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Show THE TIMES-NEW- LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST A few of our good things for your Sunday Dinner Lettuce Celery Sweet Potatoes Figs NEPH1, UTAH. S, A Tube given away with every purchase of an automobile tire at Grace Garage Co Will sell or trade 3 registered Hereford Bulls. See Chas. It. Jenkins. Mrs. J. P. Hickman and Miss Georgia McCune, spent last week end In Salt Lake City. her Lucile Forrest, visited with In Nephi Saturday and WE BUY EGGS AND ALL KINDS parents to Provo Monday returning day, of POULTRY Mutual Creamery Co. Sun- Airs. N C Neilson, Josephine ChapWin. Mlkkelson, and son Ross, of man, Mrs S.'A. Lunt, Fern Lunt and Fountain Green, visited with his dau Stan Park motored to Provo Sunday. ghter Mrs Wm. Jackson Thursday and Friday. A GILLETTE RAZOR FOR ONE DOLLAR. ASK HENRY NEPHI Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Belliston and DRUG CO. . family returned home Saturday from Myton, Utah, where they have resided Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Haycock, went the) past summer to Mantl Monday where they will work in the Temple for several weeks Wilford Belliston,' returned home trom Price, Utah, where he Saturday The Grace Garage have erected an has made several larga shipments of attractive sign In front of their place honey. of business this week Jackson, Earl Jackson, Geo Work fs being rushed on the Cen rgeHarry and Mrs. Samuel Webb, Hinton, tral Motor Service Station and it will of St. George have been visiting with soon be ready for dispensing gasoline Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson in this and oil. ' . city the paBt week Get The Saving Habit , Kippered Salmon AND THUS INSURE YOURSELF COMFORT AND INDEPENDENCE. START AN ACCOUNT HERE AND ADD TO IT REGULARLY. IT IS THE MAN WHO SAVES REGULARLY WHO IS SURE- - OF SUCCESS. DONT WAIT TILL YOU HAVE WHAT YOU CALL A RESPECTABLE SUM WHILE WAITTO BEGIN WITH. ING YOU WILL BE LOSING THE INTEREST YOUR MONEY SHOULD BE EARNING. . Mr. and Mrs. Abner, Bigler, went Mm Sam VVfihh. Mr. Harrv Jack- to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend the ann oml arm Vn rl from l.ft Vfirkfn. TTt. marriage ceremony of their daugh spent' Saturday in Nephi. on their ters Blanche and Leila, in the Salt way home rrom frovo, wnere tney LaKe Temple vio1t.ari their Kistara Mrs. Artfa Davis of Idaho Falls and Mrs. saaie isesDU Killer of Provo. Buy your Rat and Mouse , ' now, while the campaign is on to rid the state of this terrible menace. CARD OF THANKS See Clarence H. Warner agent for Juab County. We wish to thank the good people Good Jonathan Apples For Sale of Nephi for their sympathy and help Place your orders now before we at the death of our mother. Also the store them for winter It will save High school Btudents for the beauti Chas. R. Jenkins. you money. flu flowers, and the sisters of the Nephl Ward Relief .Society for their There will be a family reunion of kind assistance. the members of the Nephl High Sch Miss Iona Neilson and Mr. and ool Alumni Association at the Arling Mrs. Ed. Chase ton, Nov. 25th. Will you be there? , ; : . ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. 31 North Main Street . - A GILLETTE RAZOR FOR: ONE Limited amount of A 1 Alfalfa DOLLAR. We are going to celebrate our 10th ASK HENRY NEPHI Anniversary Bargain Carnival with Seed. P. B. Cowan. DRUG CO. and better ever than bigger bargains before L. FRANK. J. S. Ostler, Is down from Salt How Canary Uses 1 . .1. Lake thls'week attending to busin"Yes," observed the Ludv of the NOTICE FOR ess matters here. House. "I've taught my canary to use (Publisher bath towel." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR "How did you nimmge to do that?' U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, (Publisher) Inquired the In erested visitor. Utah, October 12th, 1921 "Well." answered the Lady of Hip NOTICE is hereby given that DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR House, "after taking his bath the osi U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Samuel Simons, of Mt. Pleasant, Utwould nearly break his neck try miry ah, who on April 21, 1920, made AdUtah, October 11. 1921 lua to get dry. So I put a couple of ditional Homestead Entry, Serial No. Is hereby NOTICE of liatli towel on ;he top of the given that j!e-e019982 for NNEV4. NW, N Josep'a M. Bosh, of Levan, Utah, who rage. Now as soon as he has takei SW4, Sec. 20; NEi, on September 15 1916 made Home- his bath he up on these pievvs 12 stead entry, Serial No. 018188, for of towel andhops Section 19, Township rubs himself tig!tin?1 3 MerEast Salt Lake South, Range Lots 4. 5, 6, 7 14 15 16 17 Section them until he Is dry." New York Sun idian, has filed notice of Intention to 18, Township 16 South, Range 1 West make three-yea- r Proof to establish Salt Lake Meridian has filed notice How Paper Mill Waste It Used claim to the land above described, be of Intention to make five year proof, The tremendous amount of resenrcl fore the Clerk of the District Court, to establish claim to the land above work being done In all fields of man at Manti, Utah, on the 26th day of described, before the Clerk of the Dls ufacture to convert wase Into wealth November, 1921. trict Court at Nephl, Utah, on the 29 Is showing gratifying results In the Cliamant names as witnesses: day of November 1921. operation of sulphite mills through the August A. Wall,' Mads .Anderson, Claimant names as witnesses. recovery of alcohol and solid fuel from Frank Shepherd all of Mt. Pleasant, Augustus W Tundbridge Christian J. waste liquors. The alcohol Is called Utah, and George F. Peterson- of In Winter, Alma C. Dalby, Floyd Bosh sulphite spirit and while entirely un dianola, Utah. like wood alcohol It Is equally valuable all of Levan, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY Register GOULD B. BLAKELY Register for power purposes being now in First publication October 21. 1921.. First publication October 21, 1921. steady nse by he omnibuses of I on i Last publication November 18, 1921. Last publication November 18, 1921. don j Nephi National Bank For easy running and clean washing, the One Minute Washer has them all beat. Sold by Grace Garage Co. puow!N The date Nov. Hth. The place The Arlington. The Occasion American Legion Dance. The Price 75c. The EATS Chicken Sandwiches and Coffee. NO SWOROS ORPlS7ttl MERfr ARE USED For scour Fisht ptroa6E we up our to working Tools 'He Ruilds Wisely Who Builds EACH Well" s NSE4, , BUJSeo IP SE-SE- 4, TO BUILD WELL SIN6LE NIGHT' CLEAN IJXES9 use: is next to godliness our excellent location has helped the increase of our business. We purvey the best meats in a pleasing manner and guarantee honest weights and complete satisWhat more do you faction. Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL . Peifact The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpysum Reputation In the World. gained through the recommendation of over million atisfied users. - want? CITY MEAT MARKET NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY COLE'C Geo. W. Garrett. Prop. Fuel Saving System of combustion an exclusive Double Profit in Utah Steel Every Purchaser of Shares Will Not Only Realize Dividends, but Gain by State's Industrial, Civic and Economic Growth. The output of rolled 'steel products from the Midvale Mills of the Utah Steel Corporation in 1920 wag The value of over. 25,000 tons, "before its present capacity of 6,0 00 tons per month was completed. In addition the Waste Material the 25,000 tons of rolled steeled shipped in 1920 was $1,600,000. division of the corporation did a business of $1,600,000 in 1920 The enlargement plans now under way increase the capacity of the Midvale Mills to 25,000 tons per month. Conservative estimates on the assured earnings of the enarged mills are: Pig Iron, $1,127-,700- ;' Rolled Steel, $3.505,500 per annum. Send for Valuable Booklet Our booklet, "At Midvale" presents a concise analysis of Utah's potential wealth from steel production. 20,000,000 people It tells why a market containing ' It shows how belongs to a Utah steel producer. freight rates protect the Utah Steel Corporation eastern competition. Our development plan Is described In detail. The prospective earnings of the company are explained. You must read "At Midvale." feature of Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater, gives a guarantee of 3 to - fuel arming. It stops the scandalous wsrta of fuel money now escaping up the chimney as unburned fuel gat. Burn any kind offuel. Cole's Hot -- 1- mi olast makes coal pile last. your Com In and m tpUnJU tar ouoHmtnL THE WINCHESTER STORE NEPHI. UTAH f(f - VVV PAR- ED- business man who saw the manuscript of this booklet before publication said. "There are a great many people In Utah who In later years will say of this booklet, 'It was the most profitable thing I ever read It was worth a dollar a word to me." " Send It is absolutely free. A postfor "At Midvale." card for your name and address wrlttend on the coupon and mailed to us will bring It. A J SEND IN THE NAME half Of United States Into this itate. To every worker In Utah to every business man to every empoyer the significance of this great development means a new prosperity that will be shared by every resident of Utah! Steel assures the return to normal. ... COUPON TODAY ADDRESS UTAH STEEL CORPORATION BOHTON Ill'ILDINO SALT LAKE CITY t Ranges XJ We are offering for the next 1 0 days t 1 What Steel Means to Utah Steel means the addition of ft productive Industry to Utah, having tremendous earning powers the creation of new and large payrolls, solving the state's the buldlng of new cities unemployment problem and growth for others heavy tonnage for Utah's railroads a large flow of money from all the west Stoves and Cooper Pyper & Co. sure your tool kit is complete Who knows what troubles you may meet. Be When you need a certain kind of a wrench or other tool you need It very badly. The proper method Is carry a complete kit. It Is our pleasure to supply you. with every thing your auto needs at a price that meets with approval. Let Qraec'a Auto Doctor look after your cars health ORACft OARAGE Nnphl. Utah CO. 5 per cent Discount on all Stoves and Ranges Kendall Bros EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE |