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Show THE SPECIAL - TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, - - Harbingers of Winter are the New Fabrics and the SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK New Colors IAVENDER CLOTHING, LADIES MISSES AND CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES JUMPER DRESSES, JERSEY COATS BOB EVANS MARINE TOGS, SILKS AND WOOL DRESS GOODS AND COME IN AND SEE BLANKETS. WE HAVE A BIG VARTHEM. YOU IETY TO CHOOSE FROM. WILL FIND OUR PRICES THE LOW EST WITH QUALITY AND STYLE. a dozen different crepes, velveteen, duvetyn, and any number of others, in our Piece-GooDepartment. While as for styles ! The coat suit and the costume blouse shown on this page indicate how chic ' is the Winter-styl- e trend of Paris. Our piece goods are exceedingly moderate, in price. And there is another saving made possible by theDeltor, a marvelous new invention that is enclosed with But-teriPatterns, and with Buttetick Patterns only. colors, too. And the new fabrics! Soft wool velours, ds ck Thanksgiving day almost here get your supply now Regular 20c Crackers 2 for 25c Barrel Ginger Snaps Hams 28c lb. Deviled Meats Salt Bacon 15c . . . 30c 5c Bishops Cocoa 1 lb Oil Sardines No. 2 Red Crown Pork and Beans 3 for 1 Pound Salmon 15c 25c Nekco Sardines Full pounld can Orange Jelly Large Size Mustard and Tomato Sardines 2 for . . 25c 25c. GET ALL OUH PRICES WE SAVE YOU 10 to 23 2 5c c 17 picture-and-wo- 3 - 15c 25c rd putting-togeth- er HOW can you wait to make your Winter clothes? Before you plan a single new thing come in and select from the latest Parisian fashions; The Deltor suggests the correct fabrics and simplifies the making of the most intricate gowns. per cent CHAS. FOLITE & SONS ONE PRICE FOR ALL gives you an individual layout chart (yes, chart not just a general chart, but one for your exact size and for each suitable width of material). With it you lay out your pattern the expert's way. Because of h you buy Va to l$i yard less, a saving of 50c to $10 on material for every frock! There's never an instant of hesitation as you follow the story of the original Paris creator. Guided by the simple illustrations, especially planned for your very own frock, you almost unknowingly achieve the perfection, the simplicity that stamps a real creation of Paris! And finally, those touches of finish ! You frock in your every embody piquant detail, every exclusive little idea of a Parisian modiste. Your finished frock in every stitch in every line in every detail is Paris itself! IThe Dehor Groceries Coat, 3396 skirt 3290-T-hm is much to b said for th coat suit, .specially if It Is of the new Russian blouaa type. Tha NEVER UNDERSOLD lapped-ov- ar skirt has tha nar- row lines of tha correct salt skirt. Among tha suitable ma r terials: dnTetyn, eloaraar simfabrics. ilar soft-pi- le 3S4 The costume blouaa la exceedingly smart if made of any of the new crApes, with a fagottsd border or a trimming of dra or military braid. Nephi Mercantile Company I! BUT. Ag. 93 It Happens In Preparation Our 10th Anniversary Fall Bargain Carnival The Great Bargain days you are waiting for. For particulars watch for our Announcement and Large Bills L. FRANK QUALITY-LO- W LOCAL HAPPENINGS well-kno- BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVERY BEFORE HIGH A Tube given away with every pur- described as follows. Lot 1 of Blook 21, Plat 'C" of chase oi an automobile tire at Grace Nephi Survey of Townsite lots, and Garage Co one share of the Capital stock of Ne15 on Save Stoves cent and per Celery and all kinds of Vegetables Over a quarter of a million phi Irrigation Company, has been set For Sale Jos. F. Price. Ranges at Kendall Bros. men and women from differ- for hearing on Monday the 21st day ent parts of the country have signed of November A.D. 1921, at 10 o'clock A baby girl was born to Mr. and written Our 10th Anniversary Bargain A.M. at the Court House in the Court endorsements for Tanlac L. Airs. W. bills Sella Carnival J. Watch for large yesterday Room of said Court 'at Nephi, Juab Nephi Drug Co. Frank. State of Utah. Our 10th Anniversary Bargain IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE County, Witness the Clerk of said Court Watch for large bills L. Young Chester White Pigs foi Carnival FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN with the seal thereof affixed this 15 Sale See Jos. W. Golden. Frank. AND FOR JUAB COUNTY STATE day of October, A. D. 1921. OF UTAH. EARL S. HOYT Clerk The Board of County Commission My property and irrigation stock In the matter of the Estate of Tho- By Eugenie Candland Deputy. for sale idrs. R. E. Grover. ers will meet in regular session in mas M. McCune Deceased NOTICE. (Seal) this city The petition of Sena B. McCune, W.A.C.Bryan Attorney for petitioner Specal 15 per cent discount on that a decree be entered Nephi Utah. praying Stoves and Ranges at Kendall Bros. The Banks, Courthouse, and Post the heirship and succession First publication October 21. 