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Show , , . A..- 8hr gilt!” grit which 'WEDNESDAY... . . . . .oc’sonnu 1. 1579. none canals: s'r‘nnnn. Three months ago the MINER told its readers that certain speculators were attempting to gull a conflding public by stocking the Carrie Meele mine (Camp Floyd District, this Ter~ ritory) for $10,000,000 and floating it on “it New York market. In consequence of this statement. numerous letters of inquiry about the property have been addressed to this office WHERE T0 » "' flL. the war of thiebellion. Whilehe‘yyas Brest-r _ timescale artisans. INVEST. Aparty of gentlemen in New York. wh are engaged in the different branches of inercantile and manufacturingpetivity. and who unltedly control a large amount or capital not required in their business, have formed a company there for the purpose of acquiring and working really valuable miningpropcrty. With this object in View. they have secured the. services of a practical mining man of wide experience and scientific knowledge. who will make a thorough examination as a miner of the new urgentiferous field that is being opened in Maine. He will extend his tour. if necessary. to the British Provinces. On his return he will proceed south to Vir- Presidential club he took the 'precautloii‘to‘ A Thousand Cincinnati Mechanics dissolve the pflncrship. In California Cir-ant‘ Out on a Strike. hasrbeen recalled as a citizen of the Roped“ Republicans Who Want to Turn lic,nien of all [lat-ties having united to do him honor. . ' have already purchased stock. Here is an ex'tract from a specimen letter received the other day from a gentleman residing in New snom York City: “I would Like to have the bottom facts regarding the Carrie Steele mine. if you have them. Some of my friends, who are firstclass men. are in it on the strength of Professor J. E. Clayton‘s report. and Ishould be very sorry to see them lose their money.“ In our humble opinion. the present is an J. J.H PIN: Main st, below Centre, Silver Reef. Druggist TELEGRAMS. .____ Imus] m Dunn :- A Battle Between the Russians and the Turcomans. Cabal is in agitate of anarchy. ginia. North (‘urolina and Georgia. Steps have already been taken to secure control oi'. William Ringgold. the San Francisco forger. was captured in London yesterday. who poor are sufl‘ring severely. -ili~lu;f. ul’i‘cnnessee. on Saturday sbnl (3.1in L‘cll. colored. withoul provocation. upon b u‘u taken to jail Later. the Territory and Western Texas. said lhat Abe Lincoln hm! fro- d seventeen of mining expert will proceed in Colorado. Utah. his father's. slaves: that he meant. to kill the the Black Hills. Nevada. and. in fact. the damned nigucnund hoped he would die; that whole area in which the precious metals are ho had killed several niggers down South and found. Wherever desirable. property is found nothing had been said about it. There is the company are ready to take immediate much indignation against Rising. us. Bell was possession. and make such developments as a general favorite and is likely to die. Rising may be deemed necessary—Chicago Mining also shot at the olilccr who arrested him. Review. General Gnnt had an ovation given him at Woodward‘s Sardens on Monday by about 30,000 children of the public schools of San Francisco. A telegram from Bhuto Garda says General Roberts has rrrivcd there. His party was fired at by a hrgc body of Mongols near Jagathnns and the Sikhs killed. The Mongols were repulscdwith some loss. excellent time to commence getting sorry 1,030 Men on a. Strike. over any investment in Carrie Steele stock. that there is an abundance of Eastern capital ClNi‘IXNATi, Sept. 30.-\\'itbin the. Corner Main and centre Sta . IRON and STEEL, SILVER REEF, UTAH, Min, Mine and Blacksmilh's KEEPS constantly on hand a wellsauortsd stock of Supp11es. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Consisting in part of ALL SIZES of The receipts at Gilmore‘s Garden during the great pcz‘rstrlan match amounted to $80,— 000. Rowellstlll persists that he was poisound. Missouri. Arkansas. the Indian In this connection the Review also states APOTHECARY, HARDWARE, Eastern Siberia is threatened withn fuminc. Grain k: dearer than ever before and the A Friend of the Colored Race. Iowa Cr'rv. Sept. -AND— The Czarot Itussis is seriously ill. Cholera Laying Low the British Soldiers in lndia. valuable prospects in Southern Colorado. The proposed mineralogical inquiry will then extend to fir; WAGNERfi 2:3: , Grant Into a Circus of One. q by parties living in the East, some. of whom gamma", 4 gymnastics. dent, the Rap I:lican party had of "course political claims Ipon him. but in leaving the past GAB PIPE AND TUBING, IRON AND BRASS FI'I'I'INGI. Patent Medicines. .;‘,‘. ’ sunrise. momma, am. an on ma. " With the writer from whose letter the. above forty-eight hours the various trades unions of this city controlling the :H‘llull of the cabinet waiting for investment, and that it can be quotation is taken. we. sincerely regret that had just as soon as the substantial facts congood men should lose their money in such . ‘ . re in" :11 "rest” valuable to p crty can be . p y l) bolloopati$\*eiitiircs, but not being out and' L rn ” In New Origins yesterday. John Kennedy. Deputy Sheri? and keeper in'the parish prison. was kiljxi by an English sailor named Jim Barriqan. ncnr Magnolia bridge. I-lc knocked Kennedy down and stamped on his bond. fracturing his skull. ~ makers. Coopers. slim-nullivrs and smnc rail- road cnrploycs. placul before the. business men of the East. has."- s':n‘-ulcri in getting 1.000 nu-n to g.» I». . ll‘. ~ uniform de- injured ourselves. possibly our regret will not _ mand of flu ' l“) 1111' cr‘nl.ad— vancc and employ rs its. ,- 1hr» far declined to allow the advante. a When t‘lc r r )r lseuialive ofthis scilsiblc syn- continue to :be of the violent. lasting nature. ‘ ‘1 ‘ dicate shall visit I'lah. we sincerely hope that ,so to speakrthat the victims themselves will experience in the sweet by-and-bye.the old story over again. after a run up the Cottonwoods. a trip to A large crowd assembled on the sand lots last Sunday to hear what Kearney had to say Park City. and it maybe to Frisco. he. will not about It is A petcrcd-out mine Severe Engagement Between the Russians and Tux-cameos. bug to his soul the flatteringdclusion that be — unscrupulous speculators ‘— credulous pub- Sr. Ps'rnusnrruu. til-pt, 21?.»Intclligence has been received from Beurnia that during a rcconnoissunee ncur (ibeok 'I‘epc. on the 28th of August. illi' ‘Russians encountered largo llltlsri‘s‘ of Sckke ’I‘urcomans. strongly cntrenched. who made a desperate resistance. Tllr' Russians for siv hours cunnonndv-d a position occupied by. .001) Tekkc ’I‘urcomnns. In the rvcuinu the Russians obtained posses- “'0 invite the gentleman to this point; we lators—whizz. pop. and the bubble is busted! . ”Twas ever thus. confidently invite him to the most thorough examination of our mines; and we are free to The Carrie Steele (so named by Mr. Leandro assert that in his whole tour of obscrvalion Steele) is a relocation of the Robert E. Lee he will find no camp possessing more intrinclaim, and was relocated November14th.1871. sic value than does Silver Reef. While the For (our years after this scarcely any work was sandstone district has been the recipient. of done on the property. as the men who owned refusing him. uu TOILET ARTICLES, in mines elsewhere. it has stendilypresscd forward on its own merit. and but the assessment work required by the local forthc numerous misfortunes which it has laws. Assayers’ Goods Physiciana' Prescriptions IEL’I‘IXO POTS — BONE - ABE, LITHABGX. 