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Show THE PAGE TWO The Let Us - TIMES-NEW- Times-New- s NEPIII, UTAH S, HAPPEf LOCAL IIS Published Every Thursday at Nepbl, County recorder K. I). Sperry, and Juab County. Utah county assessor Joel Taylor, were In A. B. Gibson, Editor and Manager Eureka, .Monday on official buniness. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Iielistoa. of KuWiptiou Price N. O. Tay $2.50 Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. lor of Levan, attended a State Koad (payable la advance 12.00) Six months $1.25 employees convention at Cedar City last Friday. (payable In advance, $1.00) A. H. Belllaton, manager ot the Juab County Mill and Elevator Co., returned home Saturday evening, after making a trip through Southern Utah, and as far down as Calient, Nevada, on a business trip Week was Education As last week for this company. the Seventh and Eighth grades spent most of their time in English on subI. 11. Grace, C. H. Grace, and J. to education. Each Walter Paxman, three ot Nephl'a jects pertaining bis to a letter parents most progressive and successful pupil wrote were In Provo last Satreminding them that It was Educatsome- poultrymen, them ion Week and telling attending the Utah County urday, addition In thing about its purpose. Poultry day celebration. each member ot the class prepared in two or one minutes a speech of Mr. Mrs. Will L. Hoyt were In tor Provo and length on some subject outlinedwere Sunday afternoon attending These speeches the week. the funeral services for E. S. Hinckgiven before the classes. The pupils ley. Mr. Hinckley was secretary of enthusiasticwork the Into entered the Provo Chamber of Commerce tor ally and some very good work for a number of years, and was one of was produced. these grades the leading citizens of that progresSupt. O. L. Barnett and Mr. Mar- sive city. school Mona visited the Monday tin 18th. November Supt. forenoon, Nephi Chase, son ot Mr. and Mrs. tin time the giving John Chase, arrived home Monday Harnett spent from the to the testa grades reading from a two year's mission to the third to the eighth. Saskachewan district of Canada. Elder Chase left from the Manila EDUCATION" FOR FAITHKUL ward in Daggett county, but soon CITIZENSHIP One Year Serve You If you are contemplating any new investments along the above line, come in and consult us, we are very pleased to give you all the necessary information concerning our monthly payment plan. after be left, that ward was INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS First National Company Bonds Securities Insurance First National Bank Building Nephi, Utah rv ft SAILE Beautiful China Cup and Saucer Given with Every $10.00 Purchase dissol- ved and Mr. Chase requested that This week Is Education Week. he be transferred back to the NeWeek for American Educational North ward. 1929 begins with a celebration on phi Armistice Day. The world has made St. George Cheyenne and Pend-elto- n the World war. great progress since new may have their quota ot buckhave For instancemapy things horses, wild cattle and western been Invented, as the radio, better ing atmosphere, but they will have nothairplanes, and different electric ing on St. George for real entertainthings. ment for three days, Thursday, FriEducation is helping to avoid day, and Saturday, December 26, 27, eduone When wars. gets future and 28th. Cowboys from the strip, wars much who one realizes cated, from eastern Nevada and parts of cost, and that they do not do any southern Utah will be here to display our war for to Wo go country. their feats of good. and skill. Three for our loved ones, and tor the rights full days of daring entertainment, of men, to die for them if necessary riding, and bulldogging in theroping, foreWhy not live to make It unnecessary noon and races In the afternoon, into tight tor these things? Why not terspersed with exhibition of riding, teach the people that the world will thrill the spectators who come would be happier without wars, here for the third annual race meet. strife and Quarreling. Schools try to teach the children Logan, Nov. 15 Edwin Bailey of to play fair. They teach them their Nephi, a senior at the Utah State duties to their country and how to Agricultural college, has been busy make It better. for the past two weeks, a9 a member comes from of the "Good citizenship cast of "After Annabel" the within. It Is an expression of fine first drama of the season being proideals and worthy ambitions." We duced by the Jesters club, a dramatic