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Show Thursday, January 5, 1933 THE Chronology koi the Year 9 1932 ! Compiled by E. W. Pickard INTERNATIONAL Jan. t Japanese troops occupud Chi nohow, Manchuria. Jan. Chancellor Rruenlnf? announced Uermany could no longer pay reparation. Jan. 20 Launanne conference on reparation postponed. Jan. 25 Council of League of Nations met and China demanded Arm action against Japan. Russia and Poland signed a treaty. Jan. 28 Japanese marines seized Chinese quarter of Shanghai and bloody battle began. Jan. 29 China In of Nations council Invoked League strong articles of covenant against Japan. Jan. 10 Japanese seized part of foreign section of Shanghai, despite of other nations. protests United States ordered Asiatic fleet and regiment of infantry to Shanghai. Feb. 1 Japanese shelled the Nanking forts. warships United States. Great Britain, France and Italy made concerted protest against Japan's course in China, and offered plan for peace. Feb. 2 International disarmament conference opened in Geneva. Feb. 4 Japanese rejected peace plans of the powers, battle In Shanghai renewed. Full division of U. 8. army ordered to Shanghai. Harbin, Manchuria, occupied by Japanese. Feb. 6 U. S. 21st Infantry arrived In Shanghai. Feb. 12 Japanese resumed fierce attack on Woosung forts and Chapel. China demanded convocation of League of Nations assembly to consider the Japanese affair. 14 landed 12,000 Feb. Japan troops at Shanghai. 10 of Nations counFeb. League cil in a sharp note appealed to Japan to cease hostilities against China. Secretary Stimson sent anto Tokyo. other protest Feb. 17 Japan served ultimatum on China to withdraw her troops from Shanghai. Feb. 19 Cbina rejected Japan's ultimatum. Feb. 22 Great Britain, France and Italy signed Mediterranean peace agreement. March 1 Japan accepted League of Nations plan for peace parleyChi-in Japanese and Shanghai, both nese armies to withdraw. March 3 Both Japanese and Chinese armies were ordered to cease were fighting at Shanghai:13 Chinese miles. driven back about met of Nations assembly League In Geneva to take up trouble. 4 March Japanese renewed attack on Chinese; League of Nations ssembly demanded withdrawal of plfcu'ese army at Shanghai. 11 shcrtLcn League of Nations resolution condemning Z nions in China and setting TlWTffmission to deal with the case, e jrtr'arch 19 International to Sino-Japane- se .J Ja-tn- disarma-conferenc- April adjourned 11 Disarmament conference " Sljfr mllad. of Nations JkiLlQ League on Japan to evacuate "in the near future." cji,.no-,orailway April So Trans-Affean abandoned because of Argentina-Chil- e tariff war. and Chinese May 6 Japanese peace agreement for Shangsigned hai area. 13 to Austria appealed May League of Nations to save her from ruin. diploaiay 14 Mexico severed with Peru. matic relations 16 Lausanne reparations June opened. conference June 17 European moratoriumLau-on intergovernmental debts during sanne conference agreed upon. June 22 President Hoover offered Geneva conference plan to cut world armaments by nearly cancellaItaly demanded and julyof 4 all war tion reparations debts. g Invitation accepted Turkey july to join 8League of Nations. European powers agreed end German reparations with payto July billion ment by Germany of three ratificain bonds, but gold marks redependent on tion was made duction of war debts by United 13 New entente formed by ""xSi)y ftud Great Britain to aid EuFrance rope. 18 St. Lawrence seaway July treaty signed by United States and Canada. 23 International disarmaJuly ment conference in Geneva adrefusing to vote journed, ten nations or acmeveiiiBnt. for resolution 25 Poland and Russia signed July peace treaty. 26 joined the Franco-BrGermany July itish entente. July 29 Bolivian troops attacked Paraguayan frontier forts in Chaco dispute. 31 genParaguay ordered July eral mobilization against Bolivia.in2 States United accepted Aug. vitation to participate in world economic conference, war debts bebarred. ingUnited States and South and CenParatral American nations warned Bolivia against war. and guay to note Aug. 31 Germany, in France, demanded equality of armaments. Sept. 6 Conference of Danublan nations opened in Strese, Italy.Gerrejected Sept. 12 France arms for equality. many's demand 15 Manchukuo recognized Sept. by Japan.18 Britain Great rejected Sept. Germany's demand for arms equality.Oct. 2 Report of League of Nations commission on Manchuria made public, calling for establishment of an autonomous, demilitarized Manchuria 3under Chinese sovereignty. Oct. Iraq became a member of the League of Nations, Great Briher mandate. tain surrendering Oct. IS Great Britain abrogated Russia. with her trade treaty Oct. 21 New Chilean government States and United recognized by Great Britain. Oct. 22 Paraguay captured Fort Arces in the Gran Chaco from Bolivians. 