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Show y. Millard County Chronicle The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY H. H. (Bob) BIDING OWNER-PUBLISHES INEZ HIDING - EDITOR JOE STEWART LINO-PRESSMAN Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year in advance; Six months, $2.25 Advertising Rates an Request uitiamaI EDITORIAL rUMSTAT eetU oJjj tk& MARY JO FINLINSON Star of assemblies, operas, and beauty contests, Mary Jo Finlinson is our teen. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Finlinson of Leamington. Mary Jo made her debut de-but this year as Maria in "West Side Story." This was her first ma jor part in a play, although she sings in a trio and dances on many DHS assemblies. Some of her favorite pastimes are dancing, singing, playing the accordion, and 4-H Club work. In "West Side Story" she assisted with the dance choreography and she was the Senior Hop chairman. Although she has made many accomplishments, it hasn't affected her, except to make her even nicer. Mary Jo is always friendly and she has fun no matter what the circumstances. cir-cumstances. With her poise and coy personality, it is no wonder that she has been selected as FFA Sweetheart this year. More success is Mary Jo's goal as she plans to attend the College of Southern Utah in the near future fu-ture to major in secretarial business busi-ness and minor in elementary education. edu-cation. CHERIE WALKER Earl GreathouM." ieturned home from the Payson hospital last Saturday. Sat-urday. We hope he will soon be well and able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Clead Nielson of Lynndyl, Mrs. Mayme Anderson of Oak City, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stephenson of Delta and Emily Wade of Fillmore all went to Flo-well Flo-well last week to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wells Johnson. The occasion oc-casion was to celebrate the birthdays birth-days of Mrs. Stephenson, Mr. Wells Mr. Nielson and Mrs. Wade. They all had birthdays recently. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Crouch spent a day last week with their daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Lucille Overson. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Nielson and boys spent the weekend at the home of Blain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Llle Johnson spent last Sunday in Las Vegas visiting their daughter, Cloxeen Greatwood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nielson and girls went to Provo Saturday. Nephl and Janet Schwabb of Ely visited with Janet's parents, Mr. lOpp I 1111 Recaps Tractor Tire Section n Repair Wc Make Your Old Tires Like New Auto Glass CUT and INSTALLED LO.F. Windshields Wheel Align TIRE BALANCING Tune Up SPARK PLUGS POINTS (MUFFLERS and EXHAUST PIPES) COMPLETE SERVICE & LUBRICATION 291 EAST MAIN PHONE 3791 Thursday, March 18, 1965 n m - -j - , f ScgTIN Week . . . NOLAN ADAMS Nolan Adams, a teen with a wide range of interests, has many hobbies hob-bies including hunting, singing, playing the bass fiddle, cars, and spending hours out on the track to increase his speed in running. His favorite classes are Chemistry and Athletics. The son of John and Verdella Adams of Delta, Nolan has musical and dramatical talents that have been evident as he has participated participat-ed in many plays and operas including, in-cluding, "The Mouse That Roared," "Our Town," "The Music Man," and he took part of Bernardo in "West Side Story." He often appears ap-pears on DHS assemblies in sing ing groups and playing the bass. Nolan plans to attend Dixie College Col-lege to major in optometry and to minor in sociology or psychology. The impression that Nolan leaves with people is that he is alert, lithe, neatly attired, sociable and suave. These words adequately des oribe Nolan. These qualities along with his eagerness to succeed and to do things well will be great assets to him when he becomes an optometrist. DENYS SCHENA LAURA BHADFIELD and Mrs. Louis Overson last Saturday Satur-day evening. Mr. and Mrs. dead Nielson attended at-tended the Golden Wedding Anniversary Anni-versary in Delta for Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins visited vis-ited at the home of Mr. Dewey Carpenter in Hinckley. Mrs. Ruth Abegglen and children of Taylorsville and Mrs. Rosalee Banks and girls of Orem visited at the home of Lucille Overson Sunday. They had been to Milford Saturday night to the wedding and reception of a niece, Joy Miller, daughter of Maurine Banks Miller. They attended Sunday School in our ward. It was good to see them again. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wil-liam Overson over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jacobs and children of Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Overson of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Frazier of Orem, and Mrs. Dian Durrant and children child-ren of Calif. They came for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Curt Over-son. Over-son. They were married Saturday W&l D.H.S. News-Reports! Comments from D.II.S. Basketball Team and Coach Coach Christensen: "I think these boys are really a great bunch that have good character. They have much desire and put in a lot of effort. They all have goals to fulfill in the tournament. We want to take each team as it comes. The injuries have caused a lot of concern this year, but if we work hard we will have a fine team. Each member is as valuable as another. We need everyone." Robert Callister: "I am sure that if everyone puts his heart into his playing and strives to do his best, we will represent Delta High in a really good way at the tournament." Richard Adams: "Our team has not yet reached its peak. If w? can overcome our injuries and sickness, I think we can do it." David Taylor: "I think that we are going to do well up at State. Coach has really been helping us along this year. We are striving striv-ing to make our team better and I think if the individual makes himself better it will better bet-ter the team. We have lots oi strength on the bench, also." J. Grant Moody: "I feel that the difference between our team and other teams is our Coach. In a lot of games they might have a be'.ter team, but wh?n things are getting tough, our Coach always pulls us through." Stan Hales: "Coach has been push ing us these last days, so we should be able to do it while we are up at State. We are up for it." Wendell Nielson: "I believe Coach has brought us a long way this year. We are going to do our best at State for him, for -us, and for the school." Ron Bailey: "We have had a few, injuries the last few weeks, but , I think we have started to shape up. I believe we will be really going strong at State. This is the Seniors' last year, so we will he doing our best and , putting our whole heart into it." Kent Turners "We will do our best to represent the school and town at State." i Craig Greathouse: "If we have the backing and support at State,, we can do our best, because we know the school is behind us.". Don Knight: "We have a great) Coach and a fine team. We should go far at State." , Walter Hales: "We have worked i hard and with the school support, sup-port, I believe we can go all the way." Dove Corey: No comment... Dave is ill. Delta, 68; Dixie, 69 In Tourney The Delta Rabbits were defeated by Dixie Saturday at Fillmore for the Region Championship. The Rabbits, undefeated in league play, were defeated 1 point in a game they led all the way. The Rabbits were 14 points ahead at the half and 12 at the beginning of the fourth. What happened to the lead is hard to say. The team will be competing in the State Tournament this Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sat urday. The team has shown ability and sportsmanship throughout the year. The Studentbody wishes the team and coach Good Luck at the tournament. We know you can do it. DAVID BOHN evening in the church house by Bishop Phil Nielson. Many relatives from here and Sutherland attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Aralda Jones receiv ed word Sunday of a new baby girl born to Don and Joan Marlin of Kearns. This makes two boys and two girls for the Marlins. The program in Sacrament meet ing was furnished by High Councilman Council-man Thurman Moody. Talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Mr. David Moody. Solo by J. Grant Moo dy. Others attending church from out of town were the Moody child ren, Barbara Udy Lanny Wiley, Bar bara Case and Romie Thurman of Provo and Margaret Bradfield of Leamington. Tom Best went to Salt Lake City Monday morning for a medical appointment. ap-pointment. The Lynndyl MIA is having a social tonight (Tuesday). Games will be played and refreshments served. The basketball tournament wi l start in Provo tomorrow. We wish the best of luck to our Delta team. We are proud of all of you, bu especially our two Lynndyl boys Wendell Nielson and Craig Great-house. Great-house. Those attending MIA Leadership Meeting in Delta from our ward were Lorraine Stephenson, Laura Bradfield and Tom and Ellen Bes. Everyone keep in mind tht Lynn dyl Ward Gold and Green Ball March 27th. Good orchestra, interesting inter-esting floorshow, beautiful decora tions and refreshments. LaWrene Bradfield is going to Las Vegas Wednesday for spring vacation. POSTER PAPER IN COLORS new available at the Millard County Chronicle. Colors in stock are