshmallows In halves, using two of 1000 permits will be issued. Four abnormal condition, such as hyper- whole or four halves to each half of ot the sections are located on the acidity of the stomach or an Irritated banana. Tlpce on the split bananas Dixie National Forest, one Is just condition leading toward ulcers of and bake In a moderate oven (375 east of Holdcn, one in the Beaver the stomach. Again the note which degrees Fahrenheit) about ten min section and one In the Wasatch I have made so often ! Ilyper-acld-Itutes, or until marshmallows are and acidosis are two completely brown. game preserve. conditions. Acid fruit juices Glaced Carrots. LOGAN, UT. At the end of the different 5 cups sliced carrots first ten months in 1934, the num are acid only until after digestion and are alkaline after absorption. 2 cups wateiher of automobile fatalities in Cache It 3 tablespoons sugar is these natural acids which neucounty have doubled that for the tralize acid 6 tablespoons butter products of the digestion entire year of 1933, records at the foods as meats of and cereals. such Wash and the carrots and police station and sheriff's depart Do not think, however, that you cut into thin scrape ment reveal. During this period slices. Cook in boiling to must eat quantities of these foods water, covered, until almost done, eight people have been killed and about fifteen minutes. Add the su scores Injured, while for the 12- - prevent acidosis, which Is an uncommonth period In 1D33 only four per mon occurrence when we have a gar and butter, and cook, uncovered, sons were killed by automobiles. good adequate diet. If we use until the liquid has evaporated to a fruits and vegetables to fur- thick sirup. IDA. A resident enough POCATELLO, nish us with minerals and vitamins, Baked Tomatoes. of this city, who told the city judge, we will just naturally have a protecmedium-size- d tomatoes he bad given bis wife a spanking tion from acidosis, unless it Is caused S d eggs was fined $50. some which condition of disease 5 by tablespoons salad oil IDAHO FALLS, IDA. Ship2 teaspoons minced onions creates it. The blood has the power 2 teaspoons chopped parsley ments of Idaho potatoes through of neutralizing itself In ordinary con6 thin squares bacon October 30 amounted to SSG2 cars, ditions. and pepper Salt while through the same date last Vitamin C Is an exceedingly Imseason shipments totaled C959 cars. Wash the tomatoes. Cut a thin item In our diet. It protects In 1932 only 4331 cars of Idaho po- portant us from scurvy and from less acute slice from the top, scoop out the pulp tatoes had been . shipped through conditions which nre like Inscurvy In from the center, and sprinkle the this date. You have all read side with salt Make a mixture of some symptoms. CEDAR CITT, UT. From 1,500 of the plight of sailors of olden the cooked eggs (chopped)', the salad to 2,000 Iron county turkeys will be in the East of times and of marketed for Thanksgiving delivery. more modern people times who, because FORT HALT IDA. Indians on fresh foods were lacking In their FEEL TIRED. ACHY-"A- LL this reservation are to be supplied the painful and cripwith ample fresh and jerked meat diet, developed disease which was found to be WORN pling received advices said this winter, by potatoes and by lemons. here from the federal commodity cured We now know other good sources of Get Rid of Poisons That distribution division of the FERA. Vitamin C, and are careful to Include The meat for the Indians is being foods Slate You El rich in this vitamin In our received from the drouth relief cat constant a keeping IS miserable? backache tle being purchased in the middle daily diet Do you suffer reswestern states and sent to the burning, scanty or too frequent ervation both for food and for founurination; attacks of dizziness, rheumatio pains, swollen feet and dation herds. ankles? Do you feel tired, nervous 500 Boy POCATELLO, IDA. ll unstrung? Scouts and their fathers recently Then give some thought to your rtHW"" kidneys. attended a barbecue feast given Be sure they function here. properly, for functional kidney disstate IDA. The Idaho MOSCOW, order permits poisons to stay la the blood and upset the whole sys3range has selected Twin Falls as tem. the convention city for 1935. Use Doan's PiTls. Doan's are for SALT LAKE CITT, UT. Eight - 1 the kidneys only. They help the eMrfc- iii convicted forms various of persons g kidneys cleanse the blood of of homicide will appeal to the state waste. Doan's poisonous board of pardons for clemency at Pills are used and recommended its November meeting, to be held at the world over. Get them from any . the state prison Saturday, Novem-17druggist A total of 59 cases are set for 1 11 III HIP bearing, of which 49 are applying for termination of