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Show THE X.ESIX TIMES-NEW- Club are to congratulated for the splendid entertainment they put over Wednesday evening, at Ye Old Time Ball. A goodly number of those attending in costume, and MIks LaMarr and Miss Helen were Gilbert fcin Hawkins and Miss Beth McKay Davies, both of Eureka, Utah, pro dancing cured a marriage license at the coun- features, with two special "1829" and ty clerk's office on November 19th, "1928." representing and the marriage ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace Johu An assembly program was given by 8. Cooper. the 7th grade November 21. PresiElder Nephl B. Chase, son of Mr. dent John S. Ord presided. The proand vMrg. John H. Chase, who has gram was as follows: Mr. McArthur ben laboring iu the North Central Prayer 7th Grade Girls States for the past two years, re- Song Ned lligginson turned home Monday night and re- Heading Dance Ataurine Kendall ports having spent a very enjoyable and Donna Garbett time while In the mission field. 7th Grade LOCAL NEWS ATTENTION! 47th ANNIVERSARY THANKSGIVING ik.IL IS Mrs. K. II. Forrest was operated on in Salt Lake City last Saturday, and reports from the hospital Wednesday were to the effect that she was gradually Improving following tbe operation, and the doctors are very hopeful that the operation will be a complete success. Will Be EXTENDED MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OF NEXT WEEK! With Lots of Added Bargains, Bigger and ' Better Values! . Ten thousand rainbow trout were planted In Birch Swamps behind Mt. Nebo Monday by tbe East Juab FIhIi and Game association. These fish were from the government hatchery at Springville, and measured from 1 Vi inches to 4 inches in length. They were planted in one of the three new cement retaining ponds recently constructed at the Swamps. The retaining ponds were built In the stream that heads In tbe forest ranger's station, and empties into the main stream just below the FEW THANKSGIVING SPECIALS FOR . SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY No. 2 licfr. 35c Royal Ann Cherries ... .27c 25c No. 2 Regular 35c Strawberries : No. 2 Reg. 25c Blue Berries, fine for pies. . .19c 2 for 15c ; Best Buye Can Mackerel 2 Herschey's 10c Cocoa & Cocoa Syrup, for 15c 2 for 33c 20c Bottle Sweet Relish 2 for 35c 20c None Such Mince Meat 2 for 19c 13c Pineapple Tidbits 19c 25c Asparagus Tips 1- -2 swamps. The Ladies Literary 39c ie Boys Song Wilma Allen Reading Miss Clark Vocal Solo Saxophone Solo .... Harry Duckworth Nina Chase Piano Solo Mr. T. H. Burton Talk was The program enjoyed by all those present. Student Body Reporter, Helen Chase HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The following Is the basket ball schedule for the season of 1929-3Bye Friday, Jan. 17 Friday, Jan. 24 .... Nephi at Eureka Tues. Jan. 28, Spanish Fork at Nephi Thur. Jan. 30... .Nephi at Springville Payson at Nephi Friday, Feb. 7 Bye Friday, Feb. 14 .... 21 Eureka at Nephl Friday, Feb. Tues. Feb. 25, Nephl at Spanish Fork Friday, Feb. 28, Springville at Nephi Friday, March 7, Nephi at Payson The class series In basket ball turned out very successfully for the Juniors, who took first place, the seniors second; sophomores third. and ninth grade fourth. The following men were on the teams for the respective classes: Seniors Bud Haymond, If; Spencer Sowby, rf; Ray Hall, c; Other Pay, rg; Alma Burton, Ig. Juniors, James 0: was Mrs. Jane A. McPherson hostess on Tuesday evening at a gathering of her sons and grandsons. Although Mrs. McPherson will soon celebrate her eighty-nint- h birthday she proved herself, on this occasion, a very interesting hostess and no one present enjoyed the affair more than she. Refreshments were served to Mr. Seth O. .Mthe following: cPherson, Le Roy McPherson, Jwno Shaw, If; Clarence Cowan, rf; Milton McPherson, Myrle McPherson, jsnmoy Boswell, c; Morgan Lunt, lg; Max 28c Best No. 1 New Crop Walnuts, lb Good Broom Best Late Howe Cranberries, lb 4-T- be 11 11 A Thursday, November 21, 1929 NEPIII, UTAH S. 25c COMPARE ALL OUR PRICES AND SAVE! Riches, Eugene McPherson, Sidney Orme, rg. Sophomores, . FOOTE 5 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Ladies' and Misses' SPORT COATS Glen Ander- Wright, Marcus Sowby. Ned McPher- son, rf; Cleo Petty, If; Wallace Garson, Cy Crane and "Dickey" Ostler rett, c; Fred Morgan, lg; Oris In a Wide Range of Styles and Colors Mrs. McPnerson was of Ogden. Ninth ' Grade Harold rg. Sizes 16, 17, 18 and up to 40 GarIn Max assisted serving by her daughters Gadd, If; Ted Garbett, rf; Coats for School and Sport Wear rett, c; John Leavltt, rg; Harmon Grade High Bryan, lg; Kenneth Warren, lg, substitute. The scores tor the games are as follows: Juniors vs. Seniors, 21 to 8; vs. Ninth Grade, 47-And Continuing All Next Week Finish the day right, by attending Sophomores vs. Seniors, 5 to 33; Sophomores the North Ward Reunion Dance, at Juniors vs. Sophomores, 22-VALUES UP TO $30.00 the Amusement Hall, Thanksgiving The winning team, the Juniors, It. played night. 