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Show ) THE ALLIES PROGRAM NEBRASKAN APPEALS TO PRE8U DENT; GOMPERS OPPOSE8 RUSSIAN RECOGNITION NOTE IN REPLY TO ULTiMATUM NOW READY FOR DELIVERY TO ITALIAN GOVERNMENT of World Peace Representative Should be Sent to Conference; Meet Now Being Held at Genoa Conditions aa Imposed by the Alliea Are Acceptable to the German Delegation at the Genoa Conference Lincoln, Neb. William Jennlnss Bryan, spending Sunday with relative 1st hia former home here Monday made ipubllc a letter he has sent to President Harding Imploring him In the Interest of world peace and the regener ation of Europe to send a represen-itatlvto the Genoa conference. Mr. jBryan makes his plea with a degree of religious fervor. He tells the president a great blunder was made when Ithe United States declined to enter the 'league of nations, but says It is not itoo late to partly rectify that mistake. The opening paragraphs quote the statement of Lloyd George deploring the absence of the United States ac Genoa and then adding his own comment and plea. Tha letter follows in The German reply to the allied ultimatum accepts the condition that the Germnn delegates be barred from participating in the further discussions of the Russian question by the Genoa conference, the treaty signed at Itapallo being allowed to stand. The German note is longer than that from the. allies, and begins by 'acknowledging "with painful surprise" the protest received, which is consid ered undeserved. The note then repeats what Dr. Kathenau, German foreign minister, has stated on sev eral occasions that negotiations for the conclusion of the Russo-Germa-n treaty had begun . long ago, were known to have been In progress by all the European' governments ,and hail lately been suspended out of defer ence to the conference. But the exclusion of Germany from the negotiations held by the allies with the Russians at the Villa de Al bertls gave to the German delegation the Impression that the allies were trying to conclude arrangements with the soviet government without German participation, perhaps to Ger many's detriment. At a certain moment, perhaps through misunderstanding, the German delegation received the impression that the allies were about to conclude an agreement with the Rus- The Intereot Two Burned In New York Fire New ork. Trapped In a smoke-fillehallway In a fire that later detenement In stroyed a four-storHill, an aged woman und child were burned to death Sunday. Many tenants of the thirty families in the building were Injured. More thun a iloxen firemen were hurt as they scaled fire escapes to rescue women aid chlldrern and aged men from perl loos positions on window ledge. Wore than twenty injured, most of them wo men and children, were taken to hos d pital. d To Reorganize Mexico City Pellet From All Part of UTAH 1 Logan. "Plant Sugar Beets" is the slogan the Cache County Farm Bur. eau adopted at a meeting called t discuss the beet situation. STATEWIDE STRIKE IS THREA TENED IF GUARDS ARE SENT TO CARBON COUNTY Provo. A permanent organization consisting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary and the Klwanis club, with the three presidents acting as a steering com mittee, has been formed. The purpose f of the new organization Is to unify all tvic bodies, to act as a clearing house for Ideas originating in these three clubs, and to secure as far s poslble the economic and civic ad vancement of Provo, Streetcar Employees Join City and State Federation In Urging ernor to Withdraw Soldiers From Strike Zone Gov- Salt Lake. Intimations that a state wide strike of all union workers will n AM ' n Slm-mons- e, j, y - . I Mall Aviator Dlee of Wounds Salt Lake. T, O. Polne, one mt tits most efficient airplane pilots of the government air mall service, died t Salt Sunday forenoon at the emergency hospital from a revolver shot wound. Peine wns taken to the hospital at 2 o'clock from Is home, where a birthday celebration In his honor had terminated In the tragedy thut cost his life. Pithy News Notes rnuiCGi inuuro be ordered if the National Guard is sent Into Carbon county coal district is contained in a resolution passed by the State Federation of Labor. The resolution charges that the troubles American Fork. After discussing have been precipitated by mine guards. In a similar resolution passed by with the Form Bureau committee the the street car men's union the attitude budget for the coming year, a reduc I rOSSlWMI of the mining companies is heartily tion from $178,000 to $145,000 was condemned as an effort to discredit made by the Alpine district school I the miners by making it appear that board. A 9 per cent blanket cut Inn 10 per troops are necessary. A resolution the wages of teachers and aof teach CHILE LAUNCHES PROTEST FUTILE taking a similar stand was taken by cent reduction In the number the Salt Lake City Federation of La- ers wll be made. which held that order could eas Salt Lake City. The State Life In REDUCTIONS LEADERS DECLARE bor, ily be maintained without the use of surance company of Des Moines haa