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Show The Times-New- Entered In the Pout Office at Nephi, Utah, at second class mail mailer, under the Act of Congress of March M J T?y$ I .... k. vVrr r - 3. Why Lose 5 to 20 Cents per Bushel When a "Holt" Saves it All? The extra burden of threatting, bundling nod hauling eliminated with a "Holt" Combined Harvester. Tho man who pay for throe burden la handicapped over the "Holt" Ja owner. "Holt" owner have a better chance for grain growing profit. In addition to cutting these extraof expense, thejr Nave all the grain by the ''Holt" principle thorough and constant agitation. Ituilt strong for rough country, wear reMlHtant for long "Holt" Combines ore life, cany running tor efficiency. now a more profitable Investment than ever before. The new models, backed by more than 41 years of success, are outstanding products of modern engineering. "Holt" Combines, more than 20 years old, are still running. No one knows how long a new "Holt" will last. Come In and look over the "Holt" in stock. Let tls explain how it cuts low, threshes clean and reduce harvesting costs. Landes & Company DEALERS Branch at Nephi, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 187. -- i BIGGER than the Wtofier ii ARMORED I againstlitne TKAIX KI'KKIM AND GItADK C'ltOHHIXU A recent motor vehicle. afety group meeting In the earn devoted considerable attention to this phase of the traffic accident problem, according to report receiv ed by the Safety Department of th Utah State Automobile Association. In papers at this conference it was brought out that, while the automobile manufacturer has been concentrating his energies toward safety, the motorist has not kept pace with these advances. In other wards, automobiles have reached a higher degree of efficiency and safety than have the persons who drive them. It was not uncommon in the early days of motoring for a driver to see one of his rear wheels shooting on ahead of his car as a result of a broken axle shaft. Perhaps a front axle would let down, a frame would break or a steering knuckle would Such fracture without warning. occurrences played a large part in the development of steels and alloys that are adequate to their task. They also help to bring about important advances In design, standardization, and improvements that have eliminated these erstwhile experiences of the motorist. An analysis of accidents of the present day shows that only a very small percentage are due to mechan ical faults. It Is no longer an adventure to take week-en- d trips since the average car stands up mechani cally under the proper treatment and will not be involved In accidents if the driver does his part as well as does the car. Four wheel brakes, self starter. balloon tires, scientific headlights. steel body construction, and other Improvements, including better roads put the whole problem of safety upon the driver. There is merit in the claim that care are built safely, so It would appear that drivers have lagged behind their own machines as factors for safety. modem s Published Every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah i 1929. Thursday, May 23rd, PAGE FOUR ACC1DKNTH. Salk Lake, May 22. Trains run ning sixty miles an hour account for the fewest grade crossing accidents while the highest number occurs to trains traveling from ten to nine teen miles an hour In rural districts. according to Interstate Commerce Commission reports received by the Utah State Automobile Association. HCHOOI, COSTS AND 1XCO.MK IS I'TAII. The great mass of Utah's citizens want good schools. They want every child in the state to have equal chance with the other children or the Nation. Good schools and a fair chance for every child are Insepar able. But some say we cannot fford good schools. Is this true? Consider the situation of a man the head of a family, whom we have In mind. He owns real estate and other property valued at $18,000 Through Investments of various kinds he is 8teadily increasing bis Besides investments he capital. keeps $700 on deposit in his savings account. He has a comfortable year- Expiration Date ALL FREE COCA COLA COUPONS MUST BE PRESENTED ON OR BEFORE Monday, May 27th, 1929 COUPONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE ABOVE DATE v ly income of $3100. Now, how much can a man in this situation afford for the education of his children? Would $110 a year or about three and one- half percent of his Income be within his ability to pay? Answer these questions as you will. The fact is that the man described . above is really the State of Utah. an vr"" The figures given will become ap proximately for Utah if you will add The five leros to each of them. people of Utah own property valued at about $1,800,000,000. Tbey have over $70,000,000 deposited in sav ings accounts and an annual total And Income of about $310,000,000. they spend $11,000,000 a year for public schools of all types. Of course, all heads of families in Utah do not own $18,000 worth of property or enjoy aa annual income of S31Q0. But, then, neither do most heads of families pay $110 a A man not so year for schools. well off as the one described above pays proportionately less for schools. Assume any kind of man you wish rich, poor, or average. Study the state estimates given above and draw your own conclusions. Then answer II . 6,324 Coupons Have Been Presented and Accepted to Date WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner i 111 , a 111 '" i.i -i r t- Wtfilo - - ,T' f. mm i .nmii.Wiy,iu. t'm aim s&flncSl .af i iii ,,,1 inn, t mee M"jy a.yi'iw" aa.o.