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Show DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF CENTRAL UTAH' The Times, Vol. 20, No. IJEPHI jUHUL Mi8 Nelda Belluton Edits Book; Farrel Winn Business ManagerDedicates It To Wheat Growers. The 1930 Nebonlan was distributed to the student of the Nephi High School Wednesday of this week. The year book is a well edited edition, and contains pictures of the board of education, faculty and students of the school. The photographs, which were taken by Fred Chapman, are some of the very best photos that we have ever had the pleasure of seeing, and they reflect very highly the ability of Nephis ptotographer. The year book contains a brief history of the various classes and organizations, and will be prized for of the many years by the students '. , Nephi High. The Nebonlan Is dedicated "To the wheat growers of Juab County, who have been an important factor in making our education possible." On each of the title pages there are views of grain fields and also various methods of harvesting, from the old time cradle to the modern comThere is also a bined harvester. page giving a history of Juab County, "The Birthplace of Dry Farm' ing." From cover to cover, this school to book a is the credit, year's ' and to the students. staff is as follows: Nebonian The Nelda Belliston, editor; - FarreU Winn, business manager; Lawrence d, Olpin, assistant editor; George assistant business manager; Maurice Chase, student body - reporter; Gean Worthington, photographer; Louise Bowers, - chief typist; Ernestine Foote, assistant; Tiiora McFarlane, assistant; Nellie Madsen, faculty advisor. Hay-mon- . DEVOTED TO THE J BEST INTERESTS OF CENTRAL UTAH . 21. H.S. ISSUES SCHOOL 4'""'" Wm Nephi, Juab County, Utah, ThurMhy, May 22, 1930: Ft. Green News Everet Draper, who has been suffering from sjwtted fever for the past ten days is slowly recovering. He is at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ed. Draper. Ruymond Anderson had the misfortune of getting his foot crushed at Standardville. Utah, where he lias employment and consequently is home for a few days but expects to be able to return to his work this week. Kate Anderson of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Goldie Goodman of Portland, Oregon visited with Mrs. Lyda Ouymon this week end. May Day was celebrated in a very fitting manner on May 16th, which was under direction of the local Primary association. The Queen of May was Miss Charlotte Barentson Elizabeth Christensen and with Valera Coombs as her attendants. The flower girls were Alice Johnson and Ruth Alired and Ellwin Mlkkel-se- n was Jack in Green. These were all chosen from their credits for attendance at Primary during the past year. A very excellent program was rendered in the ward chapel at 10:00 a. m. and a children's dance in the afternoon, where the children danced the May Pole and did so is a very commendable way. There was an unusually large attendance of both parents and children. A dance in the evening brought the May Day celebration to a close. The Fountain Green Symphonizers furnished music for' . , dancing. Mrs. Fern Francom and children of Levan are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carter. The opening dance of the season at "Greenona," open air dance on May 20th was well attended, and an enjoyable evening was spent by ail present. received Mrs. Melissa Samuels word Tuesday morning from Provo Hospital that her son Gerber, had been shot through the leg and had been brought there for assistance. She left immediately, but no particulars have been learned at this time as to how ':, the misfortune happened. He was at' "the sheep herd at the time of the accident. Miss Victoria Jackson is conduct-ini- g a Kindergarten class in our community, which is very commendable and everyone with children of this age, 'cannot afford to not take advantage of this excellent training they receive there. Mr. A. A. Borgeson, our music received word Sunday instructor, morning of the death of his mother at Santaquin. Funeral services are to be held there Wednesday, May . . SIX CASES SCARLET FEVER IS REPORTED IN THIS COMMUNITY There are 6ix cases of Scarlet Fever in Nephi at the present time, according to information given out Wednesday by city health phs'siclan Dr. T. Warren Allred. There has been rumors afloat taht there were a large number of cases of scarlet fever in our community, but Dr. Allred states that there are only six cases that have been reported to him. New Road Is Being Margaret Crapo, a member of the "Lucky 13" Club entertained the other members of the club May 16. The occasion being her birthday. The time was spent in playing games. At 11:30 a supper was served to twelve of the members: Irene Cooper, Reva Vickers, Marie Kendall, Alice Ord, Marjorie Lunt, Helen Chase, Marion Christensen, Donna Belliston, Eunice Brough, Marjorie Lomax, Aline Ellison, Belva Menzle, Melba Dastrup, club sponsors and the hostess Margaret Crapo. Reporter, Helen Chase. New Cement Floor At The Nebona Gardens Nephi Athlete Ties Fcr 1st Place In High Jump and Gets Second Place In Javelin Vaults 12 G 3-- 8. State Convention The regular mtontlily stake priesthood and union niccling will bo held Sunday evening, and the Presidency el the Juab Stake of Zion Levan Happenings Albert Newman and Mrs. Ben Chilli and family of Gunnison 8e.it liuirhiijy here with relatives. Mr. Newman was here on business. M.S. Jeanette Shepherd was liost- eta to the H. O. A." club Thursday afternoon. The time being siwnt in A dainty luncheon was sewing. served. The sheep shearers who have been W Vol.