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Show Friday, May 4, 1928. MACHINE METHODS IN FARMING Today, Prosperty Follows The TRACTOR -- per-acr- 10-2- L 15-3- 0, 0 g first-han- d Sold by John M. Brough FARM IMPLEMENT HOUSE XOTICK FOK PUBLICATION' Utah, Avi i ' I . PIONEER IN AVIATION Art Winn, one of the Red Raven I pilots. Is a real pioneer of Aviation, Salt Lake City, Utah, t His first experience was while avia March 10, 1928. Notice is hereby given that W. J. tion was In Its Infancy, the early part Davis, whose post ofifce address Is of 1914. At that time, he and his Salt Lake City, Utah, has made ap- boyhood chum built a Jenny Biplane, plication in acordance with the re- (a ship now obsolete and condemned), a cost of approximately 12000.00. quirements of the Compiled LawsSes-of at Art Winn In this plane made two Utah, 1917, as amended by the sion Laws of Utah. 1919 and 1925 flights, the second one of which was to appropriate .2 c.f.s. of water from his first and last crash. Since that an unnamed Spring in Juab County time he has carried thousands of and tons of express without Utah. Said wate ris to bo diverted at the point ot Issuance of the spring a single accident. Mr. Winn stated which bears S. 4 5 deg. E. 120 7.3 ft. that "Safety First" in aviation Is as from the NVi cor. of Sec. 16, T. 11 Important as in any other medium ot transportlon, that the day of the barnS., R. 1 W., S. L. B. and M. and stormer and circus perfoimer is past. veycd in a pipe line a distance of are now outlawed with the raStunts durbe used will where it ft. 5,000 advance of Aviation. minpid for general ing the entire year at tho ing and milling purposes Ophir Group Mine .in the Mono This use will conJustice Before All Minng District. As much sume all of said water. The keviiciie t the Justinian code as may be necessary will be used was: "11 Justice he done though the during the entire year for domestic heavens fall ' purposes. This application Is designated In with thirty (30) days after the of the State Engineer's Office as File completion of the publication this notice. No. 10285. Geo. M. Bacon. State Engineer All protest against the granting of said application, stating the reasot.s Date of first publication, April 37, therefor, must be by affidavit in 1928. duplicate, accompanied with a tie Date of completion of publication. May 25, 1928. of $1.00, and fiied In this office pas-senge-rs ING THE PAY ROLL WITH CHECKS IS HEARTILY CONDEMNED BY BANDITS. NEPHI NATIONAL BANK X IfYlT HER'S JH. old-tim- M ay 13th . Edward Kendall FOR SALE. MrM. A nice box of Candy with a tribute to your . Mother attached will surely make her happy. Klriwpre will :irl1 to lnr linnnitit'm; Come in and select your boxes ot candy to-da- y. BUT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. NEWS HEMS LEVAN Christian Mortensen eni'v-taine- d -- ii. O. A." club Thursday afternoon. The time was spent In sewing. Refreshments were served. Dm S3 A pleasant surprise was given Mrs. Asa Fowler last Wednesday aftcr-noon- . a Refreshments were served to large number present. TERMS JOINS RED RAVENS Donald Hansen of Ephriam, Utah, FOR SALE CHEAP Four AutoMr. and Mrs. Anthony Winter are has Joined the Red Raven organizamobile Tires, nearly as good as rejoicing over the fine of a arrival tion and the plane which he now- - Call at Silver .Maple Service brought baby girl. Friday, April 27th. tn from Denver the middle of Station. the month Airs. Arvil Wankier entertained ;i tolors will hereafter fly under the and FOR SALE Yellow Bantam number of friends a nil relatives Hansen of the Red Ravens. To Mr. White Sweet corn seed E. F. large of owning The i.rrv.si.ni the first goes theIn distinction Sunday afternoon. San Pete Valley. Russell. plane a27t3p being her birthday anniversary Mr. Hansen states that he has unlimited confidence in the future of L;T C. J. Pyper, do your electrical Miss Vennetta Sorenson who Is aviation as a work and repair your electrical ap business, and that, as employed for Oswald Bec k at Center- - needed, will purchase additional pliances. He also has the most com field, 1'tah, canie home reSunday plete line of electrical fixtues and turning again to her work on Mon planes for various li nes of Avfnttnn that he has in view. While in Denver supplies in Nephi. day. he contracted as distributor for tha type of plane he Is flying for the Stata FOR SALE Gladiola Bulbs Frank Mr. Clair Mortensen and mother, 'of Nevada. 