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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- BATTERY r -- A s S, E NEPHI, UTAH Friday, May 4, 1928. I HAPPENINGS LOCAL 1C A Hpetial drill was held Thursday Perry Tolley of Rigby, Idaho, was nignt, it being quui'terly pay day. This pay roll alone brings about a NephI visitor last Sunday. $1200.00 into this city every three ..l Mr, and Mrs. Dean Sidwell announce the arrival of a fine baby The following men were promoted 3irl born May 1st. lBt class privates, May 1st: to Clarence Burton, Earl Olpin, Free Elizah Salisbury of Ogden, Utah, Chapman, George Bean, Lynn Green- spent Sunday in Nephi, where ho wood, George Ostler and Gram visited with relatives and friends. Sperry. Mrs. Sadie O. Morris of Logan, Utah, enjoyed a short visit with her DOC "WISE " parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ockey. If JUL. aw.Ty-W- I rf jft " months. i. 4 J " ! t ' - ' e . - "..-f ' - ' A ' i - 7m I Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd spent the at Tooele, Utah, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hunt week-en- d Ravens have purchased, and are bringing to our city on Aviation Day, one tot this new type of plane. Thus, you can ride with a pilot that graduated from Lindbergh's training school, Kelly Field, Texas, In an airplane that Lindbergh endorses. Peat Coal in Fo motion Pest, which Is used su extensively In Ireland, is Hctuully 'oiil In the first stage of development. Hunter's Moon follow" The full Minim imiimlisiiel ing the hurvesi iimon is known us the hunter's moon The application ington. A new picture of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh taken In the cockpit of an American Eagle Biplane! Col. Lindbergh enthusiastically endorsed the performance of this plane and It was upon bis recommendation that the Red PREACHER. A SUCCESSFUL NEEDS TO BE TEN YEARS TIMES BEHIND THE Mrs. Afton Bird entertained Tues day evening for her daughter, Melba it being her birthday. Games were played and refreshments were served to the following little guests: Roscoe Park, Grace Garrett, Maurine Bar- nett, Margory Jackson, Tom Hall, Jeneave Sudweekia, Floyd Douglass, Lucille Hall, Reed Bird, Lucille Ken- rall, Lawrence Bird, Alice Hall, Thora Bracken, Melve Douglas, Norma Hall, Winnie Christiansen Ruby Shaw, Myrtle Bailey, Menon Price, and the guests of honor Melba Bird. ' sub-soiler- s, make your work easy. TRACTORS and plows, etc. "Caterpillar" Tractors like to plow when It does the most good. Work the ground properly, at just the right time without delays, with plenty of power, and at Join the ranks of the successful and the lowest cost. A size for every farm. buy a modem "Caterpillar". See our representatives in Malad, Idaho; Salt Lake City, Logan, and Nephi, or write bo. us and we will send you detailed information. Landes & Company 236 West South Temple Jor Economical Transportation IS of "CATERPILLAR" attachments, such as disc harrows, Salt Lake City, Utah A f t life. ' " - 1 4 taaoBanBBBBBnBnaaBHaBBiBaMMBHBBBBHHlBaaBBBBBaaK 1 Utah, to-w- it: j NKPHI CITY Announcing the of N. W. th. W. 854.7 ft. th. N. m. nuu. ivft.u. Li., 848.8 ft. th. S. 10 2.3. ft. to place of Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. beg. cont. 2 acres. Tax Sale No. 175, P. A. Keyte, cjo Utah Valley Land ind Water Co. Beg. 254.1 ft. S. t.nd 415.8 ft. E. of the Vi Sec. cor on N. bndy of Sec. 31. Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. S. L. B. and M. th. S. 1 deg. 44 nlin. W. 546.3 ft. th. S. 4 deg. 24 min W. 408.8 ft. th. S. 19 deg. 40 min. E. 118.4 ft. th. W. 4Q4.8 ft r3f ' ft. th. W."i4.j ft. th. N. 3 ileg. 19 min. E. 245.5 ft. th. N. 0 deg. 32 min. E. 529.1 ft. N. 23 deg. 51 min. E. 45.3 ft. th. N. 26 deg. 07 min. E. 137.9 ft. th. E. 97fc.7 ft. to pi. ot Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. beg. sont. 24 acres . Juab District. Tax Sale No. 176, Flossie R. Beg. 40 rds. KT. of the S. E. cor of sd. S. E. Vi of Sc. th. W. 86 rds. 4 deg. E. of N. 40 rds. E. 81 rds. S. 40 rds. to beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S R. 1. E. cont. 21 acres. Juab " Vi ie. Tax Sale No. 90. Hattie W. Bown; Part of Lot 4, described as follows. Beg. at pt. 107 ft. S. from N. E. cor. of Lot 4 th. running South 107. ft. 6 in. th- W. 107 ft. 3 in. th. N. 107 ft. 6 in. th. E. 107 ft. 3. in. to beg. Lot 4, Blk. 29, Plat "A", Nephi Survey. Tax Sale No. 104, Walter R. Tid- well; N. Vi of Lot 2; Lot 2, Blk. 29, Plat "B", Nephi Survey. Tax Sale No. 105, Frank V. 'lid- of Lot 2; Lot 2, of N. well; S. Blk. 29, Plat "B", Neph' Surrey. LEVAX TOWN Tax Sale No. 123,' Cenus Christon- o....-.sen; Lot 1. 1 ah, water. Lot 1, Blk. Clair O. Brunner, one of the Red 16,. Plat "A", Levan Towu. Tax Sale No. 135, Alma Dalby: Raven Pilots, who will appear here on Aviation Day, attended Brooks Field, Lot 4. 1 sh. water. Lot 4, Blk. 40, Texas. In addition to being a Red, Plat "A", Levan Town. Raven Pilot he is also an officer of the; MOXA TOWN Red Raven Aero Clubs and of the Alj Tax Sale No. 147, Willard L. Service and Survey Company. Ellertsou; Com. at N. E. cor of Lot Mr. Brunner Is forsaking aviation 3, situated in S. W. U Sec. 32, this fall In a search for new thrills tjj Twp. 11 So. R. 1 E. th. S j. 2 rds. th. driving a special Stutz racing car In W. 13 rds. th. N. 12 rds. th. E. '3 District. Tax Sale No. 177, Lula E. the Indianapolis races Labor Day. ros. to Deg. i ot s, uiK i, i Pilot Brunner Is Chief Ground School Mona Town. Margaret M. Chatwln and Ilnstructor, and as such, has charge of Tax Sale No. 14 3, John L. Eliert-io- James A. Jerman; Beg. 57 rds. 17 Vfc some seventy-sevestudents In Salt Beg. at S. E. cor. of Lot 3, th. Iks. N. and 496.7 ft. E. of S. W. cor In Ogden In W. 13 rds. th. N. 1 rd. th. E. 13 rds. of sd. N. E. Vi th. E. 823.3 ft. th. Lake City and thirty-fiv- e teaching of ground school and class th. S. 1 rd. Lot 3, Blk. 4, Plat "C", N. 70.9 ft. th. W. 314.1 ft. th. S. 7 room work of the Red Raven aviation Mona Town. deg. 23 min. W. 71.5 ft. to pi. of courses, and Is recognized throughout beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT the Intermouctain section as being an Tax Sale No. 15 3, Wm. Arthur cont. 1 acre, Juab District. Excellent Instructor. exTax Sale No. 178, Eliza Jensen; of the S. E. Jones; The N. 2 acres Beg. 44 rds. 20 Iks. N. and 469.1 ft. cluding R. R. right-of-wawaste. Sec. 28, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 E. E. of the S. W. cor of N. E. V4 sd. Sec. 31, th. E. 850.9 ft. th. N. 71.0 cont. 80 acres. Juab District. DOC WISE Tax Sale No. 154, Elizabeth C. ft. th. W. 841.7 ft. th. S. 7 deg. of 23 min. W. 71.6 ft to pi. of beg. of N. W. Vi ; W. Senn ; S. E. of S. W. ,V4 ; Sec. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 N. W. V4 ; N. W. 28, Twp. 10 S. R. 1. E. cont. 160 acre. Juab District. acres. Juab Distict. Tax Sale No. 179, Thos. H. GarTax Sale No. 155, Elizabeth C. field; Com. 38.30 rds. S. of N. E. Senn ; E. Vz of N. E. V i S. W. Vi of cor of S. E. Vi of Sec. 5, th. S. N. E. Vi ; N. Vz of S. E. Vi , N. Vs of 121.70 rds. th. W. 80 rds. th. N. 80 S. W. Vi ; Sec. 29, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 rds. th. E. 2 rds, th. N. 38.30 rds. th. E. cont. 280 acres. Juab District. E. 78 rds. to beg. 7 shs. water Tax Sale No. 156, Elizabeth C. $210.00. Sec. 5, Twp. 12 S. R. Senn ; E. Vi of N. E. Vi ; N. E. Vi of 1 E. cont. 63 acres. Juab District. S. E. Vi ; Sec. 31, Twp. 10 S. R. 1 E. Tax Sale No. 225, Abner Bigler; cont. 120 acres. Juab District. Com. 52 ras.-2- 1 lks.JJ. jdf the S. V... Tax Sale No. 166, Jas. Albert cor. of the N. W. V4 of sd. Sec. 1, th. Lynn; N. E. Vi of N. W. Vi and N. N. 52 rds. 22 Iks. th. E. 112 rds. IS TM THE HOSPVTAU W. Vi of N. E. Vi; Sec. 22, Twp. 11 th. S. 52 rds. 22 Iks. W. 112 rds. TO LOOK BEST S. R. 1 E. cont. 80 acres. Juab Dist. to beg. Sec. 1, Twp. th. VWHO 13 S. R. 1 W. FOR A fVJC?G-Tax Sale No. 170, Orson S. Wilt- cont. 37 acres. Juab District. ATE THE NEJtT DOOR. NE6HBORS TWRtI PIES' lair.s, Orson Williams, Jr. and Eliza Sale No. 230, John R. Sperry; Williams Jensen, co Utah Valley E. Tax Vs of N. E. Vi ; E. Vi of S. E. Vi ; 49 rds. Land and Water Co.; Beg. Sec. 18, Twp. 13 S. R. 2 W. corn. Muikrata Destroy Carp 2 Vi Iks. N. of S. W. cor. of the N. E. 160 acres. Juab District. MHiietlinef" bat eat MunkrutH tish, jk, E. Sec. 478.3 sd. th. th. of ft. 31, 'i Tax Sale No. 256, Alice Lila War-woothey capture slugKlsb kinds nmlnly N. 7 deg. 23 min. E. 71.5 ft. th. W. and seldom harm (tame fish. When 4 87.5 ft th S. 70.9 ft. to pi. of beg. Beg. at a pt. on the S. side of curp were Introduced Into iiihiij parts Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. R. 1 E. cont. 1 the public road to Chicken Creek of this country ll ns found thai the acre. Juab District. Canyon which is 1702.5 ft. N. and muxkriitM sometimes InvHili-ponds No. 171, Orson S. Will-lam- s 1335 ft. W. of S. E. cor. of S. W. V4 Sale Tax and dentroyeil the euro. This would and Oron S. Williams, Jr., co of N. E. Vi of Sec. 32 ,th. W. 642 not now be riKiirdtd ns u nerioux '" Utah Valley Land and Water Co, ft. to the fence line, th. S. 0 deg. 45 MuHkruts cHtise some loss to tin- flh old fence on 53 rds. 10 Iks. N. of S. W. cor of min. E. 706.5 ft. lieg. minis his mid culturist by injurtim Creek, th. 14 th. K. 487.5 ft. th. N. 7 deg. tho S. side of Chicken N. E. fiMul ibe of poRHlhly by diKi roylnjf sd. fence N. 88 deg 57 min. following 23 496.7 71.6 E. ft. W. ft. min. th. dunes th. S. 71.0 ft. to the place of beg. 7. 634 ft. th. N. 649.9 ft. to place of 8 shares water, 240.90 Seo. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 3. U. 1 E. cont. 1 beg. NOTICE OF ri'I'.IJC HAI.K OK 32. Twp. 14 S. R. 1 E. cont. 10 acres District. Juab acre. REAL ESTATE Tax Sale No. 172, ,!. Jensen cjo Juab District. Tax Sale No. 270, Niels N. Lund-steeWhereas. Juab County ha.4 re Utah Valley Land an Water Co.; ceived tax derds for the real estate Beg. 4 4 rds. 20 Iks. N. of S. W. cor. Beg 79 rds. 16 ft. E. and 41 hereinafter described, which taU of N. E. Vi of sd. Sec. 31, th. E. rds. S. of the N. W. cor. of the SV4 estate lias been heretofore sold to 469.1 ft. th. N. 7 deg. 23 min. E. of the N. E. Vi; th. W. 64 V4 rds. N. said County for delinquent taxes, 71.6 ft. th. W. 478.3 rt. th. S. 71. 