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Show THE TIMES-NEW- S. NEPHI. UTAH ROA arjwnrnuittiffliniimfflmnim WITH Ramsey Milhol land SUITS; JERSEY BATHING SUITS THREE-PIEC- E so long ago there entered the swimming or for play In the water. e The nicest thing obout them, next to with the regnlutlon SE suit and the tailored dresa. for street this practical wearing quality, la the suit.. That is, fact that they are delightfully pretty. wear, rhe three-piec- e Wool Jersey Is the excellent medium suits. In which a bodice attached to were for making many attractive introduced chosen Is the skirt included, 6 CofnpMqrl by CopyrlfM 3 DaMdy. Fx a three-piec- e They have proved suits, but the knitting mills are consuit. their staying qualities. juuMJiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiititiiiuiitiuiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii uiiiiniiiniiiiiriiimuin tributing Just as many short trunks, Sumner la written in every line of ending a few inches above the knee "No," rred admitted. "I suppose not. surrounded by parents, little brothers CHAPTER XI Continued.e model shown and made in one with, Of course. If you did, then you would ant? big sister. - The professor wal the attractive three-piec- e 14 In moat case. There are It Is mind reveal have a here -- M and hlm-4- f Fred's that the talkative; a to. might Just glance ber aettled talking give quite right then." Fred been greatly Improved, but with a win- especially well adapted to fashionable acme new, full-skistyles, either upon the window seat with a pipe, way you did the other time, wouldn't reIn range he preferred a melandow fabrics f'ongee, kasha cloth, flannel shirred in Bt the waist line or havanother But upon that, There's something you?" mmi proceeded. wool suitings are ing deep knife plaits, like the autt there, she sumption of physical violence put an choly contemplation of the snow, and her, when which had begun to fall In quantity. Wand o straight and knows Just what end to the conversation. The professor talked until luncheon, mbem up to, .and . everything, why, I J fi ' .itaece'a CHAPTER XII. throughout luncheon, and was well unsomethingabout her makes theI flit the whole afternoon to der way oa chllla go. down your spine ' 4. ' Throughout the term Ramsey's cal- with talk, when Fred, repenting all annul toy spine,.. not yours particularof probabilities against the the errors of his life, got up to go. culation mean down You rl anybody's sit 4yi another Interview with ,; Hoartlly urged to remain, for there pioe. doggone Ut!" And ns Uatusey happening of to be well founded, but was now something Just under a billiBcreaeed tlie manifestations of his Dora seemed second ."semV iard developing, he said no, he had a jraspiclons.. lifting, a tennis, racket over at the beginning of theto be a fellow great denl of "curriculum work" to' nrostmte figure. 'Oh, murder," ester" he found 'her VMd said, jeaJgneOJy. "AH right, we'll member of a class In biology. More get done before tomorrow, and passed the subject. .That fat little thnn that, this class had every week from the sound of the professor's hossession In the botanfciU pitable voice and Into the storm. He Werder cutla, made., out pretty good a two-hocase for Cerouipy,. didn't she?" laboratory, where the structure of had a tedious struggle against the Jtamsey disposed, himself In an easy plants was studied under microscopic wind and thickening snow, but finally tiair with. .his feet upon the table, dissection. The students worked In came In sight of the town, not long iiud presently chuckled. "You reiuem-tte- r pairs, a special family of plants being before dark. Here the road led down die tlina I had the- fuss with assigned to each couple; and the In- Into a depression, and, lifting his head structor selected the couples, with an as he began the slight ascent on the , Key Bender, back In the ole school ' eye to combinations of the quick with other side, Fred was aware of two days?" -the slow. D. Yocum and B, Mllhol-lan- d figures outlined upon the low ridge Yep." -All thei.flnbdub this Werder girl got (the latter In a strange state of before him. They were dimmed by the driving snow and their backs were ott touight , puts . me in mind of the mind and complexion) were given two talked that day. I can remem-- ' chairs, but only one desk andne mi- toward him. but he recognised them may tier it im well as anything I Wesley croscope. Their conversation was with perfect assurance. They were Dora Yocum and Ramsey Mllholland. kept yelpn' that whoever mentioneda strictly botanical. m Jady's name In a public place was They were walking so slowly that J 'i'hencefortn It became the most imp. and of course I didn't want to pressing care of Barasey's life to pre- their advance was almost Imperceptfell faim for that ; a boy's got a reg'lar vent his roommate from learning that ible, but it could be seen that Dora faiMinct for tryln' to make out he's there was any conversation at all, was talking with great animation; and