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Show THE I NEPHI, UTAH. - TIMES-NEW- wot o) LOCAL NOTES Build Your Barn Right Constructing your barn is a scientific problem in efficiency just like the construction of a modern factory. You should build it To take care of your increase in Crop the next few years To stand the enormous strains to which it will be subjected To save steps and permit quick-- . ? , est handling of contents. To conserve the quality of your . crops and the health of your For Sale -- Potatoes. See or phone 7 J. Thomas Belliston. Good Winter Apples for sale. See Mrs. Timothy Hoyt. For Sale Good Monarch Type- writer good as new. Inquire at Office. Times-New- s Mrs. George Adams is down visiting: her Mrs. J. G. Irons this week I have a few choice White cockerils for sale, also Champion Fanning Mill. See 25 PER CENT OFF Hi&h Cl S5 $5$ po Si I I IMPORTED fabrics " fcxSSfi - vj- Detmer Woolens are the best on We can demonstrate the market. it to you, of Logan daughter give us a trial. Made to your individual measurements. Guaranteed fit and good workmanship. Telegraph Orders free. Quick delivery of all orders. 8 Days when requested W. A. Garrett Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James animal?. The better your barn meets these requirements the more money you will make. No one is better able than we are to help you make your barn what it n snouia De. ror We are confident our knowledge years we have dealt in barn buildand experience will benefit you. and studied ing matt-rial- s Talking it over with us will not barn construction. put you under the slightest obligation. Wright, former residents of Nephi now living in Canada are spending a few days in Nephi this week, visiting old friends and relatives. Lost between Provo and Levari Friday Oct. 19th one Ford tire and rim. Finder kindly notify Hans Anderson 453 No Academy Ave Provo. 1 1 1 1 B a NNEVI LLE LUMBER CO. Geo M er rj is s C o S Ji J C I u t ? JOHN RICHARDSON. Mgr. Next Tuesday Nov. 6th, is e- NEPHI, UTAH lection day for City Officers, who will serve the coming two years. There will be no conveyances Wm. Bailey was called to Salt FOR A WEAK STOMACH to haul people to the polls this As a general rule all you need to do Lake Thursday morning- on State j ear, as the law now prohibits is to adopt a diet suited to your age and business. that manner of proceedure. So occusation and to keep your bowels J. H. Lunt went over to Mantij Sheriff Dan'Martin of Eureka; Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Anderson you must expect to walk When you feel that you have Tuesday to contract for a bunch was in Nephi Monday and Tues- OL .ooeie are visiung relatives to the polls if you desire to vote regular. eaten too much and when constipated, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of cattle at that place. Publisher , and friends in Nephi this week. I at this election. take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. day in attendance at court. Department of the interior. U. S Land office at Salt Lake City, Utah H. N. HANSEN, Merchant Tailor ror Aluminum Cereal Cooker am This Big We make this k Offer to Housewives here who have not had this Cooker. The cost of Aluminum has doubled. Cooker prices have enormously advanced. But, in fairness to those who missed it last year, we repeat this Offer. One-Wee- ' ) Cookers Supplied To a Million Homes October 22, 1917. Notice is hereby that James H. Shaw, Mona, given Utah who on Oct. 1, 1910, mad Homestead serial No. 06588, for S E 4 N Wentry 1 4 N E 4 S W W Section 9. Township 12 So, Range 1 East; Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi Utah, on the first day of December 1917. as witnesses: Lee ntl3""811168 of Mona Utah, and Joseph Glen Worwood, Booth, and Roscoe Tolley all of Nephi. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. First Pub. Oct. 26th. Last Nov. 30th. 4, Ssfcjj UNSWEETENED EVAPORATED jy-j- To Rightly Cook oar. 1 Two Famous Dishes We have supplied Quaker Cookers to a million homes at very little prices. But the cost has advanced until our offer is almost impossible. But grocers tell us that many housewives missed our former offer. They are using Quaker Oats and Pettijohn's, and they want this Aluminum Cooker. In fairness, they should have it. So we renew this offer for next week only. It applies only to housewives whom we have not supplied already. It applies only to users of Quaker Oats or Pettijohn's, or both. It means twice as much as this Offer meant two years ago. Get this Cooker next week if you are entitled to it. You owe that to yourself. We want every user of Quaker Oats and Pettijohn's to cook these cereals rightjy. Right cooking makes them doubly delight ftil. It keeps the flavor intact. It makes them easy to digest. This Aluminum Cooker