-V m ii-- Sato BETTER CITIZENSHIP THRU BETTER NEWSPAPERS." NOT A GHOST OF A CHANCE to have your dresses cleaned any better than we can clean them. ilhe Businessman OasyrichtMl, 1928 For the business man aa well as the man at hard manual labor, milk is just the thing. It is easy to digest, agreeable, and helps to keep your system fit. MEADOWBROUK Nu-Wa- y Cleaning Co. New Location Pexton Bldg. No. Main ilis style is tlae fffiirsit finaeIie2&iBu off One look New Pontiac Big Six and you know that here is something motor cars. It , different in has the proportions, the rakish lines and the style of a fine big automobile. And this is only the first indication of its many splendid big car qualities with which it is endowed. low-pric- - Ms aposoQMies at the trie ed to $l9S,f. o. b. Pontine, Michigan, plus delivery chargea. mpring cotwrf and Lovejoy ahock obsorbarm regular acptigt mlight extra camt. General Matter Time Payment tlam $745 Bumper, mnl at President,' International Advertising Association. "Better Citizens Thru Better Newspapers" That Is almoBt axio The best parents turn out matic. the best children; the best teachers turn out the best Btudents; the best firms tturn out the best workers And surely any improvement in "the poor man's university" and "the rich man's must result in better readers better men and women better citizens. "I see by the papers" can become a battle slogan. Cold type has a tremendous effect on the mind. And the newspaper, with its constant contact with the mind must perforce have great power in its Influence. Take a newspaper which has proven its value; which has proven its reliability in presenting facts and not biased rumors; which has consistently opened its columns only to advertisers in whose Integrity it has full confidence; fearless, honest progressive. Hand that newspaper to a thou sand, ten thousand, five hundred thousand individuals in any locality and see what a concerted idea you will have brought forth. Such a paper is an institution; it to a force which governs; It can develop the minds and the morals of its readers into almost any shape it desires. And with such a paper as I have described, under the direction of the sort of men who alone would have such ideals, clean minded, forward looking, patriotic, any community can well hold itself as highly, blessed. The paper, on the contrary, which caters to the baser human elements, which displays for the satisfaction of a morbid curiosity the frailties and errors and the misfortunes of fellow beings, not oply soils its own hands in the muck in which it delves but works irreparable harm on the most impressionable part of its community. And if the public would take the pains, by due acknowledgement, to make their choice between filth and cleanliness, between progress and retrogression, between honesty and questionable practices, then we would find our publishers shouldering their heavy burdens with the satisfaction of knowing their fellow citizens were back of them. A fine community will not necessarily produce a fine community; but when both work together for the common good of all, there can be no doubt as to the result. post-graduat- e" DAIRY M g csia By C. C. YOUNGGREEN, available at minimum rata. ... Consider the delivered price as well as the list price when Oakland-Pontla- e comparing automobile value delivered prices include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. Jones Motor Co. Nephi, Utah above Is one of a series of editorials by prominent Americans contributed to The member of the National Editorial The Times-New- s, Association. TIIK OUR MOTTO: The Motto of the Allen's Cash Stores is to be of more service to the people than any other store of its kind in the town where located. We have just bought out the Carter Bros. Meat and Grocery Store at Nephi. The store has been closed for the past ten days for remodeling and restocking, and will be filled with good staple Groceries at prices that will please ycu. Whether your are prepared to buy or not, pay us a visit at our opening and I am sure" you will be welcome. A Few Of Our Opening Prices ... . . . $5.75 Sugar, 100 Pounds for . . Bananas, Yellow Ripe Solid Fresh Fruit, Per lb. 5c LARD SALMON Pail, pure white 41b. 69c for HAM 6-- lb. Picnic, 8 Eastern Sugar Cured, Per lb. 3-- CANDY Bars Assorted Candy, 5c For . . T. . . lb. Box Sodas, For Extra Fancy Cookies 2 lb. For CANNED VEGETABLES No. 2 Size Can, Standard Corn, Per Can 10c 10c No. 2 Size Can Early June Peas, Per Can 10c 39c 39c No. 2 Size Can Solid Pack Tomatoes, Per Can 10c No. 2 size Can Pierce's Pork and Beans, Per Can 10c LETTUCE Large Solid Heads For 15c SOUP 3 Cans Campbell's Tomato For 25c SOAP 8 Bars P. & G. Naptha or 4 ...... 29c 25c Crystal White, for Bars Palm Olive For COFFEE or M.J.B. Coffee Per Pound Max-i-mu- m Hsi 49c 2 MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, NOODLES OC Queen's Taste, 5 Pkgs. for ORANGES Medium Size, Sunkist, Sweet OC, LdO and Juicy, 2 Doz. for IP(I)MTEM(D mm 745 PRODUCT OF CKNEXAL KOTOKS mm AND tTP ajC Our Marftet We Have a Full Line of Prime Steer Beef; Milk Fed Veal; and Corn Fed Hogs, At Very Attractive Prices. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY THE ANSWER TO AUTO SAFETY Salt Lake, May 22. That the traffic safety proglem of today is increasingly one of individual responsibility on the part of motorists, is veidenced In many Investigations of the subject. One of the big factors in shifting this responsibility is the factor of safety built Into the 29c 25c CRACKERS 3 lb. Can Tall Pink, 2 cans for 1 lb. Can Tall Del Monte Red Alaska, Per Can 19c 25c Per lb 1 ALLEN'S CASH rm Located in the Carter Bros. Building, Main Street, Nephi, Utah 1 :' ; the question raised in the first paragraph. Can Utah afford good schools for Utah's children? Copjrrithted. 1928 ' 1 |