0 12 ft. W. 1SV4 rds. S. 3 rds. 8 ft. E. and the time provided by law for re- ft. to beg. Sec. 31, Twp. 11 S. it. 1 15 rds. th. following the Creek In N. E ly. direction to a pt. opposite the E. coat. 1 acre. Juab District. deeming said real estate from su-tax sales has expired; Tax Sale No. 173, Orson 8. Will- starting place th. N. 6 rds. to beg. Now therefore, notice Is hereby iams and Orson S. Williams, Jr., Also beg. at th S. E. cor. of the S Vi Vi th. W. 78 rds. N. 40 given that in pursuance of Section and I'illsta Williams Jensen; Beg. of the N. W. 8 ft. to 6056, of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 14.90 chains N. of 8. E. cor. of rds. E. 78 rds. S. 39 rds. 10 shs. water, $300. Sec. 39, 1917, as amended by Chapter 140 N. W. Vi th. W. 84 8.8 ft, th. N. 3 beg. of the 8eHHlon Laws of Utah. 1921, deg. 19 min. K. 50.9 ft. th. E. 845.9 Twp. 14 S. It. 1 W. cont. 33 acres. the undersigned, the Board of County ft. th. 8. 60, 8. ft. to place of beg. Juab District. The Board reserves the right to Commissioners of Juab County, Slate Also bg. 12.00 chains N. of S. E. of Utah, will offer for sale at public cor of N. W. Vi th. W, 847.0 ft. th. reject any bid In a sum loss than tte auction to the highest bidder for N. 32 deg. 07 min. W. 23 5 ft. th. total amount of delinquent taxes, interest, accrued oa the cah, on Saturday, the 12 day of NT. 3 dog. 19 min. E. 82.5 ft. th. E. costs and covered by such bid. May, 1928, beginning at 11 o'clock S54.7 ft. th. S. 102.3 ft. to place of property Dated: April 7, 1928, A. M. at the froi.t door of l ho Count) beg. See. 31. Twp. 11 8, It. 1. E Board of County Commissioners Juab District, Court House, at Nephi City, Juab cont. 3 acres. of Juab County, Utah. Tax Sale No. 174, Eliza Jensen, County, State of Utah, th following By W. O. Orme, Chairman. dfscrlhed parcels of real estate c:o Utah Valley Land and Water J. H. Vickers, Clerk. cor N. Attent: S. E. 65 of 1J in Co. chains of Juab situated Beg. County, State , CONVERTIBLE SPORT CABRIOLET ff Jer-mai- n, n; n y. LGAIN, Chevrolet introduces Into the field an entirely now conception of style, distinction and elegance low-pric- e PI-AC- a new Convertible Sport Cabriolet with Body by Fisher a vivid, dashing, two-fopassenger model that offers the practical comfort and convenience of the Sport Coupe, plus ur the smartness and distinction of the Sport Roadster! Finished in Romany Red Duco, with black body beading striped in gold . . . and embellished with artistic touches of gleaming polished nickel this distinguished new model is one of the most attractive cars to be seen on the streets and highways. But equally impressive is the wide, practical utility of this latest Chevrolet achievement a snug closed car for inclement weather an open car for the warm days of summer . . and ample room for two or four passengers, as the necessity may be! Visit our showroom today and see thij sensational new automobile! ... d; The Touring $yfQC or Rcd.ter.. fj .....$585 $595 Coupe.. The $lnC Sedan O (D Coach.. The Convertible Cabriolet.... AQC The Imperial $H1 C J. Landau ...... Sport UJ I UtHIrv Truck J Chassis Only) Light Delivery $17C (Chaaiij Only) All price f. o. b. Flint, Michigan Check Chavralat Dllvar4 Prices TtlV Include the J'D Madling and financing I avauatHai We finance all paper on G. M. A. C. plan. Our rates are lower. Grace Motor Co. Q.UALITY AT LOW E COS'T to-th- e n; l t |