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Show A oman s Irene Little (1) and Clara Ki'l-pack Ki'l-pack (r) presided at the refreshment refresh-ment table a: the American Legion Le-gion Auxiliary's first annual tea honoring Girl State candidates to the 1965 U ah Girls State. The beau'iful centerpiece from Delta eammaton Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson attended at-tended a Mutual program in Fillmore Fill-more last week. Merrill's daughter Delene had the main part in a play, "Bee In Your Bonnet." Eva and Rulon also went to the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen of Spanish Fork last weekend. week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E.wood Dutson and children of Grange spent last weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dutson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Lovell and family fa-mily of St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wiliden and family of Salt Lake visited at the home of Mrs. Millie Lovell, also, Mr. and Mrs. Bud McCann. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barton and family fa-mily were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Rulon Du-son. Du-son. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Taylor and Mr. Clark Allred, high Councilmen visited in our ward last Sunday. Mrs. Norma Nielson went to California Cali-fornia with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ralphs to attend the funeral of an uncle. They were gone "about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard (Shirley) . Snyder of St. George are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Clara Johnson, grandmother, received word of the arrival last week. She makes five children now for Shirley. Shir-ley. Sorry I didn't get the news in last week as we went to Salt Lake for a medical checkup for Elden. He's feeling better now. Claudine Nielson, Erva Bradfield and I stopped on our way home from Richfield and saw Mrs. Ruby Esklund in the Fillmore hospital where she had minor surgery today to-day (Monday). Mr. and Mrs. Richard Black and small son of Salt Lake visited with their sis'.er, June Losee and family fam-ily and their mother Lillie Mem-mott Mem-mott will go back with them after a week's visit here. Venice Davis had a quiiting party par-ty Wednesday afternoon. Seven ladies la-dies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hill and Lorin Oliver made. a "trip to Salt Lake with a load of wool Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis and Shiela Lundgreen visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis and family. Saturday night the Jolly Stitchers Stitch-ers held their monthly card party Hot, pot-luck supper was served at MARCH IS HERE SPRING IS HEAR get your MORGRO and 0RTC30 FERTILIZERS HERE QUALITY MARKET HARDYARE DELTA, UTAH aae - ' ii plllliii F'oral was of Dutch Iris, Daffodils Daffo-dils and Acacia. Long white tapars in silver candlesticks flanked the cen erpiece. .p-proxi-mately fifty auxiliary members and honored guests were presen. at the lovely affair. WANDA NIELSON Well,-1 think Spring has sprung, for a few days at least. The farmers farm-ers are busy plowing and planting. Some people are doing a little work in their yards. Then there's me I'm in the mood, but my get-up-and-go isn't Mrs. Katie Williams, a very dear lady passed away last Saturday at her home in Mona. Her sparkling spark-ling personality and keen sense of humor will be remembered by all who knew her for a long time. She was Nyra's (our daughter-in-law) grandmother. Burton Hanson lost a disc off a drain grill in front of our place last Saturday. If anyone picked it up he would appreciate getting it back. Last week our Jr. M-Men won 3rd place in the Deseret Stake Basketball Bas-ketball Tournament in Delta. Phil Lovell was coach; Lynn Lovell, Sylvan Syl-van Lovell, Owen Nielson, Rex Fin-linson, Fin-linson, Allen Nielson and Kent Johnson were the players. Congratulations, Congrat-ulations, boys, keep up the good work. . This weekend is the Class "B" Baske.ball Tourney in Provo. Lots of the young folks are planning on going and having a three-day vacation va-cation from school. Wendell Nielson, Niel-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nielson and Craig Greathouse, son of Margie Greathouse from Lynn-dyl Lynn-dyl are playing on the main team. Hope the team does as well as the wrestling team. They are all a good bunch of kids. Congratulations Congratula-tions and Good Luck. The Relief Society is planning on their annual supper (for adults) on March 25 .h. A good supper and program are outlined. So remember remem-ber the date and come out. and havt a good time. VENICE DAVIS 7:30 p.m. Afterwards seven tables of 500 were played. Prizes were won by Art Hill and Lucille Kimber and low by Sam Hales and Gerry Hill. Hostesses were Zelda Ogden Pearl Terrell, lone Christenstn and Norma Jensen. Sunday night the program was gi ven by High Councilman Orvil Jef-fery, Jef-fery, with talks by E.der Paul Lud wig and Mr. Jeffery. A piano se-lec.ion se-lec.ion by Sue Willoughby. