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Show Subscriber: will pl so take not cc that sub- mipfwm to tile MINER. from July ht are ante ”M to (It: carrier, W. QIfll‘m, «.r to this Oflix. m LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. The general health of the camp. Dr. Higgins assures us. is pretty good at present. Considerable real estate is now changing hands. Getting in shape for the Fall boom. we reckon. She‘s a-coming. The moon gets as full as a tick now-o‘nights, and therein she resembles certain citixens of the Reef we wot of. Messrs. Quillan & Mahony will open their new and tastily-furnished Temple of Liquid Refreshments on Saturday evening. “Judgments are prepared for scorners, stripes for the backs of fools," and everlasting damnation for him that payeth not for his newspaper. Fall weather is now upon us. All doubt as to “whether“ it would “ fall“ cold enough to sleep under anything but a mosquito bar, is now removed. The finishing touches are being put to J. H. Cusidy's new and elegant residence at the north end of Main street. The building is a. credit to the street. The ignorant mun knoweih not that his name is on the jury list. but the wise man peruses the hints): and when he findelh his name. behold he is much pleased. Two Chinamen got into a little difficulty. in Chinatown last evening. and settled the matter by taking down their queues and giving one another a good thrashing. The familiar phiz of Brother Mahoney once morensmiles a how-d‘ye—do to his numerous friends in the Reef. Billiam‘s stay at Frisco was like unto a donkey‘s gallop—«short and sweet. Outlook for the Reef. Captain Lubbock. who has been rusticating in Pioche for a few days past. submitted to the pumping process of a Record reporter, and the following is the result : “ Captain H. S. Lubbock arrived here last Saturday evening from Silver Reef. He reports things rather dull there at present, but spoke very encouragingly of the future; in fact. so much so that he took us by surprise. He says they will ship from the Reef in 1880 from 25 to 3} per cent. more bullion than they will during the present year: The mines are all in an excellent condition at the present time—never looked better. The affairs of the Stormont Company will soon be satisfactorily arranged and work will soon start with renewed vigor. The Chrisiy Company‘s affairs are all running along smoothly. The mines are all in splendid irim. showing a good quantity of ore. The mill has been running steadily for twenty—one months. but it is the intention to close it down some time during the coming month for repairs. which it is very much in need of. The burnt district has been entirely rebuilt. and the new buildings are much more substantial than those destroyed by the fire.“ ——-—o.—o———————- "Very Like a Fraud. Some imaginative wuliltoo Connected with the Salt Lake Tribune office has written “an expose“ of the Mormon Endowment House mysteries. and to make the thing appear as if il. were really and truly a. “ lifting of the vail“ by one who has been through the ecclesiastical mill, the thing is signed "Mrs. G. S. R.. Nephl. Utah, Sept. 24. 1879.“ Now, honest lujun. )ir. rI‘ribune. wasn‘t that loug~wiuded and tastefully illustrated *‘ expose“ written rightin your own office and by one of your own employes? And isn‘t it composed of three-fourths imagination and one-fourth extract of Beadle? And ain‘t you ashamed of yourself toimpose on the good nature of your readers by printing three or four columns of such fraudulent trash to the exclusion of all legitimate local news? Be honest about it. neighbor, and astonish yourself by telling the truth for once in your life. The shipments of bullion from Silver Reef, through Wells, Fargo 5.: Co.. for the mouth ending to-day. aggregate 576.540 25—0f which amount the Stormont Company’s mill turned out $51,852 41. Mrs. Grambs‘ new restaurant building. on the site of the old structure. corner Main and Center streets, is nearly completed. It is considerably larger than the building destroyed in the fire of May last. The editor of the Beaver Chronic-hell (late the Barnacle) has found a new and improved ' way of spelling “polygamy.