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Show ! DIAMOND JUBILEE AND HOME COMING SEPT. 15, 16, ANNUAL JUAB CO. FAIR TO EE HELD J SEPT. 15. 16 and 17th t and 17th The Times, Vol. 16, No. 22. The News, Vol. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 28th, 1926 Planning the Convention of Lions FORTY TEACHERS EUREKA WINS BY SIGN CONTRACTS 45-T0-- ffl' SCORE 22 ; , J , BATTING RECORD i 10, No. 22 APPLE CROP IS NEPHI LEADS IN Lift t BEING DAMAGED Twenty-on- o players in the Central Fire Blight Or Twig Blight Utah baseball league who have playIs Destroying Practically Npnhl-Rllrpled at least two games of the season One Half of This Year's are batting above .350. A compilation of the batting figures of the league Apple Crop In East Juab. indicates that with four games playuuujum second, number of hits made; third, the ed, Nephi has the highest club batting average. The Nephi Rangers have length of time of the game. Juab county's apple crop has been teachers of a list is The following soaked the sphere for a batting avThe score was 22 to 4 5 in favor cut in two this year, due the practically who have signed contracts for of .370. of Eureka. The hits were 25 to 33. Although Springville to a heavy attack of the disease erage callnext school year in Juab School The playing time was three hours to Is the only team in the league ed or "fire blight twig blight." District. The list is not complete and and 4 5 minutes. have won all of its four games, five This disease is of bacterial origin there may be some changes made be clubs in the league have a higher and is Several - times during the contest, spread from tree to tree at In faep fore the opening of school than has the game was about to be called on Springville. blossom time. Bees and other insects batting average tember: Calvin S. Smith, Superinten account of the heavy windstorm, but folis as ' The club batting average : I X ' visit the infected trees carry the dent; Nephi High School George A. lows: Nephi, .370 ; Eureka, .353; infection on to other and the players decided to keep going. c. trees as they Sperry, Principal; Harry Beagley, American The box score follows: Provo, .282; Payson, .295; go around. W. Johnson. Cleon Memmott, Lillian ff NEPHI Fork, .255; Springville, .252; Spanv Ik ? ' ".X- - 'v-- l In two or three weeks after, or as Blackett, Estelle Jacobson, A. J AB H PO A ish Fork, .288; and Heber, .203. soon as the bacterial germs grow inCorn Leonora Cleon Lemon, Crapo, 3 0 6 2 B. Petty, If The three leading individual batt- to the fruit cells, young apples begin wall, Margaret Neville, Harriet Mor I. M. Petty, cf., p 5 0 ers are pitchers Boswell of Nephi to strivel up and the cluster of leavKan. Chas. J. Engar. 0 4 4 3 M. Sperry, c leads the sluggers with .631. In 19 es the fruit also shrivel Levan High School O. Wendell Boswell, p, cf 0 4 0 1.6 times at bat, he lias secured 12 hits, up. surrounding The disease follows on down the Rnrle-fiPrinciDal: Ora Lowe, Helen A. 5 3 6 5 five of which have been two bagPetty, p, 2b fruit it back to the Rasmussen. 0 4 0 6 has batted main spur, killing of Colvin A. Sperry, p, rf Payson gers. 4 rW4 limb, and occasionally back to Alonzo In E. KeDhi Grade Schools .6 0 9 25 4 in 5 first the four games, iifl.nillr'' getting the trunk of the tree. Worthington, lb 'i'iV n T gram. Principal; J. M. Christensen, Belliston, ss 10 hits in 16 times at bat. He has 6 6 ' control The l remedy yet Sun T. W. Vickers, T. O. Durham, Mrs Lunt, 3b be in held to two found to only to his credit two .4 0 0 0 l'luiif for the Lions: international convention be is to cut off all effectve board of the E. M. Greenwood, Walter Sells, P. J. Ostler, 3b three-bas- e 0 3 in July were glven'primary consideration at the meeting hits and a home run. infected branches or limbs and burn Eva Winn, Mae Sidwell, Sanders, of directors of that organization in Chicago. Our photograph