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ludwig and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willoughby visited our ward. It ..was an ejoyable evening and we ask them to come agaLa soon. Hilda Oliver was released from the Mutual Beehive class and Mr. ociehj . . .Weidinqs . . . An Elegant Tea lonors Candidates To Girls State The American Legion Auxiliary's First Annual Tea honoring Utah G:ls State candidates from the junior class of Delta High School was held at Delta First Ward recreation re-creation hall Wednesday, March 10. Greeting guests at the door were Betty Kelly, President of the Auxiliary, Auxi-liary, rnez Riding, Girl State Chairman Chair-man and Dana Waddingham, Junior Jun-ior Auxiliary member who handed each guest a program of the evening. even-ing. Following welcoming remarks by Pres. Kelly, who then led the audience audi-ence in repeating the Pledge of Alligiance, Beatrice Schena offered invocation. Cheri Morris gave the Preamble io the Constitution of the American Legion Auxiliary as musical reading accompanied by Carole Warnick. Mrs. Warnick se lected "Thare's A Star-Spangled Banner Waving Somewhere" as he.-accompaniment. he.-accompaniment. Another junior auxiliary member, Marcia Huff, sang "My Own America", Amer-ica", accompanied by her mother, Rae Huff. 1964 Girl Staters, Jean Eilason and Karen Killpack gave comprehensive compre-hensive reports on the 1964 session of Utah Girls State to unit members mem-bers and Girl State candidates. Their reports were followed by Mirs. Riding who told the girls that their names appeared on the candidate can-didate list because of their scholarship, scholar-ship, leadership and general attitude atti-tude at school. Mrs. Riding explained ex-plained that judging hereaf .er would be on leadership, personality, personal-ity, poise, personal appearance, manner of speaking and a written test on governmental affairs. Ail judging will be based on a point system and the candidates compiling compil-ing the largest number of points will be the declared winners. Mrs. Riding expressed regret on behalf and Mrs. Rom Shields were released releas-ed from Era Directors and Barbara Shurtz was made Era Director. Carol Anderson of Oak City visited vis-ited with her friend Linda Shurtz over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. LeAur Shields made a trip to Ogden to enroll Carol Barben Thursday. We hope she will enjoy it there. Mr. and Mrs. Frelen Shurtz made a trip to Spanish Fork for their little chlx and on to Provo for a visit with Stella's mother, Mrs. Ma-linda Ma-linda Spencer. She reports her mother mo-ther in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Shields have left for Ely for a few months work where they left off last winter. We hope they are back the first storm. Mrs. John Clark returned home last week from a month's visit with her children in California. Linda Boothe has been on the sick list this week, but is better again. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Losee made a trip Monday to Salt Lake for Dean to enter the mission home. And Lane is entering the Armed Forces for a two-year period. They also went back up for Dean's setting set-ting apart this week. He leaves this week for a British Mission. I 9 !.- " urn ;. T 1.V President Bet y Kelly of the American Legion Auxi'iary smiles a welcome to all at the tea honoring hon-oring Girl State candidates, held Wednesday nigh , March 10 at Delta First Ward. of the unit that more girls couid not a tend Utah Girls State. She explained that she had a corps of competent fair and impartial judges selected who will be judging judg-ing the girls on all qualifications with the exception of the test. This she will be in charge of. The candidates were presented to the unit by Mrs. Riding in the following order: Golda Jane Black, Linda Bonn, Beverly Bunker, Mary Lyman, Kathy McCormick, Allison Moody, Linda Nickle, Denys Schena, Sche-na, Suzanne Shields, Kathy Stoddard, Stod-dard, Cherie Walker, and Kathy Wright. The candidates were enthusiastically