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Show ,I ,- .. Hm ~ :1 O J i . ' " - W gill“ g ggtggymmmg. ' _, ‘K 7 195————-.>~». 7 #7 I‘.. astronauts. ynrawm, on. 8112 Miller first gainer. .o .. ,3 —— ,4 1 mm .1 ' " ' , I . 7 u. “ya”? . ~ “4.; .—,z“ ¢ _, . fir APPLICATION. rq', A Sunsn was chased down Commercial street J, J. HALPIN Alto, and naturally sought remge in the Chronicle office. He was free and foot-loose, and sought his aflinity. He soon opened his perfumery bottle, and the Chronicle was ahead of all LIOOLE , BROS. 8:. 00., Salt Lake City, Utah Ten, June so, 1379:?” N omnisnnamsrm CHAT Mathias Magney and Conrad Gibfrisd . whose. postoiiico address 'is"Silver Roof. \\ ashmgoou county, Utah Territory - an Main St, below Centre, Silver Reef. competition, as usual. It is said that the paper will remoye its office to the whited sepulohre on Kearny street sooner than was intended, but WHOLE-SALE AND RETAIL lxromn an Dunn m THE BEST its memory will remain in the neighborhood—— " You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you wr , OF ALL HAli nwn n E, Grocers (I Dry Goods Merchants Bu tthgfillafent oi the roses will cling ’round it ——-o.+—-—-—-— ENIS Important. That merchant may justly be regarded as a public benefactor who devotes his time and talent to the public service. Mr. Friedman claims. and is justly entitled to, this distinction, for he attends to the wants of his lady patrons with indefatigable assiduity, bringing the full wealth of his experience to bear in the selection of goods for this market. An entirely new line of merchandise suitable for summer trade has just been received, of Consisting in part of ALL SIZES of which fact the ladies can satisfy themselves by personal examination. The inducements which Mr. Friedman ofl'ers, both in regard to GAS PIPE AND TUBING, price and quality of goods. can be extended IRON AND BRASS FITTINGS. by no other firm in Southern Utah, his facilities for buying being the best and his ex. snmme. rsoxme', penses the least of any leading business BAIL asp nan raon. house in this section of the Territory. The ' assortment of summer drygoods, embracing every conceivable article required for a per- . icct wardrobeuis immense, and, considering A FULL LINE 0? the excellent quality of the stock. extraordinary bargains will be offered. It is now the intention to sacrifice the immense summer stock on hand to make roomfor the fall goods, and the space being limited, ladies will fin d it to their advantage to visit the emporiEETORTS, OBUOIBLES, MUFFLES, urn, as the stock now on hand uUs‘r an sonn. _———4-.Q——-——MELTING POTS — BONE - ASH, LITEAEGE, IRON and STEEL, FOR MAN OR BEAST. ' Mill, Mine and Blacksmith’s _ When a medicine has infallibly done its work in millions of cases for more than :1 1mm of n century; when it has FANCY and STAPLE OROOERIES, Supplies, reached M'r-i'y part of the world; when numlu-riv ; ' milics (-veryu'lh-rc consider 1: Hill, only safe reliance in case of pain or ilcf'lfielli, it is pretty safe to edit such :1 nu-dioinc Constantly on “and. $olomon Breisacher, whose postofico address15 Proche. Lincoln county, State of Nevada. by Conrad Gibfried his duly authorised agent and attorney in feet, whose post‘othce address is Silver Reef, Washington county, ’lerntcry of Utah,have madcap lice- tion for a patent for fourteen hundr and seventy-tour (1,471) linear feet of th6.Sev o mine or vein bearing silver are together wads sprtsce ground six hnn feet ‘in width. Situated SOLE AGENTS FOR Ros“ inches square and 4% feet Ionmmarksd O'". 