shows n few Addie Miller of American Fork is them. The A. cutting to be done well to Florence Cole, Mrs. Alean Pace, MarLeft the conference. Benjamin members in 24 12 right: of the the 50 25 attending number three Total batting average back, six inches or more, of any in Kita Ben Helen ; Jmlj-'Cowan, Iowu Mason A. William Linton, City, Westfall, garet column with .555. In nine times at fection on the Ruffin, Richmond, Va.; EUREKA so to get belimb, .J1. I'o. Flora Parkes, Pearl S. Allen, N. Johnstown, and Schofield, Cnmp. Irving bat he has connected for five singles. low the bacteria which ag AB H PO A T. Jones, Newark, pijpldent). is Smith destroying Mabel Sperry, Ruby o a 3 5 The 21 players who habe batted the E. Shriver, rf of the trees. No spray Levan Grade Schools Marcellus Kline, 3b o : 3 2 6 .350 or over in the first four games has tissues been found which wilt conyet riharrt Edna Anderson. Mrs. Hattie Foultz, 3b 0 1 0 2 of the season are as follows: disease. 0 631 trol this 5 5 Wright Bown. 9 Boswell, Nephi cf. ... Butler, Fire blight lives over winter in Prin Newton, School Mona Ray .625 0 0 5 8 Colvin, Payson Noe, If trees and starts develop6 0 555 infected 8 3 cipal; Katie Garfield. Miller, American Fork Warburton, lb ment with the tree in the spring. Mills School No assignment. 29 .5 3 1 5 M. Sperry, Nephi 7 Andrus, ss has been noted here Mr. Cleon Lemon comes to teach : 500 Slight damage one 1 7 2 5 E. Worthington, Nephi c Turner, or two years, but ' for the He school. past 1 500 2 3 4 English in the Nephi high , H. Shriver, 2b Kitchen, Payson so as it has appear serious but nothing ha8 had experience in the grades, .500 2 0 1 1 Mace, 2b ed this season. Repeated efforts have The Canyon road from the Forks Andrus. Eureka E. R. Shaw was elected president is finishing his work for high school Sutherland, p .500 3 1 3 9 Bonnett, Eureka inof the Nephi high school alumni- as- of Salt Creek canyon to the Ranger I. M. certification this year. He is an out467 been made to locate the seat of Petty, Nephi so been far results. without but considerfection, has Station election of improved at annual the the in department 450 8 sociation, standing student 64 33 27 Total Butler, Eureka Undoubtedly it has. been in some old fficers held Friday evening. An elab able tlle Past few weeks by the For- Dyer, of education at the U. A. C , .444 Provo s 25 runs. 22; Nephi, to it exin and make order est an Service, apple or pear tree which has been and was served orate The local high school is fortunate Eureka, runs banquet 427 33 hits. 45; and the Nephi Durrant, American Fork in first class condition, , cellent rendered; program in securing the services of Mis Harr .427 standing untrimmed, unsprayed SUMMARY Cole, Springville sera for uncared otherwise club their long Kiwanis volunteered for, car The is the who wag outstanding program following let Morgan .411 G. Nelson, Heber . -Runs B. Petty 3, I. M. Petty 2, V-Beag- - vices Wednesday afternoon, and rak Sweat, Heber . .400 time, and there are many 6uch trees student in the department of Home M. Sperry 3, Boswell 5, A. Petty 4, ried out: Toastmaster Harry ' , for off will road rocks loose the ed C. the to welcome graduatf-SjGeorge ey; trnmiro at the U. A. She f .389 in our section.' Pnainhower. Payson A. Sperry 3, Worthington 4, Bellis- which the Mc Vaan SL"" distance,entire, by practicallv 'IVJIIa Belliston.; take Miss Sleator's place. Response ton, Lunt, E. Shrivef '6,. ,KHna...5, Mr. O. Wendell Budge' hag been Foultz, Butler '6, Noe 6, Warburton Ciirie"'; tallf by JameTlitMfeV; ""vocaT rinwiner and RnrARrilnis itt dhflrie The following members bf the Ki- - ?1ut,he'1nf American Fork the of Allie Mrs. Belliston; toast, JVliss promoted to the principalship ,..).. 