4 France's new "construcNov. tive disarmament plan" laid before disarmament conference, bureau in Geneva. Nov. 10 John Galsworthy, English novelist, was awarded the Nobel prize for literature. Nov. 11 Great Britain. Prance and other nations asked postponement of war debt Interest payment of their and revision of the to United States debts. Nov. 14 Frances plan for disarmament and security laid before the disarmament conference in Ge-- t one-thir- neva. Nov. 21 JapanAetflT-as- a d. In Man-churi- affair la. theore council of ;iina replied. LeaKue of Nat" notified Nov. 23 must pay war by United States dAit installment and interest, France aid Russia signed lJm K Nov. 2! m v of nonaggression and concili- " 1 Second British note ak-- i fuicellation of war debts re- in Washington. ' V 2 France's second note for ' v.ir' debt cancellation received in Washington. tly rlie-i&- wf'ri Pec. t Special meeting of League of Nations assembly to consider the Manchurian opened trouble. Lee 1 British war debt plea again rejected by United States. Dec. 11 United Slate. Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany signed agreement to work for werid disarmament. Dec 1 J French chamber of deputies voted not to pay the war debt Installment due the United States, and Premier Harriot resigned. Belgium decided to default Its debt payment14 to America. Dec, Germany returned to the disarmament conference In Geneva. Dec. 16 Great Britain, Italy, Latvia. Lithuania, Finland and Chechoslovakia paid their war debt Installments due the United States. France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary and Estonia did not pay. became provisional president of Chile, General Blanche being forced to resign by threatened revolt. Oct. 1 James McNeill resigned as governor general of the Irish Free State at toe Instance of President De Valera. Brazilian revolt ended, the rebels surrendering. Oct. IS uliu Mania formed new cabinet tor Rumania. Oct. 24 began celebration of ten years Italy of Fascism. Oct. so Arturo Alesaandri elected president of Chile. Tiburcio Andlno elected president of Honduras. Martlnes Mera elected president Of Ecuador. Oct. si Lancashire cotton mill workers S struck. Berlin tied op by transNov. workers' atrlke. portation Nov. (German elections resulted In relchstag majority for no party. Premier Mussolini of Italy grantFOREIGN to political exiles. amnesty Jan. S Mahatma Gandhi ordered edJuan B. Sacasa elected president civil disobedience campaign In Inof Nicaragua. dia renewed and was arrested. Nov. 14 Hundreds slain In batJan. 12 French cabinet between Honduran rebels and Jan. 14 Laval formed newresigned. French tles troops. government cabinet with Briand left out. 17 Chancellor Von Papen of Nov. Jan. tl Japanese diet dissolved. and hie cabinet resigned. Germany Rebellion broke out in Catalonia. Nov. 20 Adolf Hitler was offered Spain. of Germany under Jan. 23 Communistic uprising In chancellorship condition which he rejected. Salvador. Donal Nov. tt Buckley made 24 DartIn convicts British Jan. governor general of Irish Free moor penitentiary, England, muState. tinied and burned part of the prisDec J Gen. Kurt von Schleicher on. chancellor of Germany to Martial law declared In Salvador; appointed new government. form rebelw government troops defeated 14 Dec. Premier Herriot of k 28 became Jan. Chiang Prance resigned when parliament premierSOof China. to war debt Installnot voted pay Finland repealed Its proJan. ment due United States. hibition law. Edmund IS Schultesa electDec 11 Mussolini Feb. Premier paid ed president of Swltierland. his tint visit to Pope Pius XI. Dec Huge against ArIt plot 14 Feb. ltlcardo Jimlnes elected foiled and government gentina of Costa Rica. president men arrested. prominent Feb. 16 Pierre Laval' French 18 Dec Joseph government resigned. new French cabinet. De Valera's Fianna Vail party formed Dec. 24 Arturo Alessandrl Inaugwon Irish election. urated president of Chile. Feb. 20 Augustin B. Justo Inaugurated president of Argentina. DOMESTIC for Tardleu formed government France. 4 Congress reassembled and Jan. 21 Soviet Russia banished received message from President Feb. Trotzky 24and 38 others for all time. Hoover asking quick action on reFeb. Spain's first divorce law lief measures. passed. Jan. 8 Ambassador Dawes anFeb. 25 British parliament passed nounced his coming retirement from 10 per cent tariff bill. March 9 Eamon de Valera elected diplomacy. Jan. S Dwlght F. Davis resigned of Irish Free State. as governor general of the Philippresident Pu-installed as head of pines, Henry and Theodore Roosevelt was new Manchurian state of Manchunamed to succeed him. kuo. selected Chicago for Democrats March 12 Ivar Krueger, head of their national convention. Swedish match trust, committed suiJan. 