“ This is how he prints it—‘" p—ovl-e-g-a-mle." Awfully sug— gestive. ain't it. ceived their certificates of election, the former as Justice of the Peace. and the latter as Constable. The Judge is looking for every mail to bring him his commission frorn Governor Emery. The following named persons were drawn last week to serve as petit jurors al the eusuing December term of the Second District Court: Hector “'yllc Mortimer Wain-2r . Julius Jordan John Rider Nathaniel Ashby Thom-.15 5. Terry Miles Dlll‘ ‘\ R' :l(l.’1‘liaxton Samuel St l lum Wright Henry ’i‘lmn Robert Jackson James .igt'. ;' G. F. Curtain Anthony irVins “'lllium Rudd D. C.Ture John Tophum Alma ’i‘. A J 11:] 1.. Rule :. h Cox “'altor Granger James Heniic S. C. Hulcl‘r Alva Price R. W. Hopkins Sanford Jaques John Honstan Henry Eyring )i. Burgess E. Dalton Thomas Judd. —————-m———- - Judge Paddock and Joe Hang have both re- ' The Bloody Butcher- Bird. Butcher birdsknown elsewhere asjunipers. are making it somewhat lively for canary and other cage pets. Last week one of these cannibuls - attacked the canories of Mesdames Jordan and Siegcthe cant-s being hung up out doors. :lpgl kiilcdhoth of them by‘twisting of? t their behrls. ‘ The butcher is- a vicious bird. WELMn‘pubuaued entitled in appearance and size much rosembliurr “ Why Women Cannot be Turned Into Men." We do. not desire to read any such incendiary literature. We have our own ideas on the subject and dont want to have them dis— turbed. A new counterfeit half-dollar is in circulation. It is easily detected by the greasy feeling. but in appearance and in sound it is a perfect copy of the genuine. except perhaps that the millingis a little sharper in the base than in the true coin. An exchange pointedly remarks: Never so into a store where you are not wanted. If amau wants you to come into his place of business he will invite you through an advertisement in your home paper. It is wrong :for you to intrude upon his privacy; so don‘t you do it. Henry James got on a bowling drunkthe other evening, and while hunting around for some one to tread on the tail of his coat so that he could have a chance to cut off somebody.s ears, the heavy hand of the law (per Constabie Kong) yanked both Henry and his coat-tail to the jug. Fifteen dollars the culprit pungled the folowing morn to his honor. Judge Phillips. bluejay. only his feathers are of a very «in blue. He is provided with a low sharp bill. which said bill he seems to " e especial pleasure in presenting to dom ated pets such as raunries. generally L‘llflll iii" ‘ view by twisting 021‘ the head of t lo. - .songsters. Several of these birds .. been noticed around town within the paxt two weeks. 0 That Reported Massacre. Colonel Wall having presented Funk Mulligan with. a number of very fine specimens of ore from the recent strike in the Kinner min e. the latter gentleman has in turn care~ fully packed up the argentiferous sandstone in boxes and sent one to the cabinet of the Miners‘ Union in Virginia City. Nevada, and another to the cabinet of the Gold Hill Union. \The specimens are beauties. and as the miners of the Comstock don‘t often come across sandstone bristling with native silver. they will have something new to talk about for a while. In the overflowing of a heart so big that it has bulged out the possessor‘s corporosily until he looks ‘like two alderman squeezed into one. the presiding genius of the Elkhorn 'saloon—which the same is none other than the jol ’ Miller whose front name is George —the other day sent down to the Maven ofiice a couple of bottles of rock and rye and alike quantity of fine old rye minus the rock. A box of cigars kept the liquors company. As printers never risk the costs of their stomachs by drinking anything but the very finest brands of cordials, the best compliment we can pay the quality of George‘s whiskies is to’ fly the"? nary a drop remains in any of the Onto MINING DISTRICT. Pier}; 00.. UTAH, Sept.20th. 1879. i To ”(C Editor of the Silver Reef Miner : After months of prospecting in this section of the Lord's vineyard, I desire conscientiously to assert through the columns of the MINER that the bouanzas of the Ohio mining district have been discovered and are now being put in shape for their energetic and successful operation. There have been many endeavors put forth by certain interested parties to block the wheels of prowess and put a damper on the mining interests of the )It. Baldy district. Misrepresentations as to the resources of the mines have been published. and when the falsehoods have been corrected by parties who do 'rc the facts to be made public. they are asailed in the Salt Lake Tribune as " irresponsible scribblcis " by some Duke like the Duke of Morvsvulc. \Ve desire especially to call the attention of moneyed men to the opportunities afforded for investment. The quantity and quality of the ore which late dcvelcpments have shown up. will fully justify The Chronic~heil (late the Barnacle) reports typhoid fever prevalent in Beaver. The Territorial Fair opened in Salt Lake City-today and will close on Saturday. Sh! The