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Show 1Z: THE 353 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. LOCAL NEWS THE XM AS STORE John Kendall, ! j ADS CLASSIFIED Atwoter Kendall Edw.-.rr- l at Ord Fred Kendall and Roy HcPherson, Christmas Cards Make your selectreturned home Wednesday night, and Mangelson. il ion now. after a trip to the Lost Soldier fields in Wyoming. , WANTED-poult- ry, eggs, veal and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Struthers and. hogs Mutual Creamery Co. Clarenfamily, and Miss Maude Knowles of ce G. Foote, Manager. Salt Lake City spent Thanksgiving See me for all kinds of Nursery Day at the home of Mr. and Airs. Elam Mecham. Stock Stephen Boswell. De-Lu- Big Holiday Opening Saturday , Dec. 5th. v. Our Big Line of Holiday Goods will be open and ready for you to make your Gift Selections. Come Never before have we had so early and see them. large and well selected stock of toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages Wagons, Coasters and all kinds of Toys and Games and all kinds of useful gifts for all the family Let us show you and help you solve the gift problems. We can supply your wants in toys for the little one or all kinds of useful gifts for all the family. We can save you money. IB Fresh Groceries of all kinds, Xmas Candy and Nuts. Get them early only 17 more shopping days before Christmas. Saturday Specials Best 15 oz Pkg Raisins Matches, 6 Boxes for Limit 3 pkgs. Limit 6 boxes 10c. 25c. . . S. FOOTE & SONS , A will DEMONSTRATION Good fresh milk cows for sale Wednesday will remain See H. B. Angell, Levan Utah. Bigler will above city Dr. J. E. Harrison, the Eye specialist, will be at the Nephl Drug, next Monday and Tuesday, December 7th Mr. and Mr. W. W. Jenkins Rand 8th. ... eturned home Wednesday after ' a seven weeks visit with relatives :ia Printed Christmas Cards at The office Make your selPortland, Seattle, and other. Pacific Times-New- s Coast cities. They report having had ections early. a fine time while on their trip. , For plain sewing and dressmaking Practically all of the Nephl stu- call phone 192. dents who are attending the AgriculLOST BORROWED LOANED tural College, the B. Y. U., and the University of Utah, came home to Special reward for the return of the spend the Thanksgiving holidays. following: 3 coal shovels, 1 steel square, 1 hammer, 1 pair of tin snipers 1 steel plane and 1 sand screen. 183 FKOM JUAB fXiVSTS Bonneville Lumber Co. HAVK ATTENDED IT. OK U. 41 of New Rag Carpet for Juab county now has 183 residents sale, oryards will sell part of it Phone 61 who .since the founding of the of Utah have attended ; at Dr. J. E. Harrison, the Eye specsome time or another that school ialist, will be at the Nephi Drug, next A movement is bow being initiated Monday and Tuesday, December 7th at the University to organize a large and 8th. association of all living former, students of that school. We have a nice line of Christmas Since Utah founded her first cards and will print your name on in 1850, it is estimated that them at a reasonable price. Tho a total of 22,000 students have 'atTimes-New- s office. tended the institution. In the present campaign to locate all of these See our Swiss handkerchiefs beformer students of the University, fore buying. Ask us about our $1 the addresses of about 13,000 have Orme Shop millinery and been found, and for this reason Dr. specials. novelties. George Thomas, president of .. the school is asking all former students Dance in the North ward amuseto aid in locating former classmates ment hall Monday night, December who are "lost" as far as the Univer-it- y 7th, auspices of M. I. A. Prizes will record is concerned. be given. Abner C. Bigler left for Los Angeles where he during the winter. Mrs. leave tomorrow for the to join her husband. Ifnf-versi- Come in today and examine these masterpieces of radio skilL We will gladly l . operation and install the set in your home. SILVER MAPLE SERVICE ty "THIS KHHUK HAS GOT ty Football and Golf Star Two rooms for rent R. Reid. See Mrs. THEM u N- jreimey WILL DEPARTMENT Co J. Buy your Radio before Christmas. Let us bring one to your home and demonstrate. Ord and Mangelson. FOR SALE a good Maytag Washing machine, hand power Call phone 206 R 3. Two rooms for rent, close in. Phone 205 MILE" thing indigestion and gas on my stomach would just almost get tne best of me. My nerves were so on edge I couldn't get a restful night's sleep, and mornings I'd get up so tired and wornout I had to force mvself to keep going. ""Well sir, everybody got to talking about Karnak so much dothere but was nothing left for me to try it, and 'right off the bat' it took hold of my troubles. "Why, this Karnak is so far "I have taken two bottles now