1, U. s. all,” Which is post No. l of said mining claim, thence running south 31d '3 mm wast 1,474 feet to a pine post 4 in as square and_4% feet ion , marked ”No.2, U. .:)_9,” which is post burn subdued. this horrors of rheumatism overcome, anal of :1 thousand:nulone other ‘ull-eéillgs and mercies peril; and by the old roll-able )Iex- square and '43,; .feet long, marked “No. 4, U. ism: Mustang Liniznent. All forms of (u ti disease are speedily cur-ml 11;." IIIC sinnmg‘. 5. oil,” which is post No. 4 of said ininihlr claim, thence south 57 deg east 600 feet to post No. 1 ct and mining claim, the place of beeast. Magnetic variation 16 dog 5%) mi. containing an area of 2030400 acre; krona post No. l of said mining claim U B mmeraimonument No. l bears south 8! do: east 1,27-3 i'eet distant, and the quarter sec 'on corner on the south line of section 1, town’s lip ‘11,, southof range 14 west of Salt Lake babe POWDER IN SOUTHERN UTAH. tissue. to the distant 1.2%}2’ feet. hrom post No. 2 of sai muscle, membrane and mining claim a large granite boulder bears "V hone, banishing pain south b deg west 31 68400 foot distant. From and curing ll ' ‘2 will] :1 ]\t)\“‘i' that never fails. it n :1 mmlicinc ’lf‘tdetl by everybody, from the muchuro, who rides “<nnlnhi ' OENTS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINO GOODS, the merchant c‘.‘ who splits his {out will Ill. lt cur-(‘9 Rheumatism when all other appl' .uious tail. This wonder-1x11 nvcrtlle solitnx'ypinins. and Ranges . prim-0.11114 IllL wuoll Oi We :Eenrry the Boss and which stock Heaviest South of Sai$,:;l.ake City CARPENTER’S and BUILDER’S IIIIIIIEIIT Hardware. speedily r‘ni'os such ailments of the HUMAN i as Rite: Joints, and Spam The largest and most complete stock of BASH and PANEL DOORS and WINDOWS MIXED AND DRY PAINTS, WHITE ’85 FANCY LINEN is WOOLEN OVERSHIRTS. —. r.'L A well-appointed work-shop attached, with ESPECIAL CONVENIENOES for manufacturing We recommend our large assortment of i . less, Old The nearest known locations are the Buckeye Lead, lMystic. California, and McNully milling claims. '1he location of this mine is recorded in the recorder’e office of Harrisburg [liming District. in Washington county, Utah territory, at Silver Reef, in said county and 'lerritory, on page 172 in book B of said records. - _I direct thlapotice to be published in the _1: Mlsslon and Flannel Hprahro. Siviuriy, . .Ifi' Joints, Founder. Horne e Sores, Hoof Diseaaeii,.l“oot Not. a. “fli'orm Soul», lIoZioyv Ilium], ate-lies, \Vindgulls, Spnviu, F2: ‘3', Ringhonc, Old. S 1mg,- Puil 12‘ ii, Fihu upon the S rllt and. every other ailnaeut - i s of; the Unders'hirts lng‘ claim. for a full period of-sixty days2 and append all persons claiming adverselythe mining ground, claim, lode, vein or pronises or any portion thereof as aforesaid de- scribed, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as according to law Within sixty days from the date of the first. publication hereof,thoy will be barred by Virtue of the provisions of the statute. J NU. ii. NEIL, Register. Notice for Publication. ' No. 75. LAND Omen, Salt Lake City, U, ’I‘.. Sopl. 1. 