11 Senate passed Reconcide in Paris. struction Finance corporation bill. March 13 President Von Hinden-bur- g Justice O. W. Jan. 12 lead in German election but Holmes of Associate United States Supreme failed to get a majority vote; Hitcourt resigned. ler badly1 beaten. Mrs. llattle Caraway elected U. S. Ten thousand Inhabitants April senator from Arkansas. of Villa Santa Stefano, Italy, fled for Jan. 15 House passed Reconstructheir lives as village dropped Into tion Finance corporation bill. ancient Roman caves. Jan. 18 Joseph C. Grew selected April 6 Mob forced resignation of as ambassador to Japan. Newfoundland government. Jan. 19 Gen. C. G. Dawes selectre10 Von Hindenburg April ed as president of Reconstruction elected president of Germany. Finance corporation; Secretary April 13 Germany ordered Hitler Stimson replaced him as chairman t disband his 400,000 shock troops. of disarmament conference delega19 British budget introApril tion. duced, continuing heavy taxation for Jan. 21 Wets lost, IS to 65, in another year. test vote in senate. April 24 Hitler's National SocialJan. 23 Franklin D. Roosevelt ists won in elections in Prussia and formally declared himself a candiAustria.1 date for the Democratic PresidenTwo British scientists anMay tial nomination. nounced they had split the hydrogen Jan. 27 Department of Agriculatom and obtained a helium atom. ture supply bill passed by bouse; May 6 Paul Doumer, president of salary increases prohibited. France, 8assassinated by a Russian. Jan. 28 Senate confirmed Dawes, Eusebio Ayala elected Jones and Couch as directors of ReMay Finance corporation. Paraguay. construction president of Jiminez as installed Rlcardo Jan. 31 Railway presidents and president of Costa Rica.in Peruvian unions signed agreement for 10 per Communist revolt cent wage reduction for one year. 3 navy quelled. Feb. President Hoover anFrench elections resulted in wipnounced that Secretary of the Treasmajority ury Andrew W. Mellon would retire ing out Premier Tardieu's by radical Socialists and Socialists. from the cabinet and become amMay 10 Albert Lebrun elected bassador to Great Britain. France. Feb. 4 Ogden L. Mills appointed president15 ofPremier Inukal of Japan secretary of May the treasury. 6 Conference assassinated by young militarist terto check Feb. rorists. of money opened in Washhoarding May 19 Irish Free State Dall ington. Eireann passed bill abolishing oath Alfred E. Smith declared his will of allegiance to the king. to be again the Democratic 22 Admiral Salto made ingness May Presidential candidate. of Winnie Ruth Judd, Arizona trunk Japan. premier Premier Venizelos of Greece remurderer, convicted and sentenced to death. signed. 26 Alexander Papanastasl-o- u o Feb. 15 Judge Benjamin N. May formed new government for of New York appointed assoGreece. of the U. S. Supreme ciate justice court. May 30 Heinrlch Bruening, chanfedcellor of Germany, and his cabinet House passed eral reserve credit bill. resigned.31 Franz von Feb. 19 Senate passed reserve Papen made May chancellor of Germany. credit bill. Premier Jorga of Rumania reFeb. 22 President Hoover opened signed. 4 Edouard Herriot became the Washington bicentennial with June address before joint session of con- and completed premier ofof France a Socialist cabinet. formation Feb. 27 House passed $132,000,-00- 0 Chilean Socialists and military federal aid highway bill. Junta overthrew government of Conviction of Al Capone upheld President Montero; Carlos Davila by federal court of appeals. made president pro tern. March 1 Senate passed the Nor-r- is bill. June 5 Dr. Harmodio Arias elected president of Panama. Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's baby June 10 Three rich Cubans tried was kidnaped from Hopewell, N. J. to assassinate President Machado March 3 House voted- 40 million with bomb. bushels of farm board wheat for June 12 Davila resigned as head jobless and for eVought stricken of new Chilean government. farmers. 6 House passed treasury June 16 Radical Socialist governMarch ment of Chile ousted by military and post office appropriation bill reinstated. $1,059,778,163. junta. Davila carrying won 8 nooseveit navy June 24 Siam's army andPrajad-hipoNew March k revolted and forced King from Smith. to accept a constitutional Hampshire primaries bill passed by the house. government. June 28 Irish Free State senate March 14 "Home rule" motion defeated in house, passed bill abolishing oath to the 187 to 227. king. im Cardozo sworn In as July 4 British government Benjamin posed retaliatory tariff on imports member of United States Supreme from ireianu. court. Mach 19 Senate subcommittee reJuly 7 Civilian communist rebels in Peru captured Trujlllo. favorably the Bingham beer ported 10 rebels Brazilian captured bill. July Sao Paulo. March 22 House amended revenue bill to boost estate taxes of July 11 Peruvian revolt at Tru the wealthy. jlllo suppressed. tsrazuian revoii spreaa is Senate ordered department approto juiy two more states. cut 10 per cent. priations de20 German government March 24 House defeated sales July creed dictatorship for Prussia, and tax. martial law in Berlin. March 26 House voted tax on Premier Mussolini revamped Italbeer materials, imported coal and ian cabinet, ousting Foreign Minoil. ister Dino Grandl and others. ecoApril 1 House passed billion dollar tax bill, with sales tax elimiJuly 21 British imperial nomic conference opened In Ottawa, nated, but with surtaxes revised. UnCanada, 31 April of4 Dr. C. C. King of VitaHitler's Nazis made big iversity July in