nVieaH of the ordinary run of med has all disap and the icines that there is no room for peared. indigestion I'm so iuu oi pep Why, all 'em it's simply got comparison I feel like a man made and beat a mile," declares A. Clissold, over.energy wouldn't be without KarI Lake Salt of 861 Wilmington Ave, nak in the house. Believe me, it's City, Utah. a world beater." case mean a had I "Believe me, Karnak is sold in Nephi exclusof indigestion before I got Karively by Geo. D. Maymond; and nak. I never had any appetite for leal and as sure as I ats any by the leading druggists in every u STORES ILL BE M "Believe Me, I Had A Mean Case Of Indigestion," Says Salt Lake Man "But This New Medicine Took Right Hold Of It And The Trouble Disappeared Christmas Cards convey a message of good will to your friends some! The Let us print-yo- RATION-WID- E INSTITUTIO- In- struct you in the For Sale my home, kitchen cabinet, buffet cupboard range table and four chair A. H. Belliston. TT do more than anything else to convince you thar the Atwater Kent is the instrument you want. , 33 EE RADIO THINK WHAT IS BACK OF IT ' tfni-versi- UNTIL NOON ONLY ''Kent town. inns wanted The Board of Education School District will receive the sale of the barn located Central School. Bids should with the cleric of the board not later; The Board of lhan December 8th. of Juab Education reserves the right to rebids'for ject any and all bids. near the By order of the Board of Education bo filed Dennis Wood. Clerk. R 2. EE CHARMING SILK UMBRELLAS First in Style and Value The Gift which lasts and is always a joy is the Silk Ours are made of Umbrella! pure silk with amber or radium tips and satin tapes. In splen- did colors. Priced, only, $5.90 A Great Wagon For A Merry Xmas The fun of owning a wagon is known to every boy when he proudly shows one bought here This See our Xmas displays. wagon priced, 98c to $1.49 Give Her A Doll Tli-- Talk! real mama doll! It talks! These dolls are churmingly Excellent quality. dressed. A NEGLIGEE GARTERS Above is pictured Fred Lamprecht, full back of the crack Tulane university football eleven. Lamprecht also Is the national intercollegiate golf champion. Hickory Make Large assortment of colors and patterns Make Us Your Gift Counselors 23c to 98c VELOCIPEDES The IStt t Ever Away he goes! The first vehicle is the velocipede! are happy youngster them. Velocipedes bought last! It's because they're made. Priced, Only 17 More Shopping Days Before Christmas. real And with here Ours is a line of well giftTthaTlast" $6.90 to $12.50 Our knowledge "Skeezix" And priced, each, - Any article selected now will be laid away on payment of a small deposit. 98c $1.49 to $4.98 Men's Silk Ties In Gift Iloxen Splendid quality figured and striped silks. Patterns to suit every man's idea of design, either quiet or lively. In Holiday Gift Boxes with greeting card. At 49c to $1.69 FREE The flint lOO children to xMt our More Monday wilt bo given "J, '. IVnney Co.' 8tel Wagon. is bas- ed on our professional experience, which makes this store exclusive in its line. Ijong Doll Imuglne how a child will love Skeezix! Walt's Skeezix! There are other character dolls too! All are Hplendidly made and will lant a long time. "Skeezix" Is priced at A I.iv- , Tinker Toys Ira Dern vs Joe Hackensmlth, two noted wrestlers will battle the best two out of three falls to a finish. These men are known throughout the west and furnish a real thrill wherever they appear. 8 Also big double attraction. rounds of fast boxing. Morty Jackson will meet Bobble Dean. This match should prove a favorite among the fans and both carry a good wallop. Art Smertz, he needs no introduction to the fans as he is known all over the intermountain country will meet Angelo Petaln, the Greek champion In a one hour limit match. Dont forget the big card of the season, Arlington Hall, Friday, December lllh, at 8 p. m. Tickets for this match will be $1.50, $1.00, and DOc plus war tax Advertisement. THE FIRST OF THE WEEK WITH OUR BIG XMAS OPENING WRIST WATCHES GIFTS MEN APPRECIATE ARE GIFTS TO WEAR" wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. THE TOGGERY Jeweler Phone No. 2. Ncphi Ut. Tinker Toys are different! That's why children like them so well. In different numbers, WE WILL BE READY! the Arlington ' James A. Starts The Children's Favorite Big Attraction at We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry priced, 69c Good Coal Costs Less Painting Sets The 1ii!'i'g Favorite xo Every child loves to paint or color pictures! Here Is a gift which will be appreciated and which may develop real artistic talent! In a variety of attractive sets, priced from 19c to $1.23 NIA'K ; Ml'TlMI, vo comi'.wv cijxkkrs Phone 257 I ROBERT WINN CO. f X KA THE TOGGERY j TT.- i i i |