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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, EE Where Your Funds Are Safe LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mangelson visited in Salt Lake and Ogden, Sunday and Monday. SHOP EARLY Mrs. Lerov Stubbs and children. came down from Provo Monday and will visit for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Downs. nd Mrs. Paul Cowan of Mr Born to .Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stees Ogden. Utah, spent the week end In of Freeport, Illinois, Monday, Novthis city visiting with relatives. ember 30th, a son. Mrs. Stees was Mrs. Arthur Gadd was called to formerly Miss Ester Evans of this Salt Lake City Monday on account city. of the serious Illness of her brother Chas. F. Kimball. L. M. Pexton, J. N. C. Pexton, and Mrs. W. J. Cole, went to Provo FriMrs. A. P. Jacobsen will leave to day to attend the funeral of Wayne morrow for Los Angeles where she Pexton, young son of Mr. and Mrs. will visit with relatives for some time Carl Pexton. Funeral services were held in the Bonneville ward chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Broadhead visited the past week in Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen of Idaho, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Provo, Utah, spent the Thanksgiving Earl Broadhead. holiday in this city with relatives. Mr. Allen Is the Agricultural teacher at the Provo high school this winter. and select your Christmas Gifts while the assortments are large. You can make ar- in-la- w A Saving Bank may not pay you as much interest as you think you can earn with safety elsewhere but at least your funds are safe here. That feeling of security is worth the difference in interest. And you can always draw cash as needed. BULLS EYE "Editor and QentralJAanaqet WILL ROGERS We' Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits Nephi National Bank to invest your money in a profitable business. After spending several months investigating the market conditions for a High Grade Salt, we find that there is a big demand for quality salt that we can produce here at Nephi. Plans are now under way to build a modern equipped salt plant in the main canyon and have access to the railroad. Mt. Nebo Salt Company incorporated is offering for sale 10,000 shares of stock at $1.00 per share, and the people of Nephi have the first opportunity of securing stock in this local industry. Stock can be purchased on the installment plan. Will gladly give further information to persons desiring such. Our stock can be purchased from George O. Latimer, Kenneth Latimer or W. A. C. Bryan. g MT HEBO SALT COMPANY NESW4, NSE! SESW4 NSW4 Another "Bull" Durham advertisement by Will Rogers. Zieufeld Follies and screen star, and leading American humorist. More coming. Wutch for them. If You Want to Look Like This Don't Smoke You are going to be disappointed when you look at the face in this Advertisement. It will be such a shock from the type of Faces youalwayssee in Advertisements. They generally get some Guys face to use in a Collar or Underwear Ad that looks like he was just born for that Ad. You never see him in real life or anything that ever looked like him. These "Bull" Durham people conceived the idea of something new. They felt that you were tired looking at such handsome faces in Ads, it was so discouraging to men who looked at them because they knew they could never look like these fellows themselves. So they wanted a homely face that would be an inspiration to other homely men, (because there is a terrible lot of I dont smoke "Bull" Durham, so the Moral is IF YOU WILL SMOKE IT, YOU WILL NEVER LOOK LIKE ME. I am the horrible example of a man not using it. There i going to be another piece in this paper soon. Look for it. P. S. PER CENT OFF ON ALL STOVES RANGES UNTIL CHRISTMAS. certification, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be approved to the State. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. First publication Nov. 27th 1925. Last publication December 25, 1925. non-miner- al xe "It Pleases us to Please you' Ord & Mangelson NOTICE OF FORFEITURE 4 'He It. i lldn Wisely Who Rullds Well" Frank Mellen J. W. Mellen You are hereby notified that I the TO BUILD WELL have Expended the sum undersigned USB of $400.00 being the sum of $200.00 for each of you as your share due for assessment work for the period ending July 2nd. 1925. as required upon ths SPIDER, EMMA. HURRY BACK, HAS NO EQUAL UTAH No. 1, UTAH No. 2 and UTAH No. 3, Mining Claims, situated In Mount Nebo Mining District, Juab The Largest and Purest County, Utah. Natural Deposit of Gypsum If you fall or refuse to contribute In The World your portion of such expenditure on or before Ninety days from date of first publication of this Notice your Nephi Plaster and Mfg. interests in the above mentioned Company Mining claims will become the property of the undersigned in accordance with the laws In such cases NOTICE TO CREDITORS made and provided. J. E. KRAUSS, Estate of Earl S. Hoyt deceased. Salt Lake Utah, Sept 2 3 til, 1925 City. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 52 Nephi Plaster West, 2nd North St., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 14th day of January A. D. 1926. ROSE EVALENA HC7YT Administratrix of Estate of Earl S. Hoyt, Deceased. Will L. Hoyt Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication, Nov. 13th, 1925. Date of last pub. Dec. 14, 1925. . SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Have your Shoes Rebuilt With LEATHER FLEXOAK Longer wear and Greater Comfort All Work Guaranteed C. O. LOMAX One Door East Cooper, Pyper Co. World's Greatest Buy 65 $ Through quality have for long Hudson-Esse- x been the World's Largest Selling "Sixes". The economies of this greatest volume production are passed on to buyers in prices, which everyone knows, are below all comparison. That is why owners think of Hudson, not in terms of the price paid, but in the cosdy car AND Come in and see what we have. Cooper Pyper Company Serial 036493. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for Inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and M. De-Lu- HUDSON COACH Only 99c Special Shaving outfit Large Assortment of Flashlights All kinds of useful Toys for the children 10 Have you seen our Christmas Cards? The Juanna Gleaner Girls were entertained Tuesday evening by Margaret and Helga Bryan. Refreshments were served to the following: Pearl Garrett, Laurel Chase, Ruby Painter, Zelma Pay, Ida Beck, Edith Garrett, Marion Pyper, Eva Sperry Elma Jones, Rheta Sperry, and the hostesses Margaret and Helga Bryan 7 Sec. Sec. 8 Sec. 6, Twp. 16 South, Range 2 West. S. L. hard looking Birds among you readers). So after looking the World over they picked on me. Useful Presents For Christmas We have a choice line of gifts that will please the most particular people. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sperry left Monday for Moab, Utah, where they will visit with their daughters until Christmas. After the holidays they will go to Fruita, Colorado, where they will spend a few weeks with United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 11. 1925 To Whom It, May Concern Notice Is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected bj? the said State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: EN-W- , ar- ticle held until Christmas. NOTICE JBV.V.. An Exceptional Opportunity rangements to have any Bull Durham Guaranteed by qualities, performance and reliability it Hudson Brougham, 1450 Hudson Tom A7 Price Freight and Fifth Avenue, New York City Extra G. R. Judd Garage NEPHI, UTAH 111 con- tinues to give long after the price is forgotten. |