German Pittsburgh isolated but elections failed C. min gains to get control of reichstag. House voted Independence for Aug. 6 New Welland ship canal Philippines. formally10 opened by Canada, April 9 Lindbergh paid ransom, Aug. Spanish royalists started but kidnapers failed to return his revolutionary movement but were baby. 21 Gov. Rolph of California suppressed. April denied pardon for Thomas J. Aug. 13 President Von Hindento chanrefused make Hitler convicted for Preparedness burg of Mooney, cellor Germany. bombing In 1916 in San Fran- day 15 Eusebio C Aug. Ayala Inaugurated president of Paraguay. Ap'ril 29 Lieut. T. H. Massie, 16 Ten thousand Cuban Mrs. Fortescue and Seamen Lord Aug, struck against cheap and Jones found guilty of manphysicians service in clinics. slaughter In Kahahawai murder Aug. 18 Spain ordered exile of case in Honolulu. 92 nobles for monarchist revolt. May I Supreme court refused to review Al Caponp's case; refused to Aug. 20 British imperial economic conference closed with signconsent to modification of the packers' consent decree of 1920; held ining of 12 trade pacts with the dominions. valid the Texas law by which neEcuador from Democratic congress disqualified groes were barred President-Elec- t Bonifaz. President primaries, and upheld Hoover's refusal to resubmit power Aug. 26 Military revolt in Ecuador by supporters of Bonifaz. board nomination to senate after it Aug. 27 British cotton weavers had been confirmed. struck. May 3 Al Capone taken from 29 Ecuador revolt sup- Chicago to Atlanta Aug. penitentiary. battle. House passed economy bill after pressed 2after President Rubio of Mexiit. Sept. wrecking co resigned, May 4 Massie case defendants in Sept. 4 Gen. A. L. Rodriguez Honolulu sentenced to ten years in of Mexico. elected president immediately set free by prison andJudd. Governor Sept. 8 Spanish cortes confiscated estates of grandees to be distributMay & House passed bill for oped among the people, and granted eration of Muscle Shoals. Catalonia. May 6 Senate passed Hale bill autonomy12 toGerman voted for treaty strength navy. relchstag Sept. no confidence in the government and May 11 President Hoover vetoed tariff bill. was dissolved by Chancellor Von the Democratic May 12 Col. Lindbergh's kidnaped Papen. 13 Chilean revolt found murdered baby estate In New near the Lindcompelled Sept. Jersey. bergh President Davila to resign. President Hoover proposed 1 bil20 Gandhi Mahatma began Sept. fast "unto death" as protest against lion for18 Jobless relief. Senate voted against 2.75 May Indian electoral system. Sept. 21 Count Karolyl resigned per cent 19beer.House May as premier of Hungary. passed War department supply bill carrying Sept. 26 Hindus and untouchEastern bankers and Incompromise ables devised electoral British dustrialists mobilized for trade regovwhich was accepted by ernment,27 and Gandhi ended his fast. vival. 23 Bill Dr. Clements Bello, presMay legalizing and taxing Sept. beer defeated by the house. ident of the Cuban senate, assassi25 Senate sxain rejected leMay nated. 2 Oct. galized and taxed beer. Judge Abraham Oyanadel Kai-she- Paul-Bonco- ur yl Car-doz- Glass-Steag- el - 0. TIMES-NEW- S. May 11 Senate passed billion dollar revenue bill, rejecting sales tax feature, after President Hoover In person appealed for quick action. June 4 It. It. Reynolds defeated Senator Cameron Morrison In North Carolina Democrat io primary, June ( President Hoover signed the new revenue bill. Charles G. Dawes resigned a president of Reconstruction Finance corporation. Senator Brookhart of Iowa defeated for renominatton by Henry Field. Samuel Insult of Chicago resigned as utilities chief and was succeeded by James Simpson. June 7 House passed the Garner two.billlon-dolia- r relief bill. June emascuSenate lated economy bill. passed June Senate passed $90 million dollar army supply bill. June 10 Senate pasaed relief bill to provide 111 millions in loans to states. June 13 Gaston Means convicted of larceny of $104,000 from Mrs. Evalyn McLean In Lindbergh case swindle. June 14 Republican national convention opened In Chicago. June IS Republican convention adopted moderate prohibition resubmission plank. House passed the veterans' bonus payment bill. Five hundred million dollar home loan bank bill passed by house. June It Hoover and Curtis renominated by Republican convention. Everett Sanders elected chairman of national committee. 17 Senate June rejected the bonus bill. June 20 House passed 100 million dollar economy bill. Including for federal employees. furlough plan 22 June Governor Roosevelt called on Mayor Walker of New York city to answer charges against him. June 23 Senate passed Wagner two billion dollar relief bill. June 24 Senate voted farm board Tvneat and cotton to Red Cross. Democratic national June 27 convention opened In Chicago. June 28 Federal economy bill by the senate. passed June 29 Democratic convention adopted plank advocating repeal of Eighteenth amendment and, pending repeal, legalization of beer and wine. 1 Democrats nominated July Franklin D. Roosevelt for President on fourth ballot. 