sentence. Two are seeking pardon, including one prisoner In the Utah county jail Four persons sentenced to life Ira prlsonment are asking the board to place a limit on the sentence by in order that they commutation, may hater apply for termination. ' -- Vitamins in Common Foods ty-thr- y - hard-cooke- (From tha I.ltsrary TUgest) Usually in New York when a church congregation movea to a Fifth or I'urlc avenue location, it becomes "exclusive." Hut to prove the rule by the exception, the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal church recently moved Into a new handsome structure on I'arlc avenue In the midst of the elite residential area and became more democratic. It changed Its name to Christ church, eliminating tlin denomina tional title, and took Ktepg to do away eventually with the outworn system of renting pews to members. It has thrown open Its doom to all Christians and made Its choice seat available to vlHltorg. In removing the denominational Methodist title, the church followed the example set a few years ago by llev. Dr. Harry Kmerson Fosdick, whose Turk Avenue' llaptlst church became simply the Ittverslde church when It moved into the Kockefeller-bull- t temple on Mornlngsldo heights. The subsequent action of Christ church Is not surprising In view ot the fact that its dashing and im maculately dressed minister, Kev. Dr. Ralph W. Sockninn, was a pupil of Doctor Fosdick years, ago at Union Theological seminary, and has since followed closely in his liberal footsteps. Through tart, epigrammatic sermons delivered to consistently large congregations and over a large radio network, Doctor Sockman has become recognized as aa outstanding Methodist spokesman In the country. His books and lectures have added to his followers. Instigator of the Methodist world peace movement, and a liberal In his social and eco nomic views, he Is a fig ure on the Monday morning sermon pages of New York newspapers. He lias been minister of Christ church for IT years, and for two years before that was the associate minister; he has held no other pulpits. To distinguish further his ministry he moved his congregation Into the most lavish and ornate though yet uncompleted edifice of the Methodist church. It Is a marked departure from the staid bareness and simplicTrotestant church. ity of the Tall, mustached, sleek and only forty-fouyears old, Doctor Sock-mais known for his pointed comments on topics of the day. A few of his epigrams delivered in sermons well-know- old-typ- fur-nlNh- Many Multiple Births of Authentic Record Arlslotle believed that the greatest number of children a mother could bear at one time was five, but la this country alone, Washington has two genuine records reporting births of aextuplets. rilny, the historian, reported the birth of 12 children during his day. Lebrun reported that 13 children were born to a marquise of France during the Crusades. The records revealed that: Six children were born to a woman of Dropln In Europe In 1831. Sextuplets were reported In Italy In ISA I. Sextuplets were born to a woman in Maine, June 27, IS 17. Sextuplets were reported In Lorca, Spalu, In 1S85. Selgbert, ancient chronicler, reported that the mother of the king I No Intusnce on Capitol The Treasury department has Jurisdiction over all government owned buildings and sites, Including the United States Capitol and the post offices throughout the country. It does not place policies of Insurance on the Capitol or any other federal building, whether In Washington or elsewhere. Congress appropriates no money to pay the cost of such Insurance. Many of the public buildings are fireproof or practically so, and generally an open space about 40 feet wide Is maintained to protect It from fires which might occur In adjoining structures. HI I thoroughly with this , The temporary relief children get from unwise dosing with harsh cathartics may cause bowel strain, irritation in the and even &et-u-p kidneys. A properly prepared liquid laxative brings a more natural movement. There is no discomfort at the time and no weakness after. You don't have to give the child "a double dose" a day or two later. Can constipation be safely relieved in children? " Yes!" say medical men. "Yes!" say many mothers who have followed this sensible medical advice: 1. Select a good liquid laxative. 2. Give the dose you find suited to the system. 