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Show Friday, May 28th, 1926 THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH PAGE FIVE LOCAL NEWS CLASSED PURCHASE SUCCESS . TODAY Special Feature ADS J. W. Olpin, manager of the Nephi Merc. Co. was iu Salt Lake City the People interested in Prof. Engar's early part of the week, transacting Summer school should not forget busines. that Wednesday at six o'clock is the Carl Ostler leaves today for Heber time the class meets. A splendid opavail yourself of it. City, Utah, where he will be employ- portunity Read the ad in this Issue of the ed by the Forest Service for the Times-News. coming summer. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Money and freedom from mental form the basis of success. You can have both by opening a savings account in this bank and depositing a definite part of your income each week. enxi-et- y The BULLS EYE easy way to save. You'll be surprised to see how rapidly the money accumulates. You'll really be buying success on the installment plan. And with money in the bank, you are free from BOX "Editor worry about finances. You are assured of success at once. and Qentral Manaqer 7 WILL ROGERS BOX San-To- x week ! Come in and see our big, interesting x exhibit of products. You will be amazed at the variety of preparations for toilet, health, and hygiena you can now buy under the one name SAN-TOand the familiar x face of the NURSE. week we are offering a limited number of During San-To- x beautiful new introductory packages containing 8 quality x items for the price of 2 of the articles in the "8 for the price of 2" in the San-To- x assortment San-To- X, San-To- San-To- BIG BLUE BOX Here they are Month old roosters- - J. Walter Paxman. TOOTH BRUSH TOOTH PASTE CASTILE SOAP COLD CREAM Camping Time is Here Colman Lanterns and Lamps are here M. W Mangelson. And 6 Brush FOUND Black overcoat. Owner may have same by calling at-- " the Times-Newand paying for this adv. Talk with us about this plan. You'll like it and find it fits in exactly with your ideas about sensible finance. Open your account today. full-size- retail package out of 8 are free ! All you have to do is buy the Tooth and Tooth Paste at the regular price of 50c each, and And This to-1- And Olpin. Miss Elizabeth Gibson of Salt Lake City, returned to her home Wednesday, after spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen returned to Nephi the first of the week, after spending the past winter in Provo, where Mr. Allen has been teaching in the Provo high school. He Ruilds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL -- USE Nephi Plaster : HAS NO EQUAL We buy eggs, veal, hogs, poultry and cream. G. W. Lunt and Sons. stage troupe. Zasu Pitts contributes a comedy characterization one of her first comedy roles 8ince she has been identified with more serious parts. Nina Romano, recent bride of Lou Telle-geadds her beauty to a supporting part, as does Margaret Qulmby, former New York dancer, now under contract to the Universal company. i1:ir, or deodar, The Himalayan thrives well In California, nnd ! r favorite Christmas tree there. lows : "I kissed 6,000 babies ; helped 42 voters thrash wheat; shook hands with the entire State ; smoked 3,000 sacks of 'Bull' Durham; cut 22 cords of wood ; helped brand 8,000 calves ; spayed 4,000 of them ; was sprinkled 8 times in Methodist Churches ; totally immersed in cold water in muddy creeks three times by the Baptist; went to confession in every Catholic Town ; paid dues to 1 1 Synagogues ; charter member s; listened to of the 800 Kiawanis, Lions, and Rotary speeches; bought sheet and pillow slip in every Ku Klux Klan in the State; and then I was defeated. Holy-Roller- er "'Bull' Durham was my sole satisfaction not only during, but after election. It is the only thing that stayed with me." P.S. There will be another piece in this paper too a. Look for it up-to-d- at the Tooth Brush X. L. A correctly designed, modern tooth brush, comall the features bining which dental authorities now insist upon. Makes Let us reflnish your car with Genuine Dupont Duco Grace Motor Co. Jersey Bull for service, Wilson's corral. in Scientific One of the largest motion picture casts of the season appears m "What Happened To Jones," the Universal-Jewdirected by William A. Seiter,. which come to the Venice theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. Reginald Denny, who has become one of the screen's most popular stars in the past two years, heads the big cast, and is said to have one of the biggest starring parts of his career as the Jones to which so many untoward things occur. Playing opposite him is Marian Nixon, w ho is. attaining stardom on the screen .herself by leaps and bounds. This is the third consecutive picture in which she has played with the handsome Deginald. Otis Harlan has an important supporting role as the unlucky friend of Jones who helps him get into all manner of difficulty. Harlan, incidentally, played the same role on the stage some years ago, and when he was a juvenile instead of a character actor, did Denny's part in his own My good old friend the Governor of Oklahoma was in to see me at the theatre the other night. I had just had humorous mention as a candidate for that position, as