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Show THE wn electric light plant, water worki 1 dustry that would be a serious drawback to future business. It was sold. Beekeepers who see any outbreak of any disease of adult bees are urged ' to send at once samples for examina AVOID tion and diagnosis to the bureau of en tomology, Washington. More detailed Information concerning the disease v be obtained by writing to the Isle of Wight Disease Cause cf may United State Department of AgriculSerious Injury to Industry ture, Washington, for a copy of DeCircular 218, entitled "The partment in Parts ot Europe. Occurrence of Diseases of Adult Bees," which is available for free MEETING i Col. Wllllnni A. (Jaston of Boston, prominent New Pnghind financier, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for senator from Massachusetts, to succeed Henry Cabot Necessary to Eliminate or Dead Ears. All Weak try Weakens plete destruction of the beekeeping In- Dry Rot Fungus Seriously Glazed Germinattna Qualities dustry In units of Eurone by the "Isle of Wight" disease has started deter Paper and Strip of Bleached Muslin Needed. wined action by Amerlcun beekeepers to W8 their business from similar The rag doll tester, which has saved losses. Thus far the disense has not the gained a foothold In this country or many corn crops by eliminating hHck In Canada, and It Is believed that poor seed, will have to be brought should the disease become established Into service this spring, according to Jiere beekeepers, queen breeders and plant disease experts of the Iowa State manufacturers of bee supplies would "1 quickly be ruined and horticultural br terests would be seriously damaged. As a first step toward preventing this, a meetlug was held recently at the bureau of entomology of the United States Department of Agrlcul ture, which was attended by special lata from several states and Canada .who are Interested In protective measures. y Prevent Introduction of Bees. The meeting decided to" use all feasl-- l lile efforts to prevent the Introduc- tlon of queen I ees from all foreign ; countries except Canada, and to courage the Introduction of adult bees Into the United States except for experimental and scientific purposes by the United States Department of Agriculture. Since there Is no known Isle of Wight disease In Canada and since It Is hoped and expected that the Dominion of Canada will establish the same safeguards to the beekeeping Modified Rag Doll Tester Partly Industry, It Is planned not to establish Rolled, Showing Corn In Place to Be or prohibitions any quarantines Each Ear Is In a Row and Tested against shipments of bees from and to Rows Are Numbered to Correspond Canada. With Ears, All the men who attended the meetIsle college. They say that, due to the ing were of the opinion that the of Wight disease would be such a large amounts of corn rot fungus In fierlous menace to beekeeping on this muny sections, the seed corn ought to continent that every possible step be tested so that the dead or weak should he taken to prevent Its Intro-- ears can be taken out. Dry rot fungus stays In the ears and cannot be detected In the seed. However, wherever It Is present It seriously weakens the germlnutlng qualities, and often destroys them. A) 1 v A modified rug doll tester Prince Otto, de Jure King of Hungary With the death of Charles, former emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, little Archduke Otto, by Hungarian law of primogeniture, has now become de Jure king of Hungary. Bui be will not be regarded as entbled to the allegiance of his Magyar fellow countrymen as such until crowned and consecrated, in accordance with ceremony, at Budapest. If the great powers und the adjacent nations waive their heretofore pronounced opposition to the presence of a Hapshurg ou the throne of Hungary, In that event the youngster might be crowned ami consecrated. Just whether In that case these powers concerned would allow either the now widowed Queen Zlta or her Archduke Maximilian, to assume the regency Is a matter of con jecture. mmtgpga Possibly they uiight wMi Admiral Horthy to remain tin as regent for an other six or eight years to ijme that Is, during the youngster's minority. The future will depend not on the Magyars, but upon, the powers of tne great en tente and of the little entente. time-honore- d Is made broth-er-ln-hi- Reily of Porto Rico a Storm Center Gov. F.. Mont Reily of Porto Rico seems to be a storm center both on the island anil In congress. Governor Reily. Auditor W. L. Kesslnger and Governor Kelly's prlvnte secretary. John