2T0. ITO” 2T0. _ ' Carefully compounded at all hours of the NEWBY notes. day or nlnht. Cooking and Heating Slaves and Ranges of 141ml nt-cn-ssily. the enemy IIL‘KI. losi J several thousand. ’i'llc Iius is lost N‘Vt‘ll \IIllCL'l'l: and 177‘ soldiers killed and sixteen uiiicers and 2'33 soldiers \wundi‘ll. ‘ “Brazil‘s treasury is empty." Pedro. old boy. shake; two. souls with but a single cent. two hearts that long for tin—but when (lid you start a newipapcr ? ATTENTION! Sporting Matters in Kentucky. Says the Baltimotcan: " Pinafore has been preliy well played in Baltimore. but if it could be produced once more with Ben Butler as Dick Dcmleyc. we would guarantee a crow dud uutlicncc." ALL YE WHO HAVE experienced in the last six months. this (listrict would at the present time be producing Lul rsvn.r.r:. Supt. :1I.—.\iuor<-. of Crab Orchard. shut l‘ul. Louis ('lurk. President of after a visit to the Eastern States. returned to bullion than any two camps in Camp Floyd District and. having procurtd the Territory. Money'inveslcd in Silver Reef. a little assistance. determined toprospcct the ; mine once more. the Louisville .lncluy l‘lul). at (ialt House it i- not though: (.‘olonwl under an able and honest rruinagemvnl. will . this evening. l'lark’s wounds arc lulu]. The trouble had make more money than if invested L'l>i'\\ll'.'l‘t‘ At an early stage of the s nl« aflcrnmrn. later on a pocket of the same was struck. ' tcndant upon mining t‘liierpriscs ln int; here Now let the man who made that strike tell the Gathering of the i’risoners. reduced to a minimum. thctield forinvestrest of the story in his own words: ment is as inviting a one as can be found on vivnrs of the Pacific. Coast. The mines are here. and when the voice of Capital shall pronounce the “ Open. Sesame l “ Silver Rccfwill come ducing districts in the West. its present prooverucd by—ail of which mines at one time am! or from 1872 trim had struck more ductsrillbetuebledmndthejh'er boom will. O or ess ore. Not that alone. but when such be helped along at the rate of a quarter of a men as Craig Chambers (now of Ontario million dollars per month. Sew York capital fame).'Captaln J. B. Wildenfl‘homas Bennett. can find no better or saferinvestment than and others whose names I cannot now recall —when such experienced men finally give up in the mines of Silver Reef. and seiLaatzwhat internals they havi- in a 70mph. why then it is high time that poor men Mn. WILLIAM Busosnei‘rtn. a mining enlike the then owners of the Carrie Steele should take the hint. This wedld—by getting giner known the world over~ur at least in the mine in shape. to sell for $35,000. which as much of the world as is comprised within sum it was worth at that time. but never since. the boundaries of Salt Lake (‘ity---writing to “The property was bonded and placed on the San Francisco market. A Mr. Dickinson the editor 0f the New York Mining Record came from Nevada to see three runs of M:- strongly advocates the incorporation of cointracted ore and report on the minv. liulli Ilic ‘ panics with non-assessable stock. ('laiuiirm ore and the report went to California. Tho I ll - , 0, gI-Ilt'l mi a. "gun Ll mining engineer can did not net quite so much. It dim-red f . the report of Professor Clayton by per cent. Result—~rrosale. Findll poesil’zlt;~ to sell, we resumed work and extracted and sold about $5000” worth of "I't‘ dating the Fall of ‘7?) and the year ‘76. Then she pinched on us. hard rock Wit! cncmintcrcd and no ore—we had wrrrlgud nn' llil‘ l. mu: .' “Early in the Spring of ' Mr. ii. E. Miller approached me with an (nit-r of $1.1m for my one-fourth interest. I was only too . l y. y . ‘, I2 i l; as kept by Lt part owner for over livr- _\‘l‘ul'~. Further comment is unnucessnry. But whatever we may think of the Carrie Str‘clv :14 a .r 3;; I have understood sinm, care more for nature. and men more for art." Perhaps; but women rush to see Edwin Booth. while. the boy go to study nature as portrayed by the Female Minstrels. (”Fl-‘22. per lb. SALMON, par ea GHERKINR. pfl' quart bottle. .Q'I Cholera. Threatens the British Traops. An exchange says: “Kerosene “ill make ia—ketlles shirfi'is *llgllf Agnew.” n 3'05. -rosene will u .o_ tiers; will InhkC-Vu ENGLISH PICKLES, per qt. bottle ...... FANIGY CB‘CKERS, prr‘b. .50 . house shine so that it can be seen for miles, NAILS. per . WHISKY, first-class,qu bolt! but Sept. flit—The Viceroy of India the route f Finder; to Jammml. Thorn- had been a few cases at All )insjno. As the troops advance beyond Juniroud they lose the cholcrn lliflllc'llt‘t'. l’rl-‘r \i'iinrnrr', involving “in right of said ('nlnpull)‘ in enter as coal laud llllilt'l' llli' .