33 was score the faculty, the to 30 in favor the faculty. The Turkevn ro tn he given E.wav at Juniors will playof the Letter Men on the annual Turkey Day Dance at the Wednesday at four o'clock. Arlington Hall: Reporter, Afton Greenwood. No Approvals No Exchanges at 4:00 o'clock Wednesday FOR Mr. Martin readnight ORDERS YOUR PLACE to be prethe opera COME EARLY BEFORE SIZES Thanksgiving Turkeys with Ken sented by the high school this year, neth Blackett or George H. Ostler, tf to the members of the glee clubs ARE BROKEN those who wished to try out BUSINESS and PAY RENT FOR name The for of the opera parts. At The Building Jesse Pay, Nephi, or is "The Sunbonnet Maidens." tf phone 334J. Due to the effects of a hard fought game between the juniors and tho DO YOU WANT A TURKEY? faculty Mr, Beagley is not enjoying Come to the Thanksgiving Dance at such Mr. health as usual. the Arlington Hall next Thursday, Yickersgoodhas been' substituting for November 28th. him. for this The progTam "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" KEPT FOR SERVICE CHESTER week isassembly to be given by the BlackWhite Boar At Kenneth a have splendid They prepared tf program ett's corral. to be presented Friday. are also making a The Let us have your order for your drive to secure books to supply the Morgan's school library. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ingram were Thanksgiving Turkey afternoon was spent and a hot sup Market. per was served at 5 o'clock. Assist In Provo Sunday attending the funing in serving were Mrs. Lewis An eral of M. V. Selman, which was At the annual Free Turkeys dersen of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs. Jean held ia the Manavu ward chapol. Thanksgiving Ball at tne Arlington Andersen. Those present were Agnes Hall, next Thursday evening. Oldroyd, Leah Hanson, Leacy Jen Attorney Claude Baker was over associa- sen, Naomi Allred, Nellie Yorgensen, from Eureka Wednesday, attending The Teachers and Parent FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED tion of Fountain Green held their Myrtle Livingston, Ethel Andersen a session of court held at the county Rooms, closet, pantry and cellar monthly meeting, Wednesday eve- and Lyda Carter. seat. 2t 349 E. 3rd S. J. S. Cooper. ning, November 13th at the Junior Community singing," AT High School E3EE FAT HENS FOR SALE "Grandfather's Clock" and "P. T. A. Edward Kendall's. was conducted by Mr. Borge-soSong" Hilda Christiansen sang a solo 99 ''One Fleeting Hour" with violin accompaniment by John Guymon. Song by Junior girls "Armistice Day". A very Interesting talk was America's Reid Mr. of Mantl, Solo, given by "My Task" by Mrs. Lillian E. Nation-wid- e longest wearing hose Coombs. Games were played and reA attend freshments served. good ance was present. A fire broke out Saturday morning charm and elegance of AIlen-at 4:00 A. M. which caused a great 3715 sneaks for itself when excitement for a little while. The ice house belonging to Hyrum Ander wear it. Matchless shapeliness. you Johnand also one owned by Gorgeously clear chiffon with slenderson, burned to the ground. The loss izing Pointed Heel. All silk from top 400.00 and the is estimated at to toe, yet invisibly reinforced in the cause of the fire is unknown. silken foot for longer service. Offered Club was enThe tertained Friday afternoon, Nov. 15, in ten Parisian sponsored shades. at the home of Mrs. Mathias Allred, Osmond Mrs. If you prefer the and Allred Mrs. by fashionable Panel-curv- e Crowther., It was held for the pur II pose of presenting each member of Heel, ask for the club with a token of remem Style No. 3785. Those present were: Mrs. brance. Both of these fam-on- s Burton Holman, Mrs. Urban Madsen, Mrs. Howard Allred, Mrs. Perry "Dancing Mrs. Harry Holman, Mrs. Junius Chiffons only Collard and Mrs. Sam Coulson. Re freshments were served and a socl $1.65 able time was spent. Some of the students of Moroni the Pair Seminary, under the direction of Mr. W. M. Rlgby, furnished the pro Pickwick offers the most congram at the ward chapel, Sunday venient travel way for local afternoon. They all rendered their parts In a satisfactory manner and service. Conand nation-wid- e it was appreciated toy the large num sistent low fares, comfortably ber in attendance. heated easy riding motor Mrs. Mary Reese of Salt Lake is coaches. visiting with her mother, Mrs. B. M Jacobson. Gerald Augason, who has been seriBetty Gompaon Leave dally at 9:40 A. M. and ously ill for over a week Is reported 8t40 and 10:8O P. M. for Los to be on the improvement now. Mrs. Ask Bffcnt about Angeles. John Snow is also recovering from a fares and schedules to all the long selge of illness. Kant. Mrs. W. O. Collard and two children of Salt Lake are visiting with relatives and friends for a few days. TERMINAL Ward conference will be held here Sunday afternoon and It is desired Venice Cafe that a good crowd be present. Thanksgiving Day will be observed in Fountain Green by a children's dance in the afternoon and a dance In the evening, which will be sponsored by the Primary association. It is hoped that a good crowd will he present. The Sorosis club met at the home 35: ,of Mrs. Geo C Andersen. A pleasant Sud-week- S GOAT SPECIALS s, CLASSIFIED r 33 On' Sale Saturday Morning 0; 6. LtVAN HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cazier of Nevada are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mans Anderson, parents of Mrs. Cazier. .Mrs. Henry Dankars returned to her home at Ogden last Wednesday few days with her after spendln. parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Peter son. Mrs. laiKa Peterson entertained a few friends in honor of Mrs. Henry Dankars. Mrs. J. W. Shepherd delightfully entertained the ''Sorosis" club WedA very nice nesday afternoon. luncheon was served. Mrs. C. A. Mangelson entertained a large number of relatives and friends Monday afternoon. After a pleasant afternoon of chatting, an Covappetizing dinner was served. ers were laid for twenty-fou- r. Friday, November 22nd, the old folks of Levan will be the special guests at the Annual Old Folks Party given in the ward amusement hall. A hot dinner will be served at 12:00 o'clock noon. After which a picture show and the following program will be given: Singing, by the congregation under the direction of Christian Christertpen; Prayer, by brother H. C. Kofod; Vocal quartet, Mrs. J. L. Francom and Co.; An adE. P. dress of Welcome, Bishop Peterson; Reading, Mary E. Gardner; Accordlan solo, W. W. Beard; Talk, Jas. E. Taylor; Piano solo, Jeannette Shepherd; Benediction, J. E. Nielsen. After this supper will be served and the rest of the evening In merry making and dancing. spent Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Galagher of Tooele spent Sunday with-Mand Mrs. James Stepnensen, parents of Mrs. Galagher. Mrs. Niels .Mortensen of Salt Lake City was a Levan visitor Tuesday. '' Eluln Gardner and Rex Taylor. r. who are employed at the Spanish Fork sugar factory, spent Monday in Levan with relatives. Mrs. S. P. Christensen entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of her birthday annlvessary. Delicious rewere served. freshments ' Mrs. Lyman Wankier entertained Tuesday at a birthday party. A nice luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradfield re turned home Tuesday after spending a few days in Salt Lake City on business. Dan Mortensen of Salt Lake City brought his sister. Ruby home Monday nisht after she had been visiting at Salt Lake and Tooele for the past few weeks. Wednesday night, Nov. 27th, 1929, ".Mac" and hi3 entertaineds will play for the big harvest ball, sponsored by the "M" men and the Gleaner girls of the Levan ward M. I. A. Come, uuu bring all your friends, a wonderful time is in store for you at the Levan ward amusement hall. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Merrel Jennings of Centerfield spent Tuesday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bosh of Mid vale, Utah spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Bosh. The preliminary program for Mutual Tuesday night, Nov. 26th is as follows: Retold story, Jewel Dalby; Instrumental music, Elbert Gardner and a vocal duet, Misses Vlnnie Christensen and Olive Taylor. "Obedience", the theme of the ward Sunday School was well ex plained and talked on, both Sunday morning and afternoon. Talks and singing were give by the students of the different classes in Sunday School. The special entertainment the vocal Sunday afternoon was selections given by brother and sister Stephensen of Nephi, who have been on a mission to New Zealand. Don't forget to be at the Dance on Thanksgiving night, at the North Ward Amusement hall. Everybody invitpd. Your Choice For $5.00 4 Nephi Merc. Co. Hot-N-To- Hot-N-To- ts Ft. Green News EE n. Local and The "Dancing Chiffon . smartest, Motor Coach A THE Travel W.-H- . "Just-A-Mer- e" ft Winter Necessities All-re- d, HOT WATER CAR HEATERS BflA-IBHS- IE RADIATOR PROTECTION- Eveready Prestone Alcohol Glycerine ' WINTER GRADE OIL - and TEXACO GASOLINE SILVER MAPLE SEEVSCE WE NEPHI, UTAH GIVE "AW GREEN STAMPS sn km mi 8 |