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Show THE The TIMES-NEW- S, NOTICE Times-New- s rublihed every Friday by The Time STABILITY AND News PuMtahing A NEW CITY HALL. 8 i m Bp II i bank. We handle Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Conveyancing, Bonds, Insurance, Travelers Checks, Letters of Credit, Collections, and Trade Acceptances. IB m EV Interest at the rate of 4 per cent paid on time deposits. Member of the Federal Reserve Bank H ff: Year." With our famous line of "Rainbow" Chocolates, Taffy, Brittle etc., McDonald's, Sweet's, Martha Washington and Startup's Box Candies and Bars, we feel that we can supply the most fastidious with a confection that will suit all tastes. Just step in Saturday and take a pound home Loose Candy Box Candy, Effective Burglar Alarm . Many a business man whose work keeps him out evenings would welcome the protection afforded his wife and children by the simple installation of light la every room controlled from one switch upstairs. , 40c to 70c the pound. $1.00 to $1.50 the box. Bars and 10c Sc WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW tax-pay- er an GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM . REST MATERIAL USED Prompt Mall Order Service Prices are soon forgotton but quality long remembered J. A. Chrlstensen Prop Nephl. Utah "Sweetest Day in the is designated as the tax-paye- rs First National Bank i i nth Saturday, October City. NOW THEREFORE, Notice is her by given thaton Tuesday the 4th day of November, A. D. 1924. a Spec ial Election will be held within th limits of Nephi City, Juab County Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City aa shall have paid a property tax therein in the year next ' proceeding such election the following proposition, to wit: "Shall the negotiable coupon bonds of Nephi City, Juab County Utah, In the sum of Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, J16.500.00) payable serially in not exceeding twenty years, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent (8 per cent) per annum, payable aemi annually be issued and sold for the purpose of acquiring the necessory grounds and erecting and construct ing thereon a City Hall Building fo the purpose of supplying said City with adequate facilities for conducof said ting the public business City?" At said election the form of ballot shall, be substantially as follows: BOND ELECTION BALLOT According to a notice now running this paper the voters of this city will be called upon on Nov. 4th, to say whether they favor a bond is sue or otherwise, to provide money for the erection of a new city hall here. The question of any increase in taxation at the present time ig quite pertinent, and unless the proposition is thoroughly understood by the taxpayers an adverse vote will probably be cast. The city officials have figures to show that very little extra burden if any, will result from the bond is sue due to the fact that the city is already paying each month an for rent that will fully Justify the expense of erecting a building that will be adequate to take care of the city's business. Another claim made by the officials is the fact that they are handicapped in not having any place to properly take care of city property and the business affairs of the town. A meeting to discuss this question has been called by the Commercial club for next Wednesday night. The Yes Mayor and City Council will be there to answer any questions on this mat ter. An invitation has been extended to the to attend and find For the Issue of City Hall Bonds. out for themselves Just what the condition is. Every should No avail himself of this opportunity to be present. Its your business, then why not take some interest in it? If the voter desires to vote in favor of the issue of City Hall bonds, he he shall place an X in the space after RIDDING LAND OP the word "Yes". If he desires to vote WILD MORNING GLORY. against the issue of City Hall bonds he shall place an X in the space after the word "No." The Utah Agricultural Experimen On the reverse side of said ballot Station has Just received from the shall be the following: prt-ssBulletin number 189 entitled OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR VOTING The Land of Wild Morning Ridding DISTRICT NO. NEPHI Glory." In view of the fact that conCITY, UTAH, SPECIAL BOND siderable of this noxious weed is to b ELECTION NOVEMBER 4th, found around Nephi and adjacent 1924 farms it would pay the farmers here (Fac-simisignature) " -- orr1 and tret this bulletin. This ow avaaDe for free City Recorder, Nephi Ciy Utah ' -' and