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Show THE PAGE EIGHT 3E EE Dress Goods We have Just Received another big lot of New Figured SILKS and DRESS GOODS. Also New Come in and See the Latest. Newest Patterns. Percales. Wash Goods. Big assortment Silk Rayon Underwear, Women's and Girls Wash Dresses. Extra Heavy large Bath Towels ... 3 for $1.00 $1.00 Specials Big assortments and extraordinary values. 2 yd. wide Linoleums newest patterns $1.69 yd 9 x 12 Linoleum Rugs $12.95 $9.50 9x12 Floor Tex Rugs 9 x 12 Floor Tex Rugs $7.95 Why Pay More Our Regular Prices GROCERIES $1.89 bag SUGAR' . .77c 25 lb. bag 19c 6 5c bxs. 35c Matches 6 8c Matches bxs Reg. 2 Campbells Tomato Soup 10c . .Pierces for 15c 14 oz. can Assorted Jam 20c Peas 2 cans . . 25c 1- -2 1- -2 25c 25c 15c, 20c and 25c can Pineapple can Tomato 2 for Can Grape Fruit Best Grade Skinned Hams . 30c lb. .i 4 lb. Lard 85c 8 lb. Lard $1.65 29c Sunny Monday Soap 10 bars 2 lb. Lard 45c Compare All Our Prices and SAVE. S. FOOTE & IK Valuation of Juab County Increased In NEPHI, UTAH Judge Renders Decision Favor of Juab County (Continued from page one) States where a like question was raised. The Court held with the do fendant that presentation was mand atoiry and that plaintiffs failure to file a claim within one year after the damages complained of were in curred operated as an absolute bar to the suit. In stating the reasons for his decision Judge Burton said in part as follows: TO SUMMARIZE Section 14 27, provides that every claim against the county must be presented within a year after the last item the acount or claim accured. Section 1428 provides for the allowance or rejection by the Board of County Commissioners. Section 1429 provides that action may be commenced within one year after rejection of claim, and not Friday, May 4, 1928. Final Meeting of Association 1928 $360,000 over 1927 Values of property in Juab county, fixed for assessment purposes shows estate are about $1,000 higher reach an increase under the tentative ap- ing $1,290,0 70, while personal provalues have dropped $141,000 praisals of the county assessor ot perty to $1,052,340. $360,000 over the value determined The total value as fived by the The after equalization last year. principal reason for the increase ap- county assessor is $7,008,888 this pears in the fact that this year year compared with $6,648,015 last 155,065 head of range sheep have year. been listed on the asessment rolls The figures are exclusive of valc mo pa red with 93,19 6 last year ues for utilities and mines which which accounts in a measure for tho are determined by the state. increase in the livestock assessments from $1,067,133 to $1,539,985. Real estate values are about Covert Everything $23,000 higher reaching a total of It'i all in that one word : Through. $3,126,493. Abraham Lincoln. Improvements on real Power Power of Niagara Just as regular and forceful as the waters that flow over Niagara are the USL storage batteries we sell to our customers. Once installed, coupled with our efficient battery service, you can cease from troubling about your battery because it will be powerful and depend-abl- e every moment your car is in motion. Yours is waiting. Phone 246 SILVER MAPLE Ncphi, ut. SERVICE This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote- , any oolor, and a special 20c Paint Brush. rs nomination A committee fe2 Name- - The final nfeeting of the Parent-TeacheAssociation will be held utxt Thursday evening, May 10th, at 8:00 p. m. at the High school Auditorium. The following splendid program will be given: vocal solo, Mrs. Mabel Lunt; prayer, Mrs. Elva Bailey; reading, Mrs. Leta McCune Squires; piano duet, Itheta Sperry and Elma Jones; reading, Oial Expression De partment high school, i i Address- - SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. Make your home inviting .with Color! Surely there are pieces of furniture in your home that need com- the brightening touch of the paint brush. Why not get posed of Lloyd Hobbs, Paul K. Walsome Acme Quality Enamel-Kot- e and do the job up right ker, Mrs. Gerald Cazier, Mrs. Elva Bailey, and iMrs. J. L. Belliston, has right now? You can get any color you want. And how been appointed to nominate officers Just a few strokes of easy it is to use Acme Enamel-Kote- ! atterwards. for names the These coming year. brush and there 'you have a brand new chair I Give the Section 1381 provides that any will be presented at the meeting by your home a personal inspection and note the possibilities county commissioner who allows any for beautifying by the simple means of paint. You've m claim or demand in violation of this the committee and voted upon by the title shall be personally liable ami members. surprise in store I A band concert will be given 7:30 upon his bond. Section 1545 provides for the fil to 8:00 p. m. preceeding the meeting ing of claims with county auditor; All members and patrons of the that same shall be investigated and schools are requested to be present. approved by him before the warrant in payment, therefore can be paid. Section 1543 provides that all It's economical to use Acme Quality Enamel-Kot'warrants must distinctly specify the the beautiful, en during finish. For interior woodwork of every kind. See coupon above liability for which they are drawn, and when it accured. Section 1383 provides that any CamWith the Spring- Clean-U- p and Paint-U- p who wilfully county commissioner violates any .law governing his ofpaign now on, 'and everyone endeavoring to the ficial duties shall forfeit $500.00 for utmost to earn for our city the admiration of Nephi's fifth weekly shoot was every such act. tourists and visitors as well as the satisfaction Haw Russell with another success, From a consideration of the forea local shooter, turning in the kins, that comes to "ourselves in having beautiful surgoing sections of the law it is evident highest scores for the day. Hawkins that Every claim whether it be we all admit there is nothing that adds roundings is first local shooter to hit 24 or excontracu must be filed outthe to the 25 birds. a of possible appearance of a home more than a new with the County auditor within, one of coat paint. acyear after the last item of the The scores: count or within one year after any Broken. Tot. claim accrued, and the auditing of Our stocks of colors now complete. 