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Show THE PARE SIX ' - i - V - ' - - . W ' , - T - . " - ' ' , , ' " , ' ' HI - - 1 ' . Some of the United States navy's 131 ; " . . , one of the cities under them on their Z,t.- - i ft. J fighting and bomlilnj? planes as they theoretically attacked Boston e tour of the New England coast. 500-uill- L p If." , I .v'i New York girl, was officially selected by leading Parisian JUss Jean Drummond, seventeen-year-oland American fashion experts as the most beautiful and most perfect model in America. She is five feet seven Inches tall, blond, and weighs one hundred and eighteen pounds. The photograph shows Miss Drummond being measured while other contestants look on. d J. W. Cook, a newspa per Tender of Dayton, Ohio, who re cently averaged about $4.50 per week at nls business, Is now heir to a $7,000,000 estate as the result of sixty-fou- ' TTvl f r Ni ..t j0V uE v cats -- UNt i I M settlement fii ''. j&i j ;r ir - - : j i pv W;'. ir j W' : ' i - r, of his uncle's will. RIDES IN BIG RACE - i ; 11 J;L Scene at the official opening of the American Students' house In University City, Paris. The building will provide dormitory and social headquarters for 2GO American students In Paris universities and schools. Medal Struck for Von Hindenburg F.ery child la school participated In the May Festival held here. Fillmore Tb county valuation of Millurd county property lias been placed at a Ultle over one and one-fourth million dollars. of Clubs Cedar City Women's southern Utah held a convention with a large, atttendauce. Leb! A new jail In the stucco style Is being constructed. Payson Air port Is opened with elaborate ceremonies and many visi tors present. Mt. Pleasant Lion's Club Is to Investigate gasoline prices with a view of having a uniform rate for all of tbe southern part of thes state. Coalville Work is progressing at a good rate on tbe Kclio dam. Kanosh Milk experts are to test milk from Millard county herds. Sprlngvllle The local post of tbe American Legion Is planning an outcelebration on Memorial standing Day. Koekvllle Miss Selma Hopkins la seriously Injured In an auto accident, Provo Utah County Fair will be marked by big exhibit of fire works if present plans materialize. Gunnison Fish and Game Club Is raising a fund for the beautifying of canyon scenic spots,. Timpanogas Boy Scouts Circus Is expected to witness assembling of over 2,000 Scouts. Tooele A half acre of flowers la' planted by the Central school pupils. a new front is being conNephl structed on the Juab tabernacle. Pangiritch Local poultry association over forty members have received thousand baby chicks the last few days. Sprlngvllle Tls city will construct an electrical power plant la the Spring creek canyon. Logan Poultry and lamb feeding were the concluding subjects of the annual bankers' course in agriculture itnr!:, r - .. KK'A View of the city of Urumlyeh, Persia, recently renamed IUzalah, which wa with a loss of about two thousand lives. - S- J destroyed by an Convicts Who Burned Tents Sleep in the Open ' it r - f I At Sr i Tf .1 Hit T i ; t..t. '. in t .. , i H k IT MT 1i it C U General view showing 600 mutinous prisoners of the "White City" section of Ohio state penitentiary who were forced to sleep In the open after they had burned their tents In the hope that guards would release them from the stockade. at Columbus SUES U. S. FOR BILLION Fighting the Locust Pest With Fire A. C. Grove Pleasant Grove, American Fork, and Lehi will be supplied with artificial gas. Marysvale A daily mail service will be supplied to this city, Kanab, and Inermediate points by the D. and K. G. Western railroad. Venice Twenty-fiv- e bead of cattle were exhibited at the first Black and White Day held In this city, Jfnimore lne purpose or the re cently organized West Millard Dairy association is to eradicate disease among cattle. PVice The Chamber of Commerce is taking steps to secure the 1031 convention of the American Legion. American Fork Contract for the construction work on the new $160,000 waterworks system has been awarded to a Salt Lake company. Logan 32 students of department of Forestry and range at the U. S. A. C. have accepted employment with tbe U. S. Forest Service. Plain City Second annual Black and White Day attracted large nun bers and there were 120 entries In the I list. 32 Club boys exhibited calves. Springvllle The first in a series of eight meetings of the Utah Taacpay' ers