1921. office are closed today, on account of to the real property of said estate. Last publication November 11, 1921 FOR RENT Good four room it being a legal holiday. 7. 92 R in house close Phone Tanlac'a best advertising comes FOR SALE 60 "head of. horses from people who have actually used See Hyrum Tolley. it. Nephi Drug Co. :: Every Year I reds and purples have come in Henna, laurel green, and blue PER CENT OFF ON OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MENS AND BOYS 10 PRICES Fine Cooking Apples and Squash Twenty million people have taken Tanlac with the moBt gratifying re- for sale- - See T. Hoyt, Call phone Number 5. sults Nephi Drug Co. II. D. Goldsbrough, transacted bus Kept for service. Pure bred White iness in Salt Lake City Saturday. Chester Boar. Pedigreed Stock. T, E. Carter. Mrs. W. W. Jenkins, returned home NOTICE Tuesday from Salt Lake where she has visited the past ten days. United State Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1, 1921 Mr. and Mrs. David Bird, came To Whom It May Concern: down from Provo Tuesday and wlil Notice is hereby given that the visit for a few days with Mr. Bird's State of Utah has filed in this office father Mr. Wm. Bird. lists of lands, selected by the State under section 6 of the Act of CongA baby boy was born Friday in Los ress, approved July 16, 1894, as InAngeles to Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan demnity School lands via: Serial No Lewis. Mrs. Lewis was formerly Miss 024929 NW4 SW SE4, Malela Goldsbrough of this city NE4 SWV4,SE4 SWWt, Section 22; NEVi NWVi, NWVi NWK, SEU, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett, re- NWVl, SWVi NWU, Section 27, SE- turned to their home in Sandy MonNEVi, SE4 SW',4, Section 28; day afternoon after a pleasant visit Township 12 South, Range 1 West with relatives and friends in this city Salt Lake Meridian. Copies of tald lists, so far as they Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brough, return- relate to said tracts by decriptive sub ed home Tuesday from 'Fillmore, divisions, have been conspicuously whore they attended the funeral of posted in this office for inspection by Mrs. Urough's father, the late Jos- any person interested and by the eph Giles. public generally. During the period of publication of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. II. Sperry, and this notice, or any time thereafter, daughter Nelda, Mr and Mrs Frank and before final approval and certiTaylor, and Mr E F Blackett, motor- fication, under departmental reguled to Silt Lake City Saturday. They ations of April 25, 1907, protests or returned home Monday. contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subAccording to the report furnished divisions hereinbefore, described on this offlce by the official weather re- the ground that the same Is more porter for this section Mr. S. T. Vlck- - valuable for mineral t ian for agriers, the rainfall during October was cultural purposes, will be revived 1.31 Inches. and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington, D. C. Guess the makeup of the window Failure so to protest or contest, with display at the Lunt Drug Co, Nor. 15 In the time specified, will be considand win $3.00. Prizes awarded Mon- ered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts and the day evening, Nov. 14th. (elm-lionthereof, being otherwise Mr. and Mrs. A. R Paxman, left free from objection, will be approvUtah, ed to the State. Wednesday for Marysvale, where Mr Paxman has accepted a pot GOULD H. BLAKELY, Register Itlon an bookkeeper with a mercanFirst Publication Nov. 11, 1921 tile establishment. Laxt pub. Dec. 9th, 1921 SE, THE TOGGERY Custodians Of Quality In every community there in one store which, by the high and unchanging char acter of it merchandise over a period of years, comes to be regarded as A Custodian of Quality. That is the aim and achievement of this store. Our only quest is quality and through ihemany years of changing conditions we have never compromised. Come in and see these exceptional cloth es. Your inspection will confirm our statements. non-mner-- al s GOOD GOODS |