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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Campaign Will Open Tonight Dr. Syntax Was The Farm is Th e great istitution (W. oi" in. Waalern f..wpp.r at campaign In Juab county A number of the Eureka, Utah. local Democrats from Nephi will at tend ths rally. Union.) ht T"OCTOU SYNTAX wa not more ihan forty, though he seemed bowed beneath the weight - of his recondite investigations. When Aloyslus Benton, bis friend and colleague, died, ten years before, leaving his daughter to Doctor Syntax, it was the most natural thing In the world that the kindly old doctor should take the child into his household. After old Janet died, Milly quite naturally became the doctor's housekeeper. And now certain persons had whispered that It was not proper for an unmarried man, even a professor, to live alone In the bouse with the girl. Doctor Syntax had been In love when he was a young man. The object of his devotion had married another; but, though he bad long ceased to think of her, the memory of thut first love had clung around him like a radiant cloud, softening his spirit and Somefitting it for high idealism. times the thought of Milly had, of lute, revived that memory. But when the ultimatum went forth that society considered Milly ought to be relegated to another sphere, the professor had a ridiculous dream. It was absurd, to hope- that Milly, the belle of the little town . . . and he an old fogy of forty! At any rate, he must tell Milly. And lie did so, when he met her In the library after dinner, which the professor always took alone. "My dear," he said, "I have an unpleasant thing to say to you. It is a twelve-year-ol- this the Federal Reserve System And as a home bank we are ever mindful of the financial problems of our many farmer , Frank Francis, candidate on the Democratic ticket for congressman of the first district will open the By ELMER PHILLIPS And the revenue derived from these farms can best be handled by banks that are backed by the nation's strongest institution. '. As a national bank we are a member 5 but Milly Won Power of Our Nation J Stern Student, 1 friends. Coupled with the boundless resources of the Federal Reserve is our desire to render you a banking service that will be a real and lasting benefit. Nephi National Bank WINS FIRST PRIZE AT STATE FAIR d Mr. Roy Boswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boswell of this city won first prize at the Utah State Fair for the best display of agriculural pro ducts. 'Mr. Boswell Is the county agent of Sevier county and had charge of the display from that county. The trophy won by Mr. Bos well is valued at $150. This paper extends congratulations to him on the success of Sevier County. SHIPPED EIGHT OAKS OF APPLES; WILL HAVE 7 MOKE One of the busiest places in town the past two weeks in the old Emro Hall where Mr. Orson Cazier, with the assistance of helpers is engaged in packing and shipping his big apple crop. Mr. Cazier has already loaded out about eight cars, and will probab ly have another seven cars before the season closes. He expects to fin-ithe job about the latter part of next week. sr " Nephi. and the 'surrounding valley "Can't you solve it by algebra?" In- was visited by a good rain Monday quired Milly, looking at him with a night and the greater part of Tues twinkle In her eyes. "You know, you day. The rain was timely and will always say., everything can be solved greatly helo the grain that has rece by algebra." ntly been planted on the ridge farms "And so It can, my dear," said Doctor Syntax. Pirates Made Game Fight "You remember how you found your spectacles," pursued Milly mischievprobtem ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce that I have sold to Mr. Will L. Hoyt the abstract business heretofore conducted by me in Juab Countv under the name of The JUAB COUN-TABSTRACT COMPANY, together with the firm L name and good will. I wish to express my appreciation to my clients for their business of the past, and bespeak for Mr. Hoyt a continuance of their friendly relations. T. C. WINN, MANAGER THE JUAB COUNTY ASTRACT CO. PASS UP GENERALITIES GET AT THE FACTS. The Republican party stands for PROTECTION OF UTAH INDUSTRIES Democratic tariff rates have proven disastrous to this state. The Republican party is alone in this campaign for the absolute OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION forces have combined to bring about changing of its fundamental principles. LaFollette-Democrati- c The Republican State Administrat- ion stands on its record of Reducing 1 TaxationEconomy in Government- Amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars. "But this is serious, Milly," said Doctor Syntax. "Some people In this town have apparently been putting their heads together and have come to the conclusion that It is not right for a single girl, even an adopted daughter, to keep house for an old bachelor like me. It Is a preposterous idea, but the force of public opinion is like the symbol X, always handed when It is not wanted and never translatable Into precise terms until the final solu- REPUBLICAN TICKET AND HAVE (Political Advertisement Ord and Mangelson Lunt Pharmacy Co. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU. PHONE NEPHI UTAH 43 HEADY TO WEAR & BEAUTY SHOP Ostler Building, Main Street, Nephi, Utah "Well, I have come to the same conclusion myself," said Milly calmly. "What!" exclaimed Doctor Syntax. He had expected a scene, strife, war and here was Milly calmly acquiescing in his decision. "But what are you going to do, my dear?" he continued. "1 can't bear the thought of losing you." "You needn't lose me," said Milly, with preternatural gravity, studying her plate. But even then there was a mischievous twinkle In her eyes. "This is very strange, my dear," said Doctor Syntax. "You have accepted the public opinion as to the Inadvisablllty of your remaining here as my housekeeper, and yet you say that I need not lose you. Logically, that Implies that you conld propose to remain here In some other capacity; and yet I fall to see what that could be, or how It could affect public opi- NEW Coats Dresses and Shoes HAVE ARRIVED Ijill Mckechnie, manager the of Pittsburgh Pirates, who "fought but lost" In the fight for the 1924 Nation al league pennant. McKechnle's Pirates put up a valiant battle to cap tui tho gonfalon, but they just fell short at the critical moment OOOOOO Your ConTertition "DYED IN WOOL" nion" y COATS The season's latest patterns Fur collars and trimmings, sizes 34 to 46. Priced $17.85 up DRESSES Silk or wool, direct from the New York manfacturer. Prices $7.45 up. Sizes 34 to 46. SHOES Every one are new. Oxfords or strap. to 6 $4.50 & up High or low heel. Size 2 1- -2 "Which we have designated X," said In the days when our Milly, raising her eyes to the profeswere animatsor's for one fleeting moment. And ed by warm party affiliations, In that moment the professor felt the supporters of George III of and yet disconcerted, strangely England were known as he Unconsciously strangely glad. Tories. The term shoulders. his threw back was derived from the dyeing vari"Well, my dear, suppose the process by which materials thorants are Y and Z," he said. "Now we oughly were imbued with fast have an Indeterminate equation. X colors. "Dyed In the wool" Is equals Y or Z multiplied by the unthe way we describe any party known factor, which shall be N." or religious adherence In which It "Why not moke Cr asked Milly. the htlder Is so positively "Make It U, Mlllyt The letter U Is as to bar all possibility steeped never used In mathematics except of fickleness. when the other letters of the alphabet have been almost exhausted. "I should really prefer you to make It U," persisted Milly. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST "Very well. U It shall be, then," RICT COURT OF THE STATE OF said the professor. UTAH IN AND FOU JUAB COUN "Oh. I'm afraid that would never TY. dn," said Milly. But, seeing that the In professor was only staring at her San Tedro Oil Company, a corporal perplexity, she resigned herself. "Very Ion, Plaintiff, vs. J. M. Sorensen well ! (Jo on." she said. Mary G. Sorensen, Ephraim A. Sor"It Is obvious, then, that X equals ensen and Emily Sorensen, DefendYU or ZU." said Doctor Syntax, ants. SHERIFF'S SALE. wsnnlng to his task. To be sold at sheriff's sale on Sat "YU," I think," snld Milly gravely. urday the 1st day of November, 1924 "In that case," snld the professor, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the front X, the unknown factor, equals Y di vided by U. Now, algebra helps us door of the county court houso In Nephi City, Juab County, Utah, the no more unless we con state V In posl tlve terms. Now let E be the possi following described real properly sitbility of your remaining here in the uated in Juab County, Utah, The northwest quarter (N'W'4) capacity of secretary, let us say, and (NE'4): F the possibility of becoming let us of the northeast quarter na sar my stenographer. Then U the east half (EH) of the northwest quarter (NW'i); the southwest eqtinln " Quarter (SW'i) of the northwest "YF." said Milly, triumphantly. "KhT asked Doctor Syntax. "No, quarter (NW'4); and the northwest quarter (NWVi) of 'the southwest my dear. It couldn't equal YF, be cause quarter (SW ) of Section twenty "Then I shall go," snld Milly, rising seven (27); the northeast quarter from her chair, and the professor was (NE'4) of the southeast quarter nniHZfxl to hear fl strangled sob. (SE4) of Section 28, In Township 15 South, Range 1 West of the Salt "Now, Milly,' he snld gravely, "renl-lyou women are very illogical. YF Lake Meridian, containing two hund0 Is Impossible. acres, more or Stop! Listen to nie, red forty and Milly, before you go out of that door. less. DAN MARTIN, I er Doctor Syntax sprang toward her Sheriff of Juab County, Utah and clasped her In his arms. "Milly I" Hy P. P. Chrlstlson, Deputy. found my First publication October 10, 1924 he cried. "iTe I'v Last publication October 31st, 1924. spectacles !" no-10- PROSPERITY AND CONTENTMENT , 23 t: VOTE THE We keep a school of line supplies for their jrtighty good benefit. Pencils, pens, penholders, tablets ink; candy, ice cream and soda, too. We like to serve the children for two reasons-f- irst, we like'em ; second, they'll be our big customers in a few years. We're building for the future. That's why we're so careful to give you absolutely dependable goods. That's why we like to sell Dr. Miles Medicines. We know they're reliable. We know you'll get your money back if they don't benefit you. We're glad to have'em come. ously. tion." a Send the Children Here. 1-- 2. PHEONIX HOSIERY for the entire family. children and infants. Ladies, gentlemen, S3 Bailey Grocery Gy's Meat Market Phone 55. Phone 7 Headquarters For Meats and Groceries SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Swans Down Cake Flour One cake pan free Three Bars Kirk-Oliv- e Soap One bar free On pkg. Peets Bros. Granulated Soap Two bars crystal white or A. B. Naptha free. See our Colonial Clock to he given away soon. in Saturday and get your chance. 45c 25c 45c Come SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MEATS Fresh Fish here every Friday. dickens Saturday. |