R. Hull, are charged In a grand iurv presentment with misuse of pub The lic funds for tirlvnte purposes. charges are basel on four withdrawals from the Insulnr treasury on "set tlement warrants." Instead of "account-abl- e warrants." which Is confrnry to Ihw. the grand Jury holds. The ques tioned funds were withdrawals of $400 1.xhi lust November and two anil Items of $."00 each In August and Oc tester, boil the cloth water and place on the paper. Then place the grains of seed corn, taken at random from the ears, on the dump cloth germ side down. I'lace the tips of the corn all the same way. Ull up the strip with the kernels of the corn carefully and place the roll n end In n tub or pall which has about quart of water In It. I'lace wet sack over the dolls to prevent their drying out. Keep at a temperature f 80 to 83 degrees F. The corn will germinate In ,iie 8warming Bees. Auction. All liiiportalloii ff queen bees rapidly. Be careful not to place the kernels nhould be stopped, they believed, Pend-'taclose together In the tester as the too full legislation In this matter, the will spread Where conferees are hopeful that beekeepers molds. If present, to kernels are weak discard the ear. In In both countries will doll tester for second the fullest extent by making no at- using thebe rag and get new paper sure bees. testings adult Any Introduce tempt to as cloth boil e thoroughly the to and this Introduced who queen breeder have molds thut mlgltt to renmveiiny be doing Into the country would In- smyed In the cloth. ii great dumnge to the beekeeping g dla-ras- USE FORMALDEHYDE HIGH Treatment Will Add at Least 10 Per Cent to Yield and 20 Per Cent to Quality. its dissolve To prevent smut lu one pint or iie pound of fiirmiillii f formaldehyde) In 0 gallons of water, m:niites, eoak the seed therein for until spread out thin and lake over sprinkle oats with I en gnl-l..lr. i.fOr Hllrr Is s Pint of in whli-lfuriiiiiMn, shovel over until wetted, rover lth blanket r ramus fur two lionrs t. let the isiis do Its work, then spread out to dry. This simple precaution adds at leiisl 10 per cent to the ylelil mid -- i er cent to the quality of tlie cfiip. -'0 n i VALUE OF GARDEN The value of having a tejjets-hi- e gnrden on the funn that will supply the table during the growing season lth n bnunteiias Hiiioinit of freh jrnrden produce A plot cannot be estimated. i Hi by 100 fwt pro(ierly ritnnneil. planted and caret; for. sliould a gixsl supply for lalde. priHlm-- winter atorsne and can.ilng. Ht.ie. hicks for winFinish butiliuig ter lners. Give tlieni plenty f sour milk, greeli fti ai.d KismI mush, keep the briKul hi the growing Im.ntnte Locs by Insects. ou shI and n.wie often to Iresli siiu'le nil minimi lows In the Insects ground. In U'd !tites iiniinitiiing l between tnv and I wo bllllnti dollurs. Crop Rotation. '.letu of crop rnu'lon Start snine Place to Make Cheese On furms where lliere Is h surplus of i xi your lurni this er. tiriiiiiK the snilk. rheeseiuaking wtTers extclinul Mime crop on the same field yeur atsr vcur lll wear out lbs soil. advantages. I Winter-Layin- State ws-te- r. for This .Department American Legion New Copjr tti Supplied Service.) BUSY AT VETERANS' by 4 Looking after old members of the E. F. comes tatural to Leon Fraser, executive officer of the United States Veterans' bureau, with la D, Back 4n the historic days of 1917 he leaped into the army as a private. Hard work and strict attention to duty C brought by him, grade. grade and rank by rank up to a major. The war ended and lie remained a major. If the end hadn't come he would probably be wearing a colonel's eagle at least. Though he left the vice presidency of the Differential Steel company of Klndlay, O., when war was declared. he started at the bottom of the Veterans' bureau and again worked up His life has been toward the top. Varied. It started In Boston, wound its way through North Orambille. N. Y where he made his home for a short time, through Columbia univer sity, took him as a cub reporter on the New liofk World, and safely passed the bar oxnuvlontlon. after which he practiced law, The action of tbe French government In decorating him with the Order of the Silver Polls and a special citation from General Pershing were Just Incidents of his war time service. ' Col. Charles B. Forbes Is Frnser's boss now. When bis colonel Is away Frazer Is director of the Veterans' bureau, and ns such tends to the desti nies of thousands of wounded The members of his Legion post thought so much of Fraser that they have elected him vice Bl a TAYLOR WAS UUUU BAD MAN Former Bandit and Holdup