\ci of .‘larr'h illi. liiimvriaiu tracts of land in Salt Lake ('iiy district. the ('0er- missioncr of tln' Land Uli‘lt'v. dill-I ru-vicuiw: the l'.|~’l' ul length. to—dny concluded 1|an the rut Valln-y ('(rul .tllll t'nkc ('nrnpnny may Pl cornplr'h- llll‘ll‘ entry for llll‘ inn-l. and tinTicgistvr and line. iu'r lune lmrn r' rtiliml to L'ivc clv'ur notice llicrcof In the parties inter- werlml to develop a mine. and that after is raised. dividends. and not assessments. l should be the order of thu- day. be dune. William. it can“. hr dune. illus - e: Ln! us rinppusl tlrnta lir~1-.‘ lass .niniug t-riyfir.z-I-i‘~‘.‘.'rri. Bredvuu-yr". fur ii.\vcrc to The Sprague Trouble. liul it can‘t i’nruvmrzxn'i; «it. 1.). September flit—Mrs. er'rigun‘s trusiccs were refused admission in ('tlll'llll‘llt'l l)- |_\' by cx-(iovcrnnr Sprrlguv. :ilrmmgh ln- w. I cmupnuiv-xl by an agent of l Vi l..ii‘ Hi.- i. - Aisha in Afghanistan. on the house top long before you had found be necessary to sink before the stockholders lmtx'imx. Sept. ill—The British army in .\ fglmnlsinn will be before-(‘alrulon “'ednes‘ day (ln-llnyl next. The commanding General has bm-n illslf'lli'll'tl to lssur- a proclamation could nver receive a quarter of a dollar in the m 111.- lit-uplt‘ stating that the object of tho l‘llil]l'.' of dividends. invnsion capital it rr‘ ,._ _ ..‘ - . 81.75 per qu'rt............._............... 1.00 passer, em and wuss u some reduction. CIGARS. '20 for....................................n 00 are, are, are. SHEETING. from 8 to 1‘] yardl hlL's'Llh‘. bleached, 8 to la yards Dill-:33 PLAIDa, If) to 12 yards 1.00 1.00 gunmraiug guardians. . 1.00 duu.(‘uuu.. lhai Jud-1e .‘li‘(‘l‘t'tl}' l><llt‘llIlli‘ order from the bench: "The Shu'lll‘ will kindly rmlucsl the gentlcrur’n of the jury to ll-‘sisl from eating: peanuts. This is not :1 cll‘l'ih." i. wmocu. l FANCY DRY GOODS é ’. room ll. WAHNDEK 8 CO The Iii'llf) (lzrzcllc h:~..< lost a " wahmr.“ and all ”10 papers in tin: ci'runlryarc anxiously ‘. Forwarding of Synonyms: “Wauoo-A compost. refuse hrap: chiefly uuano: a i Muslin, Mainsooks 8t Grenadines. -.... n dung-hill. We take it that the editor of rho Beaver ' EMBROIDERY, RIBBONS and WORSTEDS. Commission would New mint-e wouldn‘t the is English to avenge Embassy the and massacre to gov din-guy. MERCHANTS l‘Z-IATS, Boots and Shoes. Principal place of business. Crockery.ware, CLOSING SALE: of severely And all other goods at the same reduction. 'I here is no humbug about this. York - - Utah be u had investment for sornt-cmnpuulcs that up: now trying; to raisv working capital. punish lliv guilty. and all who in any way oppose this object will be dxnlr with the slum: a.- parlicrpnnls in llu-nmssncre. Women and l'lliltll'l‘ll are told it. br- put away in places of safely. The Arum-r ira- nkl—twl lireprivi- bullion-producer. we cannot but atlrnirl' fluTun following is the hind end of n threesupreme modesty of the [nun who cm!!! llnrl . «n'rviuu disjointed spr-m‘li doliusrmi by lit-rimit in his heart in. pay out ])lll'Cllti.‘l.‘ money at lr-gv of julniru "WM: Ironpr and has .‘1. \l'Ehnv-r in .ludtgv l‘JIm-rrou‘s('onri ul l'r'rrvu [ lll'l‘il .-.-r-v . . r.,- b_\ the command the rate of $4.400 for the entire mine. and ’ ll ruolluzr day. licctm'. it may bcr'crnurkvd. i in,.; (it :."-lll. then so far forget what is due to his own - was on trial for biyarny: pocket and enterprise (especially his enterM So I |lit'1lllfllf‘.llll~illi‘l‘llll’lL’. and ask my A Proposed I’vogmmm: for Grant. prise) as to stock the property and try to sell New Yuan.Sept.15E).-~'l‘ln-licraldeays ediinnm‘ consciousness: Will smut-body be the it to strangers in New York City for the going off of these cyclurrcs and black clouds torially: It is rr-pln'lcd al fln- llcpublicau trifling sum of $10.