2 Democrats nominated July John N. Garner for Vice President. Roosevelt flew to Chicago and wae formally 7 notified of nomination. July Emergency relief bill passed by house. Prohibition party nominated W. D. Upshaw for President and F. S. Vice President. Regan for July 9 Senate passed Garner-Wagnrelief bill. July 11 President Hoover vetoed the relief bill. July 12 Senate passed new relief bill. July 13 Relief bill passed by the house. July 15 President Hoover cut salaries of himself and his cabinet. July 16 Congress passed home loan bank bill with inflation amendment, and adjourned. July 21 President Hoover signed emergency relief measure. Interstate commerce commission eastern railapproved merger of allNew roads, except those of England, four into systems. President signed home July 22 bill. loan bank July 23 Federal grain commission ordered Chicago Board of Trade closed as contract market for 60 act. days for violating grain futures President Hoover called conference on shorter work day week. President Hoover apJuly 26Atlee Pomerene of Ohio pointed of member Reconstruction Finance corporation board and he was made chairman. "Bonus army" In WashJuly 28 routed by regulars and its ington burned after fight with pocamps lice in which one veteran was killed scores of and policemen and veterans were injured. A. Walker of Utica, N. Charles to R. F. C. board by appointed Hoover and made presiPresident dent of the corporation. Governor Roosevelt received reply of Mayor Walker of New York to the Seabury charges, denying all of them. 2 Bonus army, gathered at Aug. Pa., ordered disbanded Johnstown, W. by W. 3 Waters, its commander. Aug. Secretary of Commerce Robert P. Lamont resigned and Roy D. Chapin of Detroit was appointed to succeed him. Aug. 9 U. S. Attorney G. E. Q. Johnson of Chicago made federal district 10Judge. Army exchanges ordered Aug. to stop sales to civilians. Aug. 11 President Hoover delivered his speech of acceptance and declared himself for change from national prohibition to state liquor control with federal safeguards. Aug. 15 Farmers of iowa and other central west states started "strike" tor higher prices for produce. er Aug. 16 PAGE THREE NEPIII. UTAH Second son born to Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh. Aug. 18 Vice President Curtis formally notified of his renomina-tioSenator J. J. Davis of Pennsylvania and six others indicted In connection with fraternity lotteries. Aug. 24 John Bain, whose twelve found guilty Chicago banksto failed, defraud depositors. of conspiracy Aug. 26 Business leaders, summoned by President Hoover, adopted plan for economic recovery. Aug. 31 John W. Poole resigned of the currency. as comptroller Sept. 1 Mayor James J. Walker of New York resigned. Hanford McNider resigned as minister to 5 Canada. Farm board announced it Sept. would hold wheat and cotton off market 9until next year. Sept. Railway executives voted for 20 per cent cut in wages, effective February 1. Sept. 11 Central states governors recommended federal financial aid for farmers. Sept. 12 Democrats won goverand two congress seats In norshipelection. Maine American Legion convention opened In Portland, Ore. Sept. 15 American Legion voted for immediate cash payment of bonus and for repeal of Eighteenth amendment, and elected Louis A. Johnson of West Virginia national commander. Sept. 18 G. A. R. national enin Springfield, 111. campment20 opened Wisconsin Republicans Sept. nominated W. J. Kohler for governor, rejecting B.Gov. Philip La and J. Chappie for senator, defeating Senator J. J. Blaine. 22 Capt. W. P. Wright of Sept. elected national commandChicago R. A. G. er of Sept. 27 Representative toC. R. tariff Crisp of Georgia appointed commission. Oct. 8 Four lake states asked to appoint commisSupremeto court run the Chicago sanitary sioner district. Case of Senator Davis of Pennsylvania on lottery charges ended in mistrial. Oct. 4 Samuel and Martin Insull, former public utility magnates, indicted In Chicago. Oct. 10 Samuel Insull arrested In n. " dent and Vice President. Democrat the country. weeping Nov. IJ 1'reairient Hoover Invited President-elec- t Roosevelt to enc on foreign war debt confer, when debtor nations asked postponement of payments and revision. Nov. 18 Helen Hayes and Freda-rl- o March voted beat nlra actor of the year. Nov. 21 A. Lawrence Lowell a president of Harvard university. Nov. 22 President Hoover and President-elec- t Roosevelt on the war debt situation. conferred E. 8. Grammer, Seattle, appointed if. S. senator to succeed the late Wesley L. Jones of Washington. Nov. 23 Congress leader in conference with President Hoover rehis war debt revision plan. jected Nov. 28 American Federation of Labor, In convention In Cincinnati, demanded the y week and day. Dec. 3 Conrad H Mann, prominent Kansas City resident, and two others convicted of violating federal law. lottery Dec. 4 "Hunger of $.000 renched Washington.army" Dec. S Short session of congress opened. House defeated Garner resolution for prohibition repeal by six vote. Dec President Hoover in an. nual message asked congress for ales tax and economy legislation. Dec. 7 President Hoover submit, ted budget cutting government ex. pense by half a billion. Dec. t Power of the R. F. C. extended for on year by President Hoover. Dec 9 President Hoover gave congress hi plan for federal reorganization. Dec. 13 Move by McFadden of to Impeach President Pennsylvania Hoover voted down by the house. Dec. 15 N. W.. MacChesney of Chicago nominated for minister to Canada, Dec 17 Senate passed Philip, bill. pines Independence 19 Dec. President Hoover told congress heonwas going to name war debt and would commission of President-Elec- t seek Roosevelt. 