may he had by ask-"- g for Bulletin 189 and giving the At said election the polls shall be title as stated above. Communicat- opened at the hour of seven o'clock ions should be addressed to Publicat A. M. and closed at the hour of 'ns revision Utah Experiment Stat- - seven o'clock P. M. '"n T,nf!n. Utah The polling place for all qualified electors of voting District No. 1 of tv msTRICT COURT OF JUAB said City shall be at Odd Fellows COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH. Hall, Main Street in said District, and the Judges of Election at said place shall be Clarence Warner, W. F. .tAT, LAND BANK OF Brough, and John Belliston. I. a corporation, Plain- The polling place for all qualified v 'liiil G. Ord. Emily J electors of Voting District No. 2 i "Tophi National bank, a of said City shall be at Commission r.ton. Defendants NOTICE er's Room County Court House in F S'TKRIFF'S SALE ON FORE said District and the Judges of ele'I.ORURE. ction at eaid place shall be Robert Winn, H. C. Crane, and Lysle Bigler. fl r:t sheriffs sale, on The polling place for all qualified ' ,ay of Octbore, 1924, at electors of Voting District No. 3 of hour of ten o'clock A. M. at the said City shall be at North Ward r 'nt door of the Court Amusement Hall in said District ant County v.,,.t,t. Tuab county. Utah, tbe Judges of Election at said pla" ' tlescr'bed real estate shall be Mat Howard, Louis Garrett !: property, to wit:-P- n and N. A. Nellson. 1. The Southeast quarter Dated at Nephl City thlg 2nd da, V i! e Southwest quarter of Section of October, A. D. 1924. day . Also "'ve, beginning at the South-By order of. corner of the Northwest quar- -' THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEPHI of the Southwest quarter of Sec-- t CITY. JUAB COUNTY. UTAH on five, thence North 140 rods then By THOMAS BAILEY. co east 80 rods thence south 140 rods Mayo thence West 80 rods to place of Attest: Also the Northwest quar Martha E. Vlckers, tcr of the Southeast quarter and the City Recorder. 'o-- h Half of the Southwest quarter (Seal) TuTt'on 6. all in Township 12 First pub. October 3rd, 1924 'nuth. Range 1 East, of the Salt Last pub. Oct. 31. 1924. Lake Meridian containing 230 acres. more or less. All situated in Juab ""untr. Utah. Parcel 2. The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section "Be Build. Wisely Who Italic! Five, the South halt of the Southeast Well" Quarter of Section 6, and the West of half of the Northwest quarter Section 8, all In Township 12 South. TO BUILD WKLL Range 1 East, of the Salt Lake Meridian, containing 200 acres, more or Una. of the Exept that portion Southeast quarter of said Section 6 containing 10 acres, more or less conveyed by U. J. Burrawton, a widHAS NO EQUAL ower, to State of Utah, by deed, dat ed Feb. 25, 1901, recorded in Book of 69 of Deeds, pag 343, Records The LargeM ami Purest Juab County, Utah. All situated In Nataral Ilepnait of Gypaai Juab County, Utah. la The World Together with 35 shares of the capital stock of the Mona Irrigation Company. s'd shares being represenNFPHI PLASTER AND KFO. ted by qertlflrate No. 270. COMPANY all other rights Also, together-witof every kind and nature, however evidenced, to the use of water, ditches and and canals for the irrigation NOTICE TO CREDITOR of said trcnifci'S. Purchase price payable In lawful Estate of Isaac Brown, deceased. money of tbe United States of America. Creditor will present claims with Dated this 25th day of September, vouchers to tha undersigned at 404-40- 8 1924. Boston Building, Salt Lake City. DAN MARTIN. Utah, on of before the 26th day of Sheriff of Juab County. Utah. December, A. D. 1124. By P. P. Christian, Deputy Sheriff ALLEN T. 8ANFORD. P. N. Anderson, Administrator of the Estate of Isaac Brown, Decerned. Attorney for plaintiff. F'rst pah. Sept 2th, 1924. First pub. Sept. 2th. 1924. Last pub. Oct. 1 7th. 1924 Last pab. Oct. 17th, 1124 in safety by checking or drawing- through this Candy Day WHEREAS, there is immediat fiditor and pressing needk of raising fund for the purpose of defraying the ex pense oi acquiring the necessary grounds and erecting and construct ing thereon a City Hall Building for I (.00 the purpose of supplying said II. Of City with adequate facilities forNephl con ducting the public business of said Mutr Subscription Rate Keep your funds in safety by depositing in Make your disbursements with this bank. OP SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NEPHI CITY, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH Company DENNIS WOOD .. B. GIBSON. One Tear Six Montaa SERVICE NEPHI, UTAH . . le