5, Andrus 6, Turner 2, H. Shriver 4. solo, H. A. work: but, in" the case of fruit did the wanis around, club good violin Helen solo, Blanche Burton; Levan school. .353 Provo Mace, Sutherland 3. Errors Lunt unless this same tree Is pro- trees, and son Gerald, Geo. A. Davidson, Belliston ; toast to girls, Boyd Burton ; Cowan Misa Helen Rasmussen has been I. M. .350 Noe, Eureka Petty 2, Istler, B. Petty 3, song, Girls' Chorus. ected from disease and insects by Sperry, W. C. Andrews, Geo. D. employed to teach music and English on page eight) (Continued Dennis Wood, viceA. the proper from handling, it becomes a vertibi" Bracken, were: is She elected officers school. Other in the Levan E. B. incubator to spread destruction to president, Blanche Burton; secretary Joel Taylor, E. R. Forrest, University of Utah. all the trees in the neighborhood. Miss Ora Lowe, a U. A. C. student treasurer, Cleon Memmott; executive Sperry, Earl Gadd, A. B. Gibson, How long are we going to let sen- A. Grover, Paul Roscoe art and Gerald Clela science Pyper, Clark domestic Morgan, committee, over takes overrule economy in this mat iment June worked Jos. for E. Park and Booth, Starr. Amos Albert In Levan Case Bailey, ter? In most orchard sections the law Kendall, and Bud Haymond. Katie Garfield has been teaching requires that every fruit tree bu car- There is a few small patches of for two years in Kenilworth, Utah. d for or destroyed. It is nof quite be to removed, is to needed the rocks that recommended well comes She MARRIED GIRL NEPHI so strict here, but it appears that another that understood is it and schools Mnnft he price paid this year in the loss of half day's work will be put on the the The annual by Other teachers are well known and given banquet, IN SALT LAKE TUESDAY road which will complete the work. Nephi Seminary Alumni was held last he apple crop should create some nn pomment is needed about tnem The "Nebonian" the Nephi high sentiment in favor of rigid action in The budget and salary schedule of school's annual year book, has been Saturday evening at the Nephi high his regard. What about our young emthe not a school. After the banquet permit program trees? In and around the district does week. there to this the students distributed Nephi of outstanding was given which was as follows: The marriage of Miss Genevieve VICTOR COOPER BUYS ployment of teachers have been upwards of three to four is one of the best high book This uui H. of flu to T. the the vacancies, Burton GrovE. R. of Mrs. Toastmaster, experience Grover, daughter I new trees planted during Juab Stake preidency; remarks by housand by stretching the schedule somewhat scnooi annuals etfer gotten out, and er of this city, and Henry F. Young L. THE CAFE X. two he last i years. If we cannot get enaDieu been have officials Ruth is a credit t0 tne i,jgn school, and of Salt Lake City, was solemnized in Alumni president. Miss Grover; the school control this fire blight to cooperation of beginning 10 the year book staff as wei1( whiCn the Salt Lake Temple last Tuesday. vocal solo, Miss Emma Cole; readto take the choice the other serious diseases, the and, toast Miss is as follows: Blanche Burton, edi The ceremony was tpnrhers. Dorothy Stephensen; ing, performed by indutry so far as It perThe prospects for a good school tor; Kathryn Starr, associate editor; Apostle Stephen L. Richards. The paper, fruit .growing Victor Coopur has purchased the to girls, Wayne Sidwell; section his to may as well be tains 1926-27 are Edith been to bright. boys, operated Rodger Lunt; toast Eugene Ostler, Business manager; bride is a graduate of the Nephi high X. L. Cafe, which has year in land Put t0 other the . forgot Wayne Sidwell, subscription manag-school, and attended the University by Geo. Duckworth for the past few- Belliston; piano solo. Irene Tolley; : er. and Virginia Clyde, art editor. of Utah for two years, after which years. Mr. Cooper has had consider- toast to alumni, Leo Ingram; vocal It contains individual pictures of she taught school in the Ephraim able