Deserets returned Monday night from their inglorious. Denver campaign. Park City'is now in telegraphic communi— cation with Salt Lake City—line finished last Wednesday. The )iiugo smelter. near-Sandy. owned by Pennsylvania parties. is making regular shipments of bullion to Pittsburg. Track-laying on the Utah Southern Exten— sion is said to be progressing at the rate of two miles pc-r day. We don‘t believe it. Already the I'fah and Northern Railroad hits attained the proud (lisliuctiou of " the longest narrow-gauge road in the World." Sheep Creek, thirty miles north offhe proscut terminus.will be made the Wiuicr terminus of the Utah and Northern Railroad. The ride from Ogden will be made in about seventeen hours. ' erection of a ten-stamp mill. John T. Hilton,abrakeman in the employ of the Utah Southern Railroad. fell from a box-car as the train was switching at Sandy. on Thursday last. and was run over. He died twelve hours afterward. rich by the proceeds of legitimate mining operations. The ore is good milling rock and the veins from which it.is extracted are true fissures. A number of Silver Reefers are interested here and show their good sense by not relinguishiug possession of their property. as they will certainly find it valuable when the camp comes out. ' It has just been reported that gold has been discovered south of the Deer Trail mine. the as 5 running from $200 to $500. The find has created some excitement and I will inform you as to future developments. SOLOMOX. Advices from Minersville. Beaver county. report the weather very dry. No rain there for months. except a few storms that did but very little goood. Hay and other products we . but half a crop. Hry sold in Frisco at «a. \n' v \. per ton. bfilt-d: loose it brou;-_x.t $25. A fellow named Agrenionte. \vlio'claiuied to be a deputy United States Marshal when he was no such thing. has been arresLCd for fleecing and blackmailing the people of Sanpete and othrr Southern counties. He now reposeh in quod at Provo undcr the fatherly care of Sheriff Turner. l For Sale i A light spring wagon. Enquire of C. RETALLICK, Leeds. —-———¢.‘———'~ Butter l Fresh Bench Butter for sale at ‘ Ricxanos’ News Dufio‘r. to be utv nouns, tantrums, OLourI—IING' Hardware and Miners’ Supplies. ' GOODS rkomrrtr nuttv ERED to ALL PARTS of the DISTRICT. he. (lawn. Heckalhorn 8! Miller, E. n. Oman ASSAY OFFICE ._op_ At Their 01d Itlnd., autumn; and CBONAN. DIAL!!! I] lain Strut, opposite Harfimi Emu. Lumber ORES and BULLION THE LEEDS SHINGLES. and Molding, on VOI' Beet, . - - ——ALL KINDS 0!— BANKING BUSINESS. Car p’enter Work furnishes Exchange on Salt Lake, San Franaiuo. and all parts of the Eastern States and Europe. JOHN H RICE. Ouhl “7E HAVE PURCHASED MR. JESsup‘s interest in the Peter’s Leap sawmill and are prepared to ofi'er better indueements to parties wanting lumberthan any other firm in the Reef. and can deliver TA‘ILOR’I NG. special orders much sooner than any other IN ALL ITS BBANOHEB. Shoes! Gents,call and see Stephens. He has received the latest stylo of Summer Shoes. JUST RECEIVED l m~——— Furnished Rooms .31— a .. nose A u 0 SAT I s FACTION cuanaursen. m Consolidation. J.B.. Richards begs to inform the public but he has purchased the news business heretofore conducted by Herman Krause and consolidated it with his. He will always be prepared to furnish the public with the latest periodicals. The leading dailies of the Coast received by every mail. ——————-¢-6-—— Good News for the LadiesWoolf it: Jordan in order to make room for an immense stock of Clothing, Hats, Furnish-ng Goods. Groceries. Liquors. Tobaccos, etc.. have resolved to close out their whole Dry Goods department and o'fi'er the same at cost price for the next thirty days. For further particulars read their circulars. Struts. A. wm cum. And Lodgings. at Mrs. C. Hanson‘s, Main on Tailor. t ritory and married a chler county girl. The parents of the boy Gale, who was bantcrcd into marrying a young lady on a come out in a card in the Ogden Dispatch and decline to acknowledge the wedding as a valid one. They say the youth is a minor. and intimate. in an indirect manner. thatthe Justice who performed the ceremony did it for the sake of the V. The Salt Lake Herald says: Our smelting men find it difficult to get load ore enough to work with the dry silver ores being offered in the market, though they pay prices at which silver—dead are carrying 50 to 60 per cent. lead and 14 mm ounces silver ought to yieldauct profit to the miner of about $13 per ton. Mines like the Alta. Walker and Webster. Hidden Treasure. Yosemite and Gruy'Rock are making fortunes for their owners. from the. fact lllui they produce such ores as the market requires. Attention ! Go to Stephen‘s for your good-fittiiig Boots and Shoes. GREENBAUM J. B. STEPHENS. —PB’ACTICA L‘ ....A FINE LOT 0P.... 3001' AND SHOE MAKER. Empire Market, Wall Paper AU IN STREET - - French Material. Being practical in the busiloss. I can make whatever style of boot or shoe is desired. Give me a call. Good Pit —-Asn— guinranteed. Dress Boots and Shoesa Spo- C. WESTOVER, 61.90., Prop’s. 