Artist Put His Knowledge to Good Use During War. Joe Taylor was once on automobile bandit and holdup man. His activities along these lines landed hltu In Jail . ft Unlike muny another criminal didn't Taylor leave the prison with a vow to reon soci- Instead by ftralght living ety. and study he overcame the ob- V . c be-inis- rrrv m na- st MEM STILL AIDS Mrs. John Marshall, Kentucky, NV tlonal CommitteewofTKKv Active in Wou r After-Wa- Mrs, John Marshall of Anchorage, Ky known to thousands of men who were stationed In the Blue Grass state during the war and who visited the Red Cross canteen to be served with coffee and doughnuts. Is still doing her large "bit" for the sick and wounded I yI fefr ..1'' ; , men. As natlonul e x e c u- tlve conmiltteewoiuuu for tbe American Legion Auxiliary from Kentucky, she Is especially active hj all tbw things that her organization Is doing. Her latest plan results In Louisville, Ky.. having a boarding home for men who are taking vocational1 training there. Nominal fees, a bog' living room and llbrnry ami reaj' home atmosphere, are high points law tlielw' of life the the "boys" who mnke home with Mrs. Marshall. More than SOtl.CMK) serxlce men werw cared for at the canteen presided over by Mrs. Marshall during the war. tier suitexperiences with the soldiers iihI ors are many. MouUis after tHe-- araafsv lice she received a letter from a s'rr-Ic-e man whose wedding supHr sbw hud prepared In 1917. It read, "Sir, Canteen Lady, can you help me fml my wife, not that she Is much areoimt. hut I wa it to get married again, must find her first." 'FREE EMBLEM OF FREEDOM" Washington State Would Htd Amaftcenlem Lr" In "Frenlom to our emrdese-- f . William dom." Is the slogan of llleks, "Seattle. Wast., m nnglna; C tasr all' AYrtere run eoKles hi cHptlrlij director Washington them payment Americiisj are: of fees. s kt bus efilisiett tHe aid of l.eslno Mts. the AtHlaw lion socli-tand various palrimhr lit his cnmpalgrv "The eagle whs made for iiHiiintnii mid Muli spaces " Ir. Hb-kmiyaw ) "As long us the bird typifies it should be coiilrnry lo luw f t'e swiles lu ae- Sold any i tivlty." s Aim-rlcaa- j j rv.-...- i.iiM'i'K'eiti )' community park and free cnmi cltlr-cnsnd tourlnts hoe Ing si'e foi been provided bv tte Amet inn I egloD Ks.i. t Lebanon, A the) nt taar e Among tr.h Atnerleaslssi r Men. Laws Benefit the Instigation of the America I Legion, the New York legislature has passed seerul bills which benefit the man. now wbe IllikSi At e Da-rect- Eagles Now Captivity. - place. fa so moll or No post of the so bad off finsncliilly tlmf Joe Taylor won't visit It and fell of his experiences. In und around New York Taylor's talk." "The Partnership Between politics am' Crime." Is getting to he well know ii and a demand for his services has been created among tgloii men. prevent lug persons convicted of vlolnt ing the selective draft act from hold a constilug public oflire: proposing tutional amendment to remove tlie of Inmates of soldiers' and sailors' home from voting; a bid pro- vlillng for I lie recording of limioi able liscbai ge by county Judges without i lf ,,t, 11 adversi Attributing our "buslne Suites United of the failure to the ty" to iter the League of Nations. James M. Cox of Ohio. Pcmo. cratlc nominee ir president In l'.W.to urged a cHitinnatlii of the fluid In have this country Jln tbe league. an addiess at an annual dinner of the National Iictmwrntlc club In New York Mr. Cox said the league furnished tbe only hope 1 - s "stable pr.wpcr admin i It) " und attacked the national "Its failure t 1st ml Ion liiiiiiiinilHrl.in In nations other with move-mnt- s in vemcnts merely bemuse these bad been stinted by the league." T, .'vww The Impression pie ailed as the bee was ti it t.ist ceiled dinner pun Ileum-cratiginning of n Cox l.'i'Hii for the In I"-' ticiiilmitl'Mi presidential Tlie cut li'is ama which greeted mention of Mr. Wilsons inmie ii so A :? mrtlienile. tlie tn-- re et those '' of present inimv ruenibirs of Tammany Hull, which never siipH.ited blin stmngly. ir. an interview llr. Cox suld the leugue would inntinue til be an Iww rk m tional rtiaptlat ( the American Legion, will "mix It up" at the- state convention in Wenatcheei Wash., this fall. Reverend Beurd, who serreif sky pilot" with the old Ninety-flw- t division In France, boxed John Drt- Inson. veterau of the British forces; M a recent meeting of bis own Legion The Legion's national chaplata post. Is an ardent boxing adherent himself. Though a pustor of a Kansas church, be finds time to act as boxing referee occasionally and dons tbe gloves hlso-sePrior