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Show DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB A HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE The Times, Vol. 15, J COUNTY : 4 v.- Nephi, Juab County, Utah Friday,T)ecember 4th 1925 No. 47. Wqrkingmen of Moscow Celebrate FORMER NEPHITE GETS JUAB COUNTY The News Vol 9, No. 47 UTAH TAXPAYERS POLITICAL PLUM BUDGET GETS IU iULLl lUUliUril SMAII NIIMRPR k TTVMTi Pi mi One of the most important tax A former Nephi boy, W. Lloyd conventions ever held in Utah will Adams, who for several years .past convene next Monday, December 7th has been engaged in newspaper work at the Newhouse hotel. Salt Lake at Rexburg, Idaho, received a big City. The Utah Taxpayers convenboost this week when he was aption will bring together delegates M. S. Winder, Secretary of A. C. Rees Executive Secre- pointed secretary to United States from every part of the state who, Idaho. of R. Frank Senator Gooding, CommitUtah State Farm Bureau tary of State Tax under the direction of the state org Mr. Adams before leaving bere for Delivers Urgent Message tee and Local Committee Idaho was employed in newspaper anization, will endeavor to lay down the principles which, should obtain To Farmers. work in this city. He is the son of Scrutinize Estimates. in the tax situation in this state. Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Adams. The Salt Lake Tribune of Tuesday conProbably no where else in the Uni ted States has such a meeting been The estimates made by county tained the following article relative The drive for membership In the held that is so representative of all clerk Gadd for the Juab county bud- to "the appointment: farm bureau opened here county all a of classes in state taxpayers of W. Lloyd The get which will be passed by the Adams, appointment Wednesday night with a meeting in wide way. and prominent"Republican commissioners December 19th, were the high school auditorium. The at Reports will be had as to the re tendance publisher, as private secre was very disappointing to given the once over Tuesday by the Rexburg sult the pf audita to independent up United States Senator Frank officers of the farm bureau as the county tax committee. A. C. Rees, tary on our of system R. was officially announced accounting; the there was secretary of the state tax organizat- in Gooding hardly one hundred pre- force of value and the laws is The Idaho budget today. recognition ion was also present and every item Considering will be handled by experts: anneal sent including ladles. most flattering by friends contained in the proposed budget considered will be made to the taxpayers to the importance of the gathering it of Mr. Adams in those and lnteretsed the examined was carefully by work in an organized way in their cerrainiy seems as inougn tne rarm- - . his political career in this state. ers of this section are not awake to committee. respective communities in drafting Although young in years, Mr. Under the budget law passed by the need of organization as a measbest man the into service, Adams public has been a long regarded as ure of self protection tothemselvea. last legislature, the spending of pub is our "It said thought," Judge lic funds has been changed consider- politicial factor in Idaho Republican A splendid address was delivered H. Henry Rloapp "that we cannot having been actively indentl-fie- d ably. The amount required by each politics have good laws, we cannot have an by State Senator M. S. Winder, who with in conventions state this department must be definitely fixed the last ten or twelve economical administration of public is a farmer himself and knows by He years. for once it is approved the amounts affairs unless these are handled by experience of what he talks about. cannot be changed except in a case served as state senator from Madi He urged the farmers to organize for our best men." son six since and county ago, years The clerk of an extreme emergency. their self protection as nothing The eighth anniversary of the Russian revolution was uelebrated by the The at session will start morning to fn time has that continued remain is required to make estimates based with a monster parude in Moscowvjind ceremonies in the lied 10 o'clock a. m.; the afternoon meet- could be accomplished except by co workingmen close personal touch with all impor on the expense of previous years and He cited the case of Den square. The illustration shows one of the floats prepared by the workers. ing at 2 p. m. and the evening at operation. as an the need for any increase must be tantAs details of ato political nature mark example of what cooperml 6:30 p. Senator Gooding, secretary The tax shown to be necessary. ative effort had done for the farmers A special one-ha- lf on rate return Mr. Adams come will into personal committees of the various counties NORTH WARD SUNDAY