16t4 Mrs. Niels Warner. Mortensen mctorrd clown Salt Lake City Sunday to set BEFORE YOU Buy a Tractor, 8ee from Cot-TaiNot Popular James Chase, he sells the famous Mrs. Clair Mortensen and children who have been visiting for some tiaie have a disagreeable odor CLETRAC TRACTORS. with relatives and friends here. that Is nut eaoily removed and for that reason they are not satisfactory FOR SALE Table, Ice Cream, and when us'd for upholstering and makSheep SALT Lone Pine Salt Co. are not used ing insttresses. tf. Phone 204R3. commercially in ll. country. In for upholstering, they were WE HAVE plenty of Idaho Russett III- - time that kapok was In to prior Potatoes at $1.00 per bushel Silver troduced from .lava Maple Service, Nephi, Utah. ls Cat-tall- Coming to NEPHI FOUR 31x4.95 TIRES at One Half Price Silver Maple Service. FOR SALE Young PIGS-F- or See Owen Boswell. ticulars WANTED Good Second Hand Phone 181R2. frigerator. A DR. In Re- BARGAIN Pilots use a vernacular all thalr owq and to the average person listening td a group of pilots talking over tha day'J work their conversation la nqisUnj indeed. For instance, "prop" la an abbreviation for propeller; to "wash out" U to flunk from school; a "total fallttra"i a dumbell depending upon what tat nient it la coupled with; "backwash Is the air current caused by tha pr peller; "Joy stick" la tha Stick, from tha proper name Joyce, thW name of tha man who first used tha atick, now in common nsa to gulds tha plane. Tha larger planes of coarse now use wheels similar to an automobile. "To bank" la the method of changing direction while in the air which la done by lifting one wing thr the medium of the ailerons; to "stall la caused by the plane losing flying speed thru a too rapid climb and thus dropping back tall first. "Hanger", the garage of the airplane. Just as the automobile age brought new terms and expressions Into our every Bay, so too ia the airplane. da-riv- ed CO. Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years DO NOT OPERATIC 16t2 Atwater Kent Radio Set. All complete. Set, 6 tubes, A battery, 2 1 speaker and antenna, complete for $70,00 Sil- ICng-lan- YOU MUST KNOW TO TALK "SENSE" ABOUT FLYINQ SPECIALISTS par- 2t ILLENIH 8 ChI-IhII- s Will b at FORREST HOTEL WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 Orfico Hours: 1(1 a, mi. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY ver Maple Service. No Charge for Consultation PLACE YOUR ORDER now for your of Dr. Mollenthin & Mother's Day gift: Carnations. Co.TheIs specialist a regular graduate In medic$5.0(1 $2.50 doz; Roses, $3.?, $3..r,0, ine and and is licensed hy Snap dragons, $2.00, $2.50; Sweet the state surgery of Utah. Evans Foral peas. 75c per bunch. He visits professionally the more Co. Bertha McPherson, local agent. important towns and cities aiid offers FOR RENT 3 room house, garden to all who call on this trip free the expense of except Phone 69. lot, good location. treatment when desired. According to his method of treatFOUND Strnig of Pearls, call at office and pay ment he does not operate for chronic The Times-New- s 30c for this add and receive the appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsil or adenoids. beads. Ha hax to his credit wonderful rewell sults In diseases of the stomach, FOR SALE Young team, matched, good wagon, hay rack, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, and practically new wagon box. For heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, ratayrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, quick sale, $300.00 good buy Sevier Ilridge Dam C. D, Billings. sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ai- lment. "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" owe to More and More we all realize that Lincoln's iribute to his Mother is true of every Mother. Proved In The Field For Over 40 Years n, THE GROWING HABIT OF MEET- I Pres-cot- t, SEED POTATOES Seth McPherson. vt that I am. or hope to be Lincoln. my anjjel mother. g CHECKED EGGS at 15c Doz. at Mt Nebo Produce, T. V. Miller. tf State Engineer's Office, 1 track-layin- ICE FOR SALE rV If TO MY MOTHER '"All Regular Sunday Fast Meeting will A group of Iowa farmers who be held at the various ward meetthe that keep careful books, say houses on Sunday afternoon at ing average farm horse costs them 2 p. m. $ 98.24 a year, Including feed, labor, rent and interest on their investMrs. Leeta M. Squires and little VA ment. The horses averaged 892 Marion are in Salt Lake hours work in 1926, and 320 in daughter, this week visiting at the home City 23.2 and horse, per farmed, 1925, of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Steed. acres of land in 1926. The modern crawler type tractor Leon Garrett .of Salt City, will deliver horsepower at a lower was in last visiting Nephi Saturday cost for every item of expense feed for a short time with his parents, It has Mr. and Mrs. James labor, interest, storage. Garrett, Jr. speed In the critical times of seeding little when a and harvest delay J. V. Paxman, was in Nephi 'ilst means damage or loss of crops. The Saturday, Sunday, and Monday on little garden tractor, now built on business, and visiting with relatives Is or the crawler type. and friends. and fairly revolutionizing gardening small acreage farming. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Elmer of The machine age in farming has Arizona, were in Nephi last is of having arrived. Cost operation visiting- with relatives and Saturday e to be figured, where the friends. Mr. Elmer is in the stock farmer didn't think much about it. business in Arizona. Just as the successful industrial raising to save basis plant Is on a machine Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vickers of Los labor wherever (possible, so niuist are enjoying a visit in Nephi the successful farm eventually adopt Angeles, this week with Mr. Vickers' parents man one methods can where machine Mr. and Mrs. Vickers. Jatr.es do the work of two. wil also visit in Salt Lake City They No farm relief law formulated before returning to the coast city. can take the place of efficiency in can operation, and farm relief laws Last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jack not turn back the hand of time to was hostess to the members the day when wooden plows were Wright of the S. S. club at her home. The a oxen. used with yoke of afternoon was spent in social chat, m after which delicious refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. Alvin Burton, Mrs. J. K. CLASSIFIED ADS Reid, Mrs. Walter Paxman, .Mrs. ICE 2 cent for quantities over 50 lbs. olherise lc lb. at E. Tanner's 27, 192H Notice To Water User hands with his many friends. Lunt. 4 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, NOTICE is hereby given thai George O. Golden, of Nephi, Utah, who, on June 22, 1921, made homestead entry. No. 025134, for Lots 3, 4, 16. 21, 33 & 34 Sec. 7, Lots 4 & 5, Section 18, Township 14 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed noiice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the cleik of the district court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 19th day of June 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: George F. Golden, T. C. Chappell, A. G. Irons & R. S. Golden, ail of Nephi. Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR. Register. June 1st. 1928 May 4th, 192S. t Dr. N. J. Rees of Salt Lake City was in Nephi this week, shaking James Ellison, Mrs. Enos Jones, Mrs. Gerald Cazier, Mrs. Ralph Brough, guests: Mrs. Thos. H. Burton, I .have taken the Agency for the Special and Mrs. Floyd Lunt. Springville Floral Company and will have Potted Plants and Cut Flowers for Mother's Day, May 13th. Erma Nephi, Utah Center Street, J e Necessity and the changing times have brought about The young farmer and great improvements on the farms. the older farmer who keeps his mind young are working on Capt. DeWeese, in his recent visit, the new and profitable scale, handling the most productive work in the least etime with the yields lowest labor costs They are increasing plowing more furrows per trip planting every hill full cultiThey are beating vating more rows cutting wider swaths. down the high price of labor by making that labor do two and three days' work in one, and that method leads to farm profit. The tremendous call for the standard farm tractors the McCormick-Deerin- g and now the new FARM-ALand When you is evidence of the new era in farming. and the repower your operations, stick to McCormick-Deerin- g machines built to go hand in hand many JMcCormick-DeerininforAn easy way to get with these tractors. mation on these tractors and machines is to ask us for a demonstration. No obligation, you understand. Stop in or phone us. I Local Happenings THE CLETIIAC TRACTORS, a size If you have been ailing for any for every Job 12 to 100 II. P. length of time and do not get any Terms Easy. James Chase, Nephi. better, do not fall to call, an improper measure rather than disease are DECORATION DAY IS CLOSE at very often the cause of your long hand. Put new headboards at the standing troubla. graves of your loved ones. $3.50 Remember above date, that conand up per set Sam Taint Shop. sultation on this trip will be frea and that his treatment is different. CALL ME for Wall paper, and Wall Married women must bo accompaper Hanging, Great May Special panied by their husband. Let me tell you about It. Samz Address: 224 Rrodbury Rldg. Ixs Paint Shop. Angeles, California. Through soggy land, over peat soil, over sandy over wet sjtots "Holt" Combined Harvesters stay on top of the soil. High, wide wheels carry the weight of the machine over difficult spots. hill-bide- s, Time and money are saved by being able to go over the entire length of the field no matter tho condition of "Holt"' Combined Harvesters pull easier, the land. Consider tho money saved by being able to pull the "Holt" with the average sized tractor! too. .More than 0 years of successful combine experience All these years working under is behind the "Holt". all conditions ha made the "Holt" outstanding In many See the machines in stock at Malad, Preston. ways. Tremonton, Logan, Salt Lakeand Nephi. Landes & Company 2Hfl W. So. Tcmplo Ht . gnlt ntr |