has been made to order to meet exact requirements. It is extra large, so little or much can be cooked in it. It is extra heavy, made to last a lifetime. This Cooker wi'l next week cost you only 75c, if you send us the trademarks we ask for. This is a costly offer. And we simply want to know, before sending the Cooker, that you are a Quaker Oats or I'eitijohu's uaer. Double Cooker Pure Aluminum Extra Large and Haary Cereal Capacity 2 Qta. A Lifetime.Utentil This Offer Otoe Week Only Send us two trademarks (picture of Quaker) cut from the fronts of two packages of.Quaker Oats. Or, if you prefer, send one trademark from a Quaker Oats package and one trademark (picture of bear) cut from the front of one package of Pettijohn's. Send us 75c with these trademarks and we will mail the Cooker by parcel post. Trademarks must be mailed next week. This offer applies to the states of Utah, Southern Idaho and Wyoming only. Address The Quaker Oats Company 1708 Railway Exchange, Chicago Quaker Oats Pettijohn's Which Saves You 75 The Laxative Luxury Measured by food value, Quaker Oats costs as much a the average mixed diet. So each dollar you spend for Quaker Oati saves an average of $3. Oats stand supreme among grain foods, in nutrition and in flavor. They form a complete food, supplying every need. As an energy food their fame is proverbial. Make this the chief breakfast dish. Meat and eggs cost five and six times as much. Also use Quaker Oats in bread and muffins, pancakes and cookies. No other food is so economical. Use Quaker Oats because of the matchless flavor. It is made of queen grains only just the big, plump, luscious oats. We get but 10 pounds from a bushel. Yet it costs you no extra price. one-fourt- " h Pettijohn's Breakfast Food is soft rolled wheat, hiding 25 per cent bran flakes. It is a flavory dainty of which no one ever tires. And it supplies the needed bran. Bran is Nature's laxative. Everybody needs it. Most folks would feel better if they ate it every day. Fine foods clog the system. Bran supplies th nee led roughage. Every to avoid the neeJ of dni, . doctor, as you know, urges Try it one week. Note the good spirits whio!i result. Never again will you return to a branless diet. Pettijohn's Flour is another bran dainty. That is 75 per cent white patent flour and 25 per cent bran flakes. Use like Graham flour in any recipe. e With these two products every meal can include some dainty. its-us- bran-mad- These Grocers Will Display a Sample Cooker Next Week Do Not Fail to See It Porter's Sanitary Market, M. H. Porter, Prop. Chas. Foote & Sons. Nephi Mercantile Co., Enterprise Grocery Co., J. N. C. Pexton, Manager, all of Nephi, Utah. Katie Anderson, of Ft. Green, Utah. f & iuu Th Incon. arable Baby Food ferject Food for Java lids Work auffc i 5 .wonders m rcorinB iicallh I., iliose i if 'ng Willi ltiberruttKiis or Hlimiach JkJ lle. i'obtlivelyrtolvestlie nrobleta inliinliic utinulrilioa. Jjp AT y& LEAOIN3 DRUGGISTS WlDcMANN,.5nAT-M"!Lv. Physician O TJ K c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) of the Interior, U S Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah! October 12, 1917. Notice is hereby given that William G. Seley of Salt Lake on April 8, 1912, - City, Utah, who, made Homestead tntry. Serial, No. 09643, for SE1-- 4 Sec NW1-- 4 SW1"4 and SW1-2iSW1-NW1-4- , section 9, Township 13 south, Range 2 west, Salt Lake Meridian, has led notice of intention - to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the ' ane Receiver of th. it s Register l?nd ffi.cet at Salt Lak Citv. Utah, on ine Ajrd. day of November, 1917. Claimant names as witmess: J. A. . Hyde. Sr. nf ian n: John SDerrv. nf NUr.1,: Department 4' 4 nu ' ot salt Lake Citv IltoK GOULD B. BLAKELY First publication Oct. 19 lastRegister. Nov. 16. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION! (Publisher) Department of the Interior it Land Office at Salt Lake City. Utah October 13, 1917. Noti Knight, of Salt Lake Citv irth ,i, on April 10. 1917 ' 7 '. ,f I! ntrv. . fterml Mn naaaa SW1-- 4 Sec. 4 and NW1-- 4 NW1-- 4 Sal? Township 13 sonth, Range "otTce haa inridiaP pf tention final five to establish c am t th iJa 'u.Y.. 1' scribed, before the and Rel u ceiyer of the U. S. LandnffiL l.ake City, Ut.-.on the 2W day of November, 1917. h, Cla atesofSaltLalCitl heley, of Salt Lake -- "a t City, Utah. R w' i vuy, utan. COULD B. BLAKELY Register. FirstpublicationOct . 19th.lastN ov. 16. "-n- MRS. P.O. STUCHEII. CUREDHERSON OFAOTLD When mv - son: VAU una wiiii u last . I winter gave him fn. Chamber-lai- n s Cough Remedv. It 1.: hlr, once and quickly broke up his cold " wntes Mrs. P. O. stuchell, HomerCity Ma. This remedy has been in use for many years. Its good aualit.Pf, hv been fully pfdven bv mnn i of people. It is pleasant and safe to cold |