- 14. No. 21. GRADUATES HIED HI urges that all officers and touchers BY the various auxiliary organizations be in attf ntlunce, as there will be a number or viUl problems dis- employed at the Fairfield shearing cussed that each and every officer corral for the past few weeks re and teacher Bhould be there and turned home Saturday. Lieutenant Governor And-derso- n receive the information. John Kverette of Idaho Falls, of Price Gives Idaho Is here enjoying a visit with his sister in law. Mrs. Elenor JohnExcellent Advice On son, also with friends. Vocational Education. Mrs. Joseph Christensen returned to her home at Richfield Sunday after an extended visit with her W. L. Anderson, of Price, lieuparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bosh. tenant governor of the Utah-Idah- o Mrs. K. W. Peterson went to of Kiwanis, was the prindistrict Ogden Sunday where she will visit for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. cipal speaker at a special meeting of the Nephi Kiwanis club held Henry Dankars and Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening. The boy graduates Earl Peterson. Miss Pearl Peterson and a friend. of the 1930 class of the Nephi high Mr. Neil Sanford of Ogden spent school were guests of honor at the was at honored the again Nephi the week end here with relatives banquet and program. annual convention of the Utah- - of Governor Anderson gave a very Miss Peterson. of Division Service the Wyoming Miss Vinnie Christensen, who has fine address on the subject "VocaStur Legion held at Salt Lake City tional Guidance" and gave the last week, when Mrs. T. Warren been employed at Centerfield, Utah boys some well founded facts to Allred was elected first vice presi- for some time returned home Tues think about before tliey chose a dent and Mrs. C. W. Morgan was day with her parents, who had spent vocation. lie reviewed a number of treasurer. Mrs. Allred the. day with Mrs. Darral Chllds. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Christensen vocations which no doubt some of has been second vice president for the boys will be enterthe past year, and her friends In and family of Los Angeles, Cali- ing. graduating He stated that a boy should fornia came extendan for Tuesday her Nephi contemplate placing first find out what qualifications name before next year's convention ed visit with Mrs. Sophia Christen were necessary in the trade or prosen, mother of Mr. Christensen, also for president. fession that he was contemplating Mrs. Morgan has served the dis other relatives and friends. he finally made up Mrs. Ray Burnell of Payson spent entering, trict as treasurer in a very efficient his mind whether or not be would to this Wednesday here with her sister. enter that profession. ' manner, thus her Miss Ethelene Potter. Important position. Dennis Wood, clerk of the board The tenth grade girls, under the The delegates who attended the of education of Juab school district convention reixrt having a very in- suijervision of Miss Ethelene Potter represented the board of education structive and entertaining conven- were hostesses at a banquet given on the program and gave some tion, among the features being a in the school house Friday night. timely advice to the young men who present were: the Levan were banquet at the Hotel Utah, and Those , from the local the meeting held at Memory Grove. school faculty, Mrs. C. H. Farns- - school.graduating He also gave the cost of worth, Farrel Wankier, and the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. educating a hish school student in this district. He also gave the boys Barnett of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. some good advice, which should be A. C. Dalby. The color scheme was valuable in their lives. worked out in very very beautifully President of the Helper green and gold. Everything was club was alsoVaughn a visitor at the meetarranged very nicely and was thorand also gave a short talk. oughly, appreciated by. all, in at ingE. H. Steele, presided and the tendance. Mrs. Blanche Wood of Salt Lake following program was rendered: vocal solo, Maurice Chase; tromCity and Mrs. Beatrice Hawks of bone solo. Alma' Burton, accomPocatello, Idaho are here visiting by Director Wallace Z,'." their Mr, and &SisJji)k panied ir.M.,nMt, Martin. " Charles DeMOisy Jr., forest super Lundsteen. visor of the Uinta National Forest Following the banquet and proThe commencement exercises of was down from Provo Monday and the Levan school was given in the gram the board of directors held Tuesday where he held a conference Amusement Hall Wednesday eve- a meeting, and Governor Anderson with