tickets will be given to all who at of that country. He quoted figures ELECTION are very active and are spending a contact with men prominent in na tend the convention of the Utah Tax to show that since 1920, the average ' tional and international affairs, and of the American farmer had great deal of time in this work. SCHOOL WINS PRIZE payers convention. These rates will earnings DECEMBER 14TH The budget prepared by clerk the experience Is expected to be of only been $400.00, while that of the be on Con offered steam all lines. ca inestimable value his in political Gadd provides for an expenditure of vention receipts should be asked for Danish farmer had been $1,000.00. This amount is divided reer. He Is proprietor and editor of $76,201.80. at the time of purchasing one way He said this condition had been the Rexburg Standard, and has ron- as follows: The Stake Sunday School Board tickets to Salt Lake of officers for County general fund, 'derable election annual The City. The rate brought about by 60 years of cooperreal estate holdings in Rex poor fund, ative effort on the part of the farmCounty $44,966.00; the Kiwanis club will take place at offered a prize of 24 song books to will be good until December 9th. " Dec the ward Sunday school having the ers of Denmark. luncheon $9,045.80; county road fund, $8,10-0.0- burg. .Monday, ..' the will regular Juab be well '. Mr. county represen Adams has further distin ' on and the county bond fund in attendance ember 14th. The following members- largest percentage Harry Beagley president trf the ted at the convention. W. James himself success his guished through $14,090.00. have been nominated for the various October 25th, this day having been Paxman is the chairman of the coun Juab county farm bureau told of the When the budget is finally passed ful management of the affairs of positions: For president of the designated as a special day for every- ty tax committee. uphill work that had been encount- bank in this section of tile ' Earl the' law requires that a notice be tate. depositors one to be in Sunday school. The conered in keeping the farm bureau June Gadd, Kendall, club, He was appointed linuidatinir O. ditions oi the contest only applied T. Roscoe published giving the date of the here and made some pointed re- -. Grover, gent for four banks in southeastern in ina man wnn eitva rn vnA E. L. Jones. Trustee, Will to those of Sunday school age, namrproniM meeting and any taxpayer has. the Idaho last spring, Durham, and, acting In that L. .In Cleon Mem-mot- t, ely: between four and twenty. outside and does the kicking at the For right to attend and to ask for any in- official capacity, has dirctors, Hoyt. ' met un with formation he desires to know. men who are trying to accomplish George A. Sperry, Russell Haw checking the records it was found . The members of the tax committee usual success in bringing the affairs kins, Gerald Pyper, James the that J;, hadwon &VliJJ7 UMl.fl- - IUL iHV llll JUCJP. warji Wy. result1n A who attended the .meeting Tuesda-y- of i&e. is The musical rgi-res- t, the fine was o. following very c. prize. program J ji... "' faui luoi isooin, j: , ; conclusion. 'were J JT W. 'Paxman, A. V. Gadd, J. rendered by the Levan band under Gilbert Bailey, G. R. Judd, A. P. the five wards: North ward, 54 per Mr. Adams will leave for "Wash W. Olpin, G. M. Whitmore, Will L. Mona ward, 34 per cent; Nephi A. B. Seven the leadership of Earl A. Beck, and Gibson. cent; Christensen, in time to be present at the 32 per cent; Levan ward, 13 the N. H. S. orchestra, under the to the be from ward, Hoyt, P. J. Fennell of Eureka, and ington selected are directors next session of congress, and will reThe business houses of this city leadership of Prof. Engar. A male per cent; and South ward. 7 per cent. Raphael Garfield of Mona. main there until the latter part of above list. The average for the entire stake was are now prepared to show their quartet from Levan gave the closing February, after which time he will 28 per cent. Christmas and several have number in fine style, each member goods, continue to manage the political afannounced their opening. A of the quartette being dressed In a already of Senator Gooding in this NEPHI WARD REUNION SCHOOL NEWS fairs splendid variety of gifts suitable for characteristic farmer's attire. Charstate." ' the occasion are on display and the les R. Jenkins presided at the NEXT WEDNESDAY SPECIAL wise shopper will take advantage of Last night another meeting was the opportunity to make early selecSERVICE OFFERING tions while there is a wide variety to held at Levan. and tonight the clos (Florence Chase, Reporter) choose from. Early shopping is de- ing session will be held at Mona. The members of the Nephi ward Prof. John C. Swenson of the B. Y. sirable from many standpoints, esnext hold reunion will their annual U. visited the N. H. S. Wednesday