association was heia here re cently. Ogucn Pea and tomato crops are advanced from three weeks to a month over last year. Midvale The Midvale Poultry Pro ducers' association is planning the im mediate construction of an egg grading plant capable of taking care of twelva. hundred cases of eggs a day. F. E. Ogden City Commissioner Williams was given a verdict of three thousand dollars In his libel guit against the Standard-ExamineTooele Agreement for weed control work under cooperative program be tween the state and the county and the land owners has been placed before the state board of agriculture. Ogden The proprietor of the C. and E. pie shop found 130 pies bad by clashing them against the walls and ceiling when he opened his shop oue morning recently. Logan Officials of Cache county farm bureaus met to discuss a project to build a road through Logan canyon. Provo Bund concerts by Provo professional musicians will be inaugurated beginning June 8. Nepht Officials have been inspecting the possibilities of developing underground water in Juab valley. Mantl Improvements amouuting to $5,000 are being planned for the egg grading plant. Provo A record crowd of six thous- j and people attended the B. Y. U. "circus" in tha university stadium. Rev. Lester Williams, a Sioux Indian and ordained Methodist Episcopal minister, who Is suing the United States government for $1,000,000,000. Williams charges that the gold taken from the Black Hills of Dakota in 1808 now amounts to a billion, with accrued interest, and he seeks that' amount for 15,000 Indians living in "4&J'i.!Sai?:v-.. S lr ..... Ki Egyptians spraying chemically produced flames into the swarms of locusts that were destroying the crops there. This method of fighting the pest was found most effective. Don Martin Dam Nears Completion that district. ANGLERS' ADVISER (ife. J hi.... i . 1 1 been-destroy- Johnny Seymour, former motor cycle driver, who has forsaken two wheels for four. lie will particie pate In the Indianapolis Memorial day race with Jimmy as his mechanic. 500-mil- Mifc-ne- y Th Frequency Girl out our way who bought a radio on the easy payment plan says it operates on a frequency of one a month. Cbri The two sides of the medal which has Just been stamped In of Von Iilndenburg'a afth year as president of Germany, r 23. at the U. S. Pleasant INHERITS $7,000,000 Paris Dormitory for Americans Persian City That Was Razed by Earthquake WellsvUle Selecting the Most Perfect Model in America r Croen Elver Ring worm disease bas been discovered In some of the Utah flocks. MIdvale Exhibits of work performed by the adult blind was shown at Halt Lake during Blind Educational Wet-k- . Ogden L. A, Db'Ktey. 30, was killed la an auto accident In Ogden canyon. Plain City Work begins on tbe 8 mile bard surfaced road to Ogden. Itlcbfleld Suit against A. L. Stal-Unbaa been brought by Mr. T. L. Davis as the result of an aute accident. Kaysvllle It is reported that over 7,000 acre will be planted In tomatoes by Utah farmers this year. Morgan lilcls are to be received at Ogden on National Forest lumber on June r Thursday, May 22, 1930 UTAH BRIEFS When the Navy Bombers "Destroyed" Boston r NEPHL UTAH TIMES-NEW- Where Many Lota Marrying for money Is as eny a way to get It as to gamble for 'it. Chicago Raws. , f fM -- ' 1 r Henry O'Malley, commissioner of the United States bureau of fisheries, who has Inaugurated an anglers' program over radio station WMAL In Washington. All kinds of advice n to furl her the ambitions of the will be given during the summer. Members of the house and em:ite who have taken a prominent part In legislative piscatorial affairs will broadcast, as will many itnglers. flsli-erme- well-kuo'v- ir A- Vlew of the great Irrigation project known as the Don Martin dam, which is nenrlng completion. When finished It will have cost approximately $11,000,000. It is situated on the Ilio Salado, 82 miles southwest of Laredo, Texas. The project will Irrigate about 100,000 acres of arid ffnd virgin land. The Master' Mind Jesus was not primarily a philosopher: he was a poet. He never suld anything In abstract terms ; He always saw His truths In pictures, bodied them forth In symbols, o'r embroidered them Into parable. Country Home, Responsibility of Poor Roads Add a good doctor and a poor road and a mother and a new-bor-n and sometimes baby together, death Intervenes so that two and two leave only the, and occasionally onljr' two. Burlington Frea Vwrnmrn. |