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Show V- Hinckley ELAINE HARDY boys of Crescent, Utah, visited il ,,., .u . ' the Handle Swensens. Bessie and Robert Webb went to Mrs Sebrina Robinson has had Provo Monday morning. her daughleri Mrs. Marie Ferre ,f Stephen Talbot of Us Vegas Salt Lake, and her son, Ross of El-came El-came Tuesday night to see his par ko, Nev. visiting. Ross had come to ents, Reva and Lynn Talbot. Salt Lake with his wife, Neva, who - The Rook Club was entertained has an art exhibit of her paintings by Mrs. Thora Petersen Wednes- at the Cottonwood Mall. Neva has day. Thirteen members and guests her paintings on exhibit In three Velma Talbot, Marie Talbot, NaRae states now. Petersen, I.yla Rae Morris and Elai Russel Talbot, Barry Bishop and ne Hardy attended. Prizes won by: David Ekins were home over the Krma Cropper, Ruth Talbot, Oletea weekend from school. Swensen, Lyla Rae Morris, Clara The Hinckley Lions Club held Stewart and Alta Warnick. Delma their regular meeting at Hatch's Jean Galli Is a new member of the Cafe last wek. Present was Mr. Ar-club. Ar-club. ; chie Pohl of the San Joaquin Valley Neal and Janice Larson and fam in Calif- wno came with Lyle Bun-ily Bun-ily of Carson City visited the Ran- k,er- Mr. Pohl told the Lions of his die Swensen family. They came in fub in Cf)llf- and some of ts activ-Saturday activ-Saturday and returned home Sun . llls- day. They brought Neal's sister, ! Mark Petersen, son of the Wayne Diane home. She had been at Car Petersens, and Paul Morris of Delta son City to attend her father, Jack returned home Saturday from a Iorsen's funeral FFA Convention in Kansas City, Mo. 'tr;n,i.wM.!,i0'n,.v, i....,! J Everyone has been talking and D.M.So MoDe STAFF Dixie Merrell Editor Karen Kliuson Teens Mary Lou Nickle Susan Jensen General News Dana Waddingham Lyle Walker Sports Ruth Anna Morris Typist getting ready for the deer hunt this week. Hope the hunters all can come back with a deer. There have been a few cases of the flu in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Cluff Taibot went trt Calf T n,n Tor. TUy,cAn-,, rrhnvn rrir ows we. ng all . JA w,w rh,;doncn h ;m.n uraay- uct- ln ephi for the in- rant son of Mr and Mrs f1ov(j Tav earthquake recently during the night. At the Hon Croppere home, the chandelier swung back and forth when the quake hit for three minutes. Several reported th"t their beds shook. The Verdell Bishops reported their chickens made loud son spent a week at the Ken Dam ron home recently. Lowell Petesen went to Salt Lake Saturday to see the Quarter Horse show. Carolyn and Larry Randle and little girl visited here Sunday. They are former Hinckley residents now living in St. George. Mrs. Beryl Hardy and Diane went to Holden Sunday to visit with Beryl's parents, the Clyde Woods. Shelley Carter, daughter of Ken nard and Betty Carter, had a tonsil lectomy Monday of last week. Ren and Lillian Taylor spent two lor. He was born last Thursday and lived seven hours. We send sympathy sympa-thy to the Tavlors. Mrs. Reva Taylor Tay-lor and Ren Taylor were in Nephi lor the services. i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Taylor brought tlojds mother, Mrs. Reva Taylor, home after she had spent a few days with them. Liewen Steele was the honored guest at a party for her 12th birth day. Seventeen young girls attend ed at the Western Home. At the home of Mrs. Fern Hep-worih Hep-worih this week has been Beth Hep i worth of Tooele and Dr. and Mrs. Eagles Swoop Down on Rabbits For 12-0 Score The annual football game between be-tween Delta and Millard high schools is almost legendary. As each game sinks Into time and oblivion, the tales of each encounter en-counter become more glowing. Lost Friday's game will be no exception, ex-ception, especially in the eyes and hearts of the Millard rank and file. The Delta Rabbi's ran hard and at times rose to g cat heights, but as each drive bee n to gain momentum mo-mentum lady lucl. seemed to Jilt our fondest hopes. Delta had ninny lars on her team that dnv, Stv Pace, the great interior linenm.i Clyde Bunk er, the great anchor man and stellar stel-lar bull carrier, to name a few-even few-even so Millard High came up with a few stars of her own in Stevens, Starley, Huber Peterson and company, com-pany, to derail the Delta Rabbits on this particular occasion. At this point Delta still has an outside chance to gain a play-off berth. If Millard can beat Emery, North Sanpete can beat Emery and Delta can win over North Sanpete and Juab then the Rabbits would be in a play-off situation with Emery for second place in the Region. The Delta High School's motto at this stage of the game is "When the going gets tough --the tough get going." Lets go! Fight! Win! Rabbits. flyS.tV;a' JLW. ! -June A. Hepworth and four children there. Mrs. Marge Judd accompan ied them. Ralph Gronning of Salina visited on the weekend to attend the foot ball game and to see his mother, Mrs. l.aFay Corey. The Duane Galli family went to Marion (Boone) Bishop and his new wife visited in Hinckley this week with friends. The Waldo Warnicks went to Provo Sunday to visit Grace and Marvin Bell and their family. Jeresa Memhardt returned to ,iUV I .X. V n i Salt Lake Sunday after spending a well party held there for Duane s,week witn hw grandparnts. sa. mother who is moving from there to Hinckley. At the Parry Tippetts home over the weekend was their son, Jim and his wife, Jan, and their children, Phyllis and Jamie of Springville. The Tippetts daughter, Ina Lee, of the EYU was also here. Another vis itor was a niece of Jim and Jan's, Susan Miller of Green River, Wyo. The Hinckley Little League Chargers Char-gers won their football game Saturday Satur-day when they played the Jets. Congratulations boys. Their coaches are Gary Church and Ken Lake. Mrs. Lyla Rae Morris was hostess to the Rookette Club at the home of Mrs. Ruth Talbot Monday even ing of last week. Members present Leora Ivie, Shirl Bailey, Arda Davis, Mavis Hardy, Dorothy Spencer, La Wanna Peterson, Jeannie Taylor, Anna Lee Hepworth, Anna Lou Stan worth. Guests Thora Peterson, NaRae Na-Rae Petersen, Belva Morris, Natalie Bennett, Ruth Talbot, Beryl Hardy Arvilla Swensen. Prizes won by Arda, Leora, Dorothy, Belva and Ruth. Mrs. Sharon Western entertained twenty little guests in honor of her son Howard's 6th birthday on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwodd Collins of ron and family came to get her. Sharilyn returned to Salt Lake with them and crme home Sunday. Mrs. Carolyn Stevens had her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Weed of Fill more here Wednesday to visit her and her family. Other visitors were Carolyn's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. I.oren 'Peggy) Hansen, of Marysville, Califl, and Connie Weed of Fillmore. Another sister, Mrs. Re nee Hosteller and family have been to visit from Indiana, recently. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Swensen and Mr. and Mrs. Randle fwensen went to Fillmore Saturday evening to attend the wedding reception for Trent and Vicki Crapo. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cropper and girls of Las Vegas came Friday. Dar rell and Ann and Hon went to Ely area where Darrell hunted deer. The girls stayed in Hinckley while they hunted and they all returned to Las Vegas Sunday. Jolly Stitchers Jolly Stitcher's Club met Oct. 13 at the home of Mrs. Etta Underhill, Mrs. Lola Dalton was assistant hos tess. Seventeen members responded Coming Events . . . Veteran's Day, to be observed on November 10 by the schools this year, will be the first of a series ser-ies of special days at the Delta Junior and Senior High School. The Social Studies department will be spotlighted for recognition, altho other departments will be involved in the activities. Veteran's organizations organi-zations and other townspeople will also be asked to help make this an outstanding occasion. The public is invited to visit the school and attend assemblies on these days. Mr. Merlin Christensen, assistant principal, has suggested that the school find ways to honor students in activities that have not previous ly received public attention. This is the first step in what is hoped will be a program that will bring recognition to all students who achieve. -X The Repertory Dance Theatre group, who specialize in modern dance, is scheduling a performance in Delta during February. A defin-ate defin-ate date and performance time will be announced later. .LoaBelle Mangleson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Golden Black of Delta, is a member of the troupe. Several of the dancers came to Delta with Mrs. Mangleson two years ago and gave a concert at the old high school; so in a way this will be a return engagement. However, since that time the group has been re organized under a Rockefeller Foun dation grant issued in 1966. Along with the Utah Civic Ballet (who will give their second concert in Delta in April) the Repertory Dance group is affiliated with the to roll call and one guest, Mrs. Ogden spent Sunday at the home Lois Greene, were present. of her sister, Lonnie and Joe Morris. Mrs. Nell Sorenson eave an excell Elaine Hardy attended a banquet 1 ent report of the book, "Winged University of Utah. All of the dan and program in Holden Monday Moccsins" by Joyce Farnsworth, cers are full-time professionals, evening which was held for the . which adder to everyone's under-1 - 4-H leaders of East Millard.. She atistanaing of Sacajawea's traits and tended to present some students! characteristics that contributed so in a dance number. Gertrude Western's group of Head Start boys and girls, as part of the Head Start program visited the Hin ckley Post Office, where they received re-ceived a package thft had been mailed to thorn thru the auspices of Head Start. This is just one of the little activities outlined in the program to give the children exper ience in activities they will have from time to time laler on. NATIONAL LUNCH WEEK was observed at the Hinckley School Lunch Room Wednesday and Thurs ray mid was very successful. About: KM) people were served each day.) I .'inch mum workers Mrs. Beryl Il.ir ( dy and Mrs. Lonnie Morris wish tl t'uink nil those who supported, those who camo to eat and alsof those who helped with the prepar, at ions. ('nil Hardy went to Rait Lake on' business Wednesday. He stayed with Judd mid Jaiiuit and family.; High Councilman Merlin Christen j sen visited our ward Sunday. At the evening service, his wife and( two little boys took part on the pro Hiam. Everyone enjoyed the song Ming by the hoys which they did. exceptionally well. j Mrs. Natalie Bennett went to Provo one day recently. Hinckley Elementary School child i r.-n will enjoy a holiday next Mot nay as school is oui lor me neer hunt. At the Parry Taylor home to visit Sunday evening was Steve Hopkins who has just returned home from from Viet Nam. Mrs. Alia Barney of Heber City spent two days with her daughter, the Glen Tavlor family. With her was Marin Warren of Springville. She is an aunt of Verna's. Mrs. Ardis Murray of San Luis Abispo, Calif., visited with her fath er, ls Webb, and with her sisters and their families in the area. With her was Mrs. Vivian Morris of Calif. They also visited in Provo with her daughter Jane Jefferies and husband hus-band and helped care for their new-baby, new-baby, Ardis and husband's first grandchild. Neil and Carma Swensen and much to the success of the Lewis i and Clark Expedition. Next meeting is scheduled for ; Nov. 10th with Vivian Holman and Trula Abbott hostesses. ' Put your money where your heart is in America U.S. SAVINGS BONDS NEW FREEDOM SHARES Our man with the Armed Forces Because beer is such a favorite with servicemen, we brewers like to do all we can to keep its surroundings right. So USBA representatives serve as adviser members of the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards throughout the country. These men from the USBA operate hand in hand with service and civilian police, with malt beverage licensees, public boards and committees: military, civil, professional. Object: to protect those who are underage, and to insure strict observance of the law. We're proud of the work they do. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 366 SOUTH 5TH EAST SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH eeni o-jj the IdJeeJz . . . v-. ' V I' 4 v BOB THOMAS Bob Thomas is the serious-minded son of Eldon and Lorene Thomas Tho-mas of Sugarville. Although he might not appear outwardly friendly friend-ly when passed on the street, he is actually very congenial and known to add much humor to class room discussions. When he pays a compliment you can be sure it is sincere. His outside interests include foot ball, wrestling, and horseriding. He enjoys sports and has participated in both football and wrestling for three years. This intelligent teen takes his school-work seriously. His busy class schedule consists of physics, Chemistry II, temac, shop, Distributive Distri-butive Education, and athletics. Bob has the qualities and charac teristics of a good leader. He has held positions as Junior class presi dent and Vo-Ag treasurer. This year he is the president of the Letter-man's Letter-man's Club, and also on of two chairmen for Homecoming. After he has completed high school, he plans to attend Dixie College and possibly later transfer to the U. of U. He would like to major in mathematics but is undecided un-decided as to his minor. EMILY YOUNG I Millard County Chronicle From the P Sen' Halls of V D.H.S.