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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 19, 1967 The Millard County Chronicle Published every THURSDAY nt Dolta, Utah Jiy CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY R. H. (Bob) RIDING PUBLISHER INEZ RIDING EDITOR Letters and unsolicited unsolicit-ed articles for publication publi-cation do not necessarily neces-sarily reflect the policy pol-icy or views of this newspaper. No lette should be longer than 300 words. All letters must be signed. Name will be withheld only by specific request. Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year In advance; Six months, $2.25 Advertising Rates on Request NATIONAL NEWSPAPER - A I I fUN STAT Oak City News MACEL ANDERSON On Saturday Old Man Veather decided we d had a long enough summer so the North Wind came up and brought a killing frost which brought an end to the toma to and bean harvesting from the Red Wing SPORT BOOTS right for all outdoors Try on a pair. You'll never wear anything else. SIZES: 6-16, AA-EEEE oTltq's I DEPPRTrtlEnT I jr I A f S . gardens. Most people have their apples picked. There was a good crop of apples and pears this year. Mrs. Ranae Christensen was at Cedar to attend an audio-visual workshop for the school Tuesday and Wednesday. Its nice to have Bishop Willis Dutson home from the hospital and able to be out a little. They came home Wednesday. Misses Mayvon-ne Mayvon-ne and Dixie Dutson and Miss Wil-na Wil-na Wixom visited Mr. and Mrs. Dut son over the weekend from Salt Lake. Thursday afternoon the Daughters Daugh-ters of Pioneers of Fillmore met at the home of Mrs. LeRoy (Viola) Walker where they read the life history of Ole H. Jacobson by his I granddaughter, Mrs. Nina Brunson.1 A history of the building o the Pipe Organ and Tabernacle in the Temple block at Salt Lake was given by Laura Trimble. The group sang, "I'll Take You to Your Home, Kathleen," and a recording of the songs which were sung by the Millard Mill-ard Slake and other stakes of Southern Utah at the General Relief Re-lief Society Conference was played. Those in attendance were Carrie Davis, Laura Black, Charlotte Day, Daisy Lee College, Loa Hansen, Al ta Day, Allie Hatton, Geneva Black, Sarah Higgins, Zina Hunter, Retta Carroll, Daisy Rogers, Josie Swallow, Swal-low, Laura Trimble, Hilda Greer, Louella Mitchell, Nina Brunson of Fillmore and Viola Walker. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Irving Jacobson, Mrs. Joshua (Ida Jacobson) Finlin son and Macel Anderson. A plate lunch was served by Mrs. Walker. Miss Linda Anderson visited during dur-ing the week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Finlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson. Her mother, Mrs. Don Anderson and children of Loa came to take her home and visited Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Finlinson of Payson and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sorenson of Delta were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Finlinson Sat urday and Sunday. Mrs. Eldon (Alice) Anderson cele brated her birthday Thursday. She enjoyed the many people who call ed on her and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson entertained at a family dinner Friday evening in her honor. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Anderson, Mr. Francis Anderson, and mother, Mrs. Ellis Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Anderson and four boys, Gordon, Ardean, Daniel and Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Finlinson were unable to be present as they made a business trip into Salt Lake and were unable to get back. Miss Hazel Christensen visited from Saturday until Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willanl Christensen. Their son, Richard, and family of Salt Iake visited Fri day and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Peterson and family of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nielson and children of Tooele were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nielson over the weekend. Mrs. Milan Jacobson and daughter, daugh-ter, Muriel, were Salt Lake visitors during the week. Miss Rachel Dutson and John Wright of Provo visited Rachel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dutson Dut-son Saturday and attended the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Jacobson of Cedar spent the weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maiben Jacobson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rawlinson of Sutherland. Dana and Lynne Anderson of BYU at Provo visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nielson and George Anderson over the weekend and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pratt and Clyde. Patriarch E. Eugene Gardner of Delta was a visitor at Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting Sun day and visited at the home of Clark and Lulu Lovell. Mrs. Helen Anderson visited dur ing the week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. (Orpha) Bigelow In Salt Lake returning Fri day evening. Mr. Melvin Roper and Allen of Cedar and Carolyn of Tooele visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dutson over the weekend. Mr. Clifton Alldredge suffered a slight stroke Friday. He is reported as getting along quite well at present. pre-sent. We all wish him a speedy recovery. re-covery. Mrs. LeRoy (Martha) Anderson visited her girls who live in the Ogden area, Barbara, Rosalee, Shir ley and Arlene and families during the week. Mrs. Leona East is visiting her DESERET ARPRILLA SCOW Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Palmer and daughter, Sherie, spent a few days in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Dowsnup and children visited Friday in Salt Lake City. Mr. Iouis Schoenberger returned home Friday evening after having spent the past two weeks in Ohio visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Warner and children of Ogden spent the week end with Melvin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner. Mrs. Myrle Bennett returned home Friday after having spent the past ten days at Magna taking care of her grandchildren while Tee and LaPreal Justensen went on a vacation into Mexico and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Davis and daughter, Debbie, of Cedar spent the weekend with Gaylyn's parents, Mr. and Mr3. Blaine Cropper. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowles and son of Salt Lake visited Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Black. Ira Lee Cropper of Salt Lake spent the weekend at Deseret with his paients, Mr. and Mrs. Cuman Cropper. The program in Sacrament meet ing Sunday evening was put on by ten of the "Old Testament" class under the supervision of Ralph Erickson. Edna Christensen was put in as first counselor in the Deseret Ward Relief Society. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Warner of Orem visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Mace and infant daughter of Salt Lake visited Sunday afternoon at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dutson. The Daughters of Pioneers of the Fanny Cropper Camp met Friday afternoon at the home of Edna Christensen. Lesson was given and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner spent Monday at Garrison visiting with the Dearden brothers. SUTHERLAND DORA ROSE Mrs. Effie Johnson and Mrs. Hazel Williams and Mr. Fred McQuen of Los Angeles were here to visit with their sisters and brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson and family, Mr. andd Mrs. Owen (Alice) Benson, and sisters in Lynndyl. Fred is a nephew to the family. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlop of Salt Lake were here to visit with their , . , . T . . I UuUKlllUI, ITAi. CilU ..uiuiu AnHZn in u i u V k Meinhardt and family, Anderson, in Salt Lake. Laina has. a new baby daughter. She will also al-so visit her daughters, Betty Ann at Salt Lake and Joleen at Evan-slon, Evan-slon, Wyo., before returning home. A Mutual Dance was held Saturday Satur-day evening honoring Miss Muriel Jacobson, Clyde Pratt, Lynn Finlinson Fin-linson and Larry Taylor. A large crowd was in attendance with Miss Elouise Johnson of the Y was here over the weekend to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker and Joan of Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams of Kanosh were here to visit with their mother, Mrs. Josie Walker. Also to visit with Mrs. Walker were Mr. and many out of town visitors. A floor show was presented by four of ; Mrs. Roy Walker of Oak City Clyde's friends from the BYU. Mrs. Hazel Walker took Mrs. Clyde visited his parents Satur- Josie Walker to Richfield Thursday nay ana sunaay ana ne and nis father, Thomas K. Pratt celebrated their birthdays together Friday evening eve-ning with a family get together. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Roper had as guests, Cheryl's sister, Dorothy Teiehert and children of Cokeville, Wyo., and Mrs. Deona Black and son, Phillip and friend, Cindy Hale of Salt Lake Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Jacobson had their family at home to visit Muriel before her departure to the mission field. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nielson and children, Claudia and her fian cee. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell were Salt Lake visitors going for their checkup with their doctors and visit ed at Sunset with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovell, Mrs. Florence Lyman, and Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Willis. They also visited at Hunter with Mr. and Mrs. Clisbee Lovell a brother bro-ther of Reed's. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sorenson of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Max Johnson of Sutherland, and Mr. and Mrs. Gillen of Oasis, visited Sacrament Meeting Sunday evening. Miss Muriel Pratt, Alma Delong Banks and Bishop Dean Anderson were speakers at Sacrament meet ing. Special musical numbers were by LaRita Pratt who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and a trombone solo by Carson Sharp of Provo. to visit with their daughter and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Haynes and Kim. They brought Kim back with them and Mr. and Mrs. Haynes came Sunday to take her back home. Reports from Lenord Owens are very good. He has been transferred to Levin, New Zealand and is surely sure-ly enjoying his work and is very happy tive of these contributions given by her ward family members. They are "Understand Thyself and the Harvest of Love," "Let There Be Light," and "Through the Power of the Spirit." All members of the ward are invited to avail themselves themsel-ves of these fine books. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Steele were guests of Mrs. Zula Jackson Sunday. Mrs. Jackson's children of Nevada where there also to see her. Mrs. Lena Steele went to the Archives Ar-chives Thursday of last week and accompolished something that has been waiting a long time to be done. Mrs. Ruth Coates of Kingston, Ut. and Mrs. Marion Halsey of New Castle were here last week to visit with their mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rose and Deborah and Bishop and Mrs. Mel vin Hepworth were here to spend Friday night with their folks the Heber Roses. Melvin had to go to Salt Lake to a school meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker went to St. George last week to attend the Wright reunion. Sunday they went to Gunlock to visit with folks and attend Sacrament meeting there, then they went to Vayo to visi with Mrs. Josie Walker's sister, Mrs. Caddie Cottam. They went to Cedar and stayed with their children, child-ren, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Beagley (LewWanna) and children. They went to Nephi Friday to spend the (I will report on other servicemen day with their daughter, Mr. and and missionaries as I have oppor- Mrs. Paxman (Vera) and family tunity to talk to their parents.) where they enjoyed a tour in the Mrs. Jerri Sheehy and children Nephi Canyon. It is the first time and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson and Mr. Bunker has been to Gunlock children were here over the week-' since they moved awav. While thev THIRD WARD MlUA NEWS BEA WILLDEN The hunting season is upon us again. Everyone is getting their rifles shined up. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Billings attended at-tended funeral services in St. George Geo-rge for their grandson, who was killed in Provo in a motorcycle-car accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bud (Darcia) Day and son visited her mother, Mrs. Betty Beaulieu, over the weekend. Mrs. Irene Taylor and two children child-ren of Dugway, Mrs. Naon Winkle and three children of Milford and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hillyard of Salt Lake City visited Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Hare and the Hopkins over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor of Richfield Rich-field visited Mrs. Gladyse Taylor over the weekend. Mrs. Myrtis Peterson attended the Golden Wedding of a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Mecham in Las Vegas. All the brothers and sisters attended. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bishop also attended at-tended the wedding in Las Vegas and went on to Calif, for a week. Mrs. Carl Ashby was in Salt Lake to attend PTA Board Meetings last week. Carl Willden and Neil Callister of CSU were home for the weekend. Several came to see the foot ball game. Better luck to the boys next time. Mrs. Amanda Whicker visited in Salt Lake and Bountiful with dau opening concert of the Mountain View Chordettes with Turk Evans director. Pearl Sagers, president, and Lavon Hunt and Pearl Sagers costume designers.. The program was outstanding. Mrs. Deona Black Mrs. Fern Mortensen and Mrs. Pearl Sagers, former Deltans, are members mem-bers of the Chordettes. Tuesday, Mrs. Whicker and Mrs. Sagers saw "Take Me Along" at the Valley Music Hall starring Jack Bailey, Dennis Day and Ann Davis. Mrs. Whicker returned to Delta Wednesday. ADR AH A3 1 MRS. AFTON FULLMER In the Sunday Deseret News and also the Tribune the obituary told of the death of Donald Hogan of West Jordan. He was my sister Mar garet (Maggie's) husband. She died in 1918 here in Abraham. He took his family of eight children and moved to West Jordan. My mother took the baby five month old Eric, and raised him in Centerville where he still lives. Don was 84 years old. He was bishop here in Abraham at one time. His father Eric Hogan was one of the early day Abraham settlers and lived in the little house on the Albert Reid place. We were un ble to attend the services but sent our love and sympathy to all of his family. Clark Eliss, Garland Johnson and Garland's father-in-law, Melvin Ro binson of Flowell took a trail ride on horses on Swazy Mt. Friday up Sawmill Canyon way. They sure did enjoy it. end to visit with their mother, Mrs. Mary Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hales and sons, were there they visited some old friends they had not seen in years. Mr. John Lyman of Provo was Lonnie and Ladd, made a trip to here over the weekend to visit with see the Dixie-Snow game last week. 1 his folks, Pres. and Mrs. Frank Ly-Dixie Ly-Dixie beat Snow 10 to 7. Walter man. John is playing Right Tackle on Mrs. Deona Black and son, Phillip the Dixie team. Lonnie came from were here over the weekend to visit Provo where he is attending the Y and Mrs. Hales came in from Nev. where she is teaching school. They took Lonnie back to school by way with their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith and children. Phillip was on leave from the Army for a few days. Also to visit with ghters, Mrs. Fern Mortensen and, M - F of Salt br0 ht Mrs. Pearl Sagers and attended the, their motherj Mrs gebrina Robin. son, out to visit Clark and Reva Bliss Friday evening. Reva and Clark drove to Antelope Springs Thursday. Oh yes! Clark has bought himself a new horse. His dear old horse is getting pretty old and winded win-ded but will be treated royal as long as he lives. It was a lovely wedding Saturday night for Jane Talbot and Douglas Johnson in Delta First Ward. They were a handsome couple and we do wish them much happiness in their life together. Edgar and Margaret Taylor were happy to have Margaret's two sisters, sis-ters, Lizzie Yearsley of Salt Lake and Heneretta Thalman of Salina visit them Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednes-day. They then went