enthusias-tically accepted by unit members. Presiding at the beautiful refreshment re-freshment table were Auxiliary members Clara Killpack and Irene Little. The table was laid in white damask da-mask with silver, crystal and cut glass appointments completing the picture of elegance. The beautiful centerpiece of Dutch Iris, daffodills acacia by Del'.a F.oral was flanked by long white tapers in silver candlesticks. Assisting with the serving were junior auxiliary members Beverlee Bishop, Lois Waddingham, Bernar-dine Bernar-dine Schena, Myrna Riding and Rae Lynn Smith. Committee in charge of arrangements arrange-ments was Charlotte Morrison, Don na Smith and Jean Harris. ABRAHAM MRS. AFTOM FULLMEB Tts a beau iful warm Sunday after af-ter the stormy days of this last week. A letter we received from Erma and Clifford petersen says they expect ex-pect to be home soon. And they are happy about their new granddaughter grand-daughter born down there in Arizona Ari-zona to Arnold and Elaine Petersen. Peter-sen. The Petersens are working down there this winter. It gives you a good feeling to see the cleanup bonfires going. I guess its a touch of spring fever. We had a visit from Mrs. Ella-dene Ella-dene Corbett and Danny one day this week. She reports Mrs. Mary Corbett is feeling better now, but is still with them convalescing from WHAT SHOULD YOU EXPECT in your firm's hoalth caro plan? 0 There is but one measure of performance of a health-care prepayment program how much of the bill for necessary hospitalmedicalsurgical care will the employee have to pay when unexpected accident or illness strikes. WITH BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD: Under Blue Cross and Blue Shield protection, the patient receives the services of the doctor and hospital as benefits not a fixed indemnity allowance which may fall short of payment for the services the patient requires. This is what is meant by Service Benefits service to meet the patient's need not just a predetermined allocation of money. Service Benefits provide a wide range of well-defined services which cover the necessary hospitalmedicalsurgical care a patient may require. This same coverage is available to members mem-bers of the employee's immediate family, including unmarried children to age 19. Blue Cross and Blue Shield A community service to provide protection from hospitalmedicalsurgical costs through a pooling pool-ing of subscribers' funds. No sales commissions, no agency fees, no stock dividends are paid to anyone. Except for a reserve to meet accelerated demands and operating expenses, every cent of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Income is used to pay the bills of enrolled Utahns. Comprehensive Protection Consistent, Dependable Performance Economy of Operation BLUE CROSS r BLUE SHIELD America's most experienced provider of health-cart protection. 2435 Parley' Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 8411C, Phone: 487-7441 Club lleivs THIRD WA1II AREA NEWS BE A WILLDEN Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bennion over the weekend week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Boyd (Er-ma (Er-ma Jean) Rowlins and four child ren of Orem. They celebrated one of the children's 8th birthday with the grandparents, also, their daugh ter Marion Bennion of Provo. wra-inu wra-inu Sunday afternoon to visit the family were Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton of Salt Lake, a brother to Mrs. Bennion. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clark was a cousin, Mr and Mrs. Richard Fielding and chi.dren. Home over the weekend for a vi sit with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ross were their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dutson and Dorothy Dor-othy Lynn of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pe'ty cele brated their Golden Wedding An- mversary fcunuay wun a large crowd calling to wish them many happy days, inose irom oui oi aay afternoon ride, town celebrating the occasion with j Funeral services were held at hem were their daughters-in-law ibapan for Walter and Lester Wea-Mrs. Wea-Mrs. La Veil Petty of Us Vegas and ver. People tnat were preSent were Mrs. Lela Petty of Provo; Mr. Pet-Mrs. Jim Layland and Mrs. Leo Lee t.y' brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Bus-Petty Bus-Petty of Beverly Hills, Calif, and ter ximm Mr- and Mrs Gale Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Petty of Provo; er and Mr. and 01iver Tripl) Mr. and Mrs. Vaun Griffith of Min- 0( Callao. ersville, Mr. and