- 4f Principal Fowles "We Like Our Team," "This is Rabbit Country," and "Fire Up, liic D." These and many other i clever slogans and signs were seen in abundance In the halls of our I High School last week and before all other athletic contests. Signs decorating the halls have j contributeed to our school spirit : and an "alive" atmosphere in our school. The eye catching signs were made by the cheerleaders and Pep : Club, under the direction of their adviser Miss Allmendinger, in the j attempt to spur our team on to victory. I The signs in the halls, pep rallies, marching at games, and planning of skits all tf ke mnny hours of pre pnration and creativity. Activities such as these, when kept in moner ation, all to enthusiam and good academic attitudes for school thru student involvement. Thursday, October 19, 1967 HOMECOMING . . . Homecoming is going to be great this year! It's October 27th, and we'll start the day with rtn assembly at 10:00 a.m. It's bound to be exciting with Russell Talbot as M.C. The parade will begin at 11:30 a.m. It will follow a new route this year, beginning at the Stake House going up to the High School down the shady street by the football field, then turning on to Main Street. Next, lunch, will be followed by the game at 1:30 p.m. with Juab. The half-time show will be present ed by the Pep Club and all bands. Concessions will bo sold by the Senior Class. The day will be completed with the Homecoming Dance in the Gym at 9:00 p.m. A live orchestra has been contracted to play. The theme for the day will be "Moments to Remember." Everyone, especially the Alumni, is invited to join in the day's ac tivities. Who is the auburn-haired girl with the ready smile, unfailing dependability, and noticeable congeniality? con-geniality? She is often seen playing play-ing the piano, dancing ballet, taking tak-ing part in dramatics, swimming, or even riding horses. Emily Young, most assuredly, is a well-rounded individual. She has given her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva A. Young of Abrahom and four older brothers, 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE many reasons to be proud of her. I Emily is a two-year member of . Pep CiUb and Mixed Chorus. She often accompanies in Mixed Chorus, I her favorite class. She has also , been ln.band two years playing the drums. Her schedule includes Physics, 1 English American Problems, Mixed Chorus, Pep Club, Seminary, Algebra Alge-bra II, and Piano Recital. Along with her many other school and civic activities she Is our Mnemosyne Mne-mosyne editor, already at work compiling this year's magazine. ! Still, in spite of her activities, she finds time to dabble at home-mak ing arts. She plans to attend BYU next year where she will undoubtedly succeed due to her conscientious altitude. FACES AT DHS Mre. Scow: Mrs. Arprilla Scow, of Deseret is working at DHS as a teacher's aid. She is helping in the Junior High School in the social studies departments. depart-ments. Her afternoons are spent in the bookstore and in the office. We hope Mrs. Scow enjoys her work here this year. - Mrs. Lovell: If you eat lunch often you've probably noticed the lady taking tickets by the door. She is Mrs. Wilma Lovell of Leamington. Mrs. Lovell Is also a teacher's aid for the high school English teachers. We wish her luck in her work at DHS. DHS News Items FROM THE BAND WAGON: The bands and the Pep Club are working on a half lime program for Homecoming. The participants include the High School Band, the Jr. High Bands, the Elementary Band and the Pep Club. The program consists of several tributes in formations and songs. There will be a tribute to the Delta football teams of '38, 'G6 and '67, the Homecoming Royalty, and Juab. Much work has been put into this program and everyone is encouraged en-couraged to come and enjoy it. Doris Moody FHA: Wednesday night the Future Homemakers met to watch a sewing sew-ing demonstration by JoAnn Bird. We are sure it was a rewarding ex perience for those in attendance. GIRLS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: The Girls Athletic Association will hold their opening meeting in the Gym this Thursday at 3:30. At this meeting they plan to elect their officers and select n committee commit-tee to write the new club's constitution. consti-tution. Ail girls who are interested in participating in sports this year, be sure to come. Support our support YOU. advertisers. They Get personalized serv.ee shop with our advertisers. Window Materials mm J3S)Flex-0-Glass Glass-0-Net VyrOGlass ScreejiGlass lli)Fl.E0PAIIE "WARP'S" BRANDED ON THE EDGE MEANS SATISf ACTION GUARANTEED QUALITY MARKET HARDWARE "LET'S GO STERN SADDLERY RANCH WEAR WESTERN BOOTS Vitil our frlMdlr tor. 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Today permanent press items even include bed sheets, pillow cases, curtains, drapes, table napkins ... in addition to clothes. Of the automatic dryers in use in the area we serve, 5 of every 6 are flameless. There must be a reason so many more women prefer electric! costs less to own the best Buy now from your electric dealer. Because it's electric, it's betler.v UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. |