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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 7, 196S CLASSIFIED AD! FOR SALE: 1953 Chevrolet 2-door. Good condition. Make an offer. Call Dale Bliss at 6954. 930-1014 CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads oyer S line 15c a Una thereafter. D' splay ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEK. FOR SALE: 1960 Ford Falcon Station Sta-tion Wagon and 1960 Chev. ElCa-mlno ElCa-mlno pickup. Call 889J4. -07 SPECIAL SALE: Outing FlanneL 3 yards $1.00. Shop for new Fall Fabrics Fab-rics at D. Stevens Co. For Sale spmAi. SALE: Red Hart Yarn $1.09 per skein. D. Stevens Co., Dry Goods Dept. BEG. Sheltie pups (min. Collie) See Kent Hall, Fillmore, Utah, or phone 743-6991. 9j23tf FOB SALE: 2 small oil heaters in very good condition; a practically new Coleman 2-burner gas stove. Laurence Bennett, Deseret, Utah. Phone 896J1. 107-14 FOB SALE: 1953 34-ton Stude truck with overdrive, covered horse bed. Good condition. Contact Warren War-ren Jensen. . 923-10j7 SEE OUR SHOE DEPT. The latest in styles for Sr. and Jr. Hi School students. The DELMART. FOR SALE: Simco low roper, double dou-ble cinch saddle. RCA- television, 21" table model with stand. Art Hill, Rt. No. 1, Delta Utah. NEW FALL SHIPMENT of Rugs & Bath Mat Sets, $1.98 to $6.98 each. D. Stevens Co., Dry Goods Dept. FOR SALE: One 1963 Volkswagon Van. Deluxe model. In excellent condition in every way. Priced to sell. For information, phone 3661. 826tfnp ANTIQUE ORGAN FOR SALE: Perfect Per-fect condition. Ruby Smith, Garrison, Gar-rison, Utah, FURNITURE NEED REUPHOLSTERING? Have that living room set or favorite locker re-upholstered and redesigned by Twitchell Upholstery. Upholst-ery. Twitchell's have served the Delta area for over 15 years. Their reputation for guaranteed service and quality workmanship is unsurpassed. For free consultation in your home, drop a card today. Mr.. Twitchell, with over 20 years of decorating experience will call with samples of all the latest furniture coverings and help you choose the color and fabric for your sofa or chair. Save one-half over New Furniture Furni-ture prices. TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 150 N. Main Cedar City FOR SALE: Used appliances, refrigerator, re-frigerator, automatic washer, spin-dry spin-dry washers, Kelvinator stove in A-l condition. Contact M. H. Workman, Work-man, at 94 S. 300 W. Phone 4431. FOR SALE: 4-bedroom home at 67 N. Center. Call 4581 or Contact Bob Horlacher at Dixie College. 92-tf HOUSE FOR SALE: la story, six rooms and bath. Located at 291 South 2nd West. Contact Warren Jensen. 923-107 ENJOY Chinese Dinners EVERY THURSDAY Mexican Food EVTRY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FINE STEAKS EVERY DAY NEW- Salad Bar Rancher Cafe FOR SALE: Nice couch. See at the Jim Thomas home or call 305N1. . FOR SALE: Boys Bob Ashby at 3221. bike. Contact 930-107np FOR SALE: 1955 4-door Ford Sedan; Se-dan; good running condition. Call 4431 o rsee at 94 South 300 West. 92tf WILLDEN MOTEL FOR SALE (in Dalta) Price reduced for quick sale. Reasonable down payment. Contact Con-tact Doug Christiansen, P. O. Box 34 Nephi, Utah. Salesman for George T. Eckersley Realtors, Pay-son, Pay-son, Utah. 520-tf FOR SALE: 1 excellent pony, 1 horse, $75.00. 1 saddle, $55.00. 4 large ewe sheep. 1 rifle, 30-40 Krag Contact Warren Jensen. 923-107 PAT SAYS: Come in and see all the new BELL BOTTOMS at MABEL'S. MA-BEL'S. 923tf FOR SALE: The Earl Willden home 71 Soith, First West 916tf FOR SALE: New truck and camper. camp-er. See Ray Owens. 930-107 NEW SHIPMENT Ladies' Fall Hats Fall Styles, Fall Colors. Priced at $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 each. Shop now for new Fall House Dresses, Purses, Coats, Blouses, Sweaters, at D. Stevens Co. PLENTY PERFECT TOMATOES on East Highway 91 Payson. Phone 465-3415 or write James O. Garner, Gar-ner, Payson, Utah. FOR SALE: 14 ft. boat with 35 hp motor, electric starting. Phone 9641 or 5161. 