f- Permanent roads are a good investment not an expense The Higla Cost o Postponing Permanent MgHt way Building ' Poor motor roads 6tifle industry and agriculture, waste huge sums annually in high maintenance costs, and greatly increase gasoline, tire and repair bills. There is not a state, not a county, not a community, that isn't paying a heavy price for having too few permanent roads. There are still many sections of the country even whole states that are trying to operate twentieth century traffic over nineteenth century roads. This is costing millions of dollars every year, and will keep on costing millions until we have well developed permanent highway systems everywhere. Even what we often call the more progressive communities are far behind the demands of modern highway traffic with its 16,000,000 motor vehicles. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Canada to Mexico, we need more Concrete roads the roads for twentieth century traffic Your highway officials want to be of the greatest possible service to you. Get behind them with ways and means that will provide more Concrete roads and streets. Such an investment will pay you big dividends year after year. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION McCornick Building SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH A Nationml Organization to Improve and Extend the Uies orricis in of Concrete 39 ciTitt 1 rcr- Nephi Plaster snap SURFACE appearances conclushasty ions. No matter how beautiful your home may be within, an outside surface of dilapidated paint is sure to give an unfavorable impression of your circumstances Confidence, consideration and respect surround the family whose home bears the beaming look of prosperity which the proper use of Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint Imparts When you paint with Devoe you got eJ the beauty and durability - ' you can get out of any other product plus a guarantee backed by the Oldest Paint House in America, that DevoeLead and Zinc Paint will cost less money per job and give better results than any other paint you can buy job i f fm r rm 170 Tm DTVOI a lAflMHi &. Ml Hmsm frwrcfinvt ami CcOi Wnadvsa H Willi Q laterta afc Q Q Q Has a as. Tea. FIcmht FurnKwaa Msat Can Jhai iv , t NEPHI IMPLEMENT AND HARDWARE STORE V t'hl Utah AUTHORIZED AQENT FOR. DEVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS 4 1 ' "Jones Must Be Broke" IS THE DISTRICT COCRT OP THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN Sheriff By P. P. Christison, Deputy OF Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 11th day of September A. D. 1924. First 19th, 1924. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRICE Last pub. Sept. Oct. 10th, 1924 pub. UTAH, a corporation PLAINTIFF, t JOHN Y. SMITH and GERAIAN E. ELLSWORTH, DEFENDANTS SHERIFF'S SALE To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the Tb' writer of tb' 11 day of October, 1924 at 12 o'clock ui o a t imaginative noon, at the front door of tbe Court fiction has a hard House, at Nephl, Juab County, Utah, time to concoct located in aald county, storv eood enough of Section to satisfy his wife when he's been out Wet One-HaV4) e Twenty-Nin(29), Township Sixteen late at night. (16) South Range Two (2) West, Salt Lake Meridian, containing Three Hundred Twenty (320) Acres, More or Less. DAN MARTIN AXD FOR THE COUNTY JUAB, STATE OF UTAH. to-w- it: lf What My Neighbor Says .Is of Interest To Nephl Folks after, every meat Clcaaaet) aovth and teUi aa4 aids sUocsUoa. I mat aver- IcaIeellaj aad acid Believe It BatlsfJes fa wcets. flavor era via a tor I doable Wrlgler aloe la the benefit aad pica sax It provldca. 5W b fWUfl. U Vrtr - V 111 pY9he favor lasts f When one has had the misfortune to suffer from backache, headaches, dizziness, urinary disorders and other kidney ills-a- nd has found relief from all this sickness and suffering, that person's advice Is of untold value to friends and neighbors. The following case is only one of many thousands, but It Is that of a, Nephl resident. Who could ask for a better example? Mrs. Louis V. Cooper, Fourth North Third West St.. says: "My kidneys were dloordered and caused pain in my back. Doan's Pills, which I got at Lunt's Pharmacy, have never failed to give the desired lVlV)" (Stalement glven April 4, On September 22, 1922, Mrs. Cooper said: "I am pleased with the results 1 obtained from Doan's and gladly confirm my former statement" Price 60c at all simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Pills the same that Mrs. cooper had. Mfrs., Iiuflalo. Foster-Milbur- n N. Y. Co., |