21 24 45 the claim by the county auditor is a Russell Hawkins 21 E. 23 L. 44 Jones to the jurisdiction of Let us show you at the 18 3 9 21 the Board of County Commissioners S. E. Forrest 16 21 37 to allow the claim. If the claim Is Dr. Woodbury rejected by the Board the claimant Wm. R. Grundmann .... 19 17 36 18 17 35 may sue the county therefor within John Williams 16 34 18 one year after the first rejection and A. B. Gibson not afterwards, and all allowances, George D. Haymond .... 14 17 31 19 31 12 payments and liabilities to pay in Vick Foote 17 27 10 violation of the said law is absolutely Earl Claridge 14 9 23 void and shall never be a foundation A. V. Pyper 10 22 12 or basis of a claim against the xEarl Steele 7 8 15 Treasury of the county, and all of- zA. L. Garbett 22 22 ficers are charged with notice of the xxFrank Martinez CLASSIFIED ADS 19 19 condition of the treasury and the Theo Harris 19 19 extent of the claims against it, and Val Fowler ; 18 18 any County Commissioner who allows Ted Carter TOMATO PLANTS for sale at Jacob 15 15 any claim of demand in violation of Ol'e Bo.swell Information changes Gibson's, concerning phone 2 6 312 Arch 12 Clyde not the provision of law shall only of water in June, must be given in be liable personally but also upon DOUBLES writing not later than May 15, 1928. his bond. The law imposes a duty Immortal Song Telephone or verbal information witheven 15 the 15 will not be upon Russell Hawkins county attorney The song "Auld Lang Syne," by accepted. out an order of the Board of County Dr. Woodbury 15 15 Jas. H. Ellison. Watermaster Burn, was written about ltS9. Commissioners to bring an action In Vick Foote 15 15 name, of the county to recover money E. L. Jones 12 12 10 10 paid out on any claim or demand S. E. Forrest DOC. DOC WISE not made in conformity with the x New shooter. The preprovisions of this law. z gun. sentation of the claim to the county xx Visiting shooter. is a prerequistite to the commencement of an action thereon. The rule of the statute is inflexible and peremptory. The of the claim within a year entinguishes it. It. is not only the right of the county auditor to dis regard an order which upon its face appears to be without the juris-dirtio- n of the board of county but it is his sworn duty so to do. The lapse of the one year period .1 In which to file the claim is an absolYOU CAN ALWAYS BET ON IT SEEMS THAT SOME ute bar and extinguishes altogether THE FLAPPERS LEAVING WATCH TO FORGET MEN the right to present the claim. If CHURCH EARLX WHEN THE ROAD THROUGH the claim is not presented in time ft 60M2 ONE SOUNDS AN THE WINDSHIELD AUTO HOW N ' the board is not only without authorv ity to hear and consider it but is absolutely prohibited from doing so v ACME QUALITY Russell Hawkins 10 lb. No. 2 No. 2 S. P-- T Silks .& k4ew TIMES-NEW- Paint dVarnish e, Leads Shooting - to Nephi Merc. Co. Notice To Water Users -J WISE Mm. s. V';i ' under the statute. It is true, as contended by the attorney for the plaintiff, that Hie right to recover for damages to private property or taking of private property for a public purpose is reserved by the constitution, but it is conceeded that the legislature, may regulate the remedy and prescribe the forms to be observed In order to enforce the right. The provisions of the law which requires that the presentation of a claim to the county auditor and the board of county ocramissloners with proof of Its correctness Is founded upon wisdom, equity, justice and common sense and it Is very evident that the intention of the legislature in passing such a law as sections 1427, 1428, and 1429 was to prevent needless litigation and save unnecessary expense, and costs to the tax payers by offording an opportunity to amicably adjust all rlalms of every nature whether sounding in tort or contract against the county before suit Is brought. The courts universally hold that the object of requiring that every claim or demand against a county bo presented to the County audltcr and by him checked up and submitted to the Board of County Commissioners Is to prevent the revenues of the county from In being consumed litigation by providing that the board shall have an opportunity to discharge thfl obligation or amicably adjust It, before It shall be brought In to court and required to pay attorney fees and costs of litigation. The language used In Seclton 14 27 Is. "Every claim against the county must be presented within a year after the last Item of the account or claim accrued." The only construe- - f 7A f :f.t, A Chas. B. Stebblns (Chic), Membership Secretary of the Red Raven Aero Clubs, will be In our city in connection with the organization of a Red Raven Aero Club here. A number of our local boys have signified their Intentions to join in order to study aviation and enter that business commercially. Mr. Stebblns trained under LL Franklin S. Nelson at Woodward Field at Salt Lake. According to Mr. Stebblns. Aviation offers wonderful opportunities for the young men of America today. The average person considering aviation considers only the pilot end. yet there are over 60 different branches of Aviation. For Instance; such lines of work as Aerial Photography, Engineers, Designers, Traffic Experts, Airport Managers, Itangar Managers, Ignition Experts, Chemists, Navigators, and Instructors. Those Interested In Aviation are invited to submit their qualifications to Mr. Stebblns on Aviation Day (Ion which can possibly be placed up such language Is that every claim whether It be claim exdellctn or excontractu must be presented to lha ttn.ril nf f'nii nt . .Atnnth.lnnfiril before an action can be maintained thereon In any court in the State of Utah. Allen-- A silkto-to- p Chiffon Hosiery Distinctively different, diaphanous hosiery . . . with more style and service than $1 ever bought before! Sheer Shapely ..... Smart The Toggery |