cms the right side in a scrap, and he'll even botanical. Fortunately, Fred she was a graceful thing, thus gesticuIn or slim her do coat with to fnr say long, something, was not taking the biological courses, lating. always try something, or he'll get the other boy though he appeared to be taking the the white snow frosting her brown fur as look it make to say something, to sentimental ones with an astonishing cap. Ramsey had his hands deep In It ib other boy was in the wrong and thoroughness, and sometimes, to Fred's his overcoat pockets and his manner (tie trouble. So I told poor ole hilarious delight. Ramsey attempted to was wholly that of an audience. Fred murmured to himself, " 'What tVes that my father spoke my mothtorn the table 'and rally him npon er's name In a public place whenever whatever last affair seemed to be en- did you say to "her?" 'Nothln'. I start Then he put on a tie wanted to, and I dared him to say gaging his fnncy. The old Victorian ed to, but' war father was a pup. And all so on. and blague word "pet- burst of speed and passed them, sweepA toy start In' up a acrap. why, half ticoat" had been revived In Fred's ing off his hat with operatic deference, Ch time he'll drag in his father and vocabulary, and In others, as "skirt." yet hurrying by as If fearful of being .mother if there's any chance to do It The lightsome sprig was hourly to be thought a killjoy if he lingered. He Hett-flwent to the "fret house," found no one up some way so he can say, Just the same as If you downstairs, and established himself In a red leather chair to smoke and catted i my frfther and mother a fool.' or something ilke that. Then, after ruminate merrily by a great fire In ran claim he was scrappin' the ball. ward, "he had to defend his father Hall an hour later Ramsey entered, mother, and of course he'll more stamped off the snow, hung up Jit 'Jm'f 'believe it himself. hat and coat, and sat himself down "WeTl. you lake a government It's Modei Attractive Three-Piec- e defiantly. In the red leather chair eo the other aide of the fireplace. miljr Just some men, the way I see It. osed for the skirts and coats, with pictured here. Bright-hne- d stripes alfind If they're goln' to start some Mb "Well, go on," he said. "Commence V de chine or georgette much In de- ternating with dark ones, make this a trouble like this war, why. of course "Not at all!" Fred returned, ami- crepe mand for bodice and sleeves- In these vivid model, but it is shown here In Jbey'W piny Just about that same old ably. "Fine spring weather today. suits. The suit pictured has a bodice a quiet brown and tan combination to It. see It's because do Instinct all the flowers and the Hr trick, Lovely to and leng sleeves of crepe de chine that is nevertheless gnappy in style. birds as we go f jMt'fhe same for a man ns It Is for a by. The litwith skirt and- coat of kasha cloth, The short sleeve are noteworthy beetee the principle's Just the tle bobolinks" boy-r- or both bordered' with an embroidered cause in many of the new suits the If look That's the or "Tou beret Well, anyhow. only something. .jaame. band. The sleeves are gathered into a arm's eye Is elongated, and extended know who started a scrap walk I ever took with her In my life. peasant cuff, which repeats a part of by the addition of a band, or otherto all and mean I her her wrtwrf it up, you got forget by by asking tn the embroidered bands, wise managed to form a very short the so Is forth. That and pattern , thw talk there about It, and all what saying she would and collar Is edged with the sleeve. rolled the . awn side- - says, and Just look at two other time Just sort of happened, and same decoration. The coat Besides these wool suit there art fastens only . you know tt. Well, the weather wasn't at the cellar with ribbon tit things: Who was fixed for It first, or to he reckoned with. and those of r thought they were, and who hit first? Just the best In the world, maybe, but spreads af the front, revealing a These aregingham made of checked ginghams, two conscientious ami awful an to answer those she's the VVVTyfa ycm get girt bodice shaped like a vest. and are In a class by themselves. once she makes an engagement" ?rnt1ons everything's settled about near Aa "Why. of course." Fred finished for tbi beinglattacked' business. ' him. "she'd be too pious to break tt as I can- make out. this war began d Just on account of a mere little with Germany and Austria's staatln' or anything. Wonder, how the M wine out two little countries; Auweather will be next Sunday?" stria ttetgnn 'Bhootln' up Serbia, and T'dbn't know and I don't care," began shootln' up Belgium. lOrrwnny M Hoot- - ned to notice any mora than said Ramsey. "Tou don't suppose 1 the girls In the coun-ttr- t Thay Ware Dora Yocum and Ram My asked her to go again, do you?" thai jmistf all their Mllholland. heads off. they an debate "Why not?" "Well, for on thing, you don't sup t can't change what happened and they seen, even when foruniversity rulings tose I want her "to think I'm a perfect ttean't excuse it. either." giddily along the fool, do jouF ttJJe waa silent, appearing t feel that bade, and the campus paths or the town sidewalks Fred mused a moment or two, looktie had concluded conclusively, with some new and pretty Skirt. And rvonDC gentleman on the window seat. when ing at the Ore. "What waa the lee him to tried fluster Ramsey he asked, mildly. i After ainrtng at him for several about snch a matter Fred would pro- tore?" "What lecturer genuine thoughtfulnesa. was fess his ardent love for the new lady " ell. old " "She seemed to me to be amciot enough toa observe, In shout and Impromptu song. Nothwasn't lecturing; she was Just That Ilaro. vou may be little slow In class. ing coo Id be done to him. and Ramsey, xbx iou think things out with utterly unable to defend his own sensisome of show do "Just what?" signs ytmrself you bilities In like manner, had always horse-sensreal near like "Well, she thinks war for the United thing pretty In he bafflement. to Sometimes retire Is coming closer and closer' 'suimrtBsM. Why don't you ever aay States thenpon qaestlon thus It Isn't." "But rwflftnr Uke thst to to some of would ponder : Why "ouldn't he do this suggested -she thinks so, anyhow." said "Well, your pacifist friends?" m n1 V'h t .An Whft mil sort of thing, since Fred could? But Ramsey, "and she's all broken up ahont he never discovered a satisfying andaiia It. Of course she thinks we mightn't Whose fbout? 'pacifist swer. to fight snd she's trying to get every-so carewas watchfulness Romsey's d exclaimed, as body else she ran to keep working ful (lest he make some Impulsive adttamaey seemed about It. She Isn't gnln' home again rte ' "Ton mission In regard to the botanical lab- agnlnm erf sitting Just where yo. next auinmer, she's goln' back to that alon'f ktok at me out of the sin ni oratory, for Instance) that Mr. Mit settlement work In Chicago and wort ynvr eye tike that pretendln' you're a chell's curiosity gradually became si-- there among those people agatnat our but a '"I'm and there now. arrived serious IhiiI dorse. quiescent really goln' to war; and here la college she day lb bnjary when It was plqne4 wants to get everybody she can t talk ytm listen to me. I don't think argufy-ln- c Into llvrwv the and debating like that little Frati-- I activity. If was Sun- agnlnst It. and " and Fred. -wl, Un. in Werfler'a does much 'harm. She's day, "What did you sayf rred asked, tldlon-neever his n.y hh,u nn. m Tigtit nifty young rolypoly. by the the reply: snd himself enpplled tired waa that Ramsey rxtHHitlnt an of notice, y. wiough you didn't "NotTim'. I started to, but " nnustial perplexity about necktie.. inrre. "Now hwlr here! ItatiiMey got up. -one on.'' Fred said, IT Ramsey deman.led. "Keep the black Why tililn't km.w the rat' passed a rule that Tu a -as volunteering suggestion, Ramsey If we W,ike Thy dWot 'I notice?" wherpiy. more fn ml tore In this Ot. ntbing. Rut. as 1 was saying, muttered fiercely at a mirror. "It's In house with any ur ecrappla' we'd both be for .taste better, church, does of talk anyhow. sort don't think that f fined the cost of repair and five dol-lanawl) harm: everybody knows It goea Tou're going to church, aren't you?" apiece. Well, I ran afford Ave "Tea. Are you?" among the pm Germans, anil It's dollars ttila month better than you can. a "No. I've tnnrhenn got engager'l hot air. anyhow, flat I think Mn ment." and" If Tb aort of talk 'does do barm.'prob'ly "I take bark I" Fred Interposed, could t to "Well, chnrrti you go flrrt. know fveofJe-tha"don't ranch;' niKmjt hastily. "Hut you Jnst listen to me; Ton couldn't Pora you? more. got better; you've 'I tblnk ant whafe, Wool Jersey Bathing Suit ymj look out letting her think you're too. 'Well, you hit a fat of chnrch absences sgnlnst you." on her side like that." "Then one more won't hurt. No tnafcl la the snoot. en what are you Aa nnumial feature of the drem Is They am pretty and practical, when "I don't" fsn Mill! 'My lord! Tou lon't think-I'- charch In mine this morning, thanks I t assh of wide ribbon, with kmf and the element of warmth de on have "You rtnn'tr auricle,', prou to go and hit Dora, do OTy. ole not; see you at the fret TO Bkf CONTINUED.! fulling ends at the side snd wlthonl to be considered, but they are new Aren't. you ever goln house' for dinner." the c.at the dress Is complete. Pipes, arrivals, and their merlin must be 2H? He went forta. whistling ayncona-tlons- , Oe Nat Reach for the Moon. The feet sr prter1y 9 talk Mo her about it and tell in the .lnce f owta. are ahnwn with tested out and began a brink trudge Info rtkafu What? of these three-jilecau'K dreaned with hoae rolled bi'low th Psychological science apparently has msn the own country. There was a shown In Xh, frnt goIn t bed exploded the good aid notion thst siwlslly In the plainer inies of tweeil knea and laced snn1iils, karnat.M "Fred urged. the Illustration above. Close fitting daughter who alo waa not "babiea will reach for the mnnn." tr. tt