can be better citizens, better to our society. It will be presented Nov. school, and to ourselves by obeying ember 20, in the college auditorium. our teachers, playing fair, speaking Mr. Bailey is registered In the the truth, and not quarreling. We school of Arts and Sciences and is can be better home citizens by obey majoring in geology. He is a memto make and our trying parents, Tau social Fraterlng ber of the our home better and more attractive. nity and is Omega a candidate tor the Friars We can be better to our country, by club. treating her citizens kind and not saying bad things about them. We Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Petty, and Mr. should all learn to do our best in and Mrs. Herman Mangelson were edu become should We way. every evenin Utah, last Thursdaydinner-danccated so that we can help others and ing,Ogden, e were they attended a become of more service in the world at the Hotel given by When we help the world and our the Ogden Kiwanis Biglow, club, and which country to be a better place for was attended by representatives of others to live In, we make it better other clubs in the Utah-Idah- o distfor ourselves. Then we will be good rict. The dinner-danc- e was citizens and will be happy and con complimentary to Horace W. given tented with our lifes work. of Decatur, Illinois, presiZelda Newton dent of Kiwanis International, who is making a tour of the western Mona, Utah. Nov. 14, 1929 states in the interest of Kiwanis. Dear Parents: At the Monday evening session of I am writing to you because the Nephi Kiwanis Club President I. don't think you know this is 'Edu M. Petty and Kiwanian H. L. MangI am sure you. want elson gave a very excellent report cation Week. me to have an education so I am of their trip to Ogden, and stated going to write a little about "Edu that the talk given by President cation Week." MrDavid was very interesting and My subject that I have chosen is inspiring. "Education For the Wise Use of Leisure Time." The American peoi ple have so much leisure time that they do not know what to do with it, Many loaf, some spend spare time in pool halls and other such places Some visit movies, theatres, road houses, dance halls, and the like, every night of the week. Too much of this Is not a wise way to use our leisure time. The schools are trying "For ten years I suffered so much to teach us to use more good books from chronic and sluggood magazines, radio lectures, and gish liver thatconstipation I used to carry a If we the better things ot life. boy of laxatives around with me. spend our spare time In this way Then a year ago I began to have we will go through life enjoying the things that will make us pro indigestion. I had very little energy gress and learn until we die. We will be We will be happier. of more use to our country. We will be of less trouble and more helpful to those around us and when we die people will say, the world has been a better place in which to live be M cause of us. Lovingly yours, Mc-Dav- $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Linoleum, per yard Felt Base Linoleum, per yard . .$1.00 and $1.15 Special Prices on Inlaids Special on All Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs $25.00 Velvet and Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Good Assortment of Bathroom and Bedroom 50c and up Rugs 5c Wall Paper, to close out, per double roll Big Saving on Bedroom Suites J See Our Deep Sleep Mattresses Santa Claus Will Have His Headquarters at This Store Already he has sent Doll Buggies, Little Red Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Sleighs, Wagons, Walkers and Dolls for Christmas. . Call in and See Them SELLS FURNITURE CO. Phone 351 "Quality At Less Price" Nephi, Utah 3E" A BANK ACCOUNT IS THE FATHER OF SUCCESS, AND THE GRAND-FATHE- R OF WEALTH. "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" NEPHI NATIONAL BANK JUST PLUG THE CORD INTO A LIGHT SOCKET AND Break Up Your COLD Mona School We are established for the purpose of loaning: money for the purchasing of Automobiles, Radios, etc.", on the monthly payment plan. Thanksgiving Saving Thursday, November 21, 1929 HERE IS OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER One 75c jar of TURPO and one $1.50 TURPO ELECTRIC VAPORIZER, a $2.25, Value For Only 95c one-thir- d full of water, of add one teaspoonful Turpo, plug cord into all. socket that's lamp Vapor will form and continue to form for fifteen minutes. Inhale the vapor, rel'eve the Just fill the vaporizer cold. Tins FOIt OUK SPECIAL OFFER IS fJOOI) TIME ONLY AS ALLOTMENT IS LIMITED. A KHOKT WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION entry No. 034213, Lot NW4SE4. & for SWViNEVi. 