pecially if presents are to be sent a Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Park re be will fast All There special Wednesday at the Tabernacle. afternoon to organize an extension eliheld Sunday afternoon out of town, as under the present turned to Nephi Wednesday from service be will over of fifteen age years course for the teachers of Nephi. of the post office department Lone Tree. Wyoming where they gible for the big eats Wednesday, December 6th, In each of the wards ruling while those under fifteen will be of Juab Stake in accordance with no mail will be distributed unless it havp rPHiripri Rlnra Julv. The annual "Freshie Frolic" will A very interesting program is taken care of Thursday. A big dance the notice sent out by the First Pres- arrived in the office by December be held this evening in the Arlington will also be given Wednesday even- idency of the church. The members 24th. being arranged for the Parent-Teac- h Refreshments will be served and er The merchants of Nephi are well to be held In the high ing at meeting and a children's are asked to donate as liberally as everybody is invited to come and school auditorium next to serve you now, and by LEVAN excess prepared as the of all in funds same Thursday dance at the place Thursday posible have a good time. evening, December 10th, at 7:30 p. afternoon. A general invitation is amount needed by the wards will be shopping early the business man is m. members of Miss Cole's extended to everybody to attend the sent to the office) of the Presiding better able to estimate your needs Prof. F. W. Reynolds was here this class The will furnish the entertainment dance at the Arlington. Bishopric at Salt Lake City for the and also avoid loss in having to car week in the interest of the U. of U The students of Miss relief of the poor throughout the ry over surplus goods. The clerks Linton al Mrs. Francis Jackman entertained extension work. Also to organize a so give a demonstration in will are also relieved of much hard work at her home Wednesday evening in church. spelling Nephi club of former students. if a big rush can be avoided the last Paul Grace, son of Bishop and Mrs. There will be a demonstration in honor of her birthday. Dinner was C. H. Grace, will leave this city a- Led the served to a few days before Christmas. under the direction of reading large crowd of relatives. Listen! A preseason basket ball Miss Mabel A. C. Rees secretary of the State slogan "Shop bout January 7th, 1926, to perform Early"' prevail here Sperry. at will be game played here tonight A. H. Belliston will lead a mission for the L. D. S. church. Tax association was in Nephi Tues- this season. Legrande Mangelson, who is at the N. H. S. gym., between Nephi and in President the discussion. If have any His field of labor has not yet been day meeting with the members of the the B. Y. U. at Provo. spent tending American Fork. Coach "Happy' school problems come you tax Juab county committee. to the meet assigned. Thanksgiving with his parents here. Holmstead will be along with the vis COUNTY AGENT SMITH ing and have them solved. Every itors so we expect a snappy affair, teacher and every parent is eligible K. W. Peterson left Friday for the to Now Is a good time Northern States where he has been The assembly program given by to membership. DELEGATE TO CHICAGO join. He was calld on a short mission. the Sophomores was as follows: as as Salt Lake far by accompanied rlano solo, Evelyn Brough; reading Mrs. Peterson. Florence Chase; violin duet, Wanda County Agent A. E. Smith left SunPetty and Mildred Sperry; address by LOCAL HUNTERS Yr. and Mrs. Kric Peterson spent day evening for Chicago, Illinois, M. S. Winder, executive secretary of he" National will where attend of the week in Salt Lake City. the part the Utah State Farm Bureau. GET SEVEN ELK Of all the ills and diseases to which The Utah Public Health associat- Convention of county agents. Mr. humanity appears to be heir tuber ion has been doing valiant work in Smith was appointed as a delegate Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson en Miss Fern Bosh, the former basket culosis, known as "The Great White the campaign against this disease In from Utah. He will be away about joyed Thanksgiving with Mrs. .Man- ball queen was presented with gelson's mother In Rprlngvllle. Out of thirteen permits awarded Plague," is without doubt the most our state, and it must by every pos- twelve days. sweater at the assembly. It claims Its victims an- sible means, continue the fight. Its to Nephi men In the recent elk hunt terrible. "Dinner At Six" will be presented The N. H. S. orchestra played at In the vicinity of Mt. Nebo, seven nually by millions, our own nation sole revenue is derived from the sale at the amusement hall by the high Levan last night, the occasion being were successful in bringing down an yielding an