930-1014 FOR SALE: 27" Deluxe RCA T-V. Blond cabinet swivel base. Contact Con-tact Hon Cropper. Ph. 696J3 916-10..1 FOR SALE: Year-old iat hens for laying or stewing. See Frelen Shurtz or call 7893. SPRUCE UP FOR FALL in exciting new fashions in coats, car coats, dresses, sweaters, skirts, blouses from Mabel's. . ' 99-tf FOR SALE: One 1963 Volkswagon Van. Deluxe model. In excellent condition in every way. Priced to sell. For information, phone 3661. 826tfn? SEE ADMIRAL TELEVISION at low-low prices. Color and Black and white. We also custom-order for your personal likes. Delta Auto Supply. Phone 4251. - 826tf BALDWIN PIANO Take orer payment pay-ment of $10.00 per month on Baldwin Bald-win Spinet or will sell for cash. Also electric organ. Write Adjust-or, Adjust-or, P.O. Box 11011, Salt Lake City, Utah. 84111. 930-107 WEAR RED WING WORK SHOES for the deer hunt. See our excellent stocks. D. Stevens Co., Shoe Dept. FOR SALE: Fresh Eggs: Contact Betty Johnson, phone 7912. 3x's FOR SALE: One 5EW Witty diesel power plant. Cheap. See Neno Schena. 9123 tf FOR SALE ALL VARIETIES OF . . . DELICIOUS APPLES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN A WEEK TO TEN DAYS $3.00 BUSHEL WINTER BANANAS GOOD FOR COOKING AVAILABLE NOW ' GEORGE PROWS KANOSH For Rent FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens furnished or ui-furn'shed. ui-furn'shed. Daily, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apts., 235 West Main or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 22T-ti FOR RENT: 3-bedroom home. Also, for sale, 2-speed Blazer. Phone 3641. 930tf MODERN APT. FOR RENT, turn- isshed. 295 South 4th West or call 3662. 923tf FOR RENT: Two-bedroom home-furnished home-furnished or unfurnished. Call 319J1 or 3256. 9ll6tl Miscellaneous WANT TO BUY: 200 tons of alfalfa chaff or grass hay. Suburbia Land: Co., Chester, Utah. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED in Delta and adjacent towns. Men or women. wo-men. Part time. This is an independent inde-pendent business opportunity Products Pro-ducts solve water polution problems. prob-lems. Write Dean Wilcox 508 E. 1910 S. Call 225-6287 Orem, Utah. ELECTROLUZ Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards, Ph. 799J2. 42-tf GENTLEMEN Shop now lor new Fall suits, $32.00, $45.00, $55.00, $59.95. See our excellent stocks at D. Stevens Co., Gent's Dept. WANTED: Old batteries. See Mr. Claud Parkinson, Vo-Ag advisor. WANTED: Part time work, early morning to 11:00 a.m. Any type of work. Contact Loren Jackson at Millard Hotel before 11:00 a.m. or pheone 5601. 916-107np BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out, repairs. New radiator and heater co-es. Used and new radiators. 228U HOG DAY at Delta Livestock Auction Auc-tion Oct. 5, 19 and Nov. 2. Sale begins at 11:00 a.m. through the winter months. 930tf WANTED MAN OR WOMAN Good Watkins Products route a-vailable. a-vailable. Earn 92.50 & up an hour. Operate your own business. Full or part time work. For details contact Richard A. Smith, Monroe, Utah. Phone 527-3534. 826-1028 3 tin BATTERIES All sues on hand-Group hand-Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791, Delta, Utah. 323tf I WILL TRIM TREES or do custom sawing. See Mark Bybee at 155 S. 200 W. or call 881J1 107-21 BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96ti Federal Land Bank Representative will be in Delta the 1st and Sfd Monday of every month at the Pro fessional Building. Appointments appreciated. Call 5971. 422-tf RADIO & TV SERVICING: We service ser-vice all makes of radios and TV's (including color) and large and small appliances. Call 391J1 or come to 255 South 4th West. Jensen Electronic Service. 