2, Sec. 10, Lots IT 18, Section 11, Township 16 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, Department ' of the Interior Gen- has filed notice of Intention to make eral Land Office at Salt Lake City. final Proof to establish claim to the Utah, Oct. 28, 1929. above described, before W. A. NOTICE Is-- hereby given that land C. Bryan, Notary Public, at Nephi, Daryl Chase of Nephi, Utah, who, Utah, on the 27th day of December, on Dec. 11, 1924 made homestead 1929. Claimant names as witnesses: Warwood, Harvey Pierce, John Anderson & Daniel Nielson, all of Levan, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, William Register 031-N28-- 1 means more than n. TUNNEL LUNCH After The Show Or Shopping Try A Bowl Of CHILI And long distance telephon-- . ing is fast, simple and cheap. At The TUNNEL LUNCH Open 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. E. M. Claridge, Prop. HE FELLS LIKE DIFFERENT MAN Edna Ferre Mona, Utah, Nov. 14, 1929 Dear Parents: I am quite sure you do not know that this week Is ''Education Week." As you are anxious for me to get an education,! thought I would write and tell you what the object of "Education Week" Is. It is trying to make every boy and girl better It is trying to make better citizens of all of us. We should become bet ter school, home, and country citi- zens. I know you want me to get an education or you would keep me home many times when you are when I washing or house-cleaniI could be of some use to you. think, too, that you know I am anxI hope ious to get an education. you understand that every day we misa in school pushes us behind. The seventh and eighth grades have chosen a topic to talk about for Education Week. My subject is "How We Can Be Better School, Home, and Country Citizens." You know how life would be with out an education. If one never had an education and happened to be at a banquet, naturally, he wouldn't know how to act. The same way If one hasn't an education he can't very well get a Job, I will always appreciate your kind I ness for sending me to school. will always try, from now on to do as you have told me to in Bchool. Lovingly yours, Melba Fowkes z.iT .sjqv A "v.vs.- - v. PJf.V SI News 70 New Telephones Today MORE TELEPHONES MORE PEOPLE YOU CAN REACH QUICKLY Today you can reach 70 more telephones throughout the Mountain States territory than you could yesterday. Tomor70 more will be available. During each hour of every working day, approximately nine more will be added, for at the end of October, the number of telephones Installed in the Mountain States had been about 70 a day, throughout this year. Perhaps you may have no reason to call any of these new telephones today, but tomorrow one of them may provide a contract that Is most necessary to your business. Your salesmen may call some of these new subscribers to sell by teleSome may be manufacturers phone. fit nrnrillnta vnu nocil nthora msv folk local merchants who enable you to reach the consumer. The 21,000 new telephones which will be installed in the Mountain States territory this year mean more people you can reach quickly; more things that can be quickly and satisfactorily accomplished by telephone. With each working day additional offices and homes are linked together by the fastest, most personal means of communication. Each day increases the value and usefulness of your row, THANKSGIVING OTTO EASTLOND and was extremely nervous. I'd roll and. toss for hours at night and what little sleep I got didn't rest me, for mornigs I'd feel dull, listless and worn out. I lost weight and was runday in every way. "Four bottles of Sargon and three of Sargon Soft Mass Pills made a new man of me. For the first time in ten years I'm free of constipation. My appetite is fine, and the indigest ion is gone. I sleep like a ton, get up feeling fine, and have plenty of I'm gaining strength and energy. Otto East- weigh right along." 642 So. Carona 8t., Denver. lond, Ord and Mangelson, Agents. (Adv.) There are certain days in the year when we all like to be at home-o- ne is Thanksgiving. If you are unable to be with your family, exchange greetings by telephone. Perhaps you will want to Invite friends or relatives from out of town to ner with you telephone, it's the quickest and most personal v vvuiuiuuiwtiiiug yuur lUYiiauoil. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company ' |