to Just to keep In trim. his entering the ministry be w known as a track and football star. That his title of "fighting ehaplalnT Isn't at all amiss 13 shown by a glonoe at Reverend Benrd's war record. Oa loesn't think of a chnplaln as having a war record, but Reverend BlacB- mau's future opponent served wlts inthe Three Hundred and Sixty-fir"Wildcat" division with the fantry, rank- - of captain. He was awnrdef the French Croix de Guerre and received a citation from the American) government. The wur over, hejumpeel Into the Legion and was elected state chaplain tor the department of . taliate VT. Baaru, pasto of the First Presbyterian ehoch at ,'Jotiuium, Wash., and Rev. Earl A. BUREAU headquarters Washington. John Rev. Leon Fraser, Executive Officer, Haa ' Had Broad Experience in Army and Business Life, j A. Convention! For perhaps the first time' In blav tory two ministers of the gospel are goioff to Mm In the squared arena for the benefit of the andlenee. stacles that were incident to his former record anil became a lect'irer. His part In the war was one of the tober. most dangerous, lie put his knowlwere sums r.ed The first mentl edge of anarchists at the government's to pay expenses for the governor's use. To stand on a street corner and trip to Washington and the two other refuse to lift your list when the flag nuns to pay for Inaugural trips over went by during war times took real , the Island. nerve, but Taylor did It as part of his At Washington the controversies with the secret service. Through duty were given another airing In congress. these and similar acts l.e girt to know v.. t. i.iem commissioner of Porto Klco. reiterated In those who plotted to blow up muni official ucts of ,lim nn, waterways. This In be Uouse tils demand for a congressional Investigation of the unfit to govern formation wus used to thwart snsr and mentally Is morally declared ami "Kelly Oovernor Kelly chlsiu and resulted In several caretbe Island. fully planned explosions never takiiif fr MEET Ministers Are to Step Into Squared Arena at Washington Cox a Candidate for the Presidency? ON OATS : : Two - roll. To opernre the 1 . Senator Lodge (portrolt herewith) will ask his sixth term from the voters this year and word comes from Massachusetts via Washington that his en emies will get his sculp If they can. The Democratic National committee. according to present plans, will con centrate upon the Lodge campaign. simrlne neither sneakers, nor money In the endeavor to get vengeance for the defeat of the league covenant In the senate. The first clash between the two "scholars lii utilities" began early In Wilson's first term. Later Lotlee. as Republican leader of lbs.. res-.senate, sponsor of the convennnt tinna unit kevnoter of the Hepub- of llcan natlonul convention became the embodiment to the Wilson following wouiu that secret an they Is open It the forces thut wrought their undoing. rather beat Lodge than all the rest of the Republican candidates. or tne sen "Henrv Cabot Lodge, the Nestor 'in to quote from Ambussador Harvey's now aloofness" cloistered erudite ate, famous Pilgrim dinner speech Is in for a fight. n ..oxt.lv and easily. Take a strip of glazed butcher's puper nine or ten Inches wide and six feet long and a similur strip of good quality blenched muslin und lay the muslin on the paper. The paper is used to prevent the molds from spreading throughout the Uw4.... ' Lodge. Tw WILL BOX AT LEGION Gaston Wants Lodge's Senate Seat a EASILY CONSTRUCTED the United Btata Department of Agriculture.) Serious ravages causing almost com Prepared W. A. RAG DOLL TESTER IS All Feasible Effort to Be Mads to Prevent Introduction of Queen Bees From Foreign Countries, Except Canada. known throughout the world. railroads pass through NephL In the LiiiieliftM BEE LOSS HOLD invites the stranger within its gates to investigate the possibilities afforded here before going elsewhere. The famous Levan ridge is Housewife, by specialists in Agriculture Suggestions for the for the people of East Juab County. : : : Short stories about people of prominence in our country STEPS TAKEN TO EAST JUAB COUNTY (TTT Home Page of Live Topics Farmer and the Department of prepared and 8 miles paved sidewalks. Two SOCIALISTS NEPHI. UTAH S. Tie TTni3imeMew NEPHI. county seat of Juab Til county, Utah, the wreatett dry numing lection of Utah, owni its (TT banks, lumber yard, plaster mill, fine schools and a modern hotel, t t TIMES-NEW- oflirera of the World war will be retired " lis eqnnl basis witbv regular army ofTlcrrs by the term of Bnrsuin the American bllL-whic- has passed the senutj. |