troops. been permission to operate in granted The resolutions of the State Feder has a capital oC Utah. The company ation and the Street Car Men's un of $400,000. a and $204,405 aurplus EVERY COUNTRY IN SOUTH AM MEN BOLT SESSION OF FEDERAL ion follow: Honorable Charles R. Mabey, Salt Lake City. With the adoption ERICA TO BE INCLUDED IN BOARD HEARING WHEN OFGovernor of Utah, DISCUSSION IF APPROVED by the county commissioners of a new FICIAL SPEAKS Capitol Building, City. salary schedule, a saving of $40,000 Dear Sir: a year will b effected, according to Inasmuch as the troubles in Carbon County Commissioner 3. J. Lindsay, Proposal Made to Make Lower Arma Make Dramatic Exit, Headed By county bave been fomented and pre- who Introduced the schedule and movments Part In Agenda at SanJewell; Burchmore Presents a cipitated entirely by mine guards and ed that it be passed. About 75 county Attiago Conference to Be Outsiders Statement; company hirelings in an effort to dis- employees are affected by the new Held Next Week tend Meeting credit the union miners who have schedule. In the majority of the casbeen orderly and lawabiding to a fault. es a cut of $10 amonth has been orWashington. First steps have been Chicago. Although executive heads and that this has been done for the dered, in a few cases the cut amounts taken to extend limitation of armaobvious reason of the National to $25 a month while in others it la ment to Latin America, it was of the railroad employees bolted from Guard sent down tohaving do police duty for only $5 a month- the which at wage hearing Friday learned anthoritutlvely Thursday. the mining companies at the expense An agreement between the repuli-lic- a outside organizations were allowed to of the taxpayers of the state, the State Monroe. Forty men and teams and sians, therefore the Russo-Germafrom the Rio Grande to Cape present evidence on behalf of the pub- Federation of Labor, therefore pro- S3 good citizens, with seed and farm negotiations were resumed, and retests the sending of the state troops Implements, went to the Martin sulted In the signing of the treaty at Horn to limit arrmament is about to lic, it failed to stop the presentation farm, prepared the ground be proposed by Chile and already the of the industrial side of the dispute, Into the mining district, and that we Uapullo Euster Sunday. The German delegation believes plan has been In which the National Industrial Traf will recommend an attitude of down and planted 40 acres to grain ant! . discussed informally on the part of the workers of other staples. Mr. Simmonson and two that this treaty does not violate the The Chilean proposal is that . the fic league asked the United States tools the state, if state troops are sent in small daughters died of Injuries re spirit of the conference, and indeed question of limitation of armanjent be railroad labor board to throw out all and martial law declared at this time. ceived f contributes to its supreme aim paci rieay in a gasoline explosion controversy and revert the matter fication of the world 'and the recon taken up at the fifth Thanking yon for anything you may in a brooder house. conference to be held at Santiago back to the employees and the corpor he in a position to do to see that the struction of Europe. Richfield Resolutions ations. protesting miners and their families get a square The notet admits .that, after the next March. If this proposal is. approved, the against reduction in salaries for next The railroad men refused to sit in deal, I remain, very truly yours, conclusion of this treaty, the German year were adopted by me executive! M. P. BALES, delegation has no reason to participate Santiago conference will be In effect the hearing when J. II. Libby attempt committee of the Sevier County TeachIn the work of the first commission, another International disarmament ed to Introduce the President Federation State Labor. of shippers' views. ers' association at a called meeting. Labor Temple, City. deuling with Russian affairs, but says conference. P. Walsh, attorney for the em Frank The Chilean foreign office. It was One hundred experienced men have Tbe resolution declared salary cuts it will willingly participate in the other work of the same commission learned, has communicated to the ployees, presented a protest to the been recruited in Salt Lake to go to at this time would lower the standard dealing with European and German in Chilean embassy here the desire of labor board, in which he said the em- Carbon county to act as deputy sher of teachers In the district. terests. thut government to initiate a discus- ployees are not going to be placed in iffs to assist Sheriff Thomas F. Kel Salt Lake City. Within thirty minThe delay in delivering the note was sion of plans for limitation of arma the position of being drawn Into an ter of Carbon county in preserving or utes after they had appeared before due chiefly to differences of opinion ment in Latin America, at the San other der and protecting life and propert hearing. City Judge Ben Johnson, Leslie M. Germans to at the conference. The themselves as the mines. among ambassador tiago The. also former purchasing agent for a Parker, employees brie' presented fenr-lnsome has been Instructed to sound out the the best attitude to take, g This action to the board, in which they protested comlssioners ofhas been taken by .the the state road commission, and Horace the repercussion it might have in question here. Carbon county at the M. Haley, former bookkeeper and acFrench quarters, as the French dele Ambassador Ion Beltran Mathleu the bringing in of outside parties not suggestion of Governor Charles It for the commission, were , gates hud kept themselves severely has already discussed the plan infor- interested In the dispute. The whole Mabey and Lieutenant Colonel W. G, countant sentenced to one year in the county aloof during the whole incident. The mally with Dr. L. S. Itowe, director controversy at the meeting hinged Williams, adjutant general of Utah Jail by Judge W. M. McC'rea In the statement made by Premier Lloyd general of the union. around whether the board had the The governor. In conference with th- - Third district court, for altering and George of Great Britain before the It Is understood Mathleu will shortly commissioners of Carbon county, as to bring In outside witnesses. Journalists at the meeting in the royal propose that the question of extending right serted that he would not send the falsifying a voucher. In ruling that the outsiders had a state palace, however, was Interpreted to limitalon of armament to Latin Amerinto the coal fields until Salt Lake City. Deputy sheriffs at to lnervene, not as a party to '.he troops hud exhausted mean that France was in perfect ica be Included In tlte right county for the the every re the Oregon Short Line depot took inagenda us un but Ben dispute, other allies. with the outsider, source in its efforts to maintain peace to agreement conference. custody two girls, Thelma McNulty Hooper, chairman of the board, and tranquility. und Grace Loske, who ran away from If the commission on revision of said: "The board holds Volstead Act Is Condemned -that these i want you comlssioners to get their homes in Pocatello, Idaho. The Baltimore. Maryland physicians program for the conference approves parties cannot Intervene here as par. busy, the governor told them. arrests were made on the advice of have declared war on the Volstead the Inclusion of limitation of anna, ties to the dispute, because the sta- want you to see that those camps are the father of the McNulty act Insofar aa It pertains to the'r pro- ment In the agenda, It will then he put tute does not girl who authorize It, but the properly policed and that the lives o s foreman in the Uregon Short Line fession. Not only did the physicians before the governing board of the Innocent persons are protected, pi union und with unanimous board has the niwer to hear such yards at Pocatello. protest against the "hardships entailed if it ti desires, without obli- lice every cump In tbe county. favorable action considthat by body rethe upon phyK'clana by act," but means "That to Itself do so we that other hearat must get tnei Property valued at $S3,714AV, which of the question will be assured gating quested that the American Medical eration 'Hie board has In this instance from outside of Carbon countv, for wi has hitherto escaped taxation, should ings. These nrs to be negotiations expected association to use Its Influence In not Kne out ot 1B way ani1 asked cannot obtain men and deputize them be assessed according to an exhaus-- " the sections of the act re- completed within the next three these men to In that section," one of the commts tive report, rendered to the state boari weeks. appear here. to' lative prescribing liquors of alcoof equalization by the tax committee; B. M. Jewell, head of the railroad sinners told the governor. Assistanct The views Chilean of the present holic content. lr. C. O Donovan of In obtaining competent und responslblt of the Utah State Farm Bureau. The E. F. crafts' unions: shop Munion, armen was promised the commissioners report gives a detailed vuluat'on of Baltimore offered resolutions at Wed- government are that limitation of mament in should be head of the telegraphers ; D. W. by Lieutenant railroads and public utilities In Utah. Colonel W. G. Wll nesday' session of the house of dele- aachleved Lutin America Holt of the ; signalmen Timothy Healy through a reduction and of liams, who promised to place th gates of the medical and chlruglcal limitation of the firemen and oilers: T. C. Cash the the "Salt Lake City. County Treasurer by commissioners in with person faculty of Maryland condemning the varrious countries,expenditures this method beln,' in of the switchmen; J. C. Smook of who could furnish touch E. J. Groesbeck lias filed suit for men net. the needed. maintenance of way, anil J. ;. preferred to a ship by ship, or gun by the $75,000 against the Fidelity and DeIt was pointed out Hint the men Luhrsen of the train dispatchers, gun reduction und limitation. Date Fixed For Mooney Argument deputized for the purpi se of polic- positIscompany of Muryland. The $75,-00- 0 formed i procession that got u;i and The Washington naval limitation tbe amount of a bond given to San Francisco. Attorney General of the coal mlntn wIkd out. with the board still in ing the property U. 3. Webb filed In the district court treaty provides for und lim- session. companies, but that they will go there Salt Lake county by the defunct Naof appeals Friday a reply brief to the itation In terms of sips, but It Is befor the specific purpose of maintain tional City bank to Insure the safety After the exodus Mr. of county ileimslts- - The company him petition for a new trlul filed by Thom- lieved that the Chilean plan would presented bis statement, Burchmore lng order and preventing bloodshed. announced its willingness to pay tht as Mooney, who Is serving a life sen- be wiser for Latin America, as the Mr. Burchmore said that railroad ?7."i,(Ki0, but has demanded an unqualtence In Son Quentln prison fur mur- purely financial reduction and limitaRail Line to Denver Ase.ired labor has been a preferred class, reified assignment to a portion der In connection with the prepared- tion would afford sn Immediate econnver. In MoTut The tunnel was bill ness day bomb outrage In S:m Fran- omic benefit, it; this method also, ceiving wages "out of harmony to passed by the dividends paid by the bank wlthi.utPP those paid to comparative employspecial session of th first being determined If the bunK cisco In 1910. The court set argu- an agreement could be extended Colorado assembly Saturday, Imm-d- i In comerclal Industries." ment Mr. to both mllitatry end naval ment on the matter for Monday. May will pay sufficient dividends, with th Burchmore also said the labor board utely before adjournment. It had pre amount I. oMoney contended that tinlerthe armamentsrealized on bonds and securiteen the Colora.1 vlnusly sboubl by passed aet aside all orders and common law he was entitled by a ties given to the county, to reimburse It Is nt the IntiatioB to include the decisions now In forcewage The enate. will governor submit th. and discontinue Ihe county for tbe money It had on '.called writ of audita, querela ty In- t'nitetd States In any the present if measure astotothe supreme court for ar i deposit when the bank closed Its troduce new evidence. ngreemen on llraltsltoa of armament, disputes have arisen, behearings." Its constitutionality this opinion 'Instisaid, doors. for fear It would upset this country's tute hearings vei k. The opinion Is expect'-- d to r Former French President Dies properly conducted." relations In the with other the rendered within two powers If If and weeks, Paris. Paul now The ruse former Price. The Carbon county school before the board grew Is Deschanel, naval disarmament treatv. from the held that tie measure Is constitiv will cb se on president of France, died Friday Washington request of carriers for authFriday, May 5, this lotiul the will It it governor and M. Descham-afternoon. sign was taken r ority to reduce wages of railroad having been taken because of will become a 111 Issues law Pesce w th Influenza a few days ago end Pope Appeal Immediately. Actual a of funds. A major part approximately 10 per cent and to ork on the onatructlon of the tun of shortage Genoa I'"e Plus, through Cardinal on Wednesday it was unnounciwl thil maintenance of way men, shop the teaching force will tie offered lei Is expected to begin by August I contracts to return to the (torhon complications had developed and his fSaspurri, has addressed to the gov- crafts, dining-ca- r employees, s'gnul-mernments end ieople of the world a condition was serious. schools.. , Contests in the four divl. dispatchers and telegraphers In letter which ts describe as a new the cuL Attempt Made on Fu's Life ston of the (I strict are being staged. Ixindon. An to attempt assassinate At this time the winners In the divispnr to universal brotherhood and a Philippine Islands Bone Dry "It Is common knowledge," Mr. I IV Wu Fu. leader of the sional meets will assemble st Price. Manilla, I. I. The Philippine Is new admonition of disasters likely to Burchmore said, "that railroad labor General Mitnl Chinese lorcee wns made Inst The art and project work now on dislands are hone dry as n result of li "efall mankind If efforts for true peace in many Instances has been s prequor regulntVns placed In effect by should fall. Tills act by the holy see ferred class, receiving wages out of Saturday, says a Pekln dinjiutch which play at tbe four divisional henilquar the Island government- - It marked the .rented great Intercut and has seemed harmony to those paid to comparative said the report had not been tern show the painstaking care with The general was sllxhtl.v whlh this port of the school work hna first time since American occupation ilremly to have Inspired till to renewed employment In commercial Industr'eo, r wounded and bis assailant capturtd been of the Is'anils that has not fforts to mak the conference of and It Is neither right nor to the pule end executed, the d'spatch Slid. been openly ohtilnuhte. lie Interest." 'sating good to the world. n Provo. The rnmial cleanup Naval Land Probe Held Up CO street showed apBan Alaska Would Booze W. C. T. U. Plan Big Drive. Narrow captilns Has Sleuths Escspe King WiiBhltigton.- - InvesMgatlon of the pointed tn s the spring activiJuneau. Abolition of the poet of Geneva. A nnrow escape from ser- Chlento. between Compiiition r'-eh- t leasing to the Sinclair Inferea s ties. All stores closed one afternnn enforcement officer In Alstate for a banner prcacnted In ls;m 'mis Injury of King Gustnv of Swedet prohibition in order to give the employees an of devetopmi nt rights In the the stationing of fast by Frances E. Wlllnrd Is expected to In the automobile accident at Grcn aska and In international waters to prets nltv t i clean up their home urden-oil the reserve, naval by In stimulate Interest tiia nutl.n.uble hie, France, was due to the fail lum enlran-'n. oremis of l ho l I'unacla from las: liquor ite Saturday, probably membership cmnpain of the Women a fiat be was sitting In the chMiiffeur's nere ,y the grand Jurv a week or two. I"harmn Christian Tempernme I'nb n nbldi ie;it. It fill explained n bis arrival delayed which cvmplete.l Its session ''Tr! d v" wis nbsmed nt In here Smoot of the public binds rommi'to opens April 24 and will continue for une day rectntly. hivh s b ProhlMtlnn !'roo Phj l inns found only n recently. enforcement . An attempt w II be 'ere. three n.il-wlU contiiel :)ie buplry which h;i-ems n Aifiaaa were severely cnti atoilents of th Instltiitb-The automobile. In whi b t:e (ilil made t enroll 1,mr,toi rnemhers. '': "'"V'h""'IV"' 6 ""J1 for v . t m. km lii.t was traveling from Nice, w.s cecd .n th- - jury. re;.,rt'for bom n r kin to no announcement made s found The '",J"1" "VW, 'rumcnta "'l'" . a ,hi I lay a trien jr i'b- - e.eat in this jutri Miss Anna A. Gordon, national pres- struck by w machine owned by a . ah n, ,n wbb h of iiew preparations unreel ihatnter-laibis x. that report The enforcement be ident. The banner In competition it :wva bankerkings Inipiir.. turned oer to the federal government. for uml r thi reset, mien now held by California. was gravely Injured. Hnsso-Germa- would not hurt us to have a representative there if he went empowered to advise only and with the understanding that our nation is not bound by any conclusions reached, except as our people, acting through congress and the president, or later referendum, may expressly approve. "The failure of the United States to enter the league of nations was a national and international calamity, the responsibility for wtolch was divided between the refusal of Republicans and Democrats. "But a mistake in the past should not prevent wiser action In the pres ent and future. It matters little whether it is called a league of na tlons or an association of nations, or anything else, our nation should use its influence to aid in securing world peace. Lloyd George is right when he says: 'America could exercise an Influence no other country could conv mand. She could come here free nad disentangled and with the prestige which comes from her independent position ; she would come with the voice of poace. "What excuse can this nation give before the final Judgment bar fur its failure to respond to such a call of duty at such a time? "The world has been wearing tin idvell's yoke and the devil's burden as become too heavy to be borne. Christ's yoke is not only easy, but III .burden is the only bearable one. The world needs an anthem In which the world can Join, and there is no other than the one that startled the shepherds at Bethlehem, On earth peace, good will toward men.' "Mr. President, you are a Christian and your ' sense of responsibility to God must soon compel you to propose an appeal to the estranged nations 1 forget the past and with an eye to the world's future welfare begin the worl, of friendly cooperation In the upbuilding of Europe . Tou made a splendid beginning In calling the arms conference, t what will its work avail If Kurope Is to become a big 'slaughter house' and how shall we escape, made up as our iopulatlon Is of the blood that will be mingled on battle fields, if Kurope again beats her plowshares into swords? "You ore a man of prayer, Mr. Pres ident you are the first president to Include the Lord's prayer in a pnhHi- - address ; I beg you to turn asldo a moment from things exclusively nil llnnnl and osk for guidance in this world crisis." Rkh-mon- innmroT Tnnnnp GeniM. part: "It y ID FOR COAL FIELDS GENOA ENTRANCE In NEPHI. UTAH S. 10 GERMANY AGGEPTS BRYAN ADVOCATES TIMES-NEW- la-o- n, -- Hq-io- cnin-palr- Mexico City The regulations mnk Ing the io'lce force of Mexico 'lty a organization have been Issued and the whole force la being reorganized Along the dm lines. This reorganization wns botfly needed, n the police had become notably disorganized ; In fact, to such on extent that a day passed olthnut that mint members of tli bad fatten in guardians of ths ventage of their office) to rob or mh unauthorized exactions of the pub. seml-nuxlllar- y s e a op-iio- rt mot-T-b- m-- ntn-slon- l nor i n 4 ' f l |