3. Gradually 'reduce the dose, if repeated, until the jwels are moving naturally without aid. An approved liquid laxative (one that U widely used for children) is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Tho mild laxative action of this excellent preparation is the best form of help too. and grown-up- s, for children The dose can be regulated for any age or need. Your druggist sells Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. SS XA T NEW LOW PRICES AT ALL DRUGSTORES - the nostrils to relieve irritation and promote clear breathing. ALWAYS ' from the sleeping peculiarities of a white man who "went native." He Is also said to have been the first white man to have set foot In what is now Glacier National park. The man was Hugh Monroe, a Scotchman, who long ago set traps along the streams of the northwest plains and In the rugged mountain region which the Blackfeet called the "Land of the Shining Mountains." If you suffer pimples, eczema, rashes, cbafings, eruptions or other distressing skin trouble, begin today and to use Ointment. Bathe the affected the with with anoint the Soap, parts Ointment. Belief comes at once and healing soon follows. Soap 25c. Ointment 26c and 50c I'ntlcura Soap Sample each free. Address: rs a glass of water cleansing solution . . . you can enjoy its benefits without thought of price. Now Only 15c Now for 12 25c For Tvco Full Dozen Remember this next time you go to buy aspirin. You now actually pay less and get Genuine Bayer Aspirin. So never ask for it by the name "aspirin" alone; but always say "BAYER ASPIRIN" when you buy and see that you get it. On sale now at new low prices-inclu- ding the 100 tablet bottles, which have again been lowered in price at all drug stores throughout the United States. SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" QuictcTfealinq FOR Skin ffrritations with Rising Wolf mountain, which lifts Its multicolored and cloud capped summit high above the shores of Two Medicine lake, gets Its name Gems Believed to Have Sex For many centuries various gems "Trade Latt" were believed to have sex and the "Trade last" Is popularly used as ability to produce offspring. Bea compliment, particularly to one tween 400 B. C. and 1000, there were of the opposite sex. The meaning numerous accounts of germinating Is: "If you will say something diamonds. As late as 1913, the pearl-flsheagreeable you have heard about me, of Borneo saved every ninth I shall say something agreeable I pearl In the native conviction that While it had some power to breed others have heard about you." there Is a trading of compliments of its kind. Collier's Weekly. between the parties, the phrase would Indicate a preference for the last one to be spokea 1--V NOV Pay Less and Get Real BAYER Aspirin! If you're one of the people who has been denying yourself the speedy action and quick relief of BAYER ASPIRIN, in order to save a few cents, here's Good News for you: We've reduced the prices on all sizes of Genuine Bayer Aspirin to a point that makes it unnecessary to ever again accept an unknown brand in place of the real BAYER article. People by the millions, as you know, have long been willing to pay a higher price in order to enjoy Bayer's remarkably fast action in relieving headaches; neuralgia, and pains of rheumatism or neuritis. Head 1 ff It Is of our Baking Soda in SALT LAKE CITT. UT. Federal collections In Utah for the first quarter of the fiscal year. were $84G,988.54, or an increase of about 27 percent over the $015,956. 64 collected In the same period last year. The city POCATELLO, IDA. will take on a Christmas holiday Thanksgiving appearance about time, according to plans of the cham ber of commerce. The early decora tions are In line with the policy adopted by various towns and cltlt1 of the Snake river valley. a Liquid Laxative GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN! "Cuticura." Dept. Maiden, Mass. ISS. NOW WHEN YOU BUY New Hampshire Gateway Portsmouth, a city more than three hundred years old,' Is New Hampshire's gateway to the Atlan-- , tic ocean. There Is, perhaps, no other city of Its size In the United States as rich In history. Garments Preferred by FUhermen Many fishermen have found that; several layers of garments are more useful than a small number of heavier ones when facing the Intense cold frequently encountered In the North sea In winter. , Music-Make- r the peoples of the world, ten different parts of the body are Among csjCLASSIFIEPfca ADVERTISING Have you anything around the house you would like to trade or sell?Try a da Gassifiecl "ifed ad. The cost is only few cents and there are a nc . probably alotof folks look- log for tust whatever it is RcfUllS you no longer have use for. To cleanse the throat and remove accumulated mucus Wfe dissolve two teaspoonfuls tax Why Children Need DRASTIC PRICE CUT ON n oil, salt and pepper, onions and parsley, and with It fill the tomatoes. On the top of each tomato lay a square of bacon. Bake in a shallow pan for twenty minutes In a moderate oven (37 degrees Fahrenheit). . Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. DOAN'S PILLS Hermann, la hi Russian vital statistics, report that FeoJor Vasellet and bis two wives broke all record. There were tV!) children by the first wife, quadruplet four tlrnea, triplet seven times, twins 19 times, all of When the mother of whom lived. died. Vasellet married again the and had IS children by hi second wife. When be died, 83 of his children were Ktlll living. ple. "Dangerous as are the currents of lawlessness, even more sinister are the social Inertia and evasions of tho health-destroyin- t. and gargle the throat Obtainable AJ every f M$) sipS? ji'D 1(1 Instruused In playing musical ments. They are the mouth, hips, feet, knees, elbows, chest, wrists, head and nose. Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Is called the Queen City of South America because of Its magnificence and Its splendid metropolitan character. It la ated at the edge of a vast prauiXJ!Z fe MM-1- 5 fuSf SIND 7V MI H SOOK .B650UWNO USIS OF SAKINO SODA A SET OF COIOSED MO CAMS ' haw (mm A"0 ran ucu turn ' where, our Baking Soda is pure Sodium Bicarbonate, often prescribed by -- physicians' . . . Get an adequate supply from your grocer G&8ax ti k)- ... it costs V just a few cents r , f to seven gave blrta Children. e r that of Lombard! - "Another reason for choosing this style." Mr. Cram explains, "was that there are a large number of olher churches In New York, similar in general dimensions, whereas such Byzantine examples as exist are found only in large structures. Moreover, a Gothic church should prop its surroundings, erly dominate which, in a large city, is Impossible. Christ church, however, has been designed rather as, so to speak, a are: both outside and in. That is jewel, "We have pork barrels in congress to say, a building that will command because we have hogs at home." and create a sense of rev "Our exportation of Christianity attention erence through the delicacy of Its is hindered by the Inferior quality of the home product." "It Is unfortunate when a revolt against convention becomes extended into a convention of revolt." "Our trouble with philanthropy Is OUT?" II decent 'man on the street.'" "Living coudltloua affect religious belief Juift us truly as belief In liod condition of life." affect "The danger of the umchine age lies la men having authority over great mechanical forces but with the moral conceptions of a pigmy," "In this depression we have begotten a wartime spirit of cooperation without a wartime hplrlt of hatred." Just bow far apart from the traditional old white frame or red brick Mcthodixt church the new Christ church has gone may be seen from the description of the edllk-ltalph by the architect, Adams Crum. As the designer of the Oolblc cathedral of St. John the Divine, Iilshop William T. Manning's mammoth F.plscopul structure in New York city, and other buildings, Mr. Crum had long advocated Gothic as the truly Christian church architecture until he mnde a trip some years ago to the East. This tour convinced him that Iiyzantine "Is much more nearly an artistic manifestation of the early and undivided church," and that Gothic and Renaissance churches "are essentially Catholic styles, and were developed for the definite purpose of expressing the Catholic religion, philosophy and ways of life." So the design for this new Meth odist church became Byzantine, created along the lines of the art which found Ita first great expression In Constantinople about COO A. D. and which has been expressed in such buildings as St Mark's In Venice and the Capella Palatina and Mon reale In Talermo. After the exam ple of Doctor Fosdlck's installing of Gothic statues of saints and an altar with a gold cross In his Baptist church, it was not so difficult for Doctor Sockman's congregation to permit gold leaf domes, mosaics and handsome marbles in their new tem- details and the rlrhne of Iti ma-terlaU and color." When, completed, the interior of the church will be ''of utmost richThe ness of color and materials. four great columns of purple Levant marble, the high paneling of precious marble in various colors, and the mosaics that some time will cov er the upiier walls ami art he, should jiive an effect of great splendor." The arrangement of the chancel is of the primitive form, though nust unusual la this country. The altar and clergy stalls are In front of a parrichly carted and glided tially open, behind which, lu the are the seats of the "heiiilcjcle,choir and organ console. It is not Intended to have stained glttNS lu the windows, "but to dejtend ou the rich design ana Iconography of the future mosaics both for teaching purposes and to serve as memorials." The windows are to be filled with "bull's eye" glass, similar to that used In St. Murk's, Venice. The total Investment is about $.!,0iM),00O. in convenient sealed containers. Mail coupon todaypr Btuin.s. established in tha year 1 848 SV 3ifi " HI |