hmKiiii Intended f, fnrlst' yu ever goln' to?" going t church that morning and she John R. Watson states In ll Scientific wear, ami the art nmially wlthonl cups, of t libber cloth, cover the hair. Homtlf, aren't 1Uw could I do anything tike that?" lived little more than three miles Monthly that when actually pnt lo th any S'irl it l beyond rhe outskirts of the town. Unnmwef demanded explosively. teat thejr will watch Fir ilil aiiimmT there are bntbing any" w her to speak to. that la. fortunately, as the weather was threat- thing they aee moving, attentively an waiter what suits and hnthlng suits. In whlrh see nisy g Ita dle'ance, but that loey will not ening, ail others of her family shnn-doneprobly won't happen to have d'in to the mn r the with her. r anything, all the Idea of chair h Hint dsy. and reach for It until tt U wlHiln 20 Inch In the fol. gyei of color 01 the time we're lo college." Fred .found her before coxy fire, but of tbetn. aoeraoHt tt wens mwim umkm Hp'titrfitetj rind fur tual s NOT By BOOTH TARKINGTON PROBLEM OF SKEWED BRIDGE two-piec- - one-piec- rt light-weig- she-stand- s BOILD ht over-gurmen- ta Used for Calculating Stress and Proportioning Ara Not Approved. Method Mml Valt (Prtparad br th ot Asrtenttm.) HqHtaMl Methods of calculating the stresses and proportioning tbw slse of skewed jrohcrete-arc- h bridges which have Been considered good practice la the past may be Incorrect and resort In the collapse of the structure, according to engineers of the bureau of public 'lib -- Bridge Used for Stream Road Diagonally Note Position of Railing on Opposite Sides of Road. Skewed-Arc- h Crossing ' . ! ill W 4 "KVVH,-that'- f hcAxj s Imw sSsh yoa-want'to - roads of the United State Department of Agriculture. A skew bridge Is one in which the center Hoe of the bridgo Is not perpendicular with the abutment on which the bridge rests, and is used when a bridge crosses a stream or railway track diagonally. The bureau Is Jointly responsible with the several state highway departments for the correctness of the design of all structures on federal-ai- d roads, and for this reason the problem la being carefully studied. WIDER HIGHWAYS WIN FAVOR Originally Engineers Considered Foot Roadway Adequate Now Urge 20 Feet. 10--, Former Superintendent of Illinois Highways S. E. Bradt of DeKalb, 111., who has done much to boost the good roads movement In his state, says engineers originally considered a highway adequate to meet the needs of I raffle between populous centers. Then they learned the folly of thla contention and boosted the width. It was- finally made 16 feet. Road are being built IS feet In width and now come prominent engineers advocating a highway. The shoulder maintenance is a prominent factor entering into this problem. The upkeep of a shoulder usually exceeds the original cost of the extra two feet of pavement, it ha been learned by experience. For this reason highway experts are going on record advocating the wider pavement for trunk line highway. The upkeep of shoulder' Is very high, especially where there Is heavy truck traffic. 10-fo- 20-fo- PAVED ROADS AND DAIRYING bllx-zar- - dilly-dallyin- g -- 4n e , -- , sa f , To-wn- diea-aome- hr rn r e 's in-tal- k d i,jrt A 1 Aa More Improved Are Highway Constructed Milk Routaa Ar Being Extendad. Tared roads and dairying go hand A more Improved road are constructed, milk routes are extended and the farmer farther from the city Is prodvided with a market for hi milk. Over unimproved routes requiring wagon delivery, the longest route possible Is only approximate! 15 mile while over paved highway, traveled by motortrucks, route covering as high a 40 mile are established. Large areas of prospective dairy country at waiting only th construction of more hard surfaced roads. When these are built, many more farmers, now cot off. from their market, will receive the benefit of tit economical and rapid ti ansportatlon made possible by the motortruck and the paved highway. In hand. HIGHWAYS ON PACIFIC COAST Varisue Weatom StaUa and Gov art. Riant t Spend -- Immense Sunt for Road Improvement. Twenty million dollar, th largest amount of money expended In one year 00 the 1'aclflc coast by the federal government on state highways ami Mst roads, I to be spent during thla season. The western state, Washington. Oregon, California. Wyoming. 0Lrado, Montana, Idaho, Nevada. U Ah, Arizona and New Mexico wUI expend the same amount.. Many of the roHds will be 20 feet wide and af concrete six inches thick, much heavier than highway built by the state heretofore. Benoflte of Qaod Read. Oood roads In the couutry will d more to lower ta high coat of living and more for the prooperlty, comfort, culture and kappluvaa of the peopla than things fought over in 13 presi- dential campaign. Good af Motortruck Lines. The establishment of motor trucjl In every farming rqirni line will stimulate the productioa. it more toed, reducewillthe coat of livmake publla ing and probably narteta successful In American cltla com-tnuu- lty |