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Show Fill Your Needs In Nephi The Times, Vol. 23, No. WHAT NEPHI GROWS OR MAKES Nephi City Council Cuts Budget $5,000 Nephi City will operate on 15.000 less In 1933 than In the year 1932 according to a budget passed by the City Council last Thursday evening. A group of taxpayers were present and went over the proposed budget and recommended changes on several Instances. The City council made a reduction of ten per cent In the salaries of cRy electrician, lineman, superintendent of water works, city mar-shal- l, and city street supervisor. This Is the second cut of ten per cent that these employees have received during the past two years. In addition to the cut of the principals, the electric light and water works department helpers have been reduced from $3.00 to 12.50 per day. The cost of digging graves has been reduced from $7.25 per adult graves to $625, and the cost of digging children's graves from $525 to MAKES NEPHI GROW" r j HENRY H. BLOOD . ? j f,. K r' TOOK OATH OF OFFICE MONDAY fi i ECONOMY IS THE 1. ,; - WATCHWORD OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS "X Henry Hooper Blood, a native son of Davis Coumy. became the seventh chief executive of Utah Monday noon wtien he took the oath of office, administered by Chief Justice J. W. Cherry of the state Supreme Court. Immediately after the ceremony a platoon of the 145th field artillery fired seventeen guns, the tribute to the successor of Governor George H. Dem and then the regimental band played f a itm) " r vv FS- - - r.;7 r - s - ;;'; 'ti is ,i .. , ial 'The :.' t '5 ? . Banner." Chief Justice J. W. Cherry then performed his last official act as a member of tiie state supreme court by administering the oath of office to the new chief. Justice D. N. Straup who then administered the oath of office to the rest of the official family in the following orStar-8pangl- ed J I : . - ... . . ' r f u ' Utah Farm Bureau To Meet Jan. IT- I I P. M. FOR MRS. LESTER IE Kiwanis Committees For 1933 Are Named - '"4 Petty High Scorer' In "Aggie" Team H I An Appeal For 36-4- Funds For Scouting -- Auxiliary To Meet Wednesday. Night MarriagesAnnounced Watson Says: Seminary Alumni To Give Program Sun. Billy Kendall Breaks " f fS 'I - v. - ?J F'Ma s 1 Board Finishes Year's Bu- sinessNew Board Meets And Urges Economy In Handling County Affairs The budget of proposed expenditures for Juab County for 1933 was gone over carefully by a group of representative taxpayers of this community and the board of county commissioners last Friday and after some minor changes, was approved by the board. In addition to approving the budget for the coming year, the commission finished the years business and then adjourned until Tuesday. At Tuesday's meeting the affairs of the county government was turned over to the newly elected county board, consisting of Earl F. Dunn, who was chairman of the board. A V. Gadd, the hold-ovmember, and Russell Hawkins, a new member of the board. The new board went over the finances of the county very carefully and it was determined that strict economy in all departments of the county would be necessary If the funds will be sufficient to take care of the county expenses, and to this end, the county board are ad vising the heads of each department to practice strict economy in the handling of the finances of their offices. The total budget for general fund is $36,202.70, which is approximately $5,000 less than was budgeted for this fund in 1932. The dependent poor is reduced from $12,000 to $10,000, a reduction of $2,000. In the county road fund, there was budgeted $15,600, this being an increase in this fund, as in 1932, there was only $7,000 budgeted for the year. The amount budgeted this year Includes the amount due the state road commission for pro-Jet- cs where the state advanced the county money for the road construction. Economy in government Is the watchword of the state, county and city officials who have the administrative powers of these tax spending bodies during the year 1933. Governor Henry H. Blood, In his inaugural address, pledged rigid economy and promised state economy end retrenchment all along the line, and urged cities, towns, counties and school districts to do likewise. Governor Blood declared, however, that the Increase In the cost of