forest ranger A. P. ChristianThe manner In which the discussed a number of important ning. sen, relative to the proopsed im- PRrts were given showed a great questions pertaining to Kiwanis. After going over the records of provements during the coming year. deal of work and practice on the club Mr. Anderson was Mr. DeMoisy - stated that this part of the teachers and also the the Nephi very well pleased with the condition year's improvements will include pupils. It was certainly an eve- of the local club, and complimented improvements at the water holes. ning of good entertainment. President Garbett on the condition Plans call for new troughs which of the organization. will be of the latest type, which will keep the water holes clean and sanitary and keep the animals from tramping in the water. He also stated that the program calls for other range improvements which include a new mile stretch of drift fence in Hop Creek canyon, On Tuesday Mr. DeMoisy made a Monday was Pay Day at the local trip to Maple canyon, where he in and Battery Commander C. Juab Stake carried off first honors spected the work that had been battery, done there. He stated that the L. Memmott issued checks amount- in the double mixed quartet at the forest service had appropriated ing to $724.25, to the officers and M. I. A. division semi-fina- ls at men of his command. $lo00 for a half mile of road, which enlisted Fork, Tuesday evening. lies within the' boundary of the Lieutenant Memmott reports that Spanish entitles the winners to comthere are now three officers and This in forest reserve. the grand church finals to sixty-si- x enlisted men in the local pete be held at Salt Lake at the organization, with a good percent- annual M. I .A. June City conference. age of members attending drill. The members of the double quartet The men" of the organization are are: Mrs. T. D. Mrs. Robert working hard in order that they Winn, Mrs. RalphDavis, Barnes, Mrs. A. will be in tiptop shape for the anRalph Barnes, T. D. nual summer, encampment which J. Crapo, S. G. Paxman and Clarence will be held at Jordan Narrows Davis, L. Professor Wallace June 16th to 30th. The drill pay Warner. Martin, accompanist. was first for the received Monday Word was received here Tuesday The M. Men's Chorus and Ladies was of the death of Irving Jensen, 33 three months of this year, and Chorus of Juab Stake represented of members the by appreciated son of John Jensen and Anna District No. 19 at the division semifinals at Spanish Fork, in compeIsraelsen Jensen of Hyrum, Utah Battery "E". who died May 20 at Helena, Mont, tition with groups from the fourth ward from Provo, but were unable from complications resulting from Honor In to win first places. an operation for hernia ten days Wedding Supper The judges officiating at the of Newly Married Couple ago. division semi-fina- ls Mr. Jensen was superintendent of complimented the participants, both winners and the government agricultural experi mental station at Mocasin, Mont, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell an- losers, for the excellent training He was born at Hyrum, Utah, April nounce the marriage of their daugh- and talent displayed. 8, 1897. Besides his father he is ter, Melda to Raymond E. Houghsurvived by his wife, Lola Cazier ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jensen and two children, Deleen, 9 Houghton of Mona. The marriage SATURDAY, MAY 24 and Gordon, 4. Four brothers and ceremony was performed at the IS "POPPY DAY" three sisters also survive. home of the bride's parents, MonFuneral arrangements have not day, Bishop Thomas Bailey, officibeen made. ating. Several very fine windows have Mr. Jensen received his master's Tuesday evening a wedding supper been in the business from State Utah the degree Agri was given at the home of Mr. and houses arranged of Nephi, in commemoraMrs. W. H. Howell at which the cultural College In 1924. immediate families of the honored tion of Poppy Day, which will be The observed Saturday throughout the guests were in attendance. United States. The local sale will Miss Jesye Salisbury And young couple will make their home be under the supervision of the In Mona. American Legion Auxiliary. George Blackett Wed of CLUB Nephi Ladies Are Elected Officers J A i , - v, . :" hi i f n of Service Star ' : V ( U AV 1 iif.v?:" - e . - I ' t t ' ' " Forest Supervisor ' f ' 4" r - , K-- V i - I , ' ; DeMoisy Inspects - rovements . At a meeting of the Nephi Business and Professional Women's club held last Thursday evening, Miss Priscilla Wilson and Miss Blanche Francom were selected as delegates to attend the annual convention of the State Federation of clubs Business and Professional which will be held in Salt Lake City next Saturday and Sunday, May 24th and 25th. Miss Marion H. McClench of Ann Arbor, Michigan, national president will be the guest of honor: at the state convention this year, and the program as outlined in the convention bulletin calls for almost consessions from 10 o'clock a. A tinuous m. Saturday until 2 p. m. Sunday afternoon. At the Sunday evening banquet, addresses will be given by John F. Bowman, mayor