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Show v. Thursday, November 21, 1929 THE TIMES-NEW- Principal Whithead Outlines Seminary Course of Study HIGH CLASS Is bt Arthur Brisbane and Individual Every every lnstltuaion occupies 4 In the miuds of Its position acquaintances as being high class, fair class or low We have endeavored clang. to have everyone who U acquainted with O. P. Skaggs System Stores, know tcey are high class in every respect and that their shelves are stocked for the serving of high class and particular people. A Wave of Hysteria 3,000 Miles in 30 Minutes Life Futile, She Jumped Women's College Starved October this country sold to other INcountries merchandise amounting to five hundred and thirty million dol lars, s record for the year and for eight years, excepting two months la 1928. In October we bought from foreign cinety-twtrillions worth of goods. Business Is good, money la cheap. Then, what Is the matter with usT Two things, a period of reckless gambling and a wave of hysteria. ers thre b'Jsdred and THE O. P. S. Organization The O. P. Skaggs Sybtem organization beads are most ambitious to have pur stores be of the most possible service 10 all of the public in the community which each The principles is serving. under which each store is given to operate, embody "service to others" above everything else. We know you will like our stores after buying your foods In one of them for only a short time. Vou will readily observe that in dozens of ways, every possible effort has been made to make your food buying pleasant, profitable and satisfactory. Try SKAGGS "A Surety of Purity" Fillmore Nephi o On an Island In the Baltic, Ger many'a able Professor Oberth will ex periment with high altitude rockets. Using for fuel benzine and liquified oxygen, the rockets will go up fifty Church. 2. The organisation of the Church miles Into what Professor Oberth calls 3. The of the administration "planetary space." Church. (a) Temporal. (b) Spiritual. It Is believed that such rockets, history and development steered by Robot gyroscope pilots, of 4.theThe Church. descending lightly, restrained by auto(a) Major Incidents. (b) Minor matic parachutes, will carry mail Incidents. from Berlin to New York, In thirty 5. The missionary system of the minutes. Church. Twenty-fivdollars worth of fuel (b) Local. (a) Foreign. 6. will carry 1,300 letters. The same The educational system of the pocket body can be used 100 times. Church. (a) As expressed In the school Jules Verne never thought of that system. (b) Ae expressed In the scientific possibility. quorums and auxiliaries. B. To Establish Attitudes that A girl of 18. well educated, handsome, hired an airplane and Jumped Will Lead To: 1. Reverence for God. to her death, when 2,000 feet up. Her 2. Respect for authority. farewell note said, "Life Is futile, to 3. Honor for and devotion to the go on living Is wrong," and asks "what Church and its ideals. shall I find in death 7" 4. Respect for home and family 5. Respect, love and charity for Whatever she finds, the young lady. fellow-men. on arrival, should not go up In a plane 6. Generosity, as in the payment and Jump out. She found an Interest of tithes and offerings and communing world with great possibilities here ity funds. and should have stayed. C. To Promote An Interest In: 1. The achievement of the Church Had she married at 17 and had a 2. Civic Responsibilities. baby at IS ahe would still be here. 3. ' The development of Self. fussing about the baby. 4. The development of Society. Too much introspection, an unnat D. To Increase Abilities to: ural life filled with vague theories 1. Pray in private and public. producing temporary insanity are re 2. Officiate properly in the ordinsponsible for the sad tragedy. ances of the Church. 3. Defend and advocate the We are here to work, help others Church and its teachings at home around us, and make the world better and abroad. for those that follow, as our predeces 4. Participate in worthy causes. sors made it better for us, do our There are many people in our communities that think the L. D. S. duty and not ask fate questions. Fate never answers, earnest work Church is leadig out in this move ment for Religious Education of the always answers, satisfactorily. children in public schools, but our Charles E. Hughes made a good plan is far behind many of the states poech the other day, demanding more pnerous endowment of women's education. Seven leading women's colleges the endowment of have not the seven leading men's colleges. That is extremely foolish, for the mothers of the human race are at least ten times as Important as the e It next. CLR (Continued From Page One) two course given. No credit requested, nor would It be right to accept It (or the third course because of Its reference to the specific Church and Its doctrines, but those who complete this course are allow ed to graduate from the Seminary and receive graduation pins. The people, whose desires have been met by the establishment of the Sumlnary, are grateful to the high school officials for the cooperation extended, for the adjusting of high school schedules to enable students to take Seminary work, etc. In re turn, expressions of appreciation have come from high school princi pals and teachers and superintend of the ents for the cooperation Seminary teachers. Many of the public school authorities have expressed gratitude for the Influence of the Seminary among the boys and girls of the schools. Many fine points of character that have refined and mellowed the group are in general attributed to the work of the Seminary. It prlmarly lg an institution for character building and has the following objectives In mind: A. To promote a konwledge of: 1. The standard works of the firm Delta - Football Cbprrifbted. 1928 fathers. What women learn they remember and tell to their children. What men learn they forget In business and don't tell anybody. MEADOWBROOK DAIRY of th Union where as high as 95 per cent of all public school children are given dally Instruction in religious -education. May 1 quote from ajl article published in the July, 1929. Issue of the International Journal of Religious Education, the official1 of publication the International Council of Religious Education, which points out the work being done In many of the cities of the United States. 