1879. . I OI‘ICE l-l HEnEBY GIVEN ; z .lllltlilltt 1mx..:, a mo 0:1 crutches, or ' yours of torture. It. hernia vxiihmat n. Sear. It {Enos in the very you! oi the lllnllc‘l‘, pone-1111M)”; even lire hon * IN ALL COLORS AND QUALITIES. PURCHASING principally from first hands, I am prepared to duplicate SALT LAKE CITY Iy23-tt PRICES. ————-m——————— no one. more Illilli THE HEGHT &. BROS. CO’S BOOTS m ' following persons as his witnesses to ‘provo his claim, Augustus P. Hardy and Seth A. Pymm, _\' use 101' s, and in W, 240 acres, for and in behalf of the citiaens or positively gurwaraiug wzrrhauts. ics and the changes of temperature which order the constitutions or the feeble. There. _ _ _ . stimuis vitality in it. It is a pure vegetable lant. arare alterative and anti-biiious mediamong element cine. and hasnot a harmful its many ingredients. For sale by all Druggists and respectable I. WARNOOK. Dealers generally. , Meet-rims, of Wash- Statement No. 140. B S, for men W 5‘ sootio 35, T. 42, S. R. 15 W. 160 acres, and names the both oi‘ St. George, Washington county, ll. '11; also John M. Macfarlane, County Judge, Pro-' emption D. B. No. 7,297, for the E )4 vs I 3-5section 15 and S W 33 section 14, T. 39, S. R. 15. ~nmmIan like thieves, attack the weak. For- , THAT THE following named settlers havellled notice 07 intention to make final proof in support of their claims and secure dual entry thereof on the expiration of thir days tram the date or iugton county, U. T.. Pr STOMACH Diseases, tify your organization with the Bitters, and it will resist and baflle alike the virus ofepiderndis- ' territory, that being the newspaper published nearest the said Savm min— this notice, viz : John‘ Heavy & Light Iron, Copper 85 Tinwaro . Silver Reef Miner. a newspaper published at Silver Reef. Washington county, Utah cos, it 13 ii o gran“ ' remedy for the (lie.cut - m \l'IliCIl the Order; 1 ' Jcut that has l ' ll'lc L: m L 1‘ been drawn. Oils and class, WHITE LEAD, ZINC and PUTTY ‘iwcliirigs, .‘Hlfl’ . “soles, Burns Bruises and Bite-s and Post No. 3 of said mining claim a large sandstone boulder hours north 65 deg west 43 56-100 feet distant. From post No. 4 of said mining claim a. large granite boulder boars south 6! deg east 74 test distant. SuresJ'icr. . (.iiiihiainx. Sore. Kip! . Hunt. and inCr‘ed every form. of czlcs'nul dis- hues and at all prices. In all .. .tn. Stitscfiz. HA-‘I' 8* > In Southern Utah. vlTTERS 0. 2 oi said mining and meridian bears south 78 deg 46 min weal AND GIANT CELEBRATEO “. . cornerof said Savage mining claim at a. pine Chi. in great variety and of best manufacture. any Mining Dist ' claim, thence north 57 deg wast 600 foot to‘l.’ This is the ewe l‘x‘IIll tho Rtexican ‘ pine post 4 inches square and 4;; feet long, marked "No: 3, U.S. 59.” which is post ,No. Mustang I. i n l m c u t. Every mull 0 of said mining claim, thence north 8] do 3‘ brings int elligcncc mi :1 Valuable horse mm east 1,474 feet to a pine post tins as saved, the. agony of zm awful scald or Cooking and Heating Stoves Hosru Harrisburg and meridian, and in the north-east and north-west quarters of section 12 and'in the south-east quarter of section 1 of said town'ship. The said lot No. 5‘) being described as follows, to~witz Beginning at the north-east “Eli I - = Bli‘T no OF ITS Kill] 1 . ETC ., ETO.,'ETO. J. R. Richards, at his News Depot, has just received a large and carefully selected assortment of Stationery, Fancy Goods. Playing Ca rds, and everything usually found in aweilstocked stationery establishment. He also he s a few thousand cigars oi the choicest brands for the retail trade. . in County of Washington, Utah Territory, and desmnated by the field notes and oificill plat on file in this odice as lot No. 59 in township No. 41 south of range 14 west ofSalt Lake base Assnyors’ Goods OII FONT’S BLASTINO POWOEN New Goods. ,h'ntn'r. .. Norton,uo.,abs.' h. . .. .,.. ._.Un 5 .' , ..