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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, THE TIMES-NEW- S Published Every Friday by The Times-New- s CLIMBING TO SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year in Advance. Six Months in Entered He UTAH. He Money To Loan on Improved Farms Reasonable Rates. Satisfactory Terms give your business more than ordinary ' service , The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. winter Per main apples See John Burton. sale. or Dont forget the Red Cross benefit dance next Tuesday evening at the Arlington. Good NEPHI "Do your bit" by attending the Red Cross dance of the Nephi Chapter, next Tuesday evening Nov. 6th. at the Arlington. Admission 50c extra lady 10. FIREARMS is very successfully for severa years past, Levan, has several good crops of beets this year, and the indication are, that Nephi in wmm O For Mayor For Mayor JAMES GARRETT Jr. ALBERT II. BELLISTON For Councilman (4 years) PETER B. COWAN For Councilman (2 years) For Councilman (4 years) JOSEPH E. OSTLER For Councilman (2 years) ALONZO E. INGRAM For Councilman (2 years) A. V. GADD For Councilman (2 years) JOHN C.HALL For Councilman (2 years) JAMES D. PEXTON For Councilman (2 years) MARK BIGLER For City Recorder ALVIN UDALL F( r City Treasurer UNITY CIIAPPELL E. LUNT For City Recorder WILLIAM H. WARNER JOHN For City Treasurer RALPH BKOUGIl I, A. V. Gadd, City Recorder in and for Nephi City, Utah do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true full and correct li.t of all nominations to offices to be voted for at the municipal election to be held iii Nephi City, Utah Tuesday November 6, 1917 which have been certified to me under tho provisions of Chapter 4 compiled laws of U'ah. (Seal) 1907. And Jitney farmers will more than double this year's acreage next season. mi t.i one. me move is a splendid Look, around the State of Utah to day, and note the sections that have taken up sugar beet farm ing, and you will note at the same time, some of the most prosperous communities in the state. There is no question but what beets can be raised success fully, and at a profit in this alley, the main thing is to get started. With two thousand acres of land around Nephi planted to sugar beets, it would mean at the "present prices, an annual revenue ot over a quarter ot million dollars coming into this city, and at the same time find work for every spare boy and The girl in the community. farmers here had better think this matter over pretty seriously this fall, and get some of their ground in shape for planting next spring. are still at your Service Use Them As Often As You Like. Enterprise Grocery Co. Phone 55. Phone 185 Christmas Goods Are Now Arriving A' ii COME AND SEE THEM BAILEY Furniture Supply ' i . ' (Signed) A. V. GADD City Recorder 5 I I CI S5 J,- near Ni'ihi, quality guaranteed. Liberal terms to responsibe party. p. We offer for immediate sale at For Thos. H. Bnrton particulars write ConsolidaAttorney for Administrator at substantial reduction in price ted Music Company, Salt Lake First publication Nov. 2nd. Last Nov. a new player which is located Citv Utah. 30tK. Player Piano For Sale 1917.. HEARD IN NEPHI Hi o Prices Reasonable In the District Court of the Fifth udi;ial District, in and for the county f Juab, State of Utah. In the matter of the estate JOHN There has been a considerable INGRAM, Deceased. The undersigned will sell at private acreage of sugar beets grown sale the following described property, here this season, and from con t: versation with farmers who have PERSONAL PROPERTY One (1) share of the capital stock of raised then, we gather the in formation that the crop has done the Nephi Irrigation Company. REAL PROPERTY well, one farmer informing us 'All of Lot 4, Block 1, Plat "A" of he had had that a patch that the Nephi Survey of Townsite Lofs, produced at the rate of 30 tons containing 1 acre and i rods of land." to the acre, and that it was his The sale will take place on and after intention to put at least 10 acres the 2nd. day of December, A. D., 1917, in next season. and written bids will be received at the It seems to us, that sugar beet residence of John E. Ingram in Nephi culture will eventually be the City, Juab County, State of Utah. Said shall be "or cash. principal crop in this vallev. Our sale IJOHN E. INGRAM Administrator on town the the neighbor north, Dated at Nephi City, Juab County, of Mona, have been raising beets State of Utah, this 2nd day of November LIST OF NOMINATIONS HU m hi 2 Telephones Nephi, Utah to-wi- Ask us how. OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at BEET RAISING We make a thoughtfui study of your particular requirements, which enables us to Keep you loans at home! Office may be fired. Guns in the hands of you:ie boys are a menace to the peace and safety of the citizens of Nephi, and if there is no ordinance to prevent them from being carried, there should be no time lost in framing one, and cne 6 target gun snouia come under its provisions, if the law ROBATE AND GUARD does not include that caliber and IANSHIP NOTICES the penalties attached should be consult county i.ierk or the respec vigorously enforced, to prevent in ive signers for further information. the future any such deplorable accident which happed here last Notice of Sale of Real and Saturday. Personal Property FIRST NATIONAL BAMK - OF HANDLING any law on' the statue books of Nephi City concerning the handling of firearms they should be enforced to the letter. The tragedy that happened in this city a few days ago should be an object lesson in this respect. It matters not whether the gun is in the hanls of a man or boy, or how small the caliber, there is an element of danger always present when these weapons are shot off in the city limits, around homes where men, women and children are constantly exposed to a stray shot that al - as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post If there By means of a bank accouat is not as difficult as it may seem. As a matter of fact it takes little ability to run a business, but it takes economy,patience and to acquire the wherewithal to start in business. That is the slippery reason that so many bright and ambitious people fall down. Come around and It will stimulate start a bank account. your ambition. NEPHI, Advance, Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THE t $1.50 May 5, 1916, SUCCESS self-deni- Our Gibson Manager. A. B. Dennis Wood Editor. mm 35 I Publishing Co. How Bad Backs Have Been Made Strong Kidney Ills Corrected AH over Nephi vou hear it. Doan's Kidney Pills are keeping up the good worK. JNepM people are leiung uuuuui telling of bad backs made sound again. You can believe the testimony of your own townspeople. They tell it for the benefit ot you who are suttenng. n your back aches, if the kidneys act too frequently, use Doan's Kidney Pills.the remedy that has helped so many ot your friends and neighbors. Follow this Nephi woman's advice and give Doan s hance to do the same for you. Mrs. Malon Brough, says: "About two years ago 1 had occasion to use a kidney remedy and as I had often read of Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a box at hunt's Pharmacy. They proved perfectly satisfactory and gave me the desired relief. Doan's Kidney Pills are fine and them to anyone I gladly recommend suffering with a weak or lame back or Stewart Ranges, Stoves, and Heaters: These Stoves have an enequaled reputation for durability and small fuel consumption. They give all you want in the wav of a stove. Don't forget to look them over when you come to town other signs of kidney disorder." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply Doan 8 ask for a kidney remedy-g- et same that Mrs. Kidney Pills-t- he Co. .Props., Brough had. Foster-Milbur- n Buffalo N. Y. MEN OUT OF NOTICE mi a vy In i WORK THREE HUNDRED MEN WANTED Rock Carpenter's helper-$3.5Concrete Men-$3.5- 0. Men-$3.5- 0. 0. A Q30" gj "i . Carpenters- $4.50 nine hour day. Board 90 cents day. Hospital fee $1.00 a month. Bunk rent $1.00 a month. Men furnish own blankets. We furnish electric light, and bunk houses, shower baths. The board is first class. This work is at Olmsted, six miles from 1'rovo, for the Phoenix Construction Company, and will last three months. Teamstere-$3.15- fm' a Consolidated Wagon & Utah. Nephi, Machine Co. E2&33tmr |