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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- is Local News Just Received fm Claude R. Loniar, manager of the Mrs. George Held of Twin Bridges, Montana? la visiting at the home of Lomax Music Store, was in Salt Lake Mrs. E. M. Claridge. Mra. rield came City lust Monday on business. down from .Montana to attend the E. H. Steele, Manager of the graduation of her nephew, Easton Venice Theatre was In Salt Lake City Claridge. the first of the week on business Mat T. Howard returned home connected with the show-housfrom Salt Lake City this morning James Phillips, is in Nephi this where he has been visiting his daughter. Fay. who was operated upon re- week enjoying a vacation with his mother, after having been employed cently at a hospital. Miss Howard at Garfield during the past year. la reported to be getting well fast, and la practically out of danger. Mrs. Vincent Ord will leave Friday County Clerk J. H. VIckera, re- tor Evanston, Wyoming, where she cently compiled the marriage and will make her futute home. Mr. Ord divorce statistics for the past year, is employed by the J. C. Penney which shows that 98 marriage Company at that place. licenses were issued and only 15 Miss Lenore Cornwall of Salt Lake divorces were granted In Juab City, Is spending the week end In County. Nephi, the guest at the home of Mr. Judge LeRoy Cox was In Nephi and Mrs. Clarence H. Warner. Miss Tuesday and held a short term of Cornwall was a teacher in the Nephi Court in the District Court. Judge High School for several years. Cox heard some probate and law and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coulson, and motion matters during the short term of the District Court. family will leave Friday for Provo, Utah, where they will make their June Kendall. Manager of Kenda'.l future home. Mr. Coulson will en Bros, wag in Salt Lake City the first gage in truck gardening In the Utah Kendall county seat. of the week on business. Bros, is the local agent for Frigid-alre- s, The construction of the new addi and Mr. Kendall states that during the past few days he has tion to the Forrest Hotel is being placed three of these machines In pushed very rapidly; a large number of mun being employed in the erec Nephi homes. tion of the addition. There will be a meeting of the Mr. and Airs. Albert Sells and Pass Reunion held at the Stake Tabernacle on Sunday, May 26. 1929 child, returned home Friday from at 4 P. M. All members are urgent- Roosevelt, Utah, where he has been teaching the past school year. Mr. ly requested to be there. and Mrs. Sells will remain in Nephi By S. R. WINN. President. during the summer. , e. GROCERIES 25c 65c; Jello, 3 pkgs Bag Sugar .13c Corn Flakes, Small 9c; Large 42c Mothers China Oats, 29c Quick Quaker Oats 11c Campbell's Soups, Can 10c Milk, Small Can ..5c; Large 10c Lye, Can 45c Large White King Soap Powder 1 39c 2 Salmon Can No. 20c, cans We Have an Assortment of Hostess Cakes Try Them. ..... SATURDAY SPECIALS 10c Cocoa Hardwater Soap, Snow Flake, 5 Bars 28c 28c 10c Kirk Olive Toilet Soap, 5 Bars 17c 5c Matches, 6 Boxes 39c P & G Soap, 10 Bars 25c Sunny Monday Soap, 8 Bars COMPARE ALL OUR PRICES AND SAVE! . FOOTE H NEW 5 The Booster Club of the Nephi High School held a series of meetings during the last week of school in which they chose the goats and elected the officers for next year. The following goats were chosen: Veradean Partes, Ruby Belliston, Nelda Bellisotn, Ruth Lunt, Beth Lunt, Ruth Francom and Irene Downs. The membership of the club has been cut down for next year. There will be fourteen members and two sponsors. Up to this change there has been twenty members and two sponsors. The new officers are": LaMarr Hawkins, President; Deon Beagley, Vice President; Louise Bowers, NOTICE! We have several PLAYER-PIANOand STRAIGHT PIANOS that we have taken back and we will dispose of them at a SACRIFICE. We will sell them on very reasonable terms to responsible parties. Write MR. THOS. HOLLAND, 90 General Delivery Nephi, Utah S Secretary and Treasurer; Alburta Cowan, reporter; and Irene Downs Yell Master. With this group of officers a very successful year is in store for all. KMJI ii HiflH"IW(i"W.M PUP WW Nephi Merc. Ford has a Newest Trend Triplex Summer Modes In shatter-proo-f be glass Fashionables windshield h ALREADY it has saved many lives. No matter COED how hard the impact, the windshield of the new Ford will not shatter. You are therefore protected from flying glass the cause of 63 of automobile injuries. Come in and let us show you the many other unusual features of this great new 16 75 Frodtf (WJj tfjmtk riZJ Charm PAGE MOTOR Co Nephi, Utah ill J MM iff fllKl Deputy Sheriff Louis Garrett, city marshal Ross Tolley, Roy Nielson, N. H. S. Booster Frank Hudson, George Goble, La Von Club Holds Meeting Garrett and Frank Taylor from A I NEWS ITEMS E. B. Sperry and A. V. Pyper, were Bora to Mr. and Mm. Gibson 8. In Cedar City Tuesday