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Show PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS BASEALL WRIST WATCHES LOCAL HAPPENINGS j j wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. Be at the Ball Game, Wed.. June " nd. It is week. Ord & x Mangelson will be there with a Blue Box, and other good prizes, for the weekly prize. "San-Tox- San-To- THE TOGGERY A special Tabernacle Choir practice will be held at the Tabernacle next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. All members of the choir are requested to be in attendance. We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry On account of the monthly stake priesthood and Sunday school union meeting being held Sunday afternoon, the sacrament meeting in each of the wards of this city will be held In the evening at 8 p. m. Calvin S. Smith and family left yesterday morning for Salt Lake City for a six'jweek's visit. During this period Supt. Smith will attend the University of Utah summer school. Glen Worthington won second place in the high hurdles, and second place in the low hurdles at the meet held last Rocky Mountain week. The Utah Agricultural college winning the meet. FARMERS Buy your, derrick rope and cabel at Kendall Bros. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, m EE Big Shipment (Continued from page one) Belliston 3, A. Sperry, Butler, Noe, H. Shrlver, Warburton. Stolen bases A. Petty 3, Worthington, B. Petty, Warburton, Andrus. Sacrifice hits I. M. Petty, Kline, Andrus, Noe, Turner 2, H. Shrlver. Home runs I. M. Petty. hits Three-bas- e "Star Brand" T--o. Sutherland, Star Brand ShftJk. Are tivtter" Noe, Kline, A. Sperry, A. Petty, Buthits Andrus ler, Andrus. Two-bss- e An2, Noe, Boswell. Double plays drus to Warburton, H. Shriver to Warburton to Turner. Innings pitched by Boswell 3 and one third, I. M. Petty 1 and one third, A. Petty 1 and one third, A. Sperry 2. Charge victory to Sutherland;-- charge defeat to Boswell. At bat off BOswell 26, I. M. Petty 9, A. Petty 12, A. Sperry 17. Hits batted off Boswell 13, I. M. Petty 7, A. Petty 8, A. Sperry 14. Runs scored Off Boswell 11, I. M. Petty 7, A. Sperry 17, A. Sperry 110.1 Struck out by I. M. Petty 1, A. Sperry 2, Sutherland 6. Bases on balls off Boswell 3, off I. M. Petty 4. Hit with pitched ball Mace by Sperry: Time of game 3 hours 45 minutes. Umpire Davidson, Elliott. Make your selection NOW while our stock is complete A fStar Brand Shoes Are better Wrist Watches, Strands of Pearls and a hundred other ar-- , tides especially suited for gift giving to the bride are now on display here for your choosing. TO 3 ft. Dell Gay, a youth picked up from Provo's Twilight league of last year, Miss Erma Garfield and LaVon Belliston motored to Benjamin Fri- pitched Provo to victory, at Provo Wednesday, against Nephi, by the day evening. score of 13 to 3. Although Boswell was touched for eleven hits, the score would have been different had he had more support from his team. Thirteen errors were chalked up WHEN YOU ARE IN against Nephi, while Provo's fielding record was perfect. The Timps stole twelve bases. A A HURRY feature of the base stealing was the work of Cooper in the seventh frame. After he had landed on first on an We can serve you error by Bellitson, he stole each one of the other bases, coming home when he caught Boswell oft his guard. RIGHT NOW I. M. Petty, veteran manager of the Nephi team, knocked one of the longest home runs that has been made thig year. ' - JAS. Silver Maple Service A. STARTS Jeweler Our Aim: To Serve You Well and Faithfully ALWAYS P. J. SANDERS Notary Public Fire Insurance Post Office Building Stenographer PaiHTg V flINSTITUTION- - ,H ufsnney 'Where good merchandise is cheaper' HE 77T. EE The Mammoth Buying Power of 3186 Clothing Stores Makes this Remarkable Value Possible Think of it Over three thousand individual retail organizations buying the same kind of garments from one manufacturer. We're part of that mammoth buying power that extends its savings back thru the world's largest tailoring shop and into woolen mills. These savings plus quantity production make it possible to offer good clothing at a price that only mammoth buying power of the entire group could effect. We're featuring them in a special showing during National Serge Week. ! Buying Most We Buy For Less Selling Most We Sell For Less RATION-WID- E Co. vc. DEPARTMENT STORES JL C L O T H CRAFT ;5i3o Serges STATION J. C. P. CO. $ BROADCASTING GOOD NEWS TUNE IN ON THIS MESSAGE NO STATIC TO INTERFERE ValueUnion Label Big BLUE Overalls "Pay-Day- " $B 15 2Q. 5 BROWN GRAY VJAJ Low Price! For Overalls JL o 1 h,, Nephi Mercantile Co. PROVO BEATS NEPHI 13 "S:ar Brand J AT THE MONA NOTES- - --SCORE IS Shtwt Art Utlltr" "Star Brand Shoes Just In NJ J - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Garfield motored to Benjamin Friday evening to attend a wedding reception in honor of Miss Mary Ashly and Henry Clark. Friday, May 28th, 1926 They're finely tailored all wool serges that are the choice of discriminating men the country over. In fact more men wear Clothcraft "5130' serge than any other serge in America. They are ideal for the man who prefers a suit in the stylish dark shades, tailored of fabric that is suitable for season 'round wear. Come Or Jumper Our Mass Buying for 676 live Stores makes possible this Low Price Union Made the Union Label is on every Overall and Jacket; of 2.20 Denim. Triple seams throughout; cut extra full The Overall has regular overall back. Two hip, two side, watch and rule pockets tacked to prevent ripping; all sizes including Extra Sizes. Jackets to match, with raglan shoulder and Engineers' in and see this special showing. s Cuffs. CLOTHCRAFT Tllor4 Cloth 1 I .' 1 New Low Prices Now On LOOK FOH TIIK CMON ON 'PAY-DAY- AY, VI, H enabled to 3 as follows: re-pri- ce to 9 Years 89c ,ma I mat Overalls "Pay-Day- " ByTak ing advantage of present market conditions, we are " O V K It A Boys' 10 to 17 Years s. . 'V ww W I Iff r lli J, J ArU makes possible. 98c KLZTj Union Made and always big values. At these low prices e As Strong, serviceable and they are as our Men's "Pay-Day- " Overalls. Cut full, of heavy, durable, 2.20 denim; high back, legs, large front and back pockets. Super-Value- SMARTLY STYLED FOR ALL OCCASIONS Illustrated lure is the Cambridge a model that will appeal strongly to men who enjoy the comfort and style of a well tailored sack coat. True Clothcraft "style" and "service" are assured in writing by this guarantee that only high quality well-mad- two-sca- m THE TOGGERY 3E Hi |