government is due largely to an Increased demand on the part of the public, and that the government as represented by public officials is not alone responsible for the growth of public expenditures. In the matter of cutting the cost of city government, the budget for Nephi City's proposed expenditures ror 19JJ is cut rive thousand dollars under the 1932 budget, so it Is very plain to see that the city admin istration is doing everything In their power to cut the cost of the city business. The City has two revenue produc ing utilities, the electric light and water departments, and Including these two major appropriations, and the Interest and payment of bonded Indebtedness, the city off icials are cutting the expenses to the lowest possible level, as far as operating expenses are concerned. The water works system and the electric light lines and plants must be kept In good condition, or otherwise they would not function pro perly, and the maximum amount of revenue would not be coming In. These two units must function pro perly, even if the outlay of money is high. The city officials are doing their utmost to reduce the cost of 0 operation, and this is shown by the budget of proposed expenditures for the present year. The county commissioners of Juab County are likewise making every effort to curtail the expenditure of county funds and their budget will show that there has been a decrease in the proposed expenditures in all A complaint was filed in the distdepartments of Juab County. rict court Wednesday by Nephi Continued on page eight City Corporation, vs the Nephi National Bank, a corporation. Arch R. Jack, Receiver, and the board of directors of the Nephi National Bank, for the moneys that were deposited In the bank on December I, 1931, the date the bank closed its doors. The bank, and its directors furnished Nephi City a depository bond for the funds the city treasurer had In the bank. The bond was signed by the directors and given to the city for the protection of the city funds. I am the provider for all The complaint alleges that Nephi mankind. Upon me every City had on December 1, 1931, on human being constantly deopen account at said bank, $1,804.89 pends. and $2,800.40 on saving account. In A world itself is built upon addition to the principal the city is my toil, my products, my honsuing for the interest that has accrued from October 1. 1931 to April esty. 1, 1932 at the rate of 8 per cent. Because of my Industry It is understood that that Nephi America, my country, leads City offlcicals have made several the world; Her prosperity is attempts to settle the matter out of maintained by me; her great court, but this was found imposCommerce is the work of my sible, therefore the suit was instigood hands; her "balance of tuted on Wednesday of this week. trade" springs from the furo rows on my farm. My reaper brings food for today; my plows hold promise for tomorrow. In war I am absolute; in 11 peace I am indispensible my country's surest defense and constant reliance. I am the very soul of AmerThe usual monthly meeting of ica, the hope of a race the the Service Star Legion will be held balance wheel of Civilization. Wednesday, January 11. at 3.30 p. When I prosper, men are m. in the city hall. The program will consist of the following numhappy; when I fail, all the world suffers. bers: Greetings, President Ida HarI live with Nature, walk in ris; Talk, "The New Year" Mrs. the green fields under the Lila Richardson; "The Lame Duck golden sunlight, out in the Amendment," Alonzo Ingram; Piano Alone where brain and brawn solo, Rheta Sperry; "How Many and toil supply mankind's Conferences Have Been Held? What primary need. And I try to Organizations Work for Disarmado my humble part to carry ment" Mrs. Lucille Brough; Readout the great plan of God. ing, Florence Chase. Even the birds are my comPreceding the regular meeting, a board meeting will convene at 2.30 panions; they greet me with a symphony at the new days p. m. o dawn and chum with me till the evening prayer Is said. FOUR ELECT DEMOCRATS If It were not for me the ON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE treasuries of the earth would remain securely locked; the grainaries would be useless A large representation of Demoframes; man himself would crats of Nephi precinct met at the be doomed speedily to extinccounty court house last Saturday tion or decay. evening and elected a precinct comIs me produced the Through mittee of four members, who togetenergy that maintains the her with Alvah W. Howell constitspark of life. Those ute the precinct committee. I rise with the early dawn, were James E. Memmatt, V. elected and retire when the "chores" M. Foote, Gerald Cazier and Clyde of the world are done. Haynes. The committee Is empowI am your true friend. I am ered with the authority to approve the Farmer. or reject all applications for -Wright County Journal originating within Nephi PrePress, Buffalo, Min. cinct, also to approve applications for county or state appointments. er This In a view of mill town New York Unit will probably never iikuIq be iibotoKrai)bod from this anIe, for the simple reason that the view of the camera will be cut off by the mighty skysoraix-r- s of the new Rockefeller Centre that will rise In the foreground. The picture offers a strange contrast between the low buildings that were the pride of a New York of another ilay ami the mighty Hkyscrapers that now loom above them. At the left In the foreground Is the Hoekefeller residence, while directly across from It Is the Union club on Klftb der: Milton H. Welling, secretary of avenue. In the center mo be seen St. Patrick's cathedral with Its lofty steeples reaching up above Fifth avenue state; David W. Moffatt, justice of $425. The ordinance calls for the pro- the supreme court; Joseph Chez, of $35,683.00 attorney general; Julius C. Anderposed expenditures Charles A. 1933. divided as sen, state auditor; of the year during Stain, state treasurer and Charles follows: H. Skldmore, of 19-2Contingent and general administ- public instruction.superintendent 1 .....$8,527.00 rative expenses The military band played "Utah To purchase water sources and We Love Thee." after which Govmaintain water works .. 1.722.00 ernor Blood delivered his Inaugural The annual convention of the Earl H. Steele has been 500.00 address. Maintenance of City Hall State Farm Bureau will be Utah secretary of the Nephi streets To open. Improve and repair This program, which was most held In Salt Lake City January 19, Kiwanis Club for the year 1933 by $3,322.00 and sidewalks impressive, was staged to overlook 20 and 21. "Much Interest is being President LeRoy Whitehead. Mr. Maintenance of Public Library the main floor of the state capltol taken in this annual Farm Bureau Steele has been secretary of the club $ 680.00 building, where seats had ben arfor the past three years. gathering, however, and - promises Singing fund for payment of out- ranged for the public. State and to be the best ever" says Tracy R. At the regular meeting held on $7,000.00 county officials, as well as memstanding bonds Welling, recently elected executive Wednesday, President Whitehead "tricing fur Tor payment of Interest bers of the Immediate families of secrtary of the organization. announced the committee appointshftn ouO Tiding bonds .. $3,100.00 new state officers, witnessed the Some of the important subjects Mrs. Belliston Was Born ments for the ensuing year and their corLd ftion. maintenance and program from seats on the third to be discussed will be: Tlv--- In England, April 25th, outlined the plans for 1933. j4:iectric Light and Po- floor. Interest rates and extendThe following are the committees: well" ,V and system .$10,832.00 The fhuaguratlon program was edLower 1883, And Emigrated To Agriculture time for payment on farm mortMyron R. Moyle, A. the V one of simplicity and brevity with gages. Utah Year In 1893 F. Bracken, A. H. Belliston. The $35,683.00 many Utahns present to witness the Domestic Allotment Plan. Attendance I. M. Petty, E. ceremonies. In the evening people 0 program, H. Steele. Taxation, from all walks of llwe were greeted sales tax, etc. legislative Funeral services will be held in Finance George D. Haymond, at the reception and ball. The new the Stake Tabernacle Friday at Myron R. Moyle. Assessed value of farm land. 2 and of the first for P. the Mrs. Tryphena Mary governor M., lady Our friends In Legislature and Kiwanis Education Owen L. state, who was formerly Minnla A. In congress. Howell Belliston, 49, who died at the J. Earl Reid. Dr. T. W. Barnett, Barnes of Kaysvllle. headed the Four-family home here Monday after- Allred. Club work. noon following a brief illness. receiving line. Governor and Mrs. Home and Community Good Will and Grlevence, Laws Blood and Governor and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Belliston was born in Chelt- - and home and abroad. Tariff, Regulations Will L. Hoyt, A. H. Dern headed the receiving line ennam, tngiana, April 25, 1883, a P. Christiansen. Cooperative marketing. at the official reception room later daughter of Henry and Tryphena and Membership Cleo Petty was the leading Aggie In the evening. The family H. Classification 1908; William Spry, 1909 to 1916; Warmington Howell. L. Mangelson, A. B. Gibson. state-1917 scorer when the U. S. A. C. played to Governors of Utah since 1920; Joined the L. D. S. church and ! Simon Bamberger. Inter City Relations J. Earl Reid, the University of California at Los hood are: Heber M. Wells. 1896 Charles R. Mabey. 1921 to 1924, Geo. came to Utah in 1893, and settled Dr. T. W. Allred. In Mill Creek, Utah. After living Owen L. Barnett, night. Petty to 1904; John C. Cutler. 1905 to H. Dern. 1925 to 1932. Angeles Wednesday Program J. A. Whipple, A. L. scored ten points out of a total there for three years, they moved Garbett, Byron Howells. of 39 points scored by the Aggie to Nephi, where Mrs. Belliston has Public Affairs Russell Hawkins, team. The Utah team played at since resided. She married Lester B. Belliston in E. R. Shaw, Gilbert Bailey. L. J. Long Beach Tuesday night and lost Music, LeRoy Whitehead, to the Hancock Oil Company team, the Salt Lake Temple April 5, 1903. Wade. 4 score, and lost to the Mrs. Belliston has been an active by a and Reception L. J. Wade, church worker for many years past, A.House University of California squad by a P. Christiansen. score of 39 to 54. holding offices in both the Relief Underprivileged Child Dr. P. L. Society and M. I. A. organizations. Jones. Petty played in both games, scorDr. L. C. Warenskl. is survived and her She two by husband, points Tuesday night, ing Publicity A. B, Gibson, H. L. Five Lester B. Belliston of Nephi; her 10 points Wednesday night. father, Henry Howell of San Diego, Mangelson. forwards were used by Coach o California and the following childnight and four WedMr. and Mrs. G. F. Comar of Mrs. to Arzella Belliston so ren,, is it Howell, impossible nesday night! are house guests this week TO PUBLIC-SPIRITE- D Minnie, Lester H., Ronald, Thomas, Eureka CITIZENS OF JUAB DISTRICT: determine Just how long Cleo actMrs. Cromar's mother, Mrs. W. of Bellisand each Garth Vernon, Eunice, game. ually played In YOU KNOW THAT THE MANHOOD OF TOMORROW o ton, all of Nephi; one sister, Mrs. A. Starr. DEPENDS UPON THE BOYHOOD OF TODAY! Florence H. Chase of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs and one aunt Milly Warmington of EnYOU are interested in seeing boys develop into manly were New Years day dinner family two Howell brothers, Harry gland; men. of Las Vegas, Nevada and Vernon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Jennings in Levan. YOU desire to see the boys of this community steered away W. Howell of San Diego, Califorfrom hoodlumism and gang tendencies. nia. She also leaves two grand childMr. and Mrs. J. A. Whipple motren. YOU want our future citizens to be TRUSTWORTHY, to Salt Lake City Wednesday ored 0 LOYAL, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS, KIND OBEDreturning with their son, Kent, who IENT BRAVE. REVERENT. CLEAN, CHEERFUL, THRIFTY, has been receiving medical attent Commander of the Local Post of ion in the L. D. S. hospital for YOU know that SCOUTING the program of the Boy The American Legion Kenneth the past two weeks. Scouts of America when carried on faithfully In any comWebb will address the American 0 munity helps to guide the boys safely through the vital years Legion Auxiliary on "The National of early adolesence. The marriage of Miss Lillian Economy League," at their meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. In the city Carter, daughter of H. M. Carter, YOU who are acquainted with the work of scouting will hall. and Horace Ostler, son of Mrs. W. agree with us that It is worthwhile that It Is worthy of finP. Ostler, both of this city, took In addition to the address, the ancial as well as moral support from public spirited citizens. place in Provo last Saturday. following program, under the dirSCOUTING requires some