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Show Thursday, May 23rd, THE 1929. One Year 1929 first year's operation of the O. P. Skaggs System Store in Nephi. In appreciation of the wonderful patronage we have received from the people of Nephi and surrounding towns during the past year, we offer, to you, the following unusual bargains, Saturday, May 25th, our first anni versary : O. P. Skaggs Bread 16 oz. loaf 4c Strawberries, Per cup 12c Sack Granulated Sugar . . . .60c 10 lb. Bananas, per lb. ... 8c Whole or half, Puritan Ham, Per pound . . . .29c QSjgCC.S "A Surety of Purity" Owned and Operated by JAMES A. KELLY AND SON Nephi Fillmore Delta "He Builds Wisely Who BuUds Well"TO BUILD WELL " USE - NEPHI PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World WEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY PAGE THREE lintic Liunners Hold First Shoot J.C.PENNEYC0. Ituloo EUREKA. Opening shoot of the with ber parents, Mr. and Tiiitic Gun and puck club wan held Mn. here Sunday, from with Provo Graut Riding of Tooele and Walter Eureka, Nephi, Goshen and Following are the in Ctfrlstensen and Vernon Mortensen, participating. dividual scores made: who are employed at that place spent C. 60 25 25 Hutsh the week end here with relatives and E. E. 23 L. Jones 24 47 friend. 23 24 47 Harry Carten H. U. Angell, Owing to the School Dances the completes NEPHI, UTAH Robinson of Sctplo U Mrs. visiting Saturday, May 25th, S, HAPPENINGS UEVAH NOTICE! TIMES-NEW- and Memorial Day NEPHI. UTAH s I. NeUon The Regular WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 22 24 22 21 23 22 23 23 23 20 22 Straw Hats New Frocks Cleverly Styled Offer Smartness at Thrift Price! and Low of Price! 46 Elizabeth McClure aud Reba Poul-so- n Colon While 24 IS of Salt Lake City were visitors L. Nelson 25 46 here last week. R. Nelson 23 46 23 45 Russell Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood of 22 E. Ward 45 Salt Lake City spent few days with 441 21 J. Daniels Mrs. Mollle Sherwood, Mr. Sher4 'i E. Rife 20 "wood's mother. 22 Charles llilti Dr. A. II. McChrystal ....20 42 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chrlstensen Ted 42 20 2 2 Okelberry NIGHT were here for a few days visit with Dr. P. 42 22 20 L. Joneg relatives. Mr. Chrlstensen's school W. II. Jones 41 20 21 DANCES at Richfield la closed tor the sum- O. E. Horton 40 19 21 mer, but he will still remain out II. E. Wall ,.21 19 40 Will Not Begin there as he has other work also. 33 Dee Hawkins 20 18 17 38 21 John K. Until Mr. and Mrs. lleber Shepherd of Maynard Flnlay 35 15 20 Griggs , Salt Lake City spent the week end Following are the doubles bcoi-oshere. made out of a possible 24: Charles 23; C. E. Huish. 22; Harry The Relief Society conference that Hiltz, Carten, 22; Russell Hawkins, 20; wag held Sunday evening in! this E. L. Jones 18; O. E. Horton. IS; wara was surely an Inspiration to W. H. Jones, 18; Dr P L. JoneH, 18 all who attended. The program was as follows: Opening address. Presi friend were riding a horse together dent Mary E. Gardner; Song entitled when In some manner they both fell "Beneath this Sacred Roof by the to the ground. Young Shepherd re Relief Society chorus; of ceived a partial fracture of the skull the officers and readingSustaining of the an aud bruises to his body. nual report. Secretary Liszie Taylor; Miss Effie Stephensen, one of Remarks, Bishop E. P, Peterson; Piano solo, "Oh! My Father". Leon Levan's popular young ladles and Peterson; a discussion on "Responsi- Mr. Monte Bean of Nephi were bility of Parents" by the class leader married Friday evening at the home of the Social Service Lessons, Sister of Mr. aud Mrs. M. C. Stephenson. uaiDy and also Esther Con Bishop E. P. Peterson performed the nelly; Song. R. S. Chorus "A Mothers ceremony. NOTICK Plea"; A talk on the principles of the gospel by Sister Chloe Bailey of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Bean were the the stake board of R. S.; Remarks honored guests at a bundle shower Sister Edna given Thursday evening at the home United States Land Office, Salt by the stake president. uazier; song. "We Love Our Work," of Miss Chloe Tunbridge. Refresh Lake City, Utah. April 30, 1929. S. R. Chorue. Benediction, T. H ments were served to a number of To Whom It May Concern Burton. friends both from Levan and Nephi. Notice Is hereby given that the Miss Vlnnle Christensen spent the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands, selected by the said past wek at Centerfleld with her PROBATE AND GCAIUHANSIIIP NOTICES State, under section 6 of the Act of sister, Mrs. Darral Chllds. Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Cviumlt County Clerk or Respective mr. ana Mrs. ueiyie Morgan reIndemnity School lands, viz: EVi-Information. and LoU 1, 2, 3, 4, Sec. 21. Lot turned home Sunday from a short Signers for Further 6, Sec. 28 Twp. 12 South Range 1 visit at Provo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS West. SLM. Serial 048342, List Orlando Anderson, Nephi Wankief 267. Copies of said lists, so far as deEstate of James L. girl friends narrow. ceased. Creditors will Belliston,claims they relate to said tracts by descrip- and two of atheir present serious accident Friday tive subdivisions, have been conspic- ly escaped voucherg to the undersigned at when Mr. Anderson's Ford with uously posted in this office for in- night the office of Will L. Hoyt, Attorney on sedan overturned the road behind interested person any spection by at Nephi, Utah, or or before and by the public generalyl. Dur- Mr. Nebo. Part of the road had been the Law, 23rd day of July A. D. 1929. washed out this and could be not of of this the period publication ing ALBERTA B. BELLISTON. notice, or any time thereafter, and seen until too late to avoid the alci- Administratrix of estate of before final approval and certifica- dent and the car turned turtle, roll James L. Belliston, Deceased. esover The twice. ing under occupants tion, departmental regulations Date of first publication May 23, A. of April 25, 1907, protests or con- caped with only minor Injuries and D. 1929. tests against the claim of the State little damage was done to the car. to any of the tracts or subdivisions Sunday forenoon the home of the hereinbefore, described - on Erastus Sorensen was broken into ground that the same is more valu- and Mr. several articles stolen. able for mineral thin for agricul tural purposes, will be received and Sorensen notified the county sheriff noted for report to the General Land and the culprit was overtaken at Office ta Washington, D. C. Failure the Salt Creek ranch about seven so to protest or contest, within the miles south of Levan. The stolen time specified, will be considered articles were returned and the burglar taken to Nephi and lodged in the sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the selec county jail to await further develop' tions thereof, being otherwise free ments. from objection, wil Ibe approved to Kent, the four year old son of the State. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shepherd suffer GEO. E. WOOLEY, ed a painful accident Thursday, when Acting Register. he fell from a horse. He and a boy i i The stylet and the prices combine to tempt you strongly to select a hat lor each costume I And the array of styles, straws and colors is extensive Saturday 1st enouyh for any choice 1 L9Sto$4.98 NEBONA GARDENS M23-J13-- 4t . delightful New printa stylet to fie every summer need of stay- it home or traveler. For jvomen, misses, junior . . quire outstanding at oof "usual thrift prices plain shades Patent Smartly different I p Leather with a lacing of pearl lustre kid across one-stra- the toe I Metal buckle. $5.90 ' 9.9014.75 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Betsey A. Carter deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Attorney at Law, Nephi, Utah on or before the 25th day of June A. D. 1929. JAMES E. MEMMOTT. Executor of Estate of Betsey A. Carter, Deceased. Estate of E. L, Boucher, deceased. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Attorney L. A. Miner, Rooms 50 7 Mclntyre Bids. Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 7th day of July, 1929. L. A. MINER, Administrator with the Will . Vi . Annexed of the Estate of E. L. Boucher, deceased. Date of first publication May 2, 1929 . As non-miner- al WAM3 to thousands of satisfied M9-J6-- USED CAR BUYER.' 4 You can bank on M OOK Balloon and fragrance. They have a welcome mellowness and mildness that you will find in no other cigarette. 4 ISpWe, Car values COACH, 1927 Bumpers, License, Mechanically perfect; $180.00 down, balance 1 year GMAC. Good Tires, Finish. WITH AN O. K. THAT This Red Tag "with an OK that Counts" is Your Assurance of Honest Used Car Values COUNTS You can have perfect confidence in your purchase of a used car, that has attached to its radiator cap the Chevrolet red "O. K. that COACH, 1928 Finish Just as good as new. Tires as good as new. New seat covers. Mechanically perfect. $166.00 down 1 year GMAC plan. WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS l.rtfsafSk. ' . -- 1 I ear CHOICE OF TWO GOOD for Chevrolet Tourings cash or on time. WITH AN O. K. THAT was 1924 $150.00. COUNTS J . Counts" tag. This tag, used exclusively by Chevrolet dealers, is attached only to cars that have been thoroughly reconditioned and checked 4,0.' K." by expert Chevrolet mechanics. To thousands of satisfied used car buyers outstanding it has proved a sign ofWe now have value. and quality of these selection on hand a wide for cars used priced 4iO. K." fine in Come sale. today. quick 'fJ NEPHI MOTOR COMPANY Smoke them as often as you like, Camels never tire your taste. The quality of Camels is never permitted to vary. Only a superior cigarette could have won and held world leadership for all urn f standing Used CHEVROLET 1 Camels contain the choicest tobaccos grown , . . expertly blended for matchless taste at these Out- - CHEVROLET fJi. ft VStarttniZZ! 1 Qame CIGARETTES si n K V Rear Axle v TraramUsipii t""01 Tr0f?rtm CHEVROLET, 192$ New Duco finish, New top. Good tires. Mechanically perfect; $80.00, down and one year on the balance. WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS MS J$t TV the quality of a cigarette that continues to be the biggest success in smoking history WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE ff VMotor Nephi, Utah . these ' f ' ' "1 r years as Camel has done. 1929, Company, R. J. Riynoldi Tofcr-- o WuutooSlm, N. C i |