experience along this line, and solo, Herman .McCune; toast to MEMORIAL DAY TO BE all students who attended the school high school for the past two season. will be able to serve the public in an graduates. Principal Roscoe A. Grov JALIST TO manner. The new propriet er; remartcs, rresiaeni a. m. ueuis' season, in addi The young man is an Instructor at MONDAY during the 1925-2- 6 OBSERVED tion to group pictures of the respec the Univerity of Utah. They will or assumed charce of the business ton. LECTURES After the program was rendered tive organizations of the school. make their home in Salt Lake City. latt Sunday. the annual election of officers took Memorial day services will be obplace, which resulted as follows: served in this city next Monday and BAND CONCERT TO president. Herman McCune; vice Under the auspices of the Stake Zolma-- j Pay; will be in charge of the local Post secretary Relief Society Mrs. Sadie O. Morris, president, f ho American Lecion. who will treasurer, Emma Cole. Extension Foods Specialist of the BE GIVEN SUNDAY fire a salute and sound taps over the college will give talks Agricultural are rrxvpa of the service men, who on the subject. demonstrations and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Christensen d son Keith, the burled In the local cemeteries, and An Adequate Family Diet," to the EGGS OF CARLOAD Christ-enson- 's will also decorate the graves witn an ladies In Nephi, Levan and Mona. The first of a series of open air of Mr. and Mrs. Niels Aagard, was spent the week end with Mrs parents at Manti. American flag All Relief society workers and will take place next badly burned about the face, hands concerts band SATURDAY SHIPPED to men are asked All members as well ag all others Inter-ete- d 4:30 in front of and legs, with lye. The child receivat afternoon Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lafey Christensen in the subject are Invited to atassemble in uniforms at the local the courthouse. The N. H. S. band ed medical treatment at Nephi. No charges will be made. motored to Ilerrlman. Sunday, re armory at 9 o'clock Monday morning. of Prof tend. able under the leadership In order that the above service can Chas. J. Engar, will furnish a pro The first carload of eggs ever ship was called turning Monday. The schedule for Mrs. Morris' lec Marlon Christensen be carried out. ped out of Nephi, was loaded last tures and demonstrations is as folgram of music that will bo entertain home Saturday on account of the Mr. and Mrs. Niels Mortenson. Mr. Saturday by. the Mt. Nebo Produce. lows: Nephi, June 1st at 2 p. ni.. In ing and pleasing to the music livers erioua illness of his wife. Mrs. of this city. According to the pros Christensen is now improving. and Mrs. Ed. Malmgren, Mr. and Mrs. and was consigned to Lukoff !ros., Tabernacle; Ievan, June 2nd at 2 p. STAKE CONFERENCE TO ent plans a concert will be given by Reuben Manpelson, spent last Sun- - Los Angeles, Calif. These eggs were m., in Relief Hall; Mona, June 3rd the the band every Sunday during bought In Juab, Sanpete and Sevier at 2 p. m In Relief Mall. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of day at Gunnison. counties by T. W. Miller, and were CONVENE JUNE 5TH summer months. Moroni, are visiting relatives and city by trucks. The friends at Levan this week. The Ladies Literary club gave a brought to this400 contained rases, each case ENTERTAINS IN HONOR rrr party in honor of Mrs. Ileene Beck, 30 do.en. which Pgured containing Mrs. of home at came L. the Elizabeth Mrs. evening Monday Jennings The quarterly stake conference of ENTERTAINS ATCANYON down from Salt Lake. Francom. Mn. Helen Tennedi' t 12,000 doznn or 144,001 eggs. OF MRS. H.M. GOLDEN Friday, to at- Ma-.iJuab stake will convene in this city A delicious a here. her Interests to tend reading. gave literary a. SATURDAY LAST PARTY 10:30 next Saturday, June 5th, at luncheon