(Xl0,000—an advance of only of adversity that are now wreathing in agony hmnlqnurters in lhl- city that if (iraut shrill visit New York before the next Statoelection $9,995,000 00 on that cost. Yes. the (‘arrie my tempest-tossed soul '1 Shall this blackness of darkness in which 1 seemingly grope fold takes place it is the intention of sagacious Steele is a. good stock to 11-! nlonv. gentlemen who are pushing Cornell‘s camits black tents and away? while the golden fer-t. of a prosperous morn gilds the horizon paign to organize a monster mectingin honor Tun Tuscarora Times-Review thus sits of my future. and all them- wruthful billuws of the (ex-President. ’l'hc intimation is also down on the exceeding loyalty of Buffalo of persecution and vuxatiun lm-nk intothe thrown out that he. will be asked to lend his splendork of eternal joy! Sn concluding. in assistance to Cornell‘s canvass. If any such Bill's partner: idea is entertained by politicians around the “It issaid that Captain Jack (‘rawford sent this my dark hour of shipwreck and blackword to Kearney that if he attempted in Ex- ness. upon the infinite mercy of this Court I Republican Committee room it is to be hoped ecute his threat to burn General Grant in cast myself.“ the gentlemen who are responsible forthc effigy. he (Crawford) would make it his indi— management of Cornell‘s canvIIss will vidual business to killhim. This sill bid for The Court was moved. and while tears promptly snpprr-ssit. No greater indignity pheap notoriety would indicate 1 rat the trickled down its compassio checks. is nate poet scout could be put upon the illnslr Ions traveler is as high stirrker as the sand lot oretor.‘ choking \'l)l(’i' was hr-nrd to spasrnndlcnlly than to load him about the political circus for F“ the hcnellt. oi'fl lot of oillcn-sr-t-kers. ll (louUswmusne Deadwood! (zone the. wav jerk out: “Two years. and a fine of 3100. ernl Grant shall lillll'lt‘ hert- he \\ ill be received of Silver Reef—the way of all new mining Mr. Sheriff. trot. out the next man who takes we have no doubt in a. manner worthy of the camps. Probably no people can more feel- this Court for a dv-d fool!“ metropolis. but politicians who are cndcnvoringly sympathize with the burned-out Black ing to climb into power on his shoulders will Hillel's than can the residents of this recently Moos-near“ might make good timbers for be invited to take back seats whatever dc'rnare-visited city. There is but one wuv. howonrlrnllon may be made. Grant is not the :er, by {birth the unfortunate Deadwooders wild-cat mines. The attention of two or three property of any political party. he is; nimply a Utah mining companies is respectfully di- citizen who is dear to the majority of his n then matters. and that is m with; will and rebuild. :0 10 work rented to this suggestion. countrymen because of services rendered in Terminus Utah Southern Railroad. In order to Make Room for our We have also on hand some FIRST-MASS Fall Stool; LUMBER! E ARE DOING THE PRINCIPAL Ne are closing out all goods in our line at Bottom Prices. Forwardins from that point. and are tho only Company that can furnish teamsterl which we will at $32.50 per 5!, back loadinr. which secures to us the best outBIRCH 8!. C0., Leeds. \Voolf &. Jordan . “IS-til) ‘oz pepuenu Andmom aiopro “v 'IVJAI ' hts . n the road, and enables us to guarantee the delivery of all classes of importation on the shortest possible time. Our inereasa of business enables us to for ward needs at one~haltour former rates. '33“ HINDI Handling, Sampllng. snlppln‘ ‘109418 awn and Selling Ores and Bul- Silver Reef Blacksmith i llon a Specialty. ‘H$&M§?$ l\'. BUBB. Shep. [riuammo pus airs ‘esuou Will ply wagon and Railroad height on all goods consigned to our care. MAIN STREET, SILVER BEEF. anaemia in '.-I Win 'v to: o f not s htfrem all point. Eut andflbait BLACKSMITEING.© All communications answered pron-Nil use . LODGING 1910 sJSE. Address : Wa gon W o r K, ‘INE 01' all shapes done on short notice. t Horse-Shooing "allthe same." FURNISHED ROOMS Gentlemen can be had FOR B. WARNOCK & 00.. by applying 0 nus. L. BUSCH.MsinSt-. .s a l §1 IUROEASING principally from first hands. 1 am prepared to duplicate BALI‘ LAKE CITY Pistols. ”'23-“ :" il-«- $l-i"l:ll(‘ «slulc. iium. that fialrrir-i would be u irulln.: hi~ lnnn working J . Chronic-hell is a specimen wuboo. .duu'n with u quin- «1' pa; how lunch Heavy a Light Iron, Goywiman ’- EXTRK BOURBON, same as sold a It was not in the mining districts of the frontier. but in the ~laid [own (if New Lon‘ \' . : .nl-zc an inlll‘Lflli in figure up how much uni-kin; cupi: . ‘ 'l'IrI' ; \‘llli . llw house that nu unmanageable feline in American Fork 312-. z. '.:::e what she would require lurforc it v\.’-rtlw'l.lrl'il a |ll\l' ClulLH‘. ll us llv'.’ l‘l :~ Viinl plum-riv. (if-ml. Why it's dollars to doughnuts. W”- out A wail-appointed workshop attached_ with ESPECIAL OOHVEHMCIB for manufacturing ’ .09 trying to find out what a “walmn” is. For ‘Alpacas, Delaines, Cheviets. Lawns, the information of our cotrrnporarins. we 1 Dress Linen, Percales. clip the following from Mr. Webster‘s Table ‘ Grass Cloth, Glanhams. Piques. Swiss I-slctl. tlz. l iicnceforth. says the Charleston News. the . people of the Scuth can never think other- I wise than kindly uf the Octopus of Wall . strcel»Jn_v Gould. A \\'cll~turrml cmnplirncnl. if it does call Jay u devil‘lisln \i'.\~lir\'o'rn.\'. Sept. 2U.——in the cast: of the William and WHITE LEAD. ZINC and PUT TY but it is terribly destructive to paint." Decision in Favor of a. Utah Coal Company Pleasant Valley (‘unl and (‘okc Company vs. Oils and Glass, ‘w’l WILL SELL YOU GOODS AT COST—— Not cost and twenty-tire per cent. added, The Boston spectator thinks that “ women Andersonvillc and other prisons tau-graph? that cholera'is prevalent only'on‘ l lc-l‘. at the start how rnnch working capital is eager to take it. MIXED AND DRY PAINTI. begins lli'l‘t‘ io-mor'row evening. It will undoubtedly bl- nnc of the best attended gatherings of soldiers cvcr held in the West. Luxrmx are netted something like s-ZJJOU. the rr-pnrl that he bought my interest for Governor Emery, and I am further informed that Ihe lattergentleman now thanks hisx luckysiars that he has parted with the said interest and got back his money. “Some one will make money out of the Carrie Steele. but I will venturethe assertion that it won't be the. stockholders.“ The above is the record of the Carrie SUW‘ll' In Southern Utah. To Pu Dow's: to the. front as one of the largest bullion pro- Cloud and .Mormon Chief properties to be ;r The largest and man complain noel of ease and user. moss and ‘wmoowa ’I‘omurn. Supt. on. —'I"nc re-nnion of the 5m" “My experience in that camp taught me that when once this ‘bonnnza‘ gave out. we might as well quit. We had the records of the Sparrow Ha“ k. Queen of the West. Elkhorn. Silver Circle. Star of the West. Silver is,“ , H ardwaro. MO'NEY ".\llcn,“ asked I tearful mother. “is it true that you jamnml Patrick Oiis‘ head beiwm-n ihc pickets of the fence?" "Yes. rna'urn. I didit: itrnighl as Well be him as me, and it had to bcmc of us l“ . it.- origin at Illt‘ Jockey t'lulr ground (in: work a little high grade ore was found. and in l‘lah. and ill“ risks which are ulw: in great variety and of but manufacture. CARPENTER’S and BUILDER’S No discoveries of any importance were made until 1875. when one of the owners, more a” A wornnn was :old to “iliflkl‘ oath “ in a New Haven cuirt. She blushingly said "Damn it.“ and protested against the rigor sion of the ouicr l-nircnclnneuls. and at night it had no means to spare and could afford to ETC.. ETC. BETOBTS, CBUCIBLBS. MUFPLIB, many "black eyes “ from parties interested put in but little of their own labor outside of A FULL LINE 0! intcrview. Kearney pronounced no diatribe. but stated that ho had intended to invite the General to the sand lots. lie would leave intelligent men to draw their own conclusions. has seen all the mines worth seeing in Utah. lic—transfer of dueats into pockets of specu- Grunt PERFUMERY, ‘0“. ll “I. |