red. white, yellow, emerald green, blue, and salmon. Size 22 x 28; 15 cents a sheet or 2 for 25 cents. .) V vtNC'v J 1 11 C'O x '-J viV'i Representing Delta High School a: the "Class B" State Basketball Tournament are team members (top row L to r.) Stan Hales, Don Knight, Richard Adams, Walter Hales, and Ron Bailey. (Middle DHS Hews Items WRESTLING Von Callister of the D.H.S. wrestling wrest-ling squad, was honored as Prep of the Week in the Deseret News. Keith Jeffery was runner-up for this honor. Both of these wrestlers were all-staters for the state wrestling team. The wrestling squad has chosen captains for next year. They are Neil Callister and Mike Nielson, who are both sophomores this year. BAND The D.H.S. band is playing in Provo for the State tournament. With this support, the team is playing its test. LITTLE THEATER GROUP Wednesday, March 10, the Little Theater Group held a get-together. April Dawson, Dan Jensen, and Lorna Doolin presented their humorous hum-orous and dramatic readings to the group. They are preparing for the aistrict speech meet which will be School Board Minutes of March 10th Following are the minutes of the Board of Education meeting held March 10, 1965 at the district office. All members, the superintendent and clerk were present. Meeting convened at 10:00 a.m.. President Clifton Beckstiand c-.s-ducted. The minutes of the regular board meeting of February 10, 1965 and the special meeting of March 3, 1965, were approved on a motion by Member Delma Jean Galli and seconded by Member Jack Nelson and carried unanimously by the members of the board, with the stipulation that the log should be a guest register. Payment of the bills as they were listed through check No. 11647 were approved by a motion by Dr. bvans and Delma Jean Galli seconded and carried unanimously by the members mem-bers of the board. Supt. Barney presented the pro posed salary schedule for the year 1965-66. Member Galli made a motion mo-tion to increase the board leeway as prescribed by 1965 legislature and to accept the proposed salary schedule, it was seconded by mem-Dr. mem-Dr. Evans and was carried unanimously unani-mously by the members of the board. Mr. Carl Olson, with Solas Com pany Electrical Heating and Insul ation, gave resume ot tneir company com-pany and stated that they would furnish a bond to guarantee the operation of the heating system and the cost would not exceed a certain amount per year if they were issued a contract on the electrical elec-trical heating for the Delta Jr.-Sr. High School. Marvin Lovell, Transportation Supervisor, stated that two new buses would be satisfactory for the fiscal year 1965-66, one additional bus would ie required when the district is consolidated. Bids will be received with air brakes and wthout. Also it was taken in to consideration the possibility of using us-ing diesel engine buses. Dell S. Ashworth, architect, presented pre-sented the plot plan of the Millard High School and the possibility of a long range program, in connection connec-tion with the projects needed at the high school Dr. Evans made a motion that the architect proceed with the drawings for the following projects: 1. Lunch Room estimated cost, $20,000. 2. Enlargement and relocation of the art, mathematics and science departments estimat ed cost, $17,800. 3. Insulating ceiling and minor remodeling in the girl's gym estimated cost. $3,000. 4. Revision and additional capa city of electrical wiring sys row 1. 'o r.) Kent Turner, Craig Greathouse, David Taylor, Wendell Wen-dell Nielson, Robert Callister and J. Grant Moody. Not pictured is David Corey. Kneeling are Coach Merlin Christensen, Manager Bill Day and Ass". Coach Bob Hor- held the first part of April. BASKETBALL Delta High is very proud of the effort put forth by its basketball team. Each member has said that he plans to practice on his own for the purpose of improving the team. Delta has never taken State in basketball, but the team that now represents Delta is putting every ounce of effort and energy into proving the above statement wrong. RECEIVE SHORTHAND PINS These are the recipients of shorthand short-hand pins for writing at a certain speed. These people are preparing for the husiness meet in Cedar City the first of April. words per minute errors Gayle Eliason 60 6 Marilyn Petersen 60 9 Gayla Jeffery 60 3 Sylvia Finlinson 60 7 Stephney Ann Wright 60 7 Joan Whicker 60 9 Linda Nickle 60 7 tem in shop and auditorium building e s t i m a t e d cost. $5,000. 