they wanted to revive the Populist Party with me as the Standard Bearer. Well, the Governor showed me what had happened to a friend of his who had been defeated for Governor in our state, so he discouraged me. I won't accuse him of doing it purposely, but he did. His friend's campaign expenditures were as fol- Everything Free mf No Governorship Good Comedy To For Mine Be Shown at Venice Himalayan Nephi Plaster and Mfg. Company 6 We buy cream, eggs and poultry. also veal and hogs. Nelson-Rick- s Creamery Co., Phone 7. at the Cafe. Victor Cooper, Prop. n, The Largext and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In The World Get FOR SALE: Bridge and Derrick Timbers Jos. W. Golden. el Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Olpin of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday in Nephi, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ! Buy This Plenty of New Potatoes and Straw Special Sale every Wednes a. m. Sanitary day from 10 Fruit Stand. 8th North and Main. berries Another "Bui!1 tleement by Will Rogers, Zieg- - II leldfolliesana screen star rand IIII leading Americw a humorist. Mora coming. ten lor inem. W. Sidwell. BORIC ACID SALVE . EPSOM SALTS ASPIRIN d the whole Big Blue Box is yours. s, NEPHI NATIONAL B .Mrs. Jack Lanabacker of Milford, Utah, Is in Nephi this week, visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 for the price of 2s All regular Let us make your old car look like new with genuine Dupont Duco-Grac-e Motor Co. Local Hews BLUE This is FOR SALE CHEAP White Sew ing Machine, bed with springs and mattress, also heating stove Mrs. J. R. Salisbury. FOR SALE BIG pirnce Oil BLUE m It's an yJ for the big Still have a few Steel Coaster Wag We still have a few copies of the Nephi high school year book, and ons left at the exceptional low price anyone desiring a copy may obtain of $7.60 M. W. Mangelson. one at the Nephi Drug Cov or The FOR SALE 460 shares of stock in Toggery. the Nephi Land and Livestock comDr. T. L. Martin, Professor of Ag- pany. See J. Will Ockey, or write to riculture at the B. Y. U. at Provo, J. Elmer Jacobson, executor of the made his annual trip to Nephi last estate of W. C. Ockey, Provo, Utah. week. Dr. Martin was accompanied Also 60 acres of meadow land. by twenty-fiv- e students, who spent Eat at the X. L. Cafe, best Eats, the day at che Nephi Experimental Best Service, Courteous Treatment dry-faron the ridge. Victor Cooper, Prop. Would you purchase success today ? You can and for immediate delivery. Pay for it on an easy payment plan which fits your own pocket book. Here is a new and helpful way to look at the money problem. SanTox Week Only I - thorough brushing easy. SOc Don't miss Alex by San-To- x Big Blue Box Antacid Dentifrice Worthy companion of the Scientific Tooth Brush. Corrects Cleans teeth thoroughly. Keeps gums firm and healthy. Large tube. acid-mout- h. 50c week. You can now prove to yourself San-To- x products. this free test the purity and quality of FOR SALE Two large wheat bin8 South Ward Relief Society, Call 61 DeLaval Cream Seperator Fot Sale as good as new. No. 10. $65 Mrs. Ether Bowers, Phone 206J1. SAM SAYS: "Decoration Day is near. Have a new headboard at your loved one's resting place." Made and painted at BERT & SAM? PLACE We can save you time with our equipment in refinishing your car. It only requires three days to turn your Job out complete with genuine Dupont Duco Grace Motor 3 E3E te Fly-Tim- e Is Here Co. WANTED Man with car to sell complete line quality Auto Tires and Tubes, Excllusive Territory. Experience not necessary. Salary $300.00 per month. Milestone Rubber Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. I FOR SALE Building lot on 163 East, 3rd South, Inquire Mrs. M. T. Jennings. WANTED Pork, Veal and Cy's Market, Phone 7. ft PROFESSIONAL & PRACITICAL NURSE MRS. LORETTA FOOTE PHONE 276. WANTED To Buy or Kent Two Shares of Water at once G. R. Judd BUY YOUR COAL NOW If you want to get your Winter's Supply of Coal at a Cheaper Price buy it during the summer and store it for next In order to keep things Winter. moving at the mines the coal comreduced panies are giving special prices during the summer Buy now and reduce your coal bill H. D. Goldsbrough. jf'fli" Remember, we are the headquart ers for all kinds of Mower, Rake and M. W. Harvester machine parts. Mangelson. For We will give the best of service Victor Cooper, at the X. L. Cafe. Keep your Ford car In good repair. We have the parts. Also body paint and enamel M. W. Mangelson. BUILDING LOANS SAVING CERTIFICATES Plenty of Fresh Strawberries REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Central Utah Realty Co. A. V. Pypcr, Mgr. at R. T. BeaRlpy's. Bull j t y'URHAM Where the Money Goes Great Britain spends annually about $20,000,000 for scientific research. But more than hnlf of this sum got-- t to tha admiralty, the war oflice and tti air ministry. Gu&r&aUed by 111 IMMMMUt Fifth Avenue. New York City " 'Sufi Sed" A (a motnrlol looked for v"h Hritpf tor'1 forty-two.- - M U I I'. leak In hl Aged ntch. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH SCREEN WIRE, WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS PROTECT YOUR HEALTH Special for Saturday 5c EACH GLASS TUMBLERS Kendall Bros, Nephi Utah 33 |