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Show 1 4 Local Information Available for '65 Canada Goose Tags Eb Stapley, local warden for the Utah State Fish and Game, has received re-ceived information and instructions for issuing 19G5 Canada Goose tags Individual hunters are authoriz-, ed to obtain one set of eight (8) individual goose tags. These tags are non-transferable and valid only on-ly with the hunting license to i which they are issued. Tags are; available, free of charge, from the Salt Lake Office of the Dept. of i Fish and Game, any Regional Of fice as wch as conservation officers offi-cers and waterfowl and hatchery 13 ii.H? (cMjtlluilMj Shatterproof Flexible Long-Lasting only 9t Sq.Yd. 36 Inchtt wide Alita2S"t4l"wMtks it cam i ' i Ptm 0t ewJ lam, Few I try PrttcH wellt Windows. ffb " mud Hf Hmi teMnrf ttevtn, iMklwrM. WlmJewt. fluke, tablet. Sfcower Cwrtim. QUALITY MARKET HARDWARE A mysteriously beautiful perfume imported from France. Coty makes this loveliness for you with complete matching accessories. Emeraude parfum prices from $5.00, Parfum de Toilette, $2.50, Dusting Dust-ing Powder, $2.00, Spray Mist, $3.75. For the woman who knows. EMERAUDE parfum de COTY Service Drug Co. The mark of quality in Electrics, tool REVERE WAREl 01 RJEVER.E , AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Cooks, Roasts, Fries! Perfect for Buffets! Enjoy the ease and convenience of automatic electric cooking, then serve and keep warm right at the table ! Hidden copper core spreads heat evenly. Hi-Dome cover accommodates large roasts and fowl. Lustrous stainless steel, inside and out. Fully immersible for easy cleaning. 10" Hi-Dome Skillet ONLY $2995 12" Hi-Dome Skillet $36.95 10" Covered Skillet $27.95 12" Covered Skillet $34.95 QUALITY MARKET FURNITURE DEPT. installations. Local hunters may apply to Mr. Stapley for the tags. Each goose tag application must be accompanied by a valid 1965 game bird, combination or Juvenile bird hunting license. The tags are being issued now and will be until Jan. 6, 1966. All other information may be obtained from Mr. Stapley. Camporee Held Over Veekend The annual Boy Scout "Scattered Camporee" for scouts of Deseret District was held Friday and Saturday, Sat-urday, Oct. 1 and 2, reports Sherman Sher-man Tolbert, Deseret Dist. Camp and Activity Chairman. He was as sisted in the planning by Scout- j masters Reid Tippetts and Milo Mortensen. Participants in the annual event were mainly of the 12-14 age group although there were a few Explores Explor-es of the older age group, 14-18. Troops from all the towns in the West Millard area participated. Troops selected a favorite camp site in Mi.lard County and registered regis-tered the location with scouting headquarters. This procedure enabled en-abled Leo R. Burraston, of the Del-Areo Del-Areo Service to locate the camps and make parachute drops of candy can-dy at each camping site. Mr. Burraston Bur-raston was assisted by Arjaan Dek-ker, Dek-ker, Scoutmaster. Sometimes the parachutes with their eagerly-awaited cargoes drift a half mile or more over rough terrain and sometimes they plum met into a tree top. The more struggle involved in gaining the candy, the more the scouts seem to appreciate it, scouters say. It is considered the highlight of the camporee. I - A : m?m) ml . I i J lm Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 7, 1965 Visiting with Clinton Tolbert and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell Tuesday and Wednesday were William Wil-liam Mitchell, Ellis Mitchell and Mrs. Rnhanna Lee, all of Salt Lake City. Mr. William Mitchell stayed for a longer visit. LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING THAT IS WORTHLESS WORTH-LESS TO YOU. BUT SOMEONE ELSE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE. A 50c CLASSIFIED MAY KILL 2 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE .... 'HtflBaow COST, STORM DOORS, svom windows, porch wnm WITH ONE OP MAUDZ ONLY, a mercy beat musical group, of Salt Lake City and well-known around the Delta Del-ta area have been making quite a name for themselves. Besides playing for private parties, they recently played at Evanston, Wyoming Wy-oming sponsored by radio station sta-tion KEVA. At Evanston they played for over 400 screaming, dancing teenagers. Vernell Tolbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Tolbert, underwent lung surgery Tuesday at the Salt Lake City LDS Hospital. Mrs. Tolbert Tol-bert is in Salt Lake with her son. THESE WOMEN! By d'Alessio Ncs VI 'But I don't think you thould've left your job just because you bought a sweepstakes ticket!" - JOLLY STITCHERS SLATE CARD PARTY Jolly Stitchers Club will meet Friday, Oct. 8, 2:30 p.m. at the home of Farilyn Edwards. Assisting Assist-ing Mrs. Edawrds with hostess duties du-ties will be Janial Jensen. The Dub has a card party scheduled sched-uled for the following night, Saturday, Sat-urday, Oct. 9 at the Joily Stitchers Hall. The card party begins at 7:30 p.m. Hostessing the event will be Vivian Holman, lone Christensen, Lucille Kimber and Josie Walker. Helen Mar McCullough Camp of the DUP wLl be held Thursday, October 14 at 2:00 p.m., at the home of Ava Starley. A New Policyholder Every 22 Secondi My company State Turn Mutual insures cars at this amazing rata pecausa It offers the most modern protection available, provides pro-vides hometown service wherever you drive and pswes important operating savings on to its policyholders. policy-holders. See if you can join the company that insures mora can than any other. Call soon. In loving memory of our son, Tim, who was killed October 8. 