was served. K.ARKWI.LL IWKTV IN HONOR m.. according to an announcement tlobbs entertained the Mrs. Anderson and Felton HickJames OK Mil. AND MHS. IIOKTON Social Lloyd stake the presi made yesterday by Companion dub and invited Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Beck left man, spent Saturday and Sunday of dency. Mr. and Mr. S. E. Forrest and Mr last week with their parents In this Levan Tuesday. Mr. Beck has been guests last Wednesday evening In honor of Mrs. M. M. Golden of Long find Mrs T O Durham ontnrtnlnait city. tirlnrlnal of Levan High School for The members of the Elite club and Beach, California. Sewing and social Mr. and Mrs. James w. hcnoi teia a, a ranyon party last Saturday even fh nnof four vears. announce the engagement oi iiiuir Ing. An elaborate supper was serv their partners entertained ai a can chat were enjoyed and readings givThe Ivnn Ward M. I. A. gave the evening In en byMlHs Beth Mobbs. The following Pnior.nn pntprtalned a von party Wednesday it daughter Rita, to Erva Andrewson ed at 7 o'clock to the followln program at the Nephi Tabernacle. The marriage wilt take place Mr. and Mrs. June Kendall of relHtlves and friends, at honor of Air. and Mrs. OtU Morton were present: Mrs. Ralph Belliston, number May 2.1rd. evening, guests: Sunday Thursday, June 3rd, at the Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cazier, Mr. an her home lust Wednesday; the oc- who are leaving in the near future Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. Ieah Latimer, to make their home in Santiquln Mrs. R. E. Chappell. Mrs. Nina Vick.Mrs. Thclma Teterson and children casion being her birthday. Temple Mrs. Herman Mangeison, ai r. an Mrs. H. J. Utah. The following were present ers. Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. James II. Ockoy, ,Mr. and Mrs are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Itosh. Air. Teterson Is employed at The Y. L. M. I. A. Gleaner girls Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brooks, Mr. and Irons, Mrs. Mattle Vlrkers, Mrs. Delia Walter Olpln. Dr. and Mrs. F. Mlsn Verda Russell of Nephi Mrs. Ger Belliston, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. H. entertained their partners at a "Wee- Mrs. Ross Burton. Mr. and W. the winner of the contest In dnmest- - IWktead, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. I'yper Mllford, Utah. Mrs. J. and Mr. Ockey M. Golden of Long Beach, Cal., Mrs. aid Pyper, an u. a. evening. Mr. Mr. nie Wednesday at roHst", and Mr, u;ison, ir science which wa. conducted Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tolley. Mr. and Otto Golden. Mrs. T. K. Carter, Mrs. ana .Mrs. rau Miss Afton Stephenson came home the University of Utah on Us annual- Mrs. Kugar Hinn, wr. m. of Ixs Mrs. A. J. Crapo. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B Ed Downs, Mm. Rnlert Garrett. Mrs. rowers an Monday for a few days visit with Mrs. Sylvia Chrftensen Hleh School Day," which Is cele- K. Hooth, Mrs. Jaiiieg wiCi Gibson. ; : d the guests of honor Mr. Delos Taxman of American Fork, instl-Jth- e Is Mrs hostesses and Cslifornla. Mr. P. and Mr. honts and Mrs. James her Aneeles. state rifling at the parents. braled parh spring ami the hostess, Mrs. Mobbs. land Mrs. Otis Morton. Jucknian. .Mr. Walter Forrest and Mr. and Mrs. Durham Stephenson. mother her Mr. O.Wendell Budge Has of A terrific windstorm sending tons into the air, played havoc Been Promoted to Princi- - withsand hnaahnll csnno thf at Eureka. Sunday. Three records palship of Levan Schools in the contest: First, the List Not Yet Completed, were brokenruus me ui scureu, rn Jr -- -- I vjM 14 . 10 11 I ...... iau-cisc- o s, e . ( CANYON ROAD IN N. H. S. ALUMNI ELECT OFFICERS ' GOOD CONDITION ..-- ' 1 J ,ZU''ZL . Hay-mon- ! Ill d, BANQUET SERVED NEBONIAN" IS AT HIGH SCHOOL EXCELLENT BOOK 1 USr "' mm te uiVE LEVAN NEWS ITEMS eleven-months-ol- nvi v.-- a t.i |