‘_-, .~- (I) yesterday by some boy's, says the San Francisco THE Been “Pine Valley" towneite. and names the (ol‘owing as his witnesses to prove his claim, Angus-tus P. Hardy and Henry W. Miller, both of Washington county, U. T. ‘ JNO. B. NEIL, Register. Chas. W. Stayner, Attorney for applicant. m- can. For Mining, and Fancy Wear a. specialty. n. ls'ooanxsnann sl7-5w ”‘ Also a fine assortment of NOTICE~. J - R. RIGKABDS, n. wannocn sco .' Ladies' and Children’s Shoes, , , , - .v I O F. S. HAMILTON AND W. l. DODGEYou are hereby notified that I have ex- pended One hundred ($100) Dollars in labor and '1‘! —GENERAL—— improvements upon the Minnie mining dalsituated in Harrisburg Mining Dlstricl,Washing- Hr Of all descriptions. Forwarding ton county, Utah Territory. as will appear by certificate of the Recorder of said Harrisburg. District, dated July 11th. 1879. and worded on Page 186 of Bush D of said Harrisburg Mining District Records. in order to hold sold promises under the provisions of section 9394 Revue. statutes of the United States, being the moist required to hold the same for the year sadly. NEWS DEPOT, —sar— ”.— FANCI ABTIG LES, Commission GENUINE CALIFORNIA 'HARNESS AND SADDLES June let. 1879. To which I beg to direct public attention. Gunner, Crone, And Touaooos, Saddlery of all Kinds. “ UMMONS—IN TH E PROBATE COURT in and for Washington County. Territory of Utah. J ANE BU'D’I‘EitIVORI‘H.plaintifi'. MERCHANTS. Coarse-noun, Maeazruss, . vs. ELLIOT BU l'fEltli'ORTrI, defendant bliiut Pnnonrcsu, The people of the Territory of Utah to _ Butterworth, greeting : You are hereby summoned to appear in an abovethe .by. you against action brought lesrarns. Cunonos, And full line of Miners’ Notions. J. R. EIOKARDS. HABROIIN & COMPANY -—-JOB— Principal plaoo of business. York. - - Utah Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes. lI'orrainus Utah Southern Railroad. And it within ninety B”. after this notice by publication you fallen-{Isa to contribute your proportion of such expanditure as co-ownera, your intarostin laid oldwill become the property of- tho subsoniunder said Section 282A. " , J. VLWarol'r. By E. 8. Lnnsoox. his att’y in tact. Silver Reef, Utah, July 28, 1‘79. ”IO-ll Pronumed J ane Butterworth, plaintifi", in the on bate Court in and for the county of Washingt NOTICE. and Territory of Utah. and answer the complaint tiled therein within ten daysiexclusrve you of the day of service) alter the service'on oi this summons if served Wlthin thifi county, . within but County this of out served if or. within district. within twenty days, otherwisewill be forty days. orjudgment by delault To JOHN STEWART AND Lillilolll.‘ You are hereby notified that there is due me from each or you for work done upon I. . Hudacrabblo Mine and Mining Compound”_, ed in Harrisburg Mining District. Washington. County, Territory of Utah, the following sons for assessment work fathom 1.17:1 ~ m— John Stewart. the sum of are“. front you. .yon, adbe to said complaint and upon the proofs Luis Mozer, the sum of :16 so; and for asses.. duced therein. ment work for the year 1878: from'you. John This action is brought to obtain a decree Stewart, the sum of $16.06; and from ’6', dissolving the bonds of matrimony exrstlng of 16.