21 Dec. House passed bill legal-lsln- g 3.2 per cent beer. Railway wage reduction continued for nine months by agreement. Dec 23 Congress recessed for Christmas. five-da- nt DISASTERS Jan. 2 Fifty killed In train wreck near Moscow. Jan. 26 British submarine lost near Portland with crew of 161. 2 B'eb. Santiago. Cuba, badly damaged4 by earthquake; six killed. B'eb. Seventeen killed by explosion of motorship at Marcus Hook, Pa. Feb. 26 Thirteen person killed by avalanches near Seattle. Feb. 27 Mine explosion at Pocakilled 38 men. hontas, Vs., March 12 Island of Banda Nelra In Dutch East Indies, nearly deand volcastroyed by earthquakes noes, with great loss of life. March 21 Tornadoes In Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee killed 358 and did great damage. March 27 Tornado killed 9, InAlabama. jured 60, 14in Six dead, 57 hurt, In April blast in Ohio state office building at Columbus. April 25 Tornadoes in Tennessee, Alabama and Arkansas killed nine. May 2 Nearly a hundred killed in Philippines. by typhoon May 6 Two million dollar fire on Cunard pier. New York. May 16 New French liner Georges burned in Gulf of Aden; Philippar 62 lives lost. June 3 Earthquake killed hundreds in Guadalajara region of Mexico. June 7 Eleven killed In apartment house fire in Cleveland, Ohio. June 17 Explosion on oil tanker at Montreal killed 29 men. June 19 Hailstorm in Honan killed 200. province, China, t f rencn suDmarine frome-the- e Julysank oft Normandy coast with 63 men. July 10 Explosion of ammunition depot in.Nanking, China, killed 50. July 13 Three million dollar fire on Coney Island, N. Y. July 26 German training ship Niobe sank in storm; 69 drowned. Aug. 4 Six million dollar fire in Chicago packing house district. Aug. 13 Forty killed in south Texas storm. workmen killed Sept. 9 Fifty-si- x explosion at New York. by steamer Fifty-fiv- e men killed In wreck of French Foreign Legion train in Algeria. Sept. 26 Earthquake in the Balkans killed about 235. Sept. 27 Hurricane swept Porto Rico, killing several hundred and doing vast damage. Sept. 3D Forty lives lost in cloudburst in Tehachapi pass, California. Nov. 9 Disastrous storm in southern Cuba; 2,500 killed and great damage 14done. Nov. Japan swept by terrific typhoon; scores of lives lost and and villages wrecked. towns many Dec. 5 Japanese destroyer capsized in storm; 105 men lost. 7 Dec. Fourteen coal miners killed by blast at Madrid. N. M. Dec. 9 Kxploslon in coal mine at Yancey, Ky., killed 23. NECROLOGY Jan. 1 C. O. Iselin, millionaire of New York. yachtsman Jan. 2 Gen. Paul Pau, French war commander. Rear Admiral Cameron Winslow, V. S. N., hero of Spanish war. Jan. 6 Julius Rosenwald, Chicago philanthropist and capitalist. Jan. 9 Frederick O'Brien, author and traveler. Jan. 14 Grace E. King, American author. V. D. MacKay of New York, financier and sportsman. Jan. 17 J. W. Langley, former congressman. Kentucky Jan. 18 Dr. J. G. McClure. presi dent emeritus of Presbyterian seminary of21ChicaKO. Jan. Lytton Strachey, English biographer. Jan. 24 Paul Warburg, New York banker. Jan. 26 William Wrigley, Jr., of Chicago, capitalist and owner of Chicago Cubs, In Phoenix, Calif. Alfred S. Austrian, leader of the bar. Chicago 27 Lewis Cass Ledyard, Jan. noted New York lawyer. Jan. 30 William Hodge, American actor. Feb. 4 Hyrum G. Smith, presidpatriarch of Mormon church, at ing Salt Lake City. B'eb. 6 John R. Voorhls, grand sachem of Tammany, aged 103. Barney Dreyfuss, owner of Pittsburgh Pirates. Feb. 15 Minnie Maddern Flske, American actress. Henry A. Blair, Chicago capitalist. Feb. 16 Sir Edgar Speyer, former British financier. Feb. 18 Frledrlch August III, former king of Saxony. B'eb. 23 Mme. Johanna Gadskl, soprano, in Berlin. Wagnerian Feb. 24 Dr. Willy Meyer, noted surgeon,?S in NewA. York. B. Chaco, chancelB'eb. Dr. lor of Brown university. 6 March John Philip Sousa, noted band director. March 7 Arlstlde Briand, French statesman. Athens. March 14 George Eastman, founOct. 13 Brig. Gen. Harry Burgess of der and chairman of board of EastPanaas the governor resigned man Camera company, in Rochester. ma Canal Zone and Lieut. Col. JuN. Y. lian Schley was appointed to sucMarch 13 Chauncey Olcott, Amerceed him. ican singer, in Monte Carlo. Nov. 1 F. Lammot Belin appointMarch 19 Former Congressman ed ambassador to Poland. Richard Bartholdt. In St. Louis. of 6 the Budget Director Nov. 22 Charles March Livingston Roop began cutting down the naBull, naturalist and painter. tional budget $150,000,000. M. Shaw, former 28 Leslie March Cross Red American reported three and a half millions spent for secretary of the treasury. In Washington. 1 relief in past year. Dr. Evan O'Neill Kane, April Nov. 7 Supreme court ordered noted surgeon, In Philadelphia. Inin seven for new trial negroes A. H. Vestal, IndiScottsboro Representative ternationally agitated ana, In Washington. (Ala.) caseD. Roosevelt Nov. 8 Franklin April 2 Hose Coghlan, actress, at and John N. Garner elected Presi Harrison, N. Y. Fol-lett- e; April It Joseph Lelter, la Chi- Great Natural Beauty April 14 William J. Burn, detecin Baltic Republics tive, at Sarasota, Fla. April 18 Senator William J. Harthe shores of the Italtle sea Along ris, at Washington. April 22 Gen. J. W. Kelfer, for- are four vigorous and Interesting re mer apeaker of the bouse. In Spring. publics formed from territory that Held, Ohio. 24 Bishop Frank M. Bristol was part of old Kussia little more April of Methodist church. In Montclalr, than a decade ago. Young as they N. J. May t Lee Hammond, pioneer In are In their present national Inde aviation,4 In Jacksonville, Fla. them Finland, May Hear Admiral C at. Che, pendence, Ieachvia of and Estbonla hae Lithuania. Jtt ter, U. a N., retired. Paul Doumer, president ol cultural, historical, architectural and Slay France. John W. Scott, Chicago merchant artistic traditions of great Interest t May 1 Maj. Gen. Enoch H. Crow-deevery visitor, and each Is rich In ImIn AlbertWashington. Thomaa. head of Interna posing scenes of natural beauty in tlonal labor bureau, in Paris. and forest and lakeside. 8 D. M. of Chicago, coastline May steel magnate. Ryersoa Helulngfors, the capital of Finland, May 13 Andrea Dlppel, former Is an beautiful city, surgrand opera singer and manager, In roundedunusually sides by the sea. on three Hollywood. May 1 Capt. Robert Dollar, dean In Latvia, Is the home of one of American shipping Industry, In Itlga. of the finest examples of medieval San Rafael, Calif. May 17 Dr. B. J. Clgrand of architecture In northern Europe !o 111., founder and president of cathedral, and Its Thirteenth-centur- y National Flag Day association. May 20 Admiral W. 8. Benson, U. Tallinn (formerly Keval). In S. N., retired. contains many ancient and May 23 Lord Inchcape. British relics of Its great days aa hipping magnate. Interesting Lady Augusta Gregory, Irish dra a lianseattc port. matist. 28 Edward P. Swift- - Chicago May packer. 80 Rear Admiral John HubMay MAN A bard. June 1 Former Congressman William D. Bole of Iowa. sixty yeara OVER Dr. June 1 Hugh Chalmers, pioneer Pierce, automobile manufacturer, at Beacon, whose picture apN. Y. June 7 Dr. W. W. Keen of Philpears here, placed in all the drug stores adelphia,8 famous surgeon. Viscount Brentford (WilJune of this country his liam Joynson-Hlcks- ), statesEnglish Favorite Prescripman. June 13 William C Redfleld, section for women sufcommerce of weaken-i- n under President retary fering from month.lv Wilson. err ramns. June 19 Robert Scott Lovett, head of Union Pacific, In New York, sickness, headaches, backaches, hot June 25 William Jerome, muslo Hashes. Women of all ages testify to publisher and composer. In New its merits. What it has done for York. June 17 Gen. F. E. Bamford, hero others, it should do for you. Try it of Battle of Cantigny, In Charlesnow I This is one of Nature's remeton, W. Va. and herbs and, Vice Admiral DeWitt Coffman, U. dies composed of roots contains no alcohol. & N., retired. June 29 Dr. G. P. Kuns, gem ext free medleaT eilrlee, write 14 If yon Dr. fierae's Ulal, la Buffalo, N. Y. pert. In New York. CincinN. I James Gamble, July nati manufacturer. Dr. G. K. Burgess, director of bureau of standards, In Washington. Former King Manuel of Portugal. July 8 A. H. Scribner, publisher, In New York. July 6 Kenneth Grahame, Scot Bronchial troubles may lead to sometlsh author. Dr. Joseph Leldy of Philadelphia, thing serious. You can atop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote neurologist. July 9 King inC.LosGillette safety that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a razor Inventor Angeles. d acnew medical discovery with July 10 C. C. Goodrich, tire manit soothes and heals the inflamed ufacturer. In York. Maine. tion; July 13 Fergus Hume, British membranes and inhibits germ growth. author. Of all known drugs, creosote is recogJuly 14 Alice Barber Stephen, nized by high medical authorities as one American artist. July 16 Field Marshal Viscount of the greatest healing agencies for perPlumer in London. July 17 Countess Beatty. former sistent coughs and colds and other forms Ethel Field of Chicago, in London. of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, July 18 Jean Jules Jusserand in addition to creosote, other healing eleformer French ambassador to Washments which soothe and heal the infected ington. Thomaa Arkle Clark, former dean membranes and stop the irritation and inof men in University or Illinois. flammation, while the creosote goes on to July 22 E'lorenz Zlegfeld, mu the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, steal comedy producer. attacks the seat of the trouble and checks July 24 Alberto Santos-Dumoof Brazil, aviation pioneer. the growth of the germs. July 26 Caleb Powers, former Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory congressman from Kentucky. in the treatment of persistent coughs and B'red Duesenberg of Indianapolis, automobile maker. colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and pioneer G. Lowes Dickinson, English au- - other forms of respiratory diseases, and tnor. ia excellent for building up the system Aug. 4 James Oppenhelm, Amer after colds or flu. Money refunded if any lean novelist and poet. Aug. 6 Dr. J. Paul Goode, noted eoughorcold.no matter of howlongstand-ing.igeograpr.er. not relieved after takingaccording Aug. 8 James Francis Burke to directions. Ask your druggist, (Adv.) general counsel of Republican national committee. Aug. 11 Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago financier and philanthropist. Aug. 18 Junius S. Morgan of New York, in Switzerland. Aug. 22 Wilton Lackaye, American actor. Aupt. 25 Mrs. Edith Rockefeller A nagging backache, with MeCormiek in Chicago. Aug. 27 C. A, Waterman, senator bladder irregularities and from Colorado. a tired, nervous, depressed Sept. 6 Sir Gilbert Parker, British novelist. feeling may warn of some disSept. 20 Dr. Frank L. Billings, ordered kidney or bladder confamous physician, In Chicago. dition. Users everywhere rely Sept. 27 Former Senator John of Mississippi. on Doan's Pills. Praised for Sharp Williams Oct. 2 David Pingree, wealthy more than 50 years by grateful lumberman and philanthropist, in Salem. users the country over. Sold by 4 Gen. Sir Rudolph Slatln Oct. all druggists. in Vienna. Pasha, 5 Oct. Congressman J. Charles LInthicum of Maryland. Oct. 6 Darwin P. Kingsley, head comof New York Life cago. r. a. Es-thoii-lu, FAMOUS Si Bronchial Troubles Need Creomulsion two-fol- s ESOAN Insurance pany. Oct. 11 William Alden Smith, former senator from Michigan. 18 Dornler Maurice Oct. ol builder of giant flying boat Munich, DO-Oct. 19 LIndley M. Garrison, former secretary of war. Oct. 10 Marquis Bonl de Castel-lan- e In Paris. Oct. 29 Horace Kent Tennoy, noted Chicago lawyer. Kmmett Corrlgan, American actor Oct. 30 Harold MacGrath, American author. Field Marshal Lord Methuen of England.1 Nov. William Morris, New York theatrical producer and philanthropist. Nov. 2 Will Levington Comfort, American novelist. Nov. 4 Belle Bennett, fllm actress. Nov. 9 Prof. Adam C. Gill, Cornell geologist. Nov. 10 E. K. Hall, chairman of football rules committee, at Hanover, N. H. Nov. 13 William S. Brook, noted American aviator. Nov. 15 Robert S. Brookings, philanthropist and educator, in Washington. Nov. is Dr. Benton a. TurcK, eminent physician in New York. Nov. 19 United States Senator L. Jones of Washington. Wesley Nov. 20 Dr. H. J. Doerman, president of University of Toledo. Del mar W. Call, noted manufacturer. Robert M. Cutting of Chicago, president-elec- t of United States Golf association. Nov. 22 Jay Cooke, Republican national committeeman from Pennsylvania. Nov. 24 Col. R. E. Olds, former assistant25 secretary of state. Dr. F. L. Patton, former Nov. of Princeton university. president Nov. 26 E. A. Van Valkenburg. journalist. Philadelphia Nov. 27 Will H. Low, American artist. 29 Nov. Congressman J. C. McLaughlin30 of Michigan. Nov. Garl Melchers, American artist. 2 Dec. Louis J. Petit, Milwaukee capitalist. Dec. 3 Clement Studebaker, Jr., utilities magnate, in Chicago. C. R. Breckinridge, former Amer ican ambassador to Russia, In Wend- over. Ky. Dec. 6 Dr. J. C. Van Dyke of art autnonty. Rutgers, Dec. 6 Eugene Brieux, French dramatist. Dec. 7 F. T. LoveJoy, former steel magnate of Pittsburgh. John H. Niemeyer, American art ist. Dec. 8 Henry KItchell Webster, novelist, in Evanston, 111. Dec. 10 R. B. Williamson, vice chairman of federal power commission. Dec. It A. . Loring of Minneapolis, bead of Pillsbury flour mills. Muss. Dec. 13 Congressman Daniel E. Garrett of Texas. Lec. 18 Eijmund Vance Cooke, poet and lecturer, In Cleveland, Ohio. Ernest Howe, noted geologist, in Litchfield, Conn. Dec. 19 Clarence, E. Whitehlll American operatic baritone. G by Western Newspaper hJniaa. I THE KIDNEY'S ENJOY A TRIP TO SALT LAKE AND NEWHOUSE all w'rbfrl, " ;rtr!;S Infill PImF fWA J. H. WATERS, Pres. W. E. SUTTON. Mir. MRS. 400 Baths $4.00 Family Room 400 Rooms $2.00 $5 or 5 to Persons $5 TWO PERSONS Choice Ootnide $250 $250 Room with Batb THE HOTEL MEWHOUSE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH If your bladder is irritated, either because your urine is too acid or because inflammation is present, just try Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. This fine, old preparation has been used for this purpose for 237 years. That its popularity continues ia the best proof that it works. But be sure you get GOLD MEDAL. Accept nosubstitute. 35c & 75c GOLD MEDAL OIL CAPSULES HAARLEM |