5. Relocate locker room and entrance en-trance room estimated cost, $12,000. The above motion was seconded by Jack Nelson and was carried unanimously by the members of the board. Member Galli made a motion to complete the connection to the Le-van Le-van site for the educational television tele-vision and was seconded by Dr. Evans, and was carried unanimously unanimous-ly by the members of the Board. Dr. Evans made a motion to make the second payment to Robert Rob-ert Fowler, Architect, In the a-mount a-mount of $13,341.00 and was seconded sec-onded by member Gerald Huff and was carried unanimously by t h t members of the board. lit was the opinion of the board members that the American School Board Journal should be sent to each member of the board. Member Galli made a motion to pay for the soil analysis test pro viding the test has met with the architect's approval and it was sec onded by Gerald Huff and was car ried unanimously by the members of the board. The following emergency leaves were approved by the board: Mavis Bennett, Pernecy Melville, Marilyn Nielson, Carl Verhaaren, Audrey Quigley, Margaret Turner, Gwen S. Hunter, Algie Stephenson and Ra Nae L. Christensen. Supt. Barney presented the situa tion for teacher vacancies and re' commendation for changes, which were discussed for future planning. It was the opinion of the board members that Supt. Barney should prepare a new c o n t r a c t for the teaching personnel. A suggested work project program pro-gram for the Neighborhood Youth Program, etc., was presented to the board by member Galli for the job corp in the Delta area. The Millard County Board of Education Ed-ucation meeting in session on March 10, 1965, said session having been duly called and advertised, hereby empowers Clifton Beck-strand Beck-strand to execute all documents and sign all papers in connection with or for the purpose of obtaining obtain-ing any and all federal financial assistance to school programs in this school district, effective this date. This resolution was approved by the members of the board u-nanimously. u-nanimously. The assurance of compliance with the Department of Health, Education Ed-ucation and Welfare regulation under un-der title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved by the mem bers of the board unanimously. Meeting adjourned 6:10 p.m. lacher. The team is noted for its superb basketball playing and spor ' smanship. Senior members are Don Knight, Ron Bailey, Kent Turner, Craig Grea house. Wendell Wen-dell Nielson and Robert Callister. Joan Whicker Marianne Wichmann Mary Lyman Sherida Allen Denys Schena Suzanne Sorensen Sharon Wheeler Lorraine Johnson 80 11 80 3 80 8 80 3 80 2 80 11 80 6 80 2 80 8 80 2 80 3 80 6 80 3 80 4 80 5 80 2 80 6 80 4 80 7 80 5 80 7 100 7 100 7 100 11 100 5 100 1 100 7 100 5 100 4 120 12 120 16 Julie Skidmore Leslie Diehl Barbara Losee Betty Van Judy Owens Jean Ashby .. Jul Johnson Kathy Wright Gayle Nielson Pa'.ti Robison Ann Nelson Linda Losee Nadine Iverson Judy Owens Kathy Wright Julie Skidmore Barbara Losee Kathryn Maxfield Kathy Stoddard Linda Losee Jean Eliason Althea Holman Mary Jo Finlinson TRAVELING ASSEMBLY The following people have been selected to participate on the Tra veling Assembly: "Music Man" Skit; Bruce Steph enson and Kenny Talbot; Alan Gal li; Sylvia Finlinson, ReNae Finlinson, Finlin-son, Jackie Roper and Ellen Ander son; Leslie Diehl; Mixed Chorus; Connie Lovell and Betty R a e Wright; Sharon Wheeler; Ellen An derson, Gayle Eliason, Rosemary Ludwig, and Phyllis Jensen; "Officer "Offi-cer Krupke" Skit; Annette Rawlin- son, Mary Jo Finlinson and Rosemary Rose-mary Sanderson; Mike Theobald, Don Christensen, Betty Rae Wright, Connie Lovell and Bruce Stephen son; Marva Ogden, Betty Van, Althea Al-thea Holman and Darcia Dalton; Scott Meacham and Marianne Wichmann; Paul Losee and Alan Nielson; Jim Mace, Tom Lovell, Alan Galli, and Curtis Farnsworth; Jim Mace, Blaine Turner, Lloyd Burraston and Kenny Talbot. "The Traveling Assembly will be on the road March 31," says Jean Eliason, D.H.S. Assembly Manager. It will be presented to the High School Studentbody and the public on April 1, at 8:15 p.m. at the High School. SUE ANN LUDWIG EL RUE ALLDREDGE DIAPER DOINGS Congratulations to Sheldon and Sharon Shumway Western on the birth of a 7 lb. 13 oz. boy March 13th. David and Janice McDaniel Moody Moo-dy on the birth of a 9 lb. 13 oz. boy March 16th. HOSPITAL NOTES William Bennett, four-mos.-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bennett, medical, admitted March 15. Alta Ashby, medical, admitted March 14th. Discharged March 17th. Peter Peterson, medical, admitted March 10th. Roy Nielson, medical, admitted March 15th. Laumena Galli, medical, admitted March 14th. Discharged March 17th. Neil Callister, surgical, admitted March 14th. Brent Farnsworth, medical, admitted admit-ted March 15th. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis and daughters, Michelle and Melanie of Bountiful visited Sunday in Oasis with Mr. and Mrs. Fonroy Hawley. Amelia Cole and Stella Hawley were in Salt Lake City Tuesday to ntfry uutiur uppuinunems ana visit with Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lew is and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Carting and families. 7.500 Read It la The CHRONICLE From the Office Of the Principal Delta can be justly proud of the fine work of the athletic teams of Delta High School. I doubt that there is anyone in West Millard County, who djtsn't feel that our football learn was equal to the champions. The record of our wrestling team is unexcelled by any other wrestling wrest-ling team in the state. Now our basketball team is representing re-presenting us in the State Basketball Basket-ball Tournament, and I am sure that they will represent us we.l. In nineteen games played, they have lost but three and they have played the best teams in the state in "B" competition. Many of our patrons, as well as students, will be in attendance at the BYU Field-house Field-house these next few days. May we ail put forth every effort ef-fort to carry into the tournament the fine sportsmanship that we have demonstrated throughout this year. Our Cheerleaders are assum ing the responsibility for good sportsmanship and the demonstration demonstra-tion of fair play. I am sure all will want' to help carry the spirit of the D to the Tournament. J.conuuiiiTY p$ CALENDAR March 18 School Spring Vacation March' 19 School Spring Vacation March 20 Stake Conference March 21 Stake Conference March 25 Jr.-Sr. Hi PTA Banquet March 26 Preference Ball March 26 Democratic Banquet March 27 Millard County Farm Bureau Banquet March 27 Lynndyl Gold & Green Ball Mar. 27 Weber College Chorus In Delta at Stake House April 1 Sadie Hawkins Day April 2 Teenage Dance with Music by "The Squires" Third Ward April 3 Deseret District Scout Film Benefit April 7 Delta Elementary P. T. A. April 9 Junior Prom Track Meet, Payson at Delta April 10 Vicki Damron Wedding Reception April 13 Dear To My Heart Night, M. I. A. April 17 Vocational Day April 21 Primary Preparation Meeting April 23 District Scout Camp April 24 B. Y. U. Invitational . April 27 M. I. A. Rose Prom April 20 Friendly Dance Track Meet Community Church Church will be held Sunday, Mar. 21, at 11:00 a.m. Rev. Herb Wicher from Wasatch Academy at Mt. Pleasant will preach his sermon entitled "Blind to the Power of God" based on the gospel of St. Luke 11:14-28. This is the third Sunday in Lent and everyone is urged to continue his sacrifical Len ten offerings for One Great Hour of Sharing. If you did not receive your special container last Sunday you may get one this Sunday. Moss Introduces Development Legislation WASHINGTON Sen. Frank K. Moss (D-Utah) Monday introduced in the U.S. Senate legislation to establish an Intermountain Regional Re-gional Development Commission. Fifteen Utah counties in the southern half of the state are listed list-ed in the Moss bill. They are: SANPETE, SEVIER. PIUTE. GAR FIELD, KANE, CARBON, EMERY, GRAND, WAYNE, SAN JUAN, WASHINGTON, IRON, BEAVER, MILLARD and JUAB. Senator Moss said on the floor of the Senate the legislation would provide public works and economic development programs, and plan ning and coordination essential io the development of the Intermoun tain Region. The proposed legisla tion involves a geographic area known as the Four Corners of Utah, Colorado, New Maxico and Arizona. Senator Moss' statement said economic ec-onomic growth has been slowed by a shortage of wa'.er for municipal, agricultural and industrial expansion, expan-sion, by depressed metal prices, by low standard roads and inadequate transportation generally, and by re- auctions in established industries because of changing requirements of the national economy. There are pockets of unemployment and a lack of opportunity for new jobs in the Four Comers Region. One million dollars would be appropriated ap-propriated for use of the Intermountain Inter-mountain Development Authority. Nine members would sit on the Authority, two from each state and a chairman. "The Authority would work with local, county and state governments govern-ments to establish such plans and achieve coordination of all efforts to upgrade the economy of Four Corners in the widest possible way," said Senator Moss. The legislation would also order preparation of detailed plans for the GOLDEN CIRCLE SCENIC HIGHWAY to provide better access to National Parks and Monuments in the four-st ate ArPA and flcwiA to; tea national forest, public lands. Indian Reservations and State Parks. The bill now goes to the Senate Public Works Committee, of which Senator Moss is a member. |