on to Sunset to visit their brother, Raymond. Rodney Fullmer w"s home from the trade tech over the weekend. He says he is starting to wrestle at the school in Provo. Mrs. Erma Petersen is caring for her daughter, Charleen's, three chil dren for a week or two and they have all had the flu and are receiving re-ceiving shots. Clifferd Petersen and Harold Petersen Pe-tersen have telephones now. We enjoyed a very nice visit with the Almon Fullmer, Jr's. Sunday also our son, Richard, of Tooele was here Saturday. Earl Holman of Southtract has a cute magpie that talks. They raised him, but he just won't stay home. He goes to visit the Corbett family and the Richard Bakers. He has a roving nature, I guess. Polish up your guns, the deer hunt is this week, Saturday morning morn-ing next. Clark and Reva Bliss drove to Milford Sunday and visited with the Otto Koch's, their friends of many years. Second Ward News EDDYS BARBEN The Delta Second Ward held two funerals last Saturday, Mrs. Ada Cutler's funeral was held at 11:00 a. m. and the funeral for Lester Jeffery was held at 3:00 p.m. Both of these people were handicapped and our sympathy and love goes out to the two families. Mr. Milo Cu'ler and the Ervin Jeffery family. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Warner of Orem were Delta visitors Sunday and attended Sunday School in the 2nd ward. Mrs. Deona Black and Phillip were visitors in Delta this past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Bassett visit ed in Nephi Sunday afternoon to celebrate their granddaughter, Jill Larsen's Gth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Kimball Hansen and family of Provo and Miss Margaret Hansen and girl friend (Enoc) of Guatemala, spent the weekend with the Henry Hansen family and attended meeting in the 2nd ward honoring Howard Hansen, who is leaving for a mission to Scottland next week. Howard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hansen. Mrs. Helen Warner and Mrs. Ver della Adams represented the 2nd ward at the week-long Leadership meetings at the USU, in Logan last week. They had an outstanding outstand-ing experience and one every woman wo-man should have. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Lovell and three boys of St. George spent some time with Laile's mother, Mrs. Vera Hilton a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wydell Jeffery were visitors at the ward Sunday and attended at-tended funeral services for his brother, bro-ther, Lester, Saturday. LOOK . . . announcing OUR ANNUAL FALL Feeder & Stocker TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1967 Plan now to consign your calves and yearlings to this Special Sale . . . where competitive bidding will bring TOP prices DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION, DELTA, UTAH Located on Main Line Union Pacific Railroad Buyers from several states will be here SALE STARTS AT 10:00 A.M.- SLAUGHTER CATTLE SOLD AT 1:00 P.M. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION BONDED FOR YOUR PROTECTION DELTA, UTAH PHONE 864-2361 Elwin L. Pace, Owner Phone 864-2291 Remember the Hog Sale Every Tuesday 12:00 Noon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pratt had .Las Vegas. This is the first time a number of their friends call at, they have been to see the Walkers their home and have refreshments in 22 years. Erma has seen them after Sacrament meeting Sunday, j about 5 years ago at a family re- iir. ana mis. ivieiaon Anderson , union chert and five children of Cokeville, Wyoming. Mrs. Teiehert is a sister of Salina and thru that part of the -the Smiths were Mrs. Dorothy Tei- to Lorene. country. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Orme of H?mer, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gil bert of Pocatello, Idaho, were here to visit with their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roger (Erma) Walker. They were just returning from a trip to POSTER PAPER Poster paper at the Chronicle, in white and a wide variety of colors, now sells lor 20c a sheet. and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Anderson Saturday and Sun day at Payson. Mr. Walter Peterson was a week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Aret-ta Aret-ta Peterson. SHOP AT HOME SHOP THE ADVERTISERS WITB Mrs. Geneva C. Pace has compiled com-piled into book form some of the very choice thoughts of her accumulations accum-ulations thru the years from books she has read and some of her own thoughts, songs and poems, which are new in possession of the Suther land Ward Library. We of the Suth erland Ward are deeply apprecia- For stay at homes h For away from homes fry 1 I A" vT II . U IDCR0W ; HT Rouf0" i mi n Old Crow Americas Most Popular Bourbon uTur sha.chi eouS3 mi k woof oismuo tu iomio tt iw pmous om mm nsiiuhi co fsmkhht, t. UNION PACIF U. P. Again Offers Round Trip Weekend Travel at mmm m Good news for travelers! From now through Dec. 1 7, 1 967, you can take round-trip weekend excursions on Union Pacific at greatly reduced rail fares. In fact the fare is so low that the return trip costs you only 1 0 per cent of the one-way fare! These fares apply between all points on the Union Pacific except north of Portland, Oregon and south of Las Vegas, Nevada and apply to both coach and first class on all trains each Friday, Saturday and Sunday with return limit midnight Monday. For complete information, tickets or reservations, call or visit your nearbv Union Pacific Railroad ticket agent. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD |