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Show THE LOCAL Deliver Your Owe Goods ng-. Dont forget the Red Cross benefitdance next Tuesday even-n- g at the Arlington. For Sale 2 small heaters and costs d iring the war. I Bed Cheap, See re- Coal Oil, 5 gallons $1.00 20c Gallon 95c 35c Rolled Oats or Wheat . 30c. . Economy Basement have also been reduced in the here you Stairs Store. Bis; Down will find bigger and better bargains than ever, we have a big variety ot underpriced goods to choose from. Watch our South wii.Jow for Venice Theatre, Wednesday a nd Thursday,Clara Kimball Young in The Common Law, 7 reels. Fxonomy Bargain5. The management of the Venice Theatre, kindly asks it patrons to provide themselves with the necessary pennies in order to make tV.e change made necessary by the war tax which went into effect Nov. 1st, making the price-11instead of 10c for adult tickets and 6c instead of 5c for children. iChas. b oote & ( ON E PPJCE TO" ALL. ft EVER UNDERSOLD. Mew ) c jikUi COD A rnvi tf atche-lor- . R. L. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Rearden, of Salt Lake, were Nephi visitors Sunday. Dr. Rearden, formerly practised in Nephi. "Do your bit" by attending the Red Cross dance of the Nephi Chapter, next Tuesday evening Nov. 6th. at the Arlington. Admission 50c extra lady 10c. The Ladies Dellu Band takes this means of acknowledging re ceipt of a large number of letters from the boys at American Lake which are duly appreciated by the Band. It will only cost you 50c to attend the Red Cross dance next Tuesday evening at the Arlington but that small sum will get many little comforts for our Nephi boys this coming winter. duced our prices so as to make a considerable saving. It will, pay you to do your own delivering. Just a few of our new prices. Come in and compare with for NOTES A Ford in first class condition. See A. V. Gadd Vern Vickers who is employed at Garfield Utah, spent Sunday. visiting his family in Nephi. J. N. C. Pexton made a' business trip to Moroni Tnursday, returning home the same eveni- everyway possible, and to sell at little or no profit above actual running expenses to help reduce living others, we haven't space to mention all. 12 pounds Sugar, Sack $8.25, NEPHI, UTAH. S, For Sale and help reduce living expenses. The food administration has requested all dealers to economize in We have discontinued our delivery service and TIMES-NEW- (. upments Daily kOur Stock is getting more complete every day in every department.-. . We are getting most ! . of our goods BY EXPRESS, in order to sat-l- f g isfy the great demand for merchandise this Fall 1 Our Great Values and Our Remarkable Low Prices are f responsible for the big business we are doing this Season S Compare prices before you buy, you will regret if you don't-- 8 COMING OUR ANNUAL im 9 B) zM lQn S t? Jim i mm I Suits .7 Golden Rule Store. L EZH i Communication Editor Times-NewDear Sir: L Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper. See Our Big Line of Writin'g Tablets s mailed me the newspaper clipping on Wednesday, relative to criticism of the doctors in mak ing the draft examinations, had the moral courage to sign his name, I would have taken the trouble to have enlightened his mind on the true standing of Utah, and especially Juab County in recard to this matter. I would have shown him that the reject ions from this county at Ameri can Lake, are a great deal lower than the majority of other places, when the number of men exam ined is taken i to consideration. Tf the uerson who took the pains to clip this article and mai to me, without signing his name, has anything on his mind to say to me. let him come forward like a man and tell me, and I will endeavor to the best of my abili ty to explain. Very Respectfully N. J. Rees t the minute. 1 Prices moderate. LUNT'S PHARMACY WHATEVER Our Price May Be You Can Absolutely Depend Upon It That The Quality Is There. AN OLD MAN'S STOMACH As we grow older arid less active, less food is required to meet the demands of our bodies. If too much is habitually taken, the stomach will rebel. When man reaches the advauced age of 85 or 90. you will find that he is a light eater Be as careful as you will, however, you will occasionally eat more than you shovlb and will feel the need of Cham berlain's Tablets to correct the disorder Taese tablets do not contain pepsin, but Because we Handle such well known lines as strengthen the stomach and enables to perform its its functions naturally fhey also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Mrs. Rose Middelton, of Greenville, has had experience in the treatment of this disease. She says, "When son had my children were small my croup frequently. Chamborlain's Couph Remedy always broke up these attacks immediatelp, and I was nevar it in the house. 1 have taken it myself for coughs and colds with good results." Card of Thanks The family of VV. I. wish to kindly thank the of Nephi for their kindpeople them to during the accident ness and death of their little daughter Mary Emma. Cart-wrig- Big values for 0c, 5c, and up. Box Stationery from 25c, to 75c per box. The line is right up to 1 If the person who 111., ft Call and see the new styles in boys' and young men's classy clothes at the Neohi Mer. Co.! CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP Bargains in every department that will appeal to It cxonomical Buvers. FOR PARTICULARS WATCH OUR LARGE BILLS. II and Overcoats Now in Stock. p for this great Money Saving Bargain Carnival Every Year. Boys' Clot! img i Our new line of I "Dubbelwear" Boys Card of Thanks To the kind friends who assisted at the funeral, and by their sympathy helped to lighten the burden caused by the death of our son. we wish to extend our most sincere thanksr Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Gibson and family. Q Our Customers are waiting Baking is a snap with Cole's High Oven Range. The oven is shoulder high. Ask Cooper & Pyper. Judge Morris will address the parents classes of the three wards of Nephi in conjoint session in the vestry of the Tabernacle on, Sunday next at 11 a.m. There will be a meeting and free picture show in the Venice to night, in honor of the soldier boys who leave Saturday. Dean Leary of the University of Utah will make the address. Lost-- On the 12th. of October a box ftf clothes between Beavor and Kanosh, the box measured about one and a half feet, by two and a half feet. It had an Auer-bac- h stamp, and was addressed to 780 9th. East, and 8th. South, binder rewarded. Notify Mrs. S'. B. Day Enterprise Utah. Mrs. J. E. Ostler and Mrs. Al Udall, entertained at a bundle shower Friday evening at the home of the former in honor of Miss Lavern Miller a bride of this week. The tables were decorated in cupids pink and white. Many beautiful presents .were received, and a most elaborate lunch was served to the following guests: Mesdames, Lavern Ellison, Kate Burton, G.R. Judd, Tola Jenkins, Bertha Russell, Jas Bean. Earl Reid, Ralph Brough Miss Venus Loa Langbi.cker, The'rese Miss Brough, $5 Brough, Leone Hague, Ruth Sperry, Ida Parkes, Pearl Warren, Vivian Broadhead, Irene Langtre, Edna Downs, Edna Haynes, Vilate G538BI Mangum, Camilla Miller, Maud Bowers, th" guest of honor Miss Lavern Miller, and the hostesses Mrs. Ostler and Mrs. Udall. ht Hart, Schaffner & Marx Styleplus and Sophomore Clothes . j I Walk.Over and Nap-- A T an Shoes Stetson and Mallory Hats $ Wilson Bros. Shirts, Ties, Sox. j We will help you as only PERSON- - AL SERVICE I? I1 1 of highest efficiency can do. THE TOGGERY |