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Show THE - aa m a m THIS WEEK. New Dress Checks, Tell-Tal- e Prints, Trimmings, See them. Also Flannels reter Pan New Coats. Ginghams. New Silks and Flannels. All the newest the market affords. Burlington Never Mend pure Silk Hose in black and $1.25 Pair the new Fall Shades only MUCH INTEREST The base ball fans of this city exhibited much interest in the world For series of ball games this week. the first time in the history of Nephi it was possible through the wonderful invention of the radio to receive the returns of each innings, and also to follow the game play by play. The ball fans of this city are indebted for this service to the Newhouse Hotel broadcasting station. At the Kiwanis luncheon Monday, the game in detail as it came by radio, was received by the members with much appreciation and interest. Mr. Spencer E. Forrest operated the hotel machine which made it possible to get the re- turns. SPECIAL $31.75 Men's regular $40.00 Suits $26.75 Men's regular $35.00 Suits See our A few odd suits at Half Price and Less window Real Bargains. Men's and Boys Sweaters and Sweater Jackets ... . $23.75 Regular $27.50 Men's Overcoats . $21.75 Men's Overcoats $25.00 Regular GROCERIES 25c Seeded or Seedless Raisins 2 for . . . ; 5c 25c. Small Milk Large Milk 2 for Barrel Ginger Snaps 30c. 3 lb box Soda Crax 45c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Linit Starch Rex Lye 3 for Jap Rose Soap 3 for i NEPHI, UTAH S, 5c. Limit 3 pkgs. Every day this week Mr. G. R. Judd has entertained a group of ball fans at his home during the progresss of the big games in New York and Washington, while George Haymond was kept busy chalking up the results for the information of the general public, and which was eagerly sought after when placed in the windows of the Nephi Drug. The final game of the series will be played at Washington today, the each games to date being even-thr- ee Mrs. V. M. Foote entertained the Ladies Kensington at her home yesterday afternon. Sewing occupied the time after which a dainty lunch eon was served to the following: Mrs. Russs. Hawkins. Mrs. J. H. Lunt, Mrs. J. E. Ellison, Mrs. E. R. For- rpst. Mrs. June Kendall. Mrs. R. L. Batchelor, Mrs. Dennis Wood. Special guests: Mrs. J. E. Cole, Mrs. .Mattie Vickers. Miss Neva Booth and the hostess Mrs. Foote. 25c. Limit 3 20c. Limit 3 HAPPINESS S SONS Jewelry for sale One large oak extension table worth new $50. Top clear of scratches and varnish in good shape. Good enough for any room. S20 Inquire Nephi Implement Store. One extra quality heating stove only been used a few times. Cos $35 now $25. At Nephi Implemen Store. One range, shows absolutely no wear. Fire box and top in good shape. Will last for years. $25. Nephi Implement Store. You Might Just As Well Try To Coax Bunker Hill I have a complete line of electric See me for any electrical material. work you may have. C. J. Pyper 96 West Center Street. Out Of Boston . Scalp and hair disorders disappear after a few applications of Lucky to Tiger Hair Remedy, according millions of users. Ask your barber or .druggist about the money back guarantee. as to change a line of clothing. See me for your winter potatoes. J. N. C. Pexton, Phone 38. VANS had been born In New York and had lived there all his life. He was about as provincial as most people who have been reared In a large city and who think they have seen the world. His first view of Ne- j WILL L. HOYT I The Toggery Just as well try to influence Calvin Coolidge to vote for La Follette as to ask a Wrights Union Suit buyer to put his initials on any other underwear. You might Scissors sharpened, saws filed, and knives ground. All work guaranteed J as. R. Black, 39 East, 4th South. Just as well try to stop the popularity of Jazz music as to take a man out of a Beau Brummell Shirt into another. You mightl I have a good crop of ice for sale E. Tanner. We sell all four limes and you might Just as well try to borrow money at 2 per cent as to ask us to give up this famous team of International Stars! Its waste of money to throw your old Shoes away when they can be rebuilt as good as new. Nephi Merc. Co. C. O. LOMAX WHERK GOOD MERCHANDISE IS CHEAPEH One door South of Nephi Drug 3 Will trade a good wagon for a milk cow. Apply to Mans E. Jennings, Levan, Utah. FOR SALE X60 acre farm, well NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYS fenced and under cultivation, located State of Utah, ss. one County of Juab FOR SALE three brood sows, 10 miles west of Nephi. For parti folI in cow the have milk my a possession freshened and young pig culara communicate with I. C. Gadd, lowing described estray animals, Jack Greenland. 489 South 2nd East, Provo, Utah. and taken which, If not claimed away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at HowFOR OVER 40 YEARS KENDALL CLOTHES SHOP HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been ard's Ranch, in Mills, Utah, on Satused successfully In the treatment of Men's and Young Men's Suits $23.75 urday, the 17th day of October, A. Catarrh. Two Pants Suits 29.75 D. 1924, at the hour of 1 p. m. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ts DESCRIPTION OF ANIMAL of an Ointment which Quickly Boys Two Pants Suits 11.75 Relieves by local application, and the Boyg Suits Knee Pants mare about five One iron-gra- y 4.75 Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts Men's Overcoats any style .... 23.75 years old. No brand visible. through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus reducing the inflammation. .v. 11.75 Said animal is held by me to secure Boys Overcoats Bold by all druggists. to measure, fit guaranteed. the payment of damages done by .Made F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Come In and get your choice of pat- said animal on the premises of Geo. terns before they are all sold out. E. Howard, Mills, Utah, on the 6th at day of October, 1924. See me for your winter potatoes. Good only until October 10th. KENDALL CLOTHES SHOP IVAN E. HOWARD, J. N. C. Pexton, Phone 38. at Chapman Studio, Main Street Poundkeeper for Mills, Utah con-sis- km New Fall Styles in E Clothcraft Tailored Clothes Material for Soft Warm Comforts GOOD QUALITY at LOWER PRICES Housewives will want to lay in a supply of Comforts when they see these at such a saving. Do it now! Don't wait until it gets colder! Our prices are as low now as they will be then. Every day is a day for saving here. FLANNEL 27 in. Outing Flannel Light and Dark 19c yd Outing Flannel Light and Dark 27c yd PLAIN AND FANCY SATEEN 36 in. Sateen 39c-49- c yd 36 in. Figured Cretonne 23c-33c-4- 2 3 3 9c COMFORT SIZE BATTS L2 lib. Cotton Batt 89c IlbCotton Batt $1.19 lib. Cotton Batt Stitch- ed $1.29 Wool Mixed Batts . . ... $1.98,-$2.69-$3.- suit wearer over to any other might Just as well try to explain Radio as to get a Gordon hat customer to listen in on any other head phones. phi for $30. Ofi; 36 in. n pt n OUTING Michaels-Ster- You For good native lumber ci al kinds, write Joseph C. Chistensen pe $25 Mount Pleasant, Utah. thousand feet, or will deliver at Ne SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Dean of Men, University of Illinois. braska as his train rolled slowly along I' the valley of the I'lutte was not a very Class alluring one. The level farms stretching parched and treeless to apparently limitless distances, the low, bare, ' Diamonds Wedding Rings farmhouses In the midst of Watches 1 Cuff Links ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR the hnystacks and cattle sheds, the absence of everything beautiful or When' you want anything in g Notary Public comfortable, seemed to hira to make the line of Jewelry tee J. Earl LICENSED ABSTRACTER And life there hideously impossible. Reld at EXAMINER OF TITLES "Do men and women choose to live In such a place?" he asked me. "How Office at County Court House do they spend their leisure time If Utah Nephi they have any? Nothing to do, nothilUllll!IIIIIUllIIUIIiniUIIIU!IIIIUIIIIUIIII!lll!lllllllUII!lillllllllinilllllU!:i(llli ing to see, nothing to go tol With all this level ground, I 'laven't seen FOR SALE at one fourth value. Terms. Write a tennis court since I left New York." Three steam threshers now oper- - to J. Waldo Parry, Richfield, Utah, Evans had played tennis ever since Will sell Adm. estate of J. AI. Parry. he was a boy in "prep' school, and ating in Sevier County. he could not understand how with such wonderful opportunities for the sport no one seemed Inclined to take advantage of them. "They have their household duties," A NATION-wiI answered, "very laborious ones at mi i ii ii times, and they have their children." "I should think they'd go Insane," ii j ii ii he continued. "Well, some of them do," I anam IncorporuUd swered, "as women do In the city, worn out by society and too mnch lei571 DEPARTMENT STORES sure; but In general they work as regularly and as hard as their husbands." "It seems hell to me," Evans said. On our way back from Denver business required that we visit one of the despised farmhouses. The man of the house was gone, hut his young wife was able to transact the business for which we rame. She was an attractive young woman with a shy little youngster hiding behind her skirts. Both she and her husband had been to college, we discovered ; they had traveled some, and, much to Evans' surprise, they had even been to New High 1 ADS Good winter cabbage Phone 702 R 4. -- By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK CHAS. FDOIE CLASSIFIED IN WORLD SERIES NEW ARRIVALS 10c 15c v TIMES-NEW- 25 York. "How do you live In such a place?" Evans asked. "It Isn't so bad," she replied simply. "We have each other, we are going to have a home, and we have htm," ah said tenderly, laying her hand on the thud's head. "I'm very happy." . u:i! 1114. for Young Men and Men. Each day brings the time for the purchase of that new suit for Fall closer at hand. This Is a good time to take action' and we are ready with brand new models from which you may make your selection. WMtara N.w.peper Uatm.) !:iiiimiiiiiiinmiiiiuraiiiiin!!iiiniuii!iiiiiiiiiinnnni!iiffli GOOD SERVICE GOOD MERCHANDISE AND CORRECT PRICES SHOULD MERIT j g Here la a style that is a great favorite among young men. BUSINESS A 2 SVC E j i YOUR SILVER MAPLE I I coat, rest with blunt points, moderately wide trousers with semi-shape- ly pockets. Shown In especially attractive assortment of fabric at hnlf-to- p n $32.50 jyj Clothcraft Tailored Clothes are made in models that suit the tastes of men who look for style as well as dependable wear and permanence of shape. As for materials, you will find grays, browns, blueg as well as the new shades. There are plain colors, stripes, checks, mixtures all fashioned into clothes that possess smart In the moderate price range. blue-gra- y $25.00 to $40.00 NOTE: There's a tremendous advantage in buying your new suit now. You have much larger variety of styles and fabrics to choose from and complete size range In all lines. The Toggery ! |