annual sacrifice of near- of Christmas Seals, 95 per cent of SERVICE STAR TO school students under the direction elk. The names of these hunters ly 100,000 lives. Our fair Utah con- which Is spent in our state In clinics, the farm bureau meeting. of Mrs. Ivlf B. Spencer Friday are: Ernest Foole. A. F. Bracken, tributes to this dearth roll almost nurses, child health eduction, clean MEET DEC. 11TH Florence Chase wag elected basket J. II. Carter, Spencer Broadhead 200 each year. Yet the develop- school contests, health exhibits, Eugf-n1925-2- 6 ball queen for the season Ileck, F. M. Beck, and Jack ments of science positively guarantee health moving pictures. Illustrated The Mutual officers and recreation The election took place in the audit Wells. The big hunt closed officially that not only Is the disease practic- health lectures, literature, bulletins, last Saturday night. The regular meeting of the mem- - committee attended a dancing social ally preventable through proper care, and in other valuable educational orlum Thursday afternoon. hers of the Service Star legion will given in Nephi Tuesday night. sanitation, food and an Intelligent activities. We earnestly hope that the little be held next Friday afternoon, Dec Rome excellent and artistic crystal systematic manner of living, but also The M. L. S. club met at the home in thousands of cases it Is curable. penny Christmas Seal will be bought ember 11th at the new City Hall. The work U very near completion in the DR. BOOTH Mrs. A. C. Dalby Thursday evening of woman in a must child man, make and by every such Surely Domestic Art department under the promises following program has been arranged state the sum that desired and the to for Mar every the occasion: powerful appeal Miss of Miss Lillian Blackett reading. supervision SELLS HIS HOME of our race, and should meet with a of $50,000 for Utah may be raised garet Neville; saxaphone duet, Paul The members of the Sorosls club The third year girls are makln warm response from every lover of during the thirty-da- y period between Grace and company; vocal duet. Mrs. were entertained Thursday evening This is a work that lamp shades. humankind. The fact that the resi- Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. Will L. Hoyt. and Mrs. T. D. Davis at the home of Mrs. Peter Sorensen. brings out a special art long hidden healthful This only amounts after all to an talk by James H. Ockey, and a vocal In the N. it. S. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth sold their dents of the high and to The Ladies Literary club met at of about 50 cents per family solo by Miss Bessie Painter. so this disare not valleys subject home A. H. this week to President home of Mrs. E. A. Beck Wedthe and be it should reached without ' The less ns those who are ease favored, following students were given IlelllHton, whose family will move to Delicious refreshnesday evening. certificates of awards by the Under their new location in about two and who live In more congested loc- trouble. MUM. CH.AITK.M, F.VTKKTAINH ments were served. The club was red Let us move forward wood typewriter company for work weeks. Dr. Booth, will build another alities, should move us to a livelier The Social Companion club met organized with the following officgratitude and. a more generous re- and irresistible to the splendid goal done the past month, their net spee modern bungalow next spring on the which Its and friends have at he home of Mrs. Robert Chappell ers: President. Mrs. E. A. Peek; vice being over 30 words per minute ground west of the Clarence Warner sponse to the humanitarian appeal. in mind ofpromoters It. The election of president. Mrs. Owen Francom; SecretaTuesday evening. At the same time, constant vigilance F.dith Bellfston. lona Mortensen home on East Second South street. Mrs. E. R, Forrest, officers was the principal business ry-treasurer. Edna Anderson; is of continued the Immunity, price Lun and Alden Raymond Jennlgs. Will L. Hoyt. transacted the remainder of the time Program committee, chairman, Mrs. for Investigations demonstrate that Raymond Jennings was also awarde Calvin S. Smith, being spent in sewing. Delicious re Hattle Bown, Mrs. Owen Francom, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warner came there are many more cases of this a certificate by the Remington type Members State Seal Sale Advisory freshments were served to those pre Mrs. R. Francom. and Mrs. A. C. writer company for a net speed of down from Logan to spend Thanks dlspase in Utah than any of us know j Dalby. ent. Committee for Nophl District. about. over 30 words per minute. giving Day with relatives here. ONCE OVER BUREAU MEETING . KIMNIS 0; -- - ve Vice-preside- , SHOP EARLY" ienositor,BaUstot?y4 heJrth rts, " THESLOGAN FAST - WILL DISCUSS SCHOOL AFFAIRS NEWS HEMS An Appeal To The People of Juab County e J. A. well-wish- er full-arme- |