Mrs. Goldle And-, Mrs. Wanda B. Stopp and family erson of Salt Lake; Mrs. Petty's went t0 oxo to do some business brothers of Deseret and many oth-' visiting. ers from the towns of Lynndyl, Mr. Paul Fawson, Supt. of Tintic Ltmiuiig.oii, van uy, auuierjunu, Deseret and Hinckley. Mr. Paul Pace visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Pace over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Farasworth and family went to Salt Lake City Thursday where they met their son Elder Erwin Farnsworth who just returned from a 2hi year mission in the Southeast German Mission field. Mrs. Julia Marshall and three children are visiting in Delta. Julia brot her mother, Mrs. Zola Lam-bright Lam-bright home after spending the past two months in Tooelt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thayer were down over the weekend from Salt Lake City where Helen Marie goes to school and Charles is employed. em-ployed. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stoneklng and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Theobald and other relatives re-latives and friends. 7.500 Read It In The CHRONICLE her recent illness. I've been studying the DUP lesson les-son "Pioneers that came on the first trains." What a change has come about in 100 years. How poor they were at least they didn't have to keep up with the Jones and that's quite a job these days especially for the young people. I hear Mrs. Gladys Tolbert has been ill this last week. Hope she is soon fine again. We realize another week has passed when Tracy Fullmer come home from Trade Tech Friday nights and don't the weeks roll by? News is scarce this week see you next week! HO Milhrd County Chronicle Ann E. Melville Camp, DUP, will meet Friday, March 19, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Bassett. Mrs. L. M. Lyman will be co-hostess. Helen Mar McCullough Camp, DUP, will meet Friday, March 19, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Ne.l Sor-ensen. Sor-ensen. Assisting with hostess duties will be Laverne Theobald and Angle Cahoon. West Desert ESLA ENID STOPP Dr. and Mrs. George Rice were stuck out at Hot Springs and had to walk 9 Mi miles to Delta to get help. The Relief Society met at the Nellsen home. There wert five persons per-sons present. Visitors at Delta this week are Dorsey Sabey, David Bagiey and Buster Timm. Mr. Irl Timm got hit by a cow. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Eudene Parker, Collette and Tampe Parker and Mrs. Inez Tripp went to Lehi for a visit. Mr. Kelley Parker and Mrs. Gilbert Gil-bert Rosenlund went to Tooele on business. Esla Enid Stopp, Mrs. Gilbert Ro- , sen;umi and children and Larry . Vasso wetU t0 Wendover for a Sun school District brot Callao some coal. Mrs. Kelley Parker celebrated her birthday last Sunday. THANK YOU CARD Mrs. Wm. J. Starley wishes to thank all of her friends for the cards, letters, gifts and telephone calls she received during her recent re-cent stay in the hospital. Your concern con-cern and friendship r.re truly ap precia:ed. THANE YOU CARD We wish to extend a sincere "Thank You" to all our friends and neighbors for their cards, memorials memor-ials and other expressions of sympathy sym-pathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. grate-ful. The Mary A. Taylor Family SALE STARTS RUNS THRU vG D C LTfl'S DEPflRTITUfiT STORE ii i Thursday, March 18, 196$ OASIS RUBY SKEEM Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Skeem and Mrs. Cassie Johnson went to American Ameri-can Falls, Idaho to see their brother, broth-er, Mr. Sell Webster who is 111. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pratt and family fa-mily of Oak City and Mr. and Mrs. Brinkerhoff and family of Delta visited Oasis Ward and gave the Sacrament program. Bishop Willoughby announced there would be no meetings held here the next two Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stanworth went to Salt Lake to see their dau ghter, Gwen. Mr. and Mrs. Russetl Styler went to Provo where Mrs. Styler had minor surgery.,,- - Mrs. Erma Sk'eem celebrated her birthday Sunday. Many friends came to call. Mr. Peter Peterson . is still hospitalized hos-pitalized at West MlU'aTd Hospital. -7V7-4- RKH (fimUj America's Greatest Drug Store Event mmmi ill RJCiO O TIlfYISKJN Baker Pharmacy fig - .AA J . M Mail TJLTKASON STOCKINGS BY BERKSHIRE The only stockings kissed by sound waves for much longer wear and lasting fit. Only once a year can we offer them at these low prices. So stock up! $1.29 a pair $3.79 for 3 pairs Usually $1.65 a pair MARCH 18 MARCH 27 N Jf |