1 wilt give only a few; From Dayton, Ohio: 'This city of nearly 200.000 population, largely 'American' In character, eujoys a unique reputation for weekday church school work. It has about 6,600 boy and girls under Protestant religious instruction with in the city proper and 3,500 children In weekday schools In the surrounding country. Dayton provides religious Instruction for every boy and Klrlg in grades four to eight inclusive, whose parents desire It. In addition there are classes provided tor high school boys and girls. Every public school In Dayton Is served by a weekday church school. There are many more Interesting facta about the Dayton play, but this is perhaps the most characteristic, aside from the remarkable spirit of enthusiasm for and loyalty to the weekday Idea which prevails in this city." From Oak Park and River Forest, Illinois: "There are resldental suburbs of the second largest city In the United Their combined States, Chicago. Here population lg about 65.000. are being carried on fifteen weekday seven of which are held In schools, public school buildings. Thirty-tw- o hundred boys and girls are enrolled. As In the case In many of the best examples of weekday school work, the program is administered by a Council of Religious Education, with a compensated staff, Including supervisor and teachers. In this case ten highly trained, very competent Instructors teach all classes. Their salaries are equal to those of the best public school teachers. Their teaching week is about the same as that of the public school. Almost without exception the teachers are college graduates with specialized training in religious education. There are many fine features to be noted in connection with this system not the least of which the investment of $7.00 per child for religious J.C.PENNEY CO. Nephi, UUS Never Have Tashions Been More Charmingl m Nor Have Values Been Greater Than in this Group of Dresses felt eQO You'll be smaied at the variety of styles at this low price but this season stresses individuality, so w made a wide selection to please all typesl And there are some fascinating styles . . . all of the newest . . . in gleaming satin and flat in crepe chaclttl Tor Women instruction. Of this amount parents are asked to pay $2.00." ... Misses From Kansas City, Kansas: "Six years ago the Ministerial alliance of that city secured for the churches a grant of released time to of one public school day per week for religious instruction. Today practically 95 per cent of the boys and girls of the public schools of Kansas City are The under religious instruction. total number Is about 12,000, more than are enrolled In any other city 500 In the country. Approximately teachers and 75 centers furnish in- fashion-importa- nt Juniort one-four- th is especially gratifying because all of them have a splendid attitude towards the work and are getting the most out of their opportunities. The Seminary programs In the Tabernacle on Sunday nights is assisting in the development of the boys and girls for it gives them the chance to conduct, work out and present the struction." programs themselves. Much good in The Seminary at Nephi has an en personal development is accomplishrollment of 185 students this year, ed through this project, the largest number to ever enroll. The Seminary has been complet If shows a healthy condition and It th ely renovated and decorated ""and'-wimany new pictures It has become one of the fine classrooms and Seminaries in the Church. We appreciate the help we are receiving from the business men and civic clubs in helping us to put over our projects for they are assisting us to build, and in building this applies to character and worthwile lives that ultimately lead to splendid citizens and loyal Church members. I thank you. r Good news for rabbit breeders In California and elsewhere, and for farmers that grow "rabbit hay," green alfalfa, cut when the blossoms are fresh and blue. gain the public new production economies to to build well use: PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NOP HI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY When In Provo Eat At Sutton's Cafe "A Good Place To Eat" ladies Rest Room in Connection est merchants, tell customers "for warmth, there is nothing in the world like rabbits' wool." He mixes the fur with silk and gets $9.50 for bodice $10.50 for "yoke-fron-t cuff top vests, panties." How many rabbits go to one "pan-tie- " is not told. But if Mr. Simon will start a rabbit fur cuff pantie factory in Los Angeles that region will supply the fur, the power, the workers, and profits. Senator Borah, who carries the farmer in his arms lovingly, like the father of the child In the "Earl "King." will find that you can't separate farm ers and stocks. Wheat, cotton, corn drop In spite of loving care and the $100,000,000 government fund. That re fleets the drop in stocks. Senator Borah suggests that Con gress should "investigate the Ex change and give the people the real facts." If the Senator would do that and give Wall Street the real facts, the Exchange vould be much obliged to Day in and day out, for months, Majestic has been producing and selling up 8 6,000 complete radio sets each day. With 15,000 employees, Majestic operates entire world great plants on a scale of efficiency which has constantly amazed the in of industry. Continually improving production methods, without any way relaxing on quality, Majestic has now effected tremendous new economies to be passed on to the public, in Sensational new low prices on the latest ISAajestic Models ?ome in and get yours today , and we will equip it with Majestic tubes, insuring finest quality of tone suxd aznazingly true reproduction. him. Nobody is half as much puzzled as that poor Exchange at this time. By way of comfort, a Wall Street writer tells you: "The panlo of 1837 came to an end." The panic of 1857 came to an end. The panic of 1873 came to an end. The panic of 1893 came to an end. The panic of 1907 came to an end. And the panlo of 1929 will come to an end. Certainly It may have ended now. It wasn't a panic based on bad economic conditions that usually cause panics. It was a toppling over of pyra mided gambling that bad to topple. Panics come to an end, but unfortunately human foolishness does not come to an end. one fortunate thin in all ThAro the Wall Street moaning. Working men ana women are not aiieciea. i ney take In sixty billion dollars a year in pay, live on forty billions and have twenty billions to spend every year for automobiles, vacuum cleaners, ra; dlo sets, talking machines, etc. 1 (, 1929, br Kim FutuiM Srad.au, lac) EAJI benefits from Licenced under paUntM and ajrpH-catiof R. C. A. and R. F. L.,aiso kf htktiphon, howiX A Dunmor mad Hooan Lie Anoeintei. Mr. Simon, one of New York's wis- NEPHI PAGE THREE one-tent- h For stamina, vigor, and vitality drink more milk. It gives the boys pep and push that counts for so much in the fourth quarter. Stay with them boys and don't forget the game isn't 'over until the final whistle blows. "He Builds Wisely Who BuOds Well" NEPIII, UTAH S, I li Mi ' , X l Famous Model 91 Famous Model 92 Formerly $137.50 Formerly $167.50 Less Tubes now ftc3 Vmm$ $11io jfc n ft Less Tubes m NOW-$i h d U Nephi, Utah dm |