“. New, therefore , on the Luis Mozer, the sum ‘ between said plaintili' and delendant0n or cause to be“ file in unless you shall pay to me . grounds set forth in the complaint above sat forth wi sums various the me to aninmy office. And if you fail to appenr and entire the hereof plarnufi' ninety days from the date bosons man sner the said complaint as required, will you or both and each of terest the to will take default against you and apply by virtue of the law. A. sauna. Court for the lelief prayed for. hereunto set ' in testimony whereof I have said Court silver Reef, July 7th, 1879. my hand and 1&?Xled:‘hepselgl90f thisltithda o' u y, . . 7.. Clerk of Probate Lourt. . Jyl9-4t-law NOTICE. Ss'ru A. Print. Deputy. prayer of taken against you, according to the CARPENTERS. WE ARE DOING TEE P-RINCII’AL East of Jacobs é Sell“. III! of the It; led. Forwarding frOm that point, and are the only Company that can ihrnish tosmstars back loading. which secures to us the best oute fits On the road, and enables us to guarante the delivery of all classes of importation on HARDWARE Sarah and Doors. the‘shortest possible tune. Our increase of business enables us to for ward goods at one-half our former rates- Iron and Steel, Screen Doors. r Furniture Made and Powder and Fuse, Repaired. JOB worn: Comment! canes. _ DONE Io Lard, Coal and Lubricating Oils, 61c. .\ Handllng, Sampling, Shipping and Selling Ores and Hui-- N. BUBB. [SEAL y Miners’ Tools, Etc. lion a Specialty. ‘ Parlor and Cooking Stoves, Silver Reef Blacksmith Shop. IAIN STREET, SILVER BEEF. Will pay wagon and Railroad norm on all goods consigned to our care- BLACKSHITEING.“ Will give rates of freight from all points Eut an We» All communications answered promptly. . And everything appertaining to the same, as Coolting Utensils Eic., Eio. .AND Address : ~‘~ ‘ewa'gon WorK. B. WARNOCK 6s 00., CARPENTER-TOOLS 0! all shapes done on short notice. at all Descriptions. Horse-Shoeing ”all the some: YORK. U an. ' A. it. \thrEuEAp. Ns—lfl TIE JUS'I‘IUE’! COURT UMMO of WashS of Leeds precinct, Leeds, county JOHN M. McFARington. Territory of Utah. defendant, LANE, plaintifi', vs. GEORGE aiOSR, ' To George Goes, greeting: and appear You are hereby summoned to be cfllce, in said before me, the undersigned, at my of Wash. precinct, in the town of Leeds, county 1879, at , A. D. ington. on the 22:! day of October int filed compla a answer to m., a. , ten o'clock plaintifl’, whereagainst you by the above named sum in he claims Judgment against you for the ine dollars) of 8249 (two hundred and forty-n rendered be as a balance due bin: for servicesry, 1877, and tween the fifteenth day of Februa the fifteenth day of September, 1877. be renIt you fail to appear. judgment will the amount of dered against you by deiault for . said demand, and costs hereon nnty, To the Shorifl‘. or anyconatable of said‘co return greeting: Make legal service and due ‘ hereof. day of SepGiven under my hand this ninth . . . 18‘9. r. wttxmsoy. “mm“ A D ‘of theJos. Peace of said Precast. le ~5t Justice OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .TRAT{thy the partnership heretofore so, tween Charles Retallack_and John oWashdoing business as blaolgsmrths at'L v by-. ington county. Utah, is is mutual consent. 0. Retnllaok will continue, th bus‘ness at the same lace. All debts duo _ by chum”: and be collect on; will will “isliabilities be paid by him. all 0. Banana“. .Joun MCPIps. Leeds. August 5th. 1879. - Mums nAr‘sotb‘r' , aim ' " “cm! , IBfisrflngtflltmyinterfli ass. as ‘the ‘Adriatio. no nonmetal] W : is alone slatliozlxledmtsI rgmt in “W “’5 cleanses.» . . p .“, .m, cam s moo. 1819, 4- ~ Silver Reel, August 23.], —. ..; . |