finances. During these desperection of the legislative chairman, Governor Blood says: "Utah is ately hard years we In the Juab District have endeavored to Bilnore Foote will be given: Vocal The marriage of Miss Lois Muron coming back." I didn't know with the least of We, carry money. expenditure possible Marion VlcKers and Reva duet, phy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. we had been any place. Howmust our to come to to sitizens however, David public spirited appeal solo, Thomas E. Muriihy of Chinook, Christensen; Banjo ever, if we have taken a trip assistance. Austin; Reading, Florence Chase; Montana, and Rex Haycock, son of I know where we went. Judd. Kenneth I Piano solo, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Haycock YOU WANT SCOUTING TO CONTINUE A request is made by President of this city was solemnized WedHow are your New Year's resoYOU want boys to take and keep the Scout oath, Edith Beckstead that all members nesday in the Manti Temple. lutions holding out? will "On best: do I my Auxilmy honor, of the members and eligible The young couple will spend a First, to do my duty to God and my or ten days in this city beweek iary be present. Did you notice the size of The o country and to obey the scout law; fore leaving for Idaho Falls, Idaho, Times-New- s when the delinSecond, to help other people at all times; where they plan to make their were advertised? taxes quent to Third, keep myself physically strong, home. When I got my paper I thought , Mentally awake and morally straight." it was the Los Angeles ExamWE MUST RAISE A SUBSTANTIAL FUND IMMEDAnnouncement Is made by Mr. iner or the Denver Post. And marIATELY. of Mrs. the Bert Jackson and when the Salt Lake Tribune to of Alice their riage daughter came out with their tax list, it Will you, the fathers, the mothers, and the friends of boys LaDell Carlson of Los Angeles. The looked like a transcript of every come to the aid of scouting now? Will you Invest five dollars, December 29, took place marriage thing that has been said about three dollars or one dollar la BOYHOOD? will Lake The in Salt couple City. depression and the war debts. The Seminary Alumni AssociatConsider the fact that scoutmasters are freely giving their make their home in Los Angeles. ion is in charge of the program on -- SAVING to BOY this 0 best time and talents and energies great Overheard on the street- Sunday evening. January 8, at 7:30. PROGRAM! "Has your husband any hobbies The theme of the program will be Mrs. Blank" SHALL WE LET THE PROGRAM FAIL FOR LACK OF "New Year's Resolutions. "No" said Mrs. Blank, "He has FUNDS TO CARRY ON AND KEEP OUR MEMBERSHIP IN The following program will be had rheumatism a good deal, THE GREAT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION THE GREATEST presented: Congregational singing,and the hives now and then, BOY OROANIZAION IN THE WJORLD THE BOY SCOUTS "Verdant Spring and Rosy Sumbut he ain't never had hobbies." mo"., .Cnvsr ""jllll . TB.Vlt.t! VoCfll OF AMERICA? solo, Reed MadsenV Snort Newn THE NEW YEAR IS HERE! You want to do a good turn? "It is more blessed to give than Year's talk, Citherie Bowies; vr-caDO IT NOW! Hand your contribution to J. Earl Reid, Juab to receive," You notice that Billy Kendall, the ten year old solo. Kenneth Judd; Reading, District Treasurer, or mall to him at once. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kendall, when the first of January bills Sadie Howard: waxaphone duet. come in. had the misfortune to break his Yours for the betterment of boyhood, Broadheari. Rulon Brough; VpJaiicheP&ul in five places between the knee leg Monson: Violin duet JUAB DISTRICT COMMITTEE and the ankle, Saturday, while skiSpring is only 4 tons of Coal Jones. Mrs. Max Hannifin; BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA rf!v leRfttlonal on the hills near his home In away. ing "Marching singing, Const WATSON Salt Creek canyon. ' rrayer' 1JBU" -- 14 No. Juab County Board Adopts 1933 Budget 1 . j in Nephil The News. Vol. New York View 'flint Will Scon Be Impossible . Get the Habit f I Buy Nephi, Juab County, Utah Thursday, January 5, 1933 I Taxpayers of Nephi Meets With City Council And Discusses Budget for '33 Recommend Changes ;! lll Leg While Skiing Nephi City Files Suit To Collect Money I AM THE FARMER Service Star Legion To Meet January |