610-tf FOR SALE WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORES. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUN-ITIES AVAILABLE IN WYOMING, COLORADO, MONTANA, IDAHO, AND UTAH INVESTMENTS FROM $12,000 UP. For details and FREE Brochure on the Western Auto Associate Program, Pro-gram, write Mr. E. F. Kruse, Sales Manager, Western Auto Supply Co.. Dept. 27, Box 1031, Ogden, Utah. LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Joint Estates Es-tates of James Mace and Martha Mace, Deceased, Creditors will pre' sent claims with vouchers to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of December, 1965 Doyle Mace and Angie Pratt, Co-Administrators Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Oct. 7, 1965 Final Publication; Oct. 28, 1965 ief , M ' f GOVERNOR Calvin L. Rampton discusses "Goals for Utah" program pro-gram with Rep. K. Gunn McKay, Hunstville, and Sen. Sam Tay lor, Moab, president of the Utah State Press Association, after designating October and November Novem-ber as "Goals for Utah Months." Ileyborn (Cont nued from front page) known that these low frequency signals can penetrate the ionosphere ionos-phere and reach the satellite only by traveling along the magnetic field lines of the earth. Such a mode of propagation has been recently re-cently named the "whistler-mode" by scientific workers. Results of this experiment are enabling scientists, sci-entists, for the first time, to apply the theoretical methods of the magneto-ionic theory of actual measured data obtained from OGO. After the Dartmouth conference Bob planned to spend several days at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland obtaining more data and conferring with NASA officials. Bob and his lamily have been at Stanford since June 1963. However, How-ever, Mrs. Heyborne, the former Denese Theobald of Hinckley, and their two children recently return ed to the Heyborne residence in Logan in order for the children to begin school. Bob plans to finish his dissertation and return to his position on the electrical engineering engineer-ing faculty of Utah State University Univers-ity by the first of January. LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTHLESS WORTH-LESS TO YOU. BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE. A 50c CLASSIFIED MAY KILL 2 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE . . . Q Publlthtd m 1 public urvlct In cooperation coop-eration with The Advertising Council. Go first-class. ..go Phillips 66! w Kte Mm i 0 T7 (Was! 7 r7.. ,a V Jib Sixttw-Sox ieirvSce tonteir " P p :v:-:-:-:-:-:.-.--V.--ji :-.jF .ifcjjt TOP picture (left) nev Phillips "66" Service Station Sta-tion in Delta. AT LEFT in bottom picture, pic-ture, Gordon Johnson is Assist. Mgr. Richard B. Snow (r) Mgr.-Dealer. FAR RIGHT top picture. Grant B. Snow, Jobber and Arlyn Finlinson (1) part-time part-time assistant. LOWER right is Boyd Kimber, Salesman. r Hi IS in UVJ E) MAIN AIID CENTER V y DELTA, UTAH 2 lb. FRYER with FILL-UP 8 Gallons or More mm DRINKS, BALLOONS POPCORN, SUCKERS Not 1 Day . . . Not 1 Week . . . Not 1 Month - But 6 Months of GRAND OPENING and GIFTS ! ! BRING THE KIDS TO SEE THE CLOYII BRING THE KIDS TO SEE THE CLOYII OCTOBER- NOVEMBER- DECEMBER- JANUABY- FEBRUARY- FREE Libby Glssware with FREE Kitchen items fill-up 1st week Strainers FREE Ice for deer hunters 2nd week Measurers FREE Pumpkins for kids on 3rd week Egg Seperators Halloween 4th week Funnels TURKEY DRAWING FREE Christmas Gifts SANTA CLAUS in person Thursday, Dec. 23rd Free gifts to kiddies SANTA CLAUS Mail Box FREE Window Scrapers FREE Kiddie Cartoon Days FREE Ladies Car Care School FREE Ladies Car Care Booklets FREE Ladies Gifts MARCH FREE Kites to kiddies FREE Surprise gifts for the Ladies FREE Surprise gifts for the Men |