'u t . or Bord-erg. y REPAIRING The Choicest Outs of Beef, Pork NEATLY —-———o—.+———— and Mutton Always on HandAll orders carefully filled and promptly delived free of charge. in Silver Beef. Leedfl. Harrisburg, and on the River, HAVANA CIGARS N. CHRISTENSEN. , Boo and Shoe . . . .AND mm... Important. That merchant may justly bc regardel as a public benefactor who devotes his time and talent to the public service. Mr. Friedman claims. and is justly entitled to. this distinction. for he attends to the w its of his lady patrons with indefatigable aesidulty. bringing the full wealth of his experience to bear in the selection of goods for this market. An entirely new line of merchandise suitable for summer trade has just been received. of which fact the ladies can satisfy themselves by personal examination. The inducements which Mr. Friedman offers, both in regard to price and quality of goods. can be extended by no other firm in Southern Utah. his facilities for buying being the best and his expenses the least of any leading business housein this section of the Territory. The assortment of summer drygoods. embracing every conceivable article required for a perfect wardrobe. is immense. and. considering the excellent quality of the stock. extraordinary bargains will be offered. It is now the intention to sacrifice the immense summer stock on hand to make room for the fall goods, and the space being limited. indies will find it to their advantage to visit the empori- Maker. BEST LIDUDBS natures Is prepared to contract for And all work connected with the trade, from which he offers to the trade and consumers at bottom figures. at $5 a chance. 1 ha cabinet is undoubtedly one of dis finest in the West. W Rafi 85nd. flaw last. ING A PABLO“. “-wa MF A CALL. jy23-tf Be In Rolls: Out of the. moan" Businessman is selling his mock below cost. um nun-n n. A . srnacnn, Groceries. Provisions. CONTRACTOR FREE BUTTER & EGGS AT ALL nun. fi-Bsmembsr this place soils cheaper than my other house. 1327 —AND—- FOR SA-LE ! LUIBEB Ind Gull- S A M W | HS A; I Valuable Property. BUlL DER. SILVER REEF. UTAH. Sixty acres of land with water-twenty acres under fence. fourteen acres inlucorne and the balance suitable for gardening. Also one stone buildinit at Leeds. suitgblp fora store. and eight building lots oppostte it: and a good lumber building, 24:24.1n a destreble part of Silver Reef. with good water at the A. LEMMON,‘ door. For fur‘her particulars call on B U. Bonn-11v. Silver Beef. First Wash-Ileana. bonanza, \ (LOWER trimaran.) rheumatism m rams. Work done promptly and in best. of style. 23.1. M. “mania: Carpenter, Builder and Kremlin Saloon. CABINET MAKER. Feel and Livery Stable. JUST RECEIVED at Halpin‘s. 2510 lbs. of OMAHA WHITE LEAD. guaranteed quality, at prices lower that: ever before ofi‘arod in thin market. \ J. A. TURRILL, FA'MILY enocsmes WHITEWASHING A CELLAR T0 DECORAT- ———o.-’-—-— 00-. A very fine cabinet of specimens, new on exhibition in Fordon-ki‘s saloon. is shortly to be radicdofi'. There will be a hundred chances Also a good Supply of House and Buggy Painting corner of Main and Boyd Streets James Booth. photographer. returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received on his several visits to the Reef, and also states that he will close operations on the 12th of this month. Please govern yourselves accord ingly. Next door to Johnson‘s. lain as... Indoor WEWMcSabon. Elegance, Durabllity and Comfort Guaranteed) ‘ (Fins-r Was-r Srnnm. ........... SILVER BEEF.) um, as the stock now on hand MUST BE SOLD. Raffle ! manotmra. the largest and most complete invoice of Plato and Ornamental LAMP cnmnnvs ever brought to Southern Utah, DONE. J. B. STEPHENS. THOS. HUTCHISON, Notice ! .— SIL YER. REEF AKIIS TO ORDER ALL KINDS of Boots and Shoes from. the has} MAIN s'runn'r, Photography. All interested parties will please take notice that on September let all unsettled bills will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. CLARK 4b Monnuons. run suit III-do to order. An assortment of Fine, Impoued ENGLISH CLO'I'IIS, alwaysonhand. r a- Shop, Corner of Centre and First West Silver Reef "that twenty~eight prospectors were massacred by Indians. between Grand and Blue rivers. near the eastern boundary of Utah. No particulars are given excepting that the miners were from the Reef." if there is any truth in the above report. we have yet to find it out. The chances are that the story of the massacre originated solely in the fertile brain of some superfine fabricator of the Reef who wanted to relieve the monotony of things by springing a first-class sensation on a credulous public; ' Utah. Transact: aceneral n the East at the time he joined the Church in this Ter- ASSAYED. mill company. ' —————m who claims " doctor." huda wife and fami, ........RETAIL ETAIL Doors. Sash. Go to J. B. Eilephei‘s. for your GOOD FITTING BOOTS. Or taken for Ladies‘ Dress Shoes. ' The convicted man, ........ ......and ..... Gentlemen ! smelter, which V)? S. Godberr‘cently disposed In Judge Emerson‘s Courl at Provo. on Wednesday last. Hector S. Wi-‘ner was found guilty of bigamy and sentenced to imprisonment for two years and to pay a line of $100. WHOLESALE............. WHOLESALE............. Banking Company, New Goods. 4—— of to Eastern parties foru‘ ndsnmefigure. The how company is incorporated for Successor to Jacobs & Sultan, J. R. Rickards. at his News Depot, has just received a large and carefully selected assortment of Stationery. Fancy Goods. Playing Cards. and everything usually found in awe“stocked stationery establishment. He also has r. fcw thousand cigars of the choicest brands for the retail trade. General Grant is to visit Salt Lake City. Of course, he won‘t think 1.". 'esuming his journey Eastward until he 3i-‘~eeu the boss mining camp of Utah—wh the some is Silver Rec-f. As an inducement, we may rc« mark that there is plenty of g (l whisky in town and no end of impelled Havauas. $2,0C0,000. SUI-TAN, and men who are now poor would have become A married lady named Smith. of Ogden. gave birth to triplets last wcckftwo girls and a boy. weighing respectively. 5 pounds 8 ounces. 4 pounds 13 ounces and 6 pounds 11 ounces. The husbandis a cripple. The Cave mine. at )iiucrsville, starts up to-du' (Oct. Isl) under lieu. management. This is the property. togethot with the Ca:bouate and Rattler mines land the Frisco JULIUS We want no man to invest a dollar without a thorough examination of ”it; producingcapacities of the Camp, which fact should be suflicicnt evidence of our faith in the permanence and extent of the orc bodies. There is if] sight at the present time. enough on: to keep stenstamp custom mill running for years. and but for the extreme difficulty of drawing public attention to the advantages of the camp. some enterprising millman would already be established, the camp would be flourishing Judge Boreman and another Nethodist minister. Rev. Mr. Ilifl‘. have returned to Beaver from athrec day-sf fishing excursion. Boreman reopened his Court yesterday (Tuesday) morning. ing contain the blood-curdling report from aforementioned bottles. Bam has just received. dieect from the ammonia. Divid ’Wilson has been appointed Postmaster at Hillsdale, Iron county. Barbee Hoisting Works Rebuilt. Work on the Barbee hoisting works has progressed finely. The machinery is all in place and the connections made. and as soon as the lime in the mason work has been allowed a proper time to dry—n few (lays will suffice for that—everything will be in readiness forhoistiug again. There is any amount of good are in the Barbee. and some of it will soon find its way to the mills for reduction. The burningy of the Barbee mill and hoisting works last June was the cause of a decrease in Silver Reef‘s bullion output of 530.000 per month. We hope soon to see this excellent property eclipse its former record as a silver producer. BESTRICT. Piute County Showing Up Her Bonanzas. [rah and Northern train the olhcr evening, The Salt Lake papers of last Sunday morn- An actual daily count will be made in all the postofllces of the United States from the 1st to the 'l'th of next month of all letters, packages. postal cards. etc.. deposited for transmission in the United States mails. Publishers of newspapers are requested to furnish Postmasters with the number of papers mailed by them within the limits of the am specified. OHIG ——+..— Petit Jurors. The man who was too subsequent. so to speak, in donning his underclothing. is now kept busy running to the drug store for medicine to cure his bad cold. The cold weather did it. TERRITORIAL NEWS. Asmall dose of “the beautiful” fell in Salt Lake on Monday night. *0 _._._ ...... OCTOBER 1. 1879. One door Mojflze 1.an been; Silver Beef. . r atrium a mom. lav,” nu- 51.. fillvct leer. rub d! a. r ital Witter. |