and WednesCowan, a daughter, May 22nd. day of tola week, on business. Miss Emma Cole, daughter of Mr. J. W. Olpln, manager of the Nephi and Mr. Wllford J. Cole received nunv will In tin I f her diploma from the L. D. S. school f arna n t ilu of nursing at the L. D. 8. hospital, Lake City the first part of the week on business. at Salt Lake City, Utah. We Have Just Received a Complete New Line of Sainton Luggage. Suit Cases, Bags, Hat Boxes, Hand Bags and All Kinds. Some Exceptional Values. All Newest. See Them and Compare Prices. We Save You Money. See Our Line of Linoleum, Floortex and Napora Rugs. Prices the Lowest! Men's Rubber Boots, Knee Length ' $3.39 Rubber $5.39 Men's Boots, Hip Length Beautify Your Home and Furniture with Kyonize Paint Anyone Can Use it 10 lb. LOCAL May 23rd. 1929. Thursday, NEPHI. UTAH S, 'raiM Mr. and Mrs. Glen Segmiller, and Mrs. Segmiller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Park left Wednesday for a trip through Southern Utah. While away they will visit with Mr. and Levan have been in Mantl this week. where they attended the trial of Bauer and Ryan, two of the three bank robbers who attempted to break into the Gunnison bank, early Mrs. Robert H. Park at Kanab, Utah, this year. also visit Grand Canyon, Cedar Breaks, Kiabab Forest, and other Raymond Bailey returned Sunday scenic attractions. evening from Brlgham City, Utah, where he has been teaching Art is the Senior and Junior High School. CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. Bailey is the son of Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey, and has received a call to perform a mission for the L. D. S. Church. He will leave on Ballet Dancing, 35c per lesson. 20 June 10th for the training school, week course Armory, 2 p. m. SatPhone Mrs. W. L. Martin, and will leave on about the 20th of urday June for California, where he has 321J. been assigned. Flowers of all kinds for Decoration The Campfire girls held a party Day. Sprays, Wreaths, Bouquets, Friday afternoon. May 17, 1929. and other designs made up to suit Games were played and prizes and your special needs. We have a good of Cemetery Vases Delicious assortment consolations were given. refreshments were served to the fol Nephi Floral, Nephi, Utah. lowing: Mable Sowby, Beth Hobbs, Gadd. Faye Broadhead, Marjorie Earl Carter, Manager of the Nelda Cowan, Marjorie Foote, Dona Ephraim Bakery, wishes to invite the BroadFern Belliston, June Whipple, Nephi baseball team and those visit head and the leader, Mrs. George ing Ephraim during the baseball BroadBelliston. season to call at his Battery for Reporter Fern head. their Bakery Goods, and also dinners and lunches. IX i m mi wwrdy tailored PkueJCCruetw iiuhi fwiKj., in ji, ii.miiiM 38 Sizes t4 n n in i 'ton r ror every tire need ' ' AFTER A- - FEW ACCIDENTS HM RASTU9 KNOWS THAT Ml FOR the man who wants Kelly-Springfiel- HAS THE RIGHT OP WAY SHKRRIFF'S SALE mileageat low first cost Buckeye tires and tubes, built and guaranteed by d. For the experienced driver who wants the best there is in standard tires i ELSE EVERYBODY ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL FOR THE DISTRICT IN COUNTY OF JUAB, STATE OF UTAH. NATIONAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, a corporation. AND vs. l li REX ... "J ill Pin point perforations tlle 8t'le touch that makes t,lls 8ke interesting. 41 $7.00 y Tans Are Cooler ' a y ' 'V'4? ' ' 4 '''''?' Plaintiff, GEORGE O. LATIMER and LEAH P. LATIMER, Defendants. sold at sheriff's sale on the 8th day of Junt, 929, at 12 o'clock M., at the front door of the Court House, Nephi, Utah, that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Juab County, State of Utah, descrlb ed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 15, Plat "D", Nephi Survey of Building Lots; thence running north 214 feet 6 inches; thence running west 89 feet; thence running south 214 feet 6 Inches; thence East 89 feet to the place of beginning. Together with all tenements, hereditaments, privileges, appurtenances and water rights, Including water rights represented by stock in companies or otherwise, thereunto belonging or used in connection therewith. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 16th To be -- SPRINGFIELD TIRES For the man who wants the finest that money can buy tires that will last until he turns in his car-K- elly REGISTERED Balloons. We have them all, at money-savin- g prices. day of May, 1929. M. M. Silver Maple Service v 4s m HERE is a very excellent reason why tan shoes are cooler than black shoes. Scientific tests show that the heat absorption of black leathers is many degrees greater than that of light colored leathers hence tan shoes give greater foot comfort in warm wetother. KAIGHN, Sheriff of Juab County, State of Utah. y y By LOUIS GARRETT, Deputy. Badger, Rich & Rich and A. J. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, May 16. Mays, 1929. M16-J6-- 4t I a- it r mi umini til iifi "r" ti Y"' J if |