1962. If we had all the world to give, We'd give it, yes and more, To hear his voice and see his smile, -And greet him at our door. But all we can do, dear son, Is to go and tend your grave, And leave behind our token of love. Mother, father, brother and sisters POSTER PAPER Poster paper at the Chronicle, in white and a wide variety of colors, now sells for 15c a sheet straight and 20c a sheet for lemon yellow. Pardner, if you want your family to get their Vitality Quota every day . . . for tlio QUEQIiCIB Stock Up On Extra Milk Now. AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOC! M iON OF UTAH V"1" I ' 7 Kennard Riding AGENT DOU'T GET CAUGHT With Your FOG' DOWN 'Warp's FLEX-O-GLASS, that is. Cover all openings NOW (doors, windows, porches) that let in cold winter drafts. Just cut Warp's FLEX-O-GLASS with shears, tack over screens 'or frames for low-cost winter protection. Warp's genuine, crystal-clear FLEX-O-GLASS holds IN heat-keeps OUT cold. You'll save up to 40 on fuel costs ... be snug and warm all winter long. FLEX-O-GLASS lasts for years at a fraction the cost of glass. Only 90 a square yard at your local hardware hard-ware or lumber dealer. Friday, Sept. 24 they participated partici-pated in a Hullabaloo contest and won top honors. They played for a teen dance after the contest. con-test. Saturday, Sept. 25 they won the "Battle of the Bands" at the Terrace Ballroom in Salt Lake City. Du to popular demand they returned to the Terrace Friday, Oct. I. They are scheduled to be guest performers on Hi-Shoppe, Saturday, Satur-day, Oct. 9 over KSL T.V., Ch. 5. Other television appearances are being planned for them, one in California. Members of the group are Dean Willden, lead guitar; Paul Fleming, Flem-ing, rhythy guitar; Jan Perciwall, bass guitar and Jeff Nicoll. on the drums. Dean is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Willden of Delta. Fine Arts Guild Dr. and Mrs. Avard Rigby are coming to Delta to present the next program for the Fine Arts Guild, Thursday, October 14, 4:00 p.m. at Delta Elementary Audi torium. Dr. Rigby is head of the Adult Education program. Dr. Rigby, as many will recall, graduated from Hinckley Hign School and was guest speaker at the 1965 Delta Jr. High School grad uation exercises. Dr. and Mrs. Rigby and their family spent several yeairs in Thai land and will present an illustrated 'ecture on "Thailand Bolsters Its Freedom" at the guild 'meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come to the October 14 meeting and renew friendships and ncquaintances with Dr. and Mrs. Rigby. A slight fee will be charged non-members. . tr I -- is. I , 11 w tii mr sir - rr Chtaptr lhan Clan V71WP0V7 Materials FLEXIBLE, SHATTERPROOF, MADE BETTER, LAST LONGER vJustCutT oandTackOn ''All M wid ill i GRAIIT CHURCH & SOU l&M GIANT SCREEN 21" PORTABLE TV 21 overall diag. meas., 212 sq. in. rectangular picture area . HANDCRAFTED TV Note the imaginative new "Flush-Front" de- sign for a totally differ- y entlookin big-screen fc 21" portable TV styling. n e Zenith Patented Custom "Perma-Set" "Perma-Set" VHF Fine Tuning Control Peak Picture Control 20,000 Volti Picture Power Power Traneformer Automatic "Fringe-Lock" Circuit HANDCRAFTED I FOR GREATER DEPENDABILITY I . !' ft The AUSTIN N2180 77ie Award Stritt All new compact big-screen 21 portable TV styling I Metal cabinet in Metallic Tan color. Top carry handle. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. Dipole Antenna. Outstanding Zenith quality at a low, low Price QUALITY MARKET DELTA, UTAH The Intermountain Electrical Association invito you to too your oloctric laundry dealer on how to . , . H7DKl r I mSILUDflLlILL! LmD2 BIG ELECTRIC DRYER CONTEST Major Electric Appliance Prizes 21" Color TV Set It's So Easy to Win! You just estimate the number of electric clothes dryers sold in this territory during January 1, 1947 through December 10, 1965. Entry forms are free for the asking at your electric laundry appliance dealer's. Deposit your estimate in a contest box at your electric dealer's. General Electric AM-FM Stereo RCA Whirlpool Dishwasher Maytag Electric Dryer Hotpoint Electric Range Kelvinator Electric Dryer Automatic Hotpoint Washer Westinghouse Electric Dryer Norge Electric Dryer Frigidaire Electric Dryer Easy Electric Dryer Kenmore Electric Dryer PLUS 5 Portable 16" Television Sets 20 Westinghouse Electric Broiler Fry Pans 20 G-E Electric Carving Knives 20 Sunbeam Carousel Rotisserie Electric Broilers 20 G-E Electric Blankets 20 Westinghouse Electric Sheets 20 G-E Electric Warming Trays , 20 Automatic Electric Dust-to-Dawn Post Lamps 20 Study lamps 20 Sunbeam Electric Miniature Grandfather Clocks 20 Sunbeam Electric Automatic Heaters BONUS PRIZE: 16-inch Portable TV Set If you purchase an electric clothes dryer between October 5 and December 1 0, 1 965 and win one of the major electric appliance appli-ance prizes, you will also receive free a 1 6-inch portable TV set. See the exciting new Homeless electric dryer models now, at your electric dealer's. A Flameess Electric Dryer Costs Less, Dries Best , r . , ::txuum |