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Show Thursday, May 22, 1930 THE FINNEY OF THE FORCE Kr f:F.zr. n i X Ortrw. officer.- - ETA X TIMES-NEW- x ," looK.ClAuD6--SEC- f- NEPUL UTAH S. .- Manners . - PAGE SEVEN V. J , 7 on im sues- voo s Vi AM CLNJCCAJOS lO IT SWEET OF 0 VWE V VSrtOU) MduC MWOSU (4 . x 9 X U M - LXDMT MOO POLICEMAN'S O 1, r- - UO HAL WAS TOfeES PAESC A. Sour Stomach - THE FEATHERHEADS AW?Sb VftlJt 4IM!iShT5MUQ Ps m KN0W LITTLF KAVEP. . ?Lpr (f'! H ; I PlAVtD AGAlNSr) AT WE LAST TABLE i ,y i la the lame tin i Post Mortem , "iAND WE StT HIM FOUQ TCJKXS!-- VtX) 5H0UL0 HAVE HIM TvOlTCM 7 5EN WHEN HIS "ff)& ftPAND Lv Q rllifeY TWAT TtMEplP.." I PLAYED WTj4 MAO FOUQ PfTEQ r-- I f HE ACTS, DOUBLEDStX3 ff !- ZTT WfS ? f. il- L "X xT WONDERFUL . 4rW FaIuRE - ! J iTl It take a dose of ola to bring a little temporary relief of gas and oor atomacb, PbUUpa Milk of Magncala haa acidity completely checked, and the digestive organs all tranqalllzed. Unce yon have tried thla form of relief you will cease to worry about your diet and experience a new freedom In eating. Tills pleasant preparation as good for children, too. Is Just Use It whenever coated ton cue or fetid breath atgnalg need of a sweetener. I'hyilrlans will tell you that every spoonful of I'hllllps Milk of Mng-nesneutralizes many times its volume In acid. Get the genuine, the name I'hllllps Is Important Imitations do not act the samel la PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia Hawaiian Vocabulary There are approximately 10,000 to 1S.O0O words in the Hawaiian language. oAlong the Concrete The Home Censor : 1 I y . wa AT I ITEM , AS FIRST AID I? MAy W0ULP I $AW This LOSE MV PoSlT7M Uso Hanford's Balsam of Ktyrrh are authorized to relund tour All dMltra Ml) tor tho Ural oottld 'I not luitoi. Quack Invade Europe) Many of the older generation will remember the Indian mediconcine man who sold his cure-ul- l coctions from a red wagon undtrr a sputtering oil light on city street corold-tim- e ners and village squares. lie has almost vanished from the West, but his tribe hasn't died out. It has only gone to Europe. In lier-llParis, Vienna and other continental cities, you can find Rig Chief e crying his wares to curious knots of citizens. In his feathered headdress and quaintly colored clothes, he Is a novelty to the Europeans, who nre taking his bokus-poku- s claims seriously. n, What's-Ilis-Nam- Bad News for Burglars French engineer has invented an electric dog that jumps, barks fiercely, and even tries to bite when theoretically a burglar throws the light of a torch In Us face. Tbe Invention works on tbe principle of electric cells which set up a current when ray of light reaches them. This In turn starts the motor that makes the dog act like a real animal. A tired By Charles Sughroc MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL CM aKS,V4HO Gxues , Sex we OV.E OUTFrr, t UM -(- SMO FUM WRES M "WEV DOH?T COLLAA. AO P.Mft A.U.-CV- OTees VOS AE PA.RTW1G -- 7 eF X' tvV "Around Town" Gossip 5KXm SANS W6 GOnf STUMS DVi wo.ow' x "oeTwe tW&R. OFFE OV.6 i i VteES J AUJANS BEEN C0US0EREO WtV. 0AAES W OUft eWAVKWOW POOU ANER , BVJT AST. VCMX akio pacav GRV106. ViOOLD ViEXX fiPB.V4G f AU. TO St WEANN AU' he's gomta 17 take TftAVELUVJG WVAM TOOK WVA WXTO CAVAP SOVA- HP A GUI TWAT AVJPOU VAS.T MVOHY- -x TWW, AA TO SEU. SUOE3 CMA PLAN TWG Vv eueGO cverjr monun Get poisons out of tbe system with t, the Chewing Gum Laxative. Smaller doses effective when taken in this form, A modern, scientific, family laxative. Safe and mild. Feen-a-mln- UE Ta AUVJWiG, SEX GOmG TO HUHT ME A 00ft VKA I vr & LEAVE. TCOV)Vtfl OV4TU' STV.EEVS tVU- AViv ViT- - THE GENUINE m THE CLANCY KIDS-So-me Team ( bit McCIurg Newspaper Syndics le) By PERCY L. CROSBY FOR CONSTIPATION Usual Fata of Reformer Gracchus became tribune in Rome In 134 B. C. He hoped to restore the holdings of the small farmers and dispossess the rich of their wldo possessions, which had been stolen. He introduced a bill for this purpose, but It was too bold a challenge to vested Interests, and he and 300 of his followers were massacred. "El BUM?. Headachy, bilious, constipated? Take tft NATURE'S R5MSOT tonight. Thia mild, safe, vegeta- ble remedy will have yon feeling fine by morning. You II enjoy free, thorough bowel action with- - ' f or discomfort. Sc mild, puriy at druggist eijrtflfcl only 25a FEEL LIKE A MILLION, TAKTt .LA W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 30. |