of Salt Lake City, O. E. .Howard, president of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce and Miss Marion H. McProspects are good for a normal Clench, President National Federawheat crop on the Levan Ridge, says tion of Business and Professional Aaron F. Bracken, superintendent Clubs. of the Levan Ridge Experimental Women's ry Farm, which means an average of 22 bushels per acre over the entire fifteen thousand acres of dry land wheat. During the period of May 1st to May 22, there has been 2.30 inches Up of rainfall recorded at the experiment station, says Mr. Bracken, and with this amount of rainfall the The following teachers have signprospects for an average crop look the Juab very favorable at the present time. ed contracts to teach in School District during 1930-3Junior and Senior High School: George A. Sperry, Harry Beagley, Fidelis Choral Club Was C. W. Johnson, Cleon Memmott, Entertained Thursday Lillian Blackett, Verena Adams, J. V. Stimpson, Irene Metcalf, Effie The Fidelis Choral Club met at Jones, Elva Wright, Wallace L. Eddie Isaacson, Alonzo the home of Mrs. Mabel Lunt last Martin, Ingram, Perry McArthur, Harry Thursday evening. Business was attended to, after Nicholson, Grant Gardner, James which a splendid paper was given Anderson, Thorval Rigby, Carlyle on the social and professional life Braithwaite, Ethylene Potter, Elementary teachers: Edith Peterof Prof. Evan Stephensen by Mabel Peterson, Helen BeneLunt, after which she and her son, Leona Russell Gardner, Paul K. daughter sang two of Prof. Stephen-sen- 's dict, Golden Clayton Beck, compositions In a very pleas- Walker, Alean Oldroyd, Pace, Lois Lunt, May ing manner. Alice Sowby, Thelma Refreshments were served to the Andrews, Mabel Sperry, Camille Lilly Wright, Lucille Warner, following: Ray Newton, Irvin Gardner, Booth, Lucille Lunt, Florence Winn, Cazier, Viola Ockey, Alice Crapo, Diane G. Lona Newell, Zelda Kay, Nelda Booth, Kate Burton and the hostess Beck. Normal Wheat Crop The management of the Nebona Gardens are having a new cement floor built at their popular summer dance hall, which wUl be ready in Mrs. Lunt. the next few days. Pyper and Hawkins, the proprietors anticipate a very successful season this sum- Seminary Alumni Ass'n mer, as their new six hundred dolTo Hold Annual Banquet lar cement floor should be a real inducement to the dancers of central Utah, and Nephi being such a The Seminary Alumni Associacentrally located city, business will tion is entertaining the Seminary no doubt be good. graduating class of 1930 at a banquet which is to be held at the Forrest Hotel, Saturday, May 24, at Work Is Progressing On 8:00. All the Seminary Alumni Tabernacle The Building Association members and the graduates of this year are requested to The work of tearing down the be present. Tickets (75c) are be and Tabernacle is still progressing, ing sold by the officers of the the people of Nephi are donating association. At the banquet, the to work, this election of officers and scheduling their time freely which is a very commendable thing, the events for the coming year will be worth will as the improvement be put over. It is requested that many more times as much as the all members of the Alumni Associa will be necessary labor is worth that tion be present. to do the work. It is understood of the authorities that the general Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William F. church will finance fifty per cent Squire, a son, on May 21st. of the cost of the construction. III PQLEVAULT Through the efforts of the East Juab Fish and Game association, a new road is being completed this week from the state highway to the Burraston pond. The lane is being fenced, and if present plans mater ialize a good road will be constructed around the Burraston Pond. The state fish and game department delivered 4,000 large fi:ii to the pond this week, which are all ready for. catching, as they measure from 8 to 14 Inches in length. President Hawkins states that fishshould be exing at Burraston' cellent this season. , The salmcn trout that were planted there several years ago, are of a good size this year, and there is enough fish in the pond to eat a lot of the surplus feed, and they, should be hungiy for angle worms and flys by June 15th. Junior High Holds The Final Assembly Bracken Predicts lowing numbers participating: 7th and 8th grade girls chorus; Quartet composed of Paul Downs, Elmo Starr, Wilmer Barnett and Ralph Stanley. Vocal Solo Fay Warren Girls three part chorus "Sunset Hour" , Donna Kirgen Vocal Solo "Grandfather's Clock" Girls three part chorus "Old Folks at Home" Talk on Germany ....Mr. McArthur President Tom Cowan presided. HtClII BREMS i County Assessor Joel Taylor returned Sunday from a trip to Western Juab County where he went to check up on sheep. Mr. Taylor had the misfortune to be in that area in a wet season, and got his trusty Ford stalled in the mud and had a long walk to Callao for help. He 21st. had his seven year old boy with him Mrs. O. L. Seeley is visiting this and the little fellow had the longest week at Mt. Pleasant with her walk of his life. mother, Mrs. W. E. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sperry of Salt Lake spent a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hansen. The student body officers gave an assembly program with the fol- STAKE PRIESTHOOD AND UNION MEETING ON SUNDAY NIGHT Constructed To Burraston Pond B.P.W. Club Select Delegates To The The News, Thirty Nine Teachers Have Been Signed 1: Forest Service Employee Weds Moroni Girl - : Jx 9 CARL BELLISTON Nephi can well be proud of the showing made by one of its native sons Carl Belliston, who made a new state record in the pole vault, when he cleared the bar at 12 feet 6 inches, at the state track and field meet last Saturday. Carl is a student at the Utah State Agricultural college. Belliston tied for first place in the high jump with a 6 foot inch jump, and he won second place In the javelin cast. The people of this city are verq pleased of the honor that has come to Belliston, as he has been a hard working student, and The Times-New- s congratulates him on being over twelve able to ir" and one-ha- lf feet. Wheat Compendium Of Special Interest Can Be Obtained By Farmers Logan. A wheat compendium of special interest to wheat intermoun-tai- n states, compiled cooperatively by the Federal Farm Board and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, has just been issued and is being distributed by the Experiment Station. The forword to the compendium reads as follows: "The commercial production of wheat in the intermountain states is located principally in 24 southeastern counties of Idaho and the northern and central portion of Utah. The exportable surplus )s marketed as wheat and flour on the Pacific Coast, in the southern states and on eastern markets. The movement of this grain Is principally through Ogden, Utah, from which point it is shipped, either as wheat or flour, to the various markets. "Because this region has certain production features, price relationships, and intermarket movement of wheat and since wheat statistics for this area had not been available, the wheat growers of this district requested the cooperating parties to compile the data as they relate to the wheat Industry of this Intermountain section. "The data compiled in this compendium have been supplied by the various state and government agencies and by Individual comtheir For panies. generous cooperation we express our appreciation." This compendium is in six parts, The marriage of Richard Green land, of Nephi, and Miss Zelda Bailey of Moroni was solemnized in the Manti Temple Wednesday of this week. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey Jr. of Moroni, while the groom Is the son of Mrs. Mabel Greenland of Nephi. Mr. Greenland has been employed by the United States Forest Service during the field sea son for the past five years and is very successful In this type of work as follows: The young couple will make their Part I Acreage and Production home in Nephi. of Wheat in United States, Southeastern Idaho, and Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pitt and son Part II Shipments and InspecStan Pitt were visitors in Nephi tions of Wheat at Ogden, Utah, and during the week end. Stan crad Intermarket Movement of Wheat. nates from the University of Utah Part III Cost Factors in Wheat this spring where he has completed Production and Expense of a course in civil engineering. on Page Eight) Hand-(Continu- ed Monday Was Payday Nephi Singers Win At Local Battery At Spanish Fork Irvin Jensen Dies At Helena, Montana The marriage of Miss Jesye Salis bury and George Blackett took place Tuesday of this week. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Annie Salisbury, and has been employed by the Carter Cleaning and Tailor ing Company for several years. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs John W. Blackett. The young couple left Wednesday for Cedar City where they will make their future home. The Service Star Legion Boards To Hold Meeting A board meeting of the old and new officers of the Service Star Legion will be held Saturday evening at 7:30 in the City Hall. A report of the State Convention, and other Important matters, will be given. . Supt. Barnett To Speak At Sacramental Meeting The regular Sacramental meeting be held in the South Ward Meeting House next Sunday, May will 25th at 11:30 a. m. Services will commence immediately after the dismissal of Sunday School. Super- intendent Owen L. Barnett will be the speaker, his subject being, "Responsibility and Courage." Members of the ward are urged to attend the above service. Mrs. E. L. Boucher returned from Los Angeles last week, and, iwill spend the summer it Nephi. Mrs. Boucher has been living with her daughters in Southern California for the past year and one half, but enjoys being back to Nephi. PROCLAMATION I, Harry Beagley, Mayor of Nephi City do set apart May 24th as "Poppy Day" and urge the citizens of Nephi to wear the poppy on this day. All the proceeds from the sale of